ALERT! Since 2023, reports of (famous) people "dying suddenly" or falling gravely ill have shot up nearly 100%
The last two years have seen a terrifying jump in such "adverse events"—a deadly increase that's been systematically concealed by an all-pervasive fog of propaganda
Our data analyst, who designed and implemented the worldwide data gathering system used by our volunteers, takes another deep dive into the hundreds of thousands of obits and news articles collected over the last two years. Her analysis is disturbing.—MCM
By Charlotte Hervis
In February, 2022, Mark started to compile weekly reports of people worldwide “dying suddenly” (and often prematurely), and/or coming down with “rare” incurable diseases That task soon grew into a team effort, powered by the dedication of a global network of committed volunteers, who’ve worked long hours to end the total blackout, by governments and media at every level, on the unprecedented deadliness of COVID “vaccination.”
Soon the vast amount of such dark content became unwieldy, forcing us to organize the data, and report it, as precisely and comprehensively as possible. Our archive now enables us to do some number-crunching to help us respond to points and answer questions raised by our readership.
Lately, for example, readers have uneasily observed, or sensed, that “the numbers seem to be growing.” Our data shows that this is certainly the case.
The trends we’ve seen these last two years are, in a word, terrifying. Here are some of the more shocking statistics: