Dr. Peter Hotez is a two-for-one reincarnation of Dr. Mengele and Dr. Goebbels
He's Dr. Fauci's no-less-evil twin; so let's STOP him before he kills another million people. Maybe gales of laughter will undo him, or, if not, slow him down (just as his NEXT book is coming out)
His psychopathic lies, his flagrant scientific ignorance (or fraud), and—not least—his smarmy puss are bad enough; but he wouldn’t have been capable of helping slaughter millions if it weren’t for all those high-paid imbeciles who’ve kissed his ass repeatedly on national TV.
It’s too bad the phenomenal Actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman is dead. He’d be the perfect guy to portray 21st Century bumbling Psychopath Hotez in the film that’ll one day tell this sad tale.
He’s a Gates and Fauci creation… it’s what would occur if the two men could conceive a child. I loathe this man. Follow this man’s advice and you can have a child with autism too- just like him.