Hitler's press blacked out the Dutch resistance. Now "our free press" is doing it again.
Farmers in the Netherlands are fighting back against the WEF's vast push to starve us all into compliance (and a diet of bugs, fungus, weeds, fake meat and other shit)
I’m told by a good friend in Delft that her own mother, who lives there, did not know that the farmers in that country have been up in arms against the globalist campaign to crash the global food supply, starting with Europe—an effort that she also hadn’t heard about, until her daughter told her.
To get a sense of what’s going on, I asked Elze van Hamelen, editor of the excellent SAMIZDAT (a weekly digest of health freedom news published in Amsterdam), for pieces bringing people up to speed, and she was kind enough to send me many of the writings posted here—some in Dutch, others in English. If you’ve been following the clash in Holland, I hope that some of these pieces will be new to you; and if you haven’t, and wish you had, this is your lucky day.
And if you want a mordant laugh, here’s a “fact-check” on the farmers’ struggle that’s so stupid one might think it’s meant as satire; but it’s not:
The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food
Documents reveal Dutch Government is working with World Economic Forum to implement ‘The Great Reset’
Canada, Australia, NZ and Dutch WEF are at work “transforming food systems and land use”—and shattering the remnant of democracy to do it:
Nations Are Manufacturing Food Shortages With Regulation; the Globalists' Agenda Against Fertilizers
Farmer Rebellion: locals in Dutch city of Drachten fear food insecurity caused by government nitrogen targets
Rebel News journalists, Lewis Brackpool and Lincoln Jay, along with Post Millennial's Katie Daviscourt spent much of the day reporting in and around the city of Drachten Holland, near the German border.
'Broad sense of frustration, anger, despair': Dutch farmers protest against nitrogen cuts
“What they want is to take our land, NOT curb our nitrogen,” observes Dutch farmer:
Dutch Protesters Pour Manure On Government Offices Over Industry-Killing Regulations
Dutch Farmers Protest Climate Mandates That Would Cut Livestock by 30 Percent
Dutch Police Shoot at Tractor During Climate Mandate Protests
Dutch cops fire ‘targeted shots’ at protesting farmers. The incident comes amid unrest over green reforms that are set to have major impacts on the agricultural sector
Farm-To-Road: Wave Of Farmer Protests Spreads Across Europe
Nils Melzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture, on police violence in the Netherlands (English interview):
Melzer stepped down from his function of UN rapporteur briefly after the interview Nils Melzer - @NilsMelzer PoliceViolence in #Netherlands 🇳🇱: Today my concluding letter of 29 March to @DutchMFA has been published: ➡️https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadPublicCommunicationFile?gId=27178 ➡️The 60-day deadline has passed without any response from the government. ➡️My mandate work on the subject is hereby concluded.
Read his report, it is scathing. The government did not do anything with it. But MSM launched a TV episode of the 'problem of civilians filming police violence,' attacking Melzer for talking to a “conspiracy outlet.”
Here are links to some Dutch articles, maybe you can read them through a translation machine:
Boerenprotesten gaan door, politie treedt steeds vaker op
TOTALE Niet-Medewerking: Nederlandse boeren tonen de wereld hoe te protesteren tegen de PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE machtsgreep van de WEF-wereldregering
De link tussen stikstof-minister Christine van der Wal en Picnic van Bill Gates
Visserij op omvallen, vissers voegen zich bij boerenprotest
Indepen steunt de boeren volledig, en niet alleen vandaag
Boeren moeten wijken voor “verbouwing van Nederland”'
Het provinciebestuur van Gelderland heeft een “nieuwe kaart van Gelderland” gepresenteerd waarin de provincie ingrijpend wordt verbouwd. Er komen veel nieuwe woningen, enorme zonnefarms en vooral veel ‘nieuwe natuur’. Boerenbedrijven moeten wijken. De provincie start een ‘inspraaktraject’, maar de plannen komen voort uit de Green Deal van de EU en de Nationale Omgevingsvisie (2019) en liggen al vast.
“We hebben te maken met een krachtige ideologie die onze vrijheid ondermijnt”
Het begon met de uitzending van Ongehoord Nederland waarin ik als panellid een verband suggereerde tussen massamigratie, de toename van de bevolking en de onteigening van boeren. Als je de cijfers van het CBS erop naslaat, dan zie je dat de bevolkingsgroei de afgelopen decennia voor het merendeel is toe te schrijven aan massamigratie, en dat die mensen met moeite gehuisvest kunnen worden. Minister Christianne van der Wal (voor Natuur en Stikstof) heeft zelf nog recentelijk tegen de Telegraaf gezegd dat de stikstofgebieden gebruikt gaan worden voor de aanleg van nieuwe woningbouw. Dus als je één en één bij elkaar optelt, weet je gewoon dat die boeren onteigend gaan worden vanwege massamigratie. Maar kennelijk is dat een racistisch standpunt en dat was de reden dat ik keihard werd aangevallen.
True. I've mentioned the Dutch farmers to three normies. All had no clue.
Whenever I ask people if it bothers them they're not being told real news they just answer 'we have no time to find out' I'm increasingly tired if not intolerant of this excuse.
MAKE TIME I recently told a buddy.
Apologize for commenting BEFORE reading all the links, BUT just to say up front that Trudeau's fascist-propaganda media LIED five ways to Sunday to MSM-following Canadians about our trucker protest when it happened (and afterward).
Trudeau's fascist-propaganda MSM (legacy media CBC, CTV, Global, Toronto Star, Globe&Mail, Montreal Gazette, Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, etc...) made it CLEAR that the trucker protest was violent, white-supremacist, misogynist, racist, foreign-funded insurgence against our warm-and-fuzzy Ottawa and its vulnerable citizens.