In memory of ALL those who've died RIGHT AFTER "vaccination" (although we'll never know how many there have been, or will have been)
The only proper way to grieve for them is to do everything we can to STOP this Holocaust RIGHT NOW
Some readers of Stephanie Foster’s post about her mother’s instant death post- “vaccination” (which I put up yesterday) have fretted that it might have been a scam, urging caution that such stories should be “vetted.”
Now, if I were a newspaper, and had the staff to do that kind of thing, I’d surely do it; but, since I only have two hands, I have to go with my gut—which, in this case, tells me that that horrifying story is for real. If someone should discover evidence that it was fake, I’ll put that up—since, unlike, say, the New York Times—I do acknowledge and retract my errors. (I wonder if those fretting that this story might be fake were just as vigilant about the multitude of bogus “COVID deaths” hysterically reported throughout 2020 and beyond.)
Meanwhile, here’s apparent evidence of three more quick post-“vaccination” deaths: two bits of surveillance video (one of a child collapsing); and the story of Drene Keyes, whose death within a few hours after her injection made some news way back in January, 2021.
Posted on September 10, 2022:
Posted on July 16, 2022:

“Something is not right”: How Drene Keyes, 58, “died suddenly” a few hours after “vaccination,” on 1/30/2021
The first post-”vaccination” death to make headlines in America, and how the CDC and NBC colluded to obscure the reason why she died
From “Don’t Black Lives Matter If Those ‘Vaccines’ Take Them?”, my essay on the spate of “sudden deaths” of African-Americans in the first half of 2021, posted on 8/22/21:
On January 30, 2020, Drene Keyes, a 58-year-old minister at the Church of Abraham in Gloucester, Virginia, and a grandmother of six, got her first Pfizer shot, in hopes it would protect her from COVID-19: “Keyes had diabetes, sleep apnea, and was obese,” reported WKTR-TV in Norfolk. “Her job made her eligible for the first dose.” Keyes felt ill right after the injection:“Something is not right. Something’s not right,” she said as she left the clinic, then started vomiting, unable to breathe. Soon after, she was rushed to VCU Tappahanock Hospital, where they tried to purge the fluid from her lungs, due (the doctors told her daughter) to a flash pulmonary edema, caused by anaphylaxis—which, within just a few hours of her injection, killed her.
The TV station’s coverage of Keyes’ death included some poignant comments by her daughter, Lisa Jones: “My mom was wanting to protect herself, but it did not turn out that way.”
Jones believes more research needs to be done, especially for those with underlying health issues.
“Why are we allowing people with underlying conditions to be guinea pigs for a vaccine that is still in clinical trials and emergency use?” Jones questioned.
She is hoping this serves as a warning for people to see their doctors and be pre-screened prior to being vaccinated.
“The pain my family feels from this unexpected loss should not be repeated for others,” said Jones.
That local story, with its tacit focus on the welfare of its viewers, was notably unlike the rendering by NBC News—boilerplate so Pharma-friendly that Pfizer could have written it (and maybe did): “Virginia woman dies shortly after Covid vaccination, though no link has been found,” claimed the headline, followed by this repetitious lede:
A Virginia minister died shortly after she received a coronavirus vaccination, authorities said Friday, though there was no indication the vaccine was at fault.
After identifying the departed, and noting where she had been given the shot that did not kill her, shortly after which she died, NBC’s reporters tell us once again that, according to “officials,” that shot had not killed her:
Officials said they did not know the cause of death, or any underlying conditions Keyes might have had that could have contributed to her death, and said there was no evidence it was tied to the vaccination.
After a paragraph reporting that Keyes was rushed to the hospital, we’re told yet again that that injection, just a few hours after which she died, bore no relation to her death:
While an official cause of death was not immediately determined, Keyes did not die from any allergic reaction connected to the vaccine, according to state Health Commissioner M. Norman Oliver.
“We can confirm that the death occurred within hours of having received the vaccine, but that is not evidence of it being related. We are currently investigating and do not yet know the cause of death.”
NBC then bolstered that assurance of a state investigation with a statement from the CDC, which, having offered its condolences (“Our thoughts are with the family during this heartbreaking time”), noted its shared interest in determining what killed Drene Keyes: “CDC continues to closely monitor the safety of all vaccines, and we are actively working with Virginia officials to fully investigate the situation.”
But there was no investigation, with or without the CDC, despite the family’s insistence on an autopsy; nor would officials say why they refused to do one. “The state eventually [somehow] determined Keyes, a minister, died of complications from COVID-19—Oliver wasn’t sure if Keyes knew she had it—and hypertensive cardiovascular disease,” reported the Virginia Mercury on March 12, noting also that, according to a private autopsy ordered by Keyes’ family, Keyes did not have COVID-19.
The thing that keeps me up at night praying, and I mean *every* night is that these souls are robbed from being able to put their affairs in order, make peace with their own faith journey and their families and tie up financial loose ends. I know many people before The jab died suddenly but I can’t recall seeing so many and so much instant death recorded for all to see - innocent deaths that traumatize both bystanders and innocent family members. Not to mention the trauma of children having to make funeral arrangements for their parents years in advance of their intended life on earth. And worst of all the innocent babies and mothers being slaughtered. The old me would not have used that term but call me bombastic. We just had a severely ill baby delivered by a couple at our church - all the telltale signs - multiple heart defects etc. I just want to scream.
It needs to “kill” Ukrainians for it to be on the news now - innocent Americans dying is so yesterday.