In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, September 25-October 2, 2023
Doctors in US (2), Canada, Honduras, Brazil (& 4 nurses in US, 2 in Canada); pols in US (2), DR, Bahamas, Peru, Brazil, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia (3); cops in US (2), Italy, India, Indonesia; & more
United States:
Mexico, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Peru, Suriname, Bolivia, Brazil and Chile:
United Kingdom and Ireland:
France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Latvia, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Portugal and Spain:
Burkino Faso, Syria, Israel, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Russia:
India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand:
I just got a call from a VERY close relative today. He was in CVS, the pharmacy, having gotten another “jab” and was waiting the 15 minutes they require their victims to wait before leaving in order to make sure the victim doesn’t die in the store… Why did this human being call me? He KNOWWWSSSSSSS I’m a “conspiracy theorist”, yet… he calls me…. And he calls me on the day he’s had just another vaxx… why?
I’ve learned through time that he PREFERS me to treat him as a flesh-covered Hallmark-Card: he WANTS me to speak to him about fluff, about nothings, about what doesn’t matter— if I don’t, he gets angry. Literally.
He is some form of frightened rule following first born who was VERY successful in the system all his life and who, I guess, fears the truth, which he knows inside, which is that the system has betrayed him to the core and is trying to murder him; yet, he volunteers, again and again, to be murdered…
I sense he knows something’s off, yet he’s too frightened to face it— he only calls me because something in him needs to face whatever’s wrong, yet whenever I talk truth, he says “I have to go now!” and hangs up the phone. Were he not aware, inside, deep inside, where the truth is, that something’s wrong, he’d NEVER call ME cause he knows that I’m constitutionally incapable of talking bullshit.
BOTTOM LINE: even though I’m very aware that my physical body is not tied to a stake, my arms and legs bound, roasting over an open fire; even though my eyeballs are not held in a clamp by pliers, my eyes being turned in their sockets by some sadist who loves listening to screams of agony, even though it’s not physical, there’s something about all this…
Some that feels like torture. To me.
Being surrounded by collaborators… being surrounded by snitches… being surrounded by people who REFUSE TO KNOW what’s going on… being surrounded by people who do so many things I could write about that offend me and hurt me in so many ways… even though we’re not physically tired to a rack and being stretched till our joints disengage… STILL, there’s something… there’s something about what’s going on that feels like torture.
You didn't really think the "vax" mandates applied to everybody, did you?
New Zealand Gov’t Exempted Elite From ‘Deadly’ Covid Jabs, While Forcing Vax on Public