In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Italy, June 24-July 1, 2024
Singer Sofia Addoni (30); 7 children and teenagers; 2 nurses; 2 at work; 8 while out and about; 4 in the waters; 3 at home; 2 while hiking; 9 in “vaxxidents”; & more
Sofia Addoni dead in Marcignano, sudden illness at home: the singer had turned 30 a few days ago
June 26, 2024
Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (Perugia, Umbria) - Singer Sofia Addoni died suddenly of an illness at her home in Marcignano, a hamlet of the municipality in the Perugia area. The artist was well known in the province for her voice, with which she had accompanied many weddings in the area along with her group Ef Gee Gis. She had turned 30 on June 3. The news of Sofia Addoni's death shocked the entire community of Monte Santa Maria Tiberina and Città di Castello. According to reports in La Nazione, the singer had no health problems and had only last weekend performed with her band at a wedding.
No cause of death reported.
Two young children “died suddenly”:
Tragedy in Irpinia, child of 9 months dies after an illness
July 1, 2024
Irpinia (Province of Avellino) - Another tragic news hit Irpinia with the loss of a child. This time the mourning has struck a couple of Montella, originally from Torella dei Lombardi, whose son of only 9 months has died at the Santobono hospital in Naples for causes not yet clarified. The infant was rushed to Santobono after experiencing a sudden malaise. Parents promptly asked for help, and the child was immediately transferred. Despite the efforts of doctors, unfortunately the child did not make it. It is a moment of deep sorrow for both communities, which have just suffered the loss of another child: only two days ago, Montemarano mourned the death of Domenico, an 8-year-old boy.
A pre-teen and a teenager “died suddenly”:
Incredible in Frosinone, 12-year-old boy dies in a few minutes, crushed by sudden illness
July 1, 2024
Frosinone (Lazio) - Tragedy of immense proportions in the province of Frosinone: a family has lost their only child, healthy and 12 years old, to a sudden illness without any explanation. The child was ill when he was in his home, in the Tufano district of Anagni (Frosinone), with his parents who immediately asked for the intervention of Ares 118. On arrival with the ambulance, the rescuers immediately noticed the gravity of the situation and transported the 12-year-old to the hospital with sirens. Unfortunately, however, there was nothing to do: despite the efforts of the doctors, the clinical picture fell and the little boy, their only son, died. The parents ruled out the presence of previous diseases and for this reason the Frosinone Prosecutor’s Office decided to conduct the autopsy. The child, healthy and active, died within minutes without any kind of warning.
No cause of death reported.
Federico Innocente, died suddenly at 16 years old
June 28, 2024
Trevignano (Treviso) - “Wherever you are Chicco, we are always with you”. This is the sweet message with which the relatives of Federico Innocente, a special boy from Falzè suddenly passed away when he was only 16 years old, announced his death yesterday. An unexpected event, which threw a cloak of pain into the local community. But, above all, in the family of the boy who leaves mom Sabrina, dad Gianluca, brother Lorenzo, grandparents and friends.
No cause of death reported.
She dies of an illness at 23: grave mourning throughout the community of Pistoia
July 1, 2024
Pistoia (Tuscany) - A bereavement that has hurt the entire Pistoia community. A young life cut short by illness. A girl with everything in front of her gone too soon. Benedetta Giovannelli did not make it. She had turned 23 just over a month ago. Yesterday, Sunday, June 30, 2023, she passed away. She had played for Pistoia Volleyball La Fenice, the city's flagship team. She had also reached the competitive level of the discipline, then remained a passion in order to pursue university commitments in Florence.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness in the gym, Nicola collapses and dies at 29: the drama in front of his girlfriend
June 28, 2024
Taurasi (Province of Avellino) - Nicola Ciampa was training in the gym with his girlfriend, when he suddenly fell to the ground and died, probably because of an illness. The tragedy took place in the "Energy Planet'' gym in Taurasi, in the province of Avellino, where the 29-year-old trained almost daily. The victim in fact, in addition to being a military man, was also a bodybuilder. Unfortunately, despite the timeliness, the health medics of 118 could not help but note the death. The CPR attempts were useless, reports Il Mattino.
No cause of death reported.
A dental tech “died suddenly”:
He dies suddenly at 50: Fundraiser started to support his three children
July 1, 2024
Ballabio (Province of Lecco in Lombardy) - A sickness that left him no escape. Aldo Brunelli, who turned 50 years old in February, died suddenly and unexpectedly while he was working as a dental technician in Ballabio. The shock and grief of friends and the city was unanimous, so much so as to immediately push to start a fundraiser for the family, who lives in Arcellasco.
No cause of death reported.
Two nurses “died suddenly”:
Last gesture of love by Simona, who died suddenly at 40: nurse's organs donated
June 26, 2024
The organs of Simona Licani, the 40-year-old native of Sant'Omero, Teramo province, who died suddenly in recent days, will be donated. A mother of a child and a social-health worker, her passing sent the entire Abruzzo community into despair. But thanks to her last gesture of love, four people will be able to improve their living conditions. Her heart and liver were harvested and taken to Palermo and Lazio, respectively, while kidneys and corneas were taken to L'Aquila. Simona lived in Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata. Her condition suddenly worsened just a week after she fell ill from a suspected pulmonary embolism. After an initial visit to the hospital in Sant'Omero, she was about to be discharged when she felt ill again. At that point she was admitted to the intensive care unit but never recovered until her death.
Verona, nurse Jessica Dalla Chiara died of sudden illness in her sleep at 32, two days before her resignation from the hospital
June 27, 2024
Tragedy in Verona, where Jessica Dalla Chiara, a 32-year-old mother and nurse, died from a sudden illness in her sleep. Everything would have started last May 22, according to her husband Nadir Rossi: "Until then my wife had never had any particular health problems. For a few days, she was feeling a bit sluggish, weak. We assumed it was the season change, nothing to worry about. On the night of May 22nd, I woke up feeling her gasping, breathlessly, with difficulty. I knew immediately that she was very sick, we saved her by miracle", he says. The story continues: "after a month in hospital, back home, she was hit by another crisis. I was next to her, I immediately performed all the prescriptions to overcome the episode. The next day, Saturday morning, I wanted to have her checked, but she was sick of the hospital...". The cause of death of the 32-year-old nurse is still unclear. When the news spread, many users searched the web to see if there could be a correlation between the sudden illness and the Covid vaccine, in the light of the latest scientific studies. However for the moment there is no information on vaccination and any adverse reactions.
No cause of death reported.
Until August 2, 2022, when the mandate was lifted, “vaccination” was mandatory for health workers in Italy:
Update 17/03/22: The government road map for easing anti-covid measures establishes that the vaccination obligation for health workers will remain active until December 31, 2022, with suspension from work for those who do not respect it.
Pergolesi struck down by an illness: He was 65, and was the historic leader of the Pro loco
June 26, 2024
Montecassiano (Macerata, Marche) - Sudden death of a prominent figure in Montecassiano's association. On Monday, 65-year-old Pro Loco president Fiorenzo Pergolesi died of a sudden illness. Breaking the news was the first citizen of Montecassiano, Leonardo Catena, with a heartfelt post: "Unfortunately," he wrote on his Facebook page, "I have to give you terrible news, Fiorenzo Pergolesi passed away suddenly."
No cause of death reported.
He dies at 64 years old for an illness: Terricciola cries for Vincenzo, a retired policeman
June 29, 2024
Terricciola (Province of Pisa) - A sudden illness, most likely a serious heart problem, tore Vincenzo Palermo from the affection of his loved ones and the many people who knew him and who had appreciated him in his years of service in the Carabinieri, on Friday, June 28. Retired for some time, the 64-year-old leaves his wife and two children. According to reports, Palermo suffered a heart attack while in his home shortly before 12:30.
Teanore - Sudden illness, Tiziano crushed in a few days
June 27, 2024
Teano (Province of Caserta in Campania) - A few days ago he felt ill and decided to go to the emergency room of the hospital of Piedimonte Matese. The necessary investigations and analyses were taken to understand the problems that weighed on human health. In a short time doctors discovered a serious heart problem. Treatments were put in place according to the health protocol. Unfortunately a few days later the heart of Tiziano Mauro Gliottone - 50 years old - stopped beating. The news of the death of Tiziano quickly spread first to Borgonuovo, a fraction of the town of Teano, where the man lived with the rest of his family, then spread throughout the area.
No cause of death reported.
Two “died suddenly” at work:
Worker dies in the Palace, crushed by an illness after the Beer Expo event
July 1, 2024
Royal Palace of Caserta (Caserta) - A 49-year-old worker died while he was dismantling a set-up for the Campania Beer Expo, which opened its doors today at Flora, outside the Royal Palace. According to the reconstruction, the man, who works for an external company of the Neapolitan, was dismantling the fittings of an event related to the Campania Beer Expo and that took place inside the Royal Palace of Caserta. He was coming down the main staircase from the upper floor when he was struck ill which left him no room. "He collapsed in front of me", says a colleague who was working with him. Immediate warning to the rescue, arrived on board an ambulance. Unfortunately, the doctors could not help but note the death. The police intervened on the spot for the surveys. The most accredited hypothesis at the moment seems to be that of sudden illness.
No cause of death reported.
59-year-old man killed by illness: shock at the tragedy after the memorial dedicated to a worker who died at work
June 30, 2024
Monsagrati (Lucca) - Mourns the death of the entrepreneur Aldo Cecchetti, who was hit with an illness at the sports facilities at the end of the initiative to remember Luca Giannecchini. It's a shock for the premature death of Aldo Cecchetti, 59, died from an illness, while he was at the sports field in Monsagrati for a special occasion: the first memorial of soccer entitled to Luca Giannecchini, the 51-year-old worker who died on 21 March while he was working on a construction site for the connection of a sewer in Sant'Alessio. Suddenly, however, around 21.15 Cecchetti, who was in the company of his wife and a niece, felt a strong malaise. He collapsed and passed out. Long minutes of apprehension followed: Cecchetti was rescued by a doctor and others who were present. A defibrillator was used, but it was unfortunately all useless. The situation when the ambulance arrived appeared desperate. The resuscitation maneuvers began, which ended with the rush to the emergency room of the San Luca hospital. Unfortunately, it too was in vain.
No cause of death reported.
Eight “died suddenly” while out and about:
Tragedy in Fermo: Leonardo Palloni, 55, dies suddenly in the square
June 28, 2024
Fermo (Marche) - The city of Fermo was hit by a tragic and sudden loss last night, when Leonardo Palloni, a 55-year-old man from Lapedona, died due to an illness. Leonardo Palloni was in Piazzale Azzolino in Fermo, attending the exhibition "Fermo sui libri" where the intervention of Giordano Bruno Guerri, a well-known historian and essayist, was planned. While following the show, Palloni suffered a sudden illness. Those present immediately called for help and the medical staff of the 118 intervened promptly on the spot. Despite the rapid resuscitation attempts carried out by the doctors, Palloni’s condition appeared immediately critical. He was rushed to the emergency room of the hospital "Murri" in Fermo. Unfortunately, despite the relentless efforts of medical personnel, Leonardo Palloni died shortly after his arrival.
No cause of death reported.
He collapses while at a bar and dies: victim is a 37-year-old Pontino man, Guilio
June 30, 2024
Priverno (Province of Latina, Lazio) - An incident that threw an entire community into despair happened Friday night in Priverno. Giulio G., who would have turned 38 years old next July 12, was cut short by a fulminating illness while he was in a well-known club in the historic center in the company of friends. The evening, which began light-heartedly, turned into tragedy within moments. Giulio collapsed to the ground, the victim of a sudden illness. Those present immediately called for help, which arrived promptly. Despite timely attempts at resuscitation, there was nothing they could do for Giulio. His death leaves a deep void, especially for his three-year-old son. Giulio's body was seized by the judiciary, which ordered an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death. An investigation has been opened to shed light on what happened and ascertain any responsibility. The previous day, Julius had gone to the hospital complaining of chest pain: emergency room doctors reportedly diagnosed him with simple muscle discomfort. This hypothesis is currently under consideration by the judiciary.
No cause of death reported.
Man feels sick and pulls over the car: he dies in the service area
June 26, 2024
Corridonia (Macerata, Marche) - A tragic event struck this afternoon the highway Val di Chienti, where a 64-year-old man, living in Ascoli Piceno, died following a sudden illness. The man, who was traveling towards the sea, managed to stop his car in the Corridonia Sud service area before losing consciousness. Despite the timely intervention of the 118 health workers, for the 64-year-old there was nothing to do: his heart stopped permanently. The authorities are conducting the necessary investigations, but it is speculated that it may be a sudden cardiac arrest.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness while cycling, 58-year-old dies in Trento
June 26, 2024
A sudden illness, the fall on the asphalt in the pouring rain. He died suddenly, a 58-year-old from Trento who, last night, lost his balance while riding his bike at Le Albere. All under the eyes of a couple of motorists. Despite the timely relief, for the man there was nothing to do: he would have been crushed by a heart attack. On site the firefighters and the local police who reconstructed what happened.
No cause of death reported.
San Biagio di Callalta, he dies at 47 years old, hit by an illness while at the bar with his father
June 26, 2024
Drama at the bar Sole di San Biagio di Callalta, where Amos Ferraro, a 47-year-old man from Mogliano Veneto, was struck by a sudden illness while he was in the company of his father. Ferraro collapsed, and his heart stopped beating. The Suem 118, intervened with an ambulance and a medical car, tried in vain to revive him, but for the man there was nothing to do. Suspected cause of death was a heart attack.
Suddenly ill, a 46-year-old dies in Allumiere
June 30, 2024
Allumiere (Province of Rome, Lazio) - Sudden illness for a 46-year-old in Allumiere, who did not make it through the rescue. The drama took place last night when, following the attack, the health professionals arrived and tried to save his life. It happened in the center of the village, in Adolfo Klitsche Street. As it turns out, he had a heart attack.
Sudden illness in the street in Sesto Calende: he collapses on the ground and dies at 41
June 29, 2024
Sesto Calende (Lombardy) - A tragic event shook Sesto Calende yesterday afternoon, Friday 28 June. A 41-year-old man died after suffering an illness along the Simplon. Despite the immediate intervention of passers-by and rescuers, the victim died unexpectedly shortly after being hospitalized in Legnano. Suspected cause of death was heat stroke. A few minutes later, the police of Sesto Calende station and an ambulance arrived. The medical staff immediately assessed the gravity of the situation and ordered the urgent transport by helicopter to the hospital in Legnano. On the way, the man went into cardiac arrest. Despite the efforts of the ER doctors, the 41-year-old died shortly after arriving at the hospital.
No cause of death reported.
She dies outside the supermarket in Follonica. She just collapsed on the ground
June 22, 2024
Follonica (Province of Grosseto, Tuscany) - An unexpected illness a few steps from the supermarket cost the life of a woman, who was shopping in Follonica. In the parking lot of the Gulf Coop - shortly after 6 pm today (22 May 2024) - rescues and Municipal Police officers intervened. Unfortunately for the lady there was nothing to do. "The woman was walking with her husband,” say some passers-by who witnessed the scene, “when it seems she had an illness: the man immediately asked for help and some passers-by arrived waiting for the arrival of ambulances and medical personnel. We are shocked by what happened".
No age or cause of death reported.
Four “died suddenly” in the waters:
He dives from the pier, but they do not see him emerge: shock at Falconara for the death of a twelve-year-old teenager
June 29, 2024
Falconara Marittima (Marche) - The tragedy occurred during a normal day at sea. It was just a jump from the pier, towards the water below, at the Bedetti Platform of Falconara marittima, to cost the life of a foreign teenager of about twelve years. According to a first reconstruction, the boy dived into the water but never surfaced again, so much to worry the friends who were there with him who gave the alarm. Immediate rescue, with the flight of the ambulance that took place but left for the hospital of Torrette dramatically empty. On the beach also the police and the Coast Guard, in addition to the health personnel who tried to revive the teenager by practicing a prolonged cardiac massage, but failed to save his young life.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness in the pool: boy, 17 years old, dies in Messina
July 1, 2024
Messina (Sicily) - A 17-year-old boy, who was part of a group from Catania, drowned yesterday afternoon in the swimming pool of Camping Calanovella in Piraino, on the Tyrrhenian coast of Messina. The young African man was taking a swim when he suffered a sudden illness. The lifeguards on duty immediately intervened to rescue him and tried to revive him, but unfortunately there was nothing to do. The medical staff of 118 and the police of the local station arrived shortly afterwards on site to start the ritual investigations and try to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident. The accident, which occurred in front of dozens of tourists, left everyone in shock. The young man’s body was transferred to the hospital in Patti, while the Prosecutor’s Office opened an investigation to shed light on what happened.
Tragedy in Vibonese, 21-year-old migrant drowned while bathing in the sea: help was useless
June 25, 2024
Vibonese (Calabria) - Tragedy in Vibonese and more specifically in Trainiti, in the coastal area of Vibo Valentia. A 21-year-old Cameroonian national lost his life while bathing at sea. By the time the rescue team arrived, the boy had already died after drowning. The doctors could not help but note his death. An ambulance of 118 arrived on the spot and the helicopter rescue, but for the young foreigner, there was nothing more to do. The boy, while taking a swim, was caught sick. Today, taking advantage of the beautiful sunny day, together with some of his fellow countrymen, he went to the nearby beach of Trainiti for a swim and spent a few hours in serenity and instead found death.
No cause of death reported.
Tragedy in Formiche: 65-year-old diver found dead during dive
June 29, 2024
In the waters of Formiche, (Grosseto) a 65-year-old diver was tragically found dead during a group dive. The man, participating in the dive together with 10 other people, reportedly suddenly fell ill. His body was spotted at a depth of about 40 meters by another diver belonging to a different diving group. The latter recovered the body by bringing it to the surface. Once the tragedy was noticed, the coast guard and the 118 medical service immediately intervened. A Pegasus helicopter was requested to transport the deceased diver. The body was then transferred to Misericordia Hospital in Grosseto for proper paperwork. The death of this diver has thrown the community of sea and diving enthusiasts into mourning. The hope is that tragedies such as these will raise awareness of the importance of safety during diving activities.
No cause of death reported.
Two “died suddenly” while hiking:
Killer Mountain: A 32-year-old hiker falls into the void. Another, 51-year-old hiker, crushed by an illness
June 29, 2024
Two tragedies occurred in the mountains, where a 32-year-old hiker from Vicenza and a 51-year-old mountaineer from Maio, Vicenza, died. The first one fell from a height of 50 meters, while the second one was apparently struck by a fatal illness. According to a first reconstruction the 32-year-old had gone solo on the Cima d'Asta from the Canalone dei Bassanesi and, once at the top, would have slipped and crashed for over 50 meters. The Centrale di Trentino Emergenza sent a helicopter, after which the hiker was spotted. The helicopter of the Mountain Rescue was winched to try to rescue the man, but he could not help but ascertain the death. The body was then recovered with the winch and was transferred to Malga Sorgazza, then entrusted to the police.
As mentioned, there was another tragedy in the mountains, this time on Monte Cengio, in the province of Vicenza, where a mountaineer, 51, died, probably from an illness. The body of the man was recovered by the Alpine and Speleological Rescue Veneto. Two rescuers were lowered by the winch and reached the lifeless man. The resuscitation maneuvers unfortunately did not help but, according to the first reconstructions, it would have been a fatal illness to crush the climber.
No cause of death reported.
Three “died suddenly” at home:
Dies from a sudden illness, 29 years old of Casale Monferrato
June 30, 2024
He spent the night at the Canottieri Vigil and then returned home around 3. In the first morning the illness that killed the 29-year-old Vittorio Maiorana of Casale Monferrato. It seems that Vittorio was struck by a seizure, a disease of which he was already aware. Despite the timely arrival of rescue for the young man there was nothing to do. Unlike at other times, the crisis left him no escape. The news of this premature death shocked the entire community in which he was a well-known basketball player who also wore the jersey of Virtus Casale.
Entrepreneur died suddenly at home
June 26, 2024
Verolanuova (Brescia) - Cristian Ferrari was only 46 years old. He died suddenly, cut short by an illness. The well-known and highly respected entrepreneur fell ill at his home in Verolanuova, a town in the province of Brescia, and unfortunately there was nothing that could be done for him. He leaves behind his son and partner: the funeral will be held Thursday afternoon, June 27.
No cause of death reported.
Aversa: Mario Motti found dead at home, 55 years old
June 26, 2024
Tragic news shocked the community of Aversa this morning. Mario Motti, 55, was found dead in his home in Via Diaz. The man, a postman by profession, was serving a sentence under house arrest with an electronic bracelet. The body was discovered by the mother, who, upon entering the house, found her son dead. Despite the arrival of the rescuers, there was nothing to do: Mario had been dead for several hours, probably due to a sudden illness.
No cause of death reported.
“Died suddenly” while cycling:
Cycling on the hills, crushed by a sudden illness
June 27, 2024
Torreglia (Padova, Veneto) - The drama took place today, June 27, in Torreglia. The victim is Flavio Luvisolo of 68 years of Piove di Sacco. From the first feedback he was training with a friend when he collapsed. A 68-year-old amateur cyclist, Flavio Luvisolo, while doing some training with a friend, suddenly got sick and collapsed. Timely intervention by the Suem 118 health workers who tried to revive him for several minutes, then they had to surrender and note his death. Flavio Luvisolo was an experienced cyclist.
No cause of death reported.
Nine killed in “vaxxidents”:
Rome, a police officer falls riding his motorcycle and dies on the ring road in Selva Candida
June 26, 2024
Rome - Yet another fatal accident in the capital. Marco Torre was riding his motorcycle Tuesday morning on the outer carriageway between Cassia and Aurelia when he crashed into a car. A blaze at dawn on the ring road. A motorcycle on fire on the emergency lane of the outer carriageway. On the ground the body of a 27-year-old police officer, Marco Torre, father of a small child, who was on his way to work at the Viminale. The officer is the latest road fatality in Rome and province. The death toll in 2024 is 77, fourteen of them in June alone, after 12 in May. An unfortunately increasing trend that increasingly involves drivers of motorcycles and scooters: victims on two wheels, in previous years the totals were about half.
Torre lost his life shortly before 7 a.m. after crashing his motorcycle into a stationary or slow-moving hatchback right in the emergency lane between the junctions for Via Cassia and Via Aurelia, at the height of the exit for Selva Candida. The involvement of other vehicles that may have forced the victim to perform an unexpected maneuver is not ruled out: the drivers may then have driven away without rendering aid. Due to the violence of the impact, the very motorcycle burst into flames. The driver of the car, a 40-year-old man, on the other hand, was rescued by some motorists and then by Ares 118 medical personnel: he was transported in yellow code to Policlinico Gemelli. He is not serious, but he is in shock. For the 27-year-old, however, there was nothing to be done. To be understood for what reason the boy rear-ended the car in front of him. Also not ruled out is the possibility of a sudden illness that may have caused him to lose control of the motorcycle.
No cause of death reported.
Accident in Locri near Reggio Calabria due to a sudden illness: three dead on SS106
June 26, 2024
Reggio Calabria (Sicily) - An illness during driving, then the terrible accident: it happened in the afternoon of Wednesday, June 26 in Locri, in the province of Reggio Calabria, along the SS106, where the toll speaks of three deaths. The exact dynamics of the tragedy are not yet known. Traffic along the highway is blocked, and the fire brigade and the carabinieri are working to restore traffic. The information on the dynamics of the fatal accident is still fragmentary. According to what reported by 'StrettoWeb', on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 26, a car crashed independently - therefore without involving other vehicles - along the SS106 at Locri, in the province of Reggio Calabria.
No cause of death reported.
More blood and pain on State Highway 106. Three dead and one injured in a crash in Locride
June 26, 2024
Locri (Reggio Calabria) - Three people were killed a short time ago on the Ionian '106' highway in the 'Moschetta' district near Locri in a road accident. They were Antonio Simonetti, who was driving the car, his wife, and his elderly mother-in-law, who died during transport to Locri hospital. The fourth passenger, one of Simonetti's sons, reportedly suffered minor injuries and is under observation. The family was returning home in Brancaleone, in the lower Ionian region of Reggio Calabria, in a Fiat Panda, when suddenly, apparently due to driver illness, the hatchback crashed into a roadside guardrail. In a note, the Board of Directors of the "Basta Vittime Sulla Strada Statale 106" (Enough victims on State highway 106) Voluntary Organization speaks of yet another state massacre that occurred this afternoon on State Road 106 in Locri. "There have been 19 victims on State Road 106 since the beginning of the year," the Steering Committee points out, "until today we have had an average of one victim every 9 days”.
No cause of death reported.
Diego Carfora, a resident of Finale Emilia, died on impact
June 30, 2024
San Felice Sul Panaro (Modena) - Another dead man on the roads of Modena: a young man of 34 years lost his life this morning, shortly after dawn, leaving the road with his car in San Felice. It was about 7.30 in the morning when he was traveling along Marzana road, a long country road, lost control of his car, a Ford Focus, and skidded, hitting a wooden telephone line pole, then went off the road and ended up against a concrete artifact. A passer-by, who saw the crashed vehicle, gave the alarm and on the spot came firefighters who removed the doors of the car to free the blocked motorist: for Diego Carfora, but it was not possible to do anything, he died on the spot because of the impact, and the 118 doctor could only ascertain his death.
Man dies in an accident in Anzio near Rome on the Ardeatina, after an illness at the wheel: car crashes against a wall
June 27, 2024
Anzio (Rome) - A 62-year-old man died in an accident in Anzio, Rome. The driver was driving on the Ardeatina road when, after an illness, had a fatal crash. The man lost control of his car and ran into a wall, dying instantly. The victim was a builder of Ardea, as reported by Roma Today. His body was taken to the Riuniti hospital in Anzio. Needless rescue, on the spot rushed the health of the 118 but for him there was nothing to do.
No cause of death reported.
In memory of Paolo Francesco Belluco
June 24, 2024
It is with deep sadness that we announce that Paolo Francesco Belluco (55) died, suddenly and unexpectedly torn from our midst. The farewell will take place on Thursday, June 27, at 16.30 in the parish church of Tramin.
No cause of death reported.
Are they getting younger all the time?