In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Italy, July 8-July 15, 2024
Singer Pino D’Angiò; Rai exec Marco Anastasia; journos Valentina Gerace (40), Laura Tedesco (46), Beniamino Mechelli; helicopter rescue pioneer Gino Comelli; 11 out and about; 8 in “vaxxidents”; more
Pino D’Angiò, vomiting the truth a few days after his death: this is what really happened to the singer
July 8, 2024
Pino D’Angiò, the truth about the causes of death - to provide detail in this regard, it was the wife of Pino D’Angiò stating that the singer-songwriter had been struck by a serious illness that took him away in a few weeks. The entertainment world has so much to give to its fans and spectators who over the years have been thrilled, thanks to the music of many songwriters who have left their mark. One of these was the great Pino D’Angiò, who died a few weeks after his last debut at the Sanremo Festival.
No age or cause of death reported.
Mourning in Rai (television channel), the shocking announcement by Viale Mazzini: "He was a point of reference"
July 14, 2024
Mourning in Rai, the shock announcement by Viale Mazzini: "You were a point of reference for all of us". The historical face, Marco Anastasia, died at 64, the causes of death have not been disclosed but it seems that it is a sudden death. "A decent person, a great and discreet manager always at the service of the company". Together, the Chief Executive Officer Roberto Sergio and the General Manager Giampaolo Rossi make known, expressing great sorrow for the 'premature and sudden' death of the important Rai executive.
No cause of death reported.
Three journalists “died suddenly”:
Farewell to journalist Valentina Gerace, 40. She died suddenly
July 9, 2024
Turin (Piedmonte) - Valentina Gerace of Turin, a journalist also known in the sports environment, died suddenly at the age of 40. She passed away suddenly at the age of 40. She leaves her husband Danilo Gobetto, also a journalist. The two had created the Piemonte news in Canestro, for this reason FIP Piemonte was among the first to join the pain of Gobetto and his loved ones.
No cause of death reported.
Laura Tedesco, journalist found dead at home on her birthday: she was 46 years old
July 12, 2024
Verona - She was found dead at the house on her birthday morning. Tragic end for Laura Tedesco, journalist of the Corriere del Veneto, who today should have celebrated her 46th birthday. What was fatal was probably a disease. Last night, according to some colleagues, she left the editorial office in Verona, saying she did not feel good. The alarm went off this morning, seeing that Laura did not answer calls or display messages. Firefighters broke into the house, but it was already too late. A unanimous condolence for the sudden death of the esteemed professional.
No cause of death reported.
Farewell to journalist and historian, Beniamino Mechelli, found dead at home
July 10, 2024
Canepina (Province of Viterbo in Lazio) - Mourning in the world of journalism and culture. Goodbye to Beniamino Mechelli, 72, found dead at home in Canepina today, Wednesday, July 10. It might have been a fatal illness, which would have surprised him while he was still in bed. In November, he had lost his wife Gabriella Gizzi, 65, who was cut short by a sudden illness in Canepina, where she worked for several years in the school.
No cause of death reported.
Farewell to Gino Comelli, pioneer of the helicopter rescue and founder of the Aiut Alpin Dolomites
July 11, 2024
Trentino - The world of mountain rescue mourns the death of Gino Comelli, pioneer of the helicopter rescue and prominent figure of the Alpine Rescue and Speleological Trentino. Comelli died at the age of 70 after a short illness, leaving an unbridgeable gap in the community that he served with dedication for decades.
No cause of death reported.
Roberto Bassanini, set designer Mediaset, has died
July 11, 2024
Roberto Bassanini, the set designer of numerous Mediaset programs, has died. He was 62 years old. He was struck by a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. “A very sweet man. Even in the last year you’ve been there for me,” wrote Barbara D’Urso, who has worked with him on multiple occasions.
62-year-old musician dies. His greatest passion was his saxophone, which he played in Ibiza: he was killed by a sudden illness at home
July 9, 2024
Roccastrada (Grosseto) - A visionary, a musician and a great passion: this was the life of Piero Guerrini, who today, Tuesday, July 9 has died. The man was an excellent saxophonist with a passion for music that helped him overcome the difficulties that life put in front of him. Piero was 62 years old and was from Sassofortino, a sudden illness took him away from his family, friends and his saxophone, with whom he played a lot in the Maremma discos and Ibiza.
No cause of death reported.
Fulminant leukemia, 11-year-old girl dies
July 8, 2024
Cadelbosco Sopra (Province of Reggio Emilia) - An illness killed her in just three months. An unexpected evil, which hit the young Melissa Miani, just 11 years old. The child died last weekend of a fulminant leukemia, leaving her parents torn by pain. The entire community of Cadelbosco Sopra, where the family lived, is in mourning. Melissa was playing basketball. After a few months of strenuous struggle and hospitalizations, during which the doctors tried everything, the little girl died at the hospital in Bologna. Melissa had begun to suffer the first ailments in April. The result of the immediate investigations was immediately devastating leukemia.
Girl crushed by a sudden illness, shock in Gorla Minor
July 8, 2024
Gorla Minore (Milan) is in mourning: a tragedy has struck the community with the sudden death of a 15-year-old girl, (Elena Giudici). The drama took place on the afternoon of July 7, when the young woman suffered a sudden illness. Despite the timely intervention of the family members and rescuers of 118, also arrived with a helicopter, the doctors could not help but note the death. The young girl had been seen among the public of the Palio races the same morning of the tragic event, making her sudden death even more shocking, probably caused by a heart attack.
The 19-year-old who had felt sick in the street, died at the polyclinic of Pavia a week after the illness
July 9, 2024
Vigevano (Pavia) - On Saturday, one week after the illness that had caught her in the street, the 19-year-old from Vigevano died of a cardiac arrest near a bus stop in Corso Milano. The young woman had suffered the illness on June 27 while waiting for the bus: suddenly she had collapsed on the ground before the eyes of passers-by. The rescuers, arrived in a few minutes, had found her in cardiac arrest. Reanimated on the spot, she was transferred to the San Matteo Polyclinic in Pavia with the helicopter rescue of the Niguarda in Milan. Her clinical picture had not improved and, indeed, in the last few days had worsened until her death. The girl leaves her parents and a brother.
Incurable illness, Nicola's smile goes out at only 21 years old
July 10, 2024
Ogliano (Province of Treviso) - An entire community in mourning for the premature death of Nicola Della Coletta, who died at only 21 years old: three months ago, the discovery of a tumor against which every cure turned out to be in vain: a fulminant disease that led Nicola to lose his life on Monday, July 8 at the hospital in Padua. Resident of Ogliano, he had studied at the Cerletti Institute in Conegliano and worked in the Astoria winery of Susegana. Nicola's other great passion was sport, athletics in particular: he had competed in the long jump. A young man full of dreams and hopes, broken too soon by illness. Instead of flowers, Nicola's family asks for donations to the association "Renzo e Pia Fiorot" of San Fior, active in the fight against cancer.
He collapses during the soccer game and dies. Goodbye to Lorenzo, he was 24 years old
July 11, 2024
Ardea (Rome) - Tragedy on the outskirts of Rome where a boy of only 24 years died after having suffered an illness. The young man collapsed while he was playing football with friends: unfortunately, help was useless. He was playing soccer with friends in the sports field of the "Camomille" when he collapsed on the ground. Immediately the alarm went off and on the spot the medics arrived. But unfortunately, there was nothing more to do. Lorenzo Morellini, died at the age of only 24 years. According to the first information available to cause the boy’s death, it could have been a cardiovascular collapse.
Brain hemorrhage kills Irene at 26, she leaves a legacy of altruism with organ donation
July 12, 2024
Belluna (Veneto) - The news of the death of Irene Rizzotto has left an entire community dismayed. The 26-year-old girl, living in the village of San Vittore di Alano, died at the Ca'Foncello hospital in Treviso after being hit by a cerebral hemorrhage in the night between Tuesday and Wednesday. Irene was not new to health challenges. Some time ago, she had already suffered a stroke, overtaking it with determination. Her strength and courage were known to all, as was her enthusiasm for life. Despite the immense pain, Irene’s family made a gesture of extraordinary generosity: organ donation.
Two “died suddenly” at parties:
27-year-old collapses and dies during a picnic on the river, the body seized
July 14, 2024
Granatiello di Postiglione (Salerno) - The cause of the death of a young boy of 27 years, who died last night, just before midnight in a picnic area, on the banks of the river Calore, remains a mystery. The young man was among the guests of a music party taking place this weekend in Granatiello di Postiglione when, for reasons still under investigation by the carabinieri, he had a sudden illness. In a few minutes, the young man slumped to the ground and died. Useless were the attempts by the doctors to resuscitate the 27-year-old for whom they could not help but note his death.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness during a party with friends: a 33-year-old man died
July 15, 2024
Piavola (Forlì-Cesena) - They had all gathered to celebrate, then the tragedy: a 33-year-old man from Cesena slumped to the ground for an illness in the middle of a game of soccer with friends, who at first thought it was a drop in pressure; then they called the ambulance, but on arrival the young man had already died.
No cause of death reported.
A chef “died suddenly”:
Marco Girotto, 33-year-old chef dies from a respiratory crisis: he was well known in Veneto
July 11, 2024
Veneto - A fatal asthma attack, Marco Girotto, chef in a restaurant in Albignasego and the partner of the well-known street artist, Carolì, died at the age of 33. He had been hospitalized for 10 days in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Padua, after an illness while working. He leaves an eight-month-old girl born from the relationship with Carolì.
Two doctors “died suddenly”:
Mourning in Santobono: farewell to Professor Massimo Abate, the oncologist for children
July 15, 2024
Naples - Mourning in the world of medicine for the premature and sudden death of Professor Massimo Abate, former director of oncology at the Santobono hospital in Naples. The announcement of his death came through the social profiles of the pediatric hospital.
No age or cause of death reported.
Sorrento and Vico Equense mourning the passing of the cardiologist Antonino Guida
July 13, 2024
Sorrento and Vico Equense (Naples) - A serious mourning struck the communities of Sorrento, Vico Equense and the entire staff of the local hospital, Antonino Guide, 61, esteemed cardiologist and loved by all, died suddenly, leaving colleagues and patients upset.
No cause of death reported.
A nurse “died suddenly”:
Antonella Cutini died while she was working as a nurse at the Ifo
July 12, 2024
Rome - Antonella Cutini, 51, died while working as a nurse in a department of the Ifo in Rome. According to what was reconstructed, the nurse suffered an illness during the work shift, a heart attack that left her no escape. In shock colleagues, relatives and other nurses who work in hospitals in the capital and clinics.
Until August 2, 2022, when the mandate was lifted, “vaccination” was mandatory for health workers in Italy:
Update 17/03/22: The government road map for easing anti-covid measures establishes that the vaccination obligation for health workers will remain active until December 31, 2022, with suspension from work for those who do not respect it.
Vibo, a professional, dies suddenly
July 14, 2024
Vibo (Calabria) - The condolences of an entire city that has tightened around the family after hearing the fatal news. In an atmosphere of consternation and pain, held yesterday in Vibo, the funeral of Antonio Mazza, who died suddenly at a premature age due to an illness that gave him no escape. The ceremony was officiated in the Cathedral of San Leoluca. Many people gathered around the family of a man who, during his life, had also been an Officer of the Navy in Pisa.
No age or cause of death reported.
San Potito Sannitico, the former mayor, Angiolo Conte, died, a community in mourning
July 14, 2024
San Potito Sannitico (Caserta) - Angiolo Conte, 74, former mayor of San Potito Sannitico, died today in the hospital of Piedimonte Matese, where he had been hospitalized for a sudden illness. A whole community in mourning because Conte, a person who stood out for his culture and sensitivity, had San Potito in his heart. In his youth he had also been an excellent midfielder of his country’s football team.
No cause of death reported.
Two policemen “died suddenly”:
Goodbye to Diego Marini, he was 52 years old. An illness prematurely took away the policeman
July 14, 2024
In a sudden and unexpected loss, the community of Prata Camportaccio mourns the death of Diego Marini, who died at the age of 52. Diego, who was a cop by profession, had a sudden illness, not during the hours of service, which unfortunately was fatal.
No cause of death reported.
Illness at home, Michele Tarlao died. The 61-year-old ex-cop retired last year
July 6, 2024
Trieste - Michele Tarlao, for years secretary of the police union, Silp Cgil, has died. He was 61 years old. The death, in all probability due to an illness, took place inside his home in Muggia. His mother found him. Tarlao had retired from the police station of Trieste last year. He leaves his mother and wife. Tarlao had also served in Israel, more precisely in Ramallah, in the West Bank. For many years he was also involved in volunteering, with an association that gave support to children in Kenya.
No cause of death reported.
A teacher “died suddenly”:
Dies at 43 years old after a sudden illness
July 14, 2024
Rieti (Lazio) - Silvia Angeletti of Rieti, a teacher at the primary school of Pescorocchiano, has died at the age of 43. She was taken by a sudden illness yesterday, Silvia did not make it, leaving her family and those who knew her in despair. She leaves her husband Daniele, a firefighter, his 7-year-old daughter, his sister Alessandra and her parents Felice and Mirella.
No cause of death reported.
Sorrento mourns the untimely death of Guido Scoppa, former Restaurant “Da Salvatore’o Canadian,” 59 years old
July 12, 2024
Sorrento (Naples) - Many messages of condolence for the sudden and too premature death of a professional esteemed and appreciated by all. With immense sadness and disbelief, we share the news of the untimely death of our dear friend and former colleague, Guido Scoppa. Guido was not only an exemplary professional, but also a person of rare kindness and generosity, always ready to offer a smile or a word of comfort.
No cause of death reported.
Two councilors “died suddenly”:
Farewell to Anna Tonelli: Cosio Valtellino and the mountain community in mourning
July 12, 2024
Deep condolences to the community of Cosio Valtellino for the untimely death of Anna Tonelli, who, for over ten years was a councillor for culture and education. The former councillor, 51, had been hospitalized for a few days after undergoing a delicate heart surgery. Anna leaves her husband Giulio and her son Marco.
No cause of death reported.
Stefano Pulcinelli, former city councillor of Città di Castello, was crushed by an illness, he was 49 years old
July 11, 2024
Città di Castello (Perugia) - A serious and sudden mourning, in the late afternoon of Tuesday, July 9, Stefano Pulcinelli, 49, died prematurely, suddenly ill while he was with other people who tried everything to revive him. Useless every attempt by the medics who arrived on the spot: for him there was nothing to do. So, the community, after the deaths of Virginia Berliocchi and Sofia Addoni over the last few weeks, is again crying for another death of a person very appreciated and well liked.
No cause of death reported.
Struck by illness, he dies at 52
July 12, 2024
Cantalupo (Milan) - Struck by illness in Cantalupo, he was 52 years old. The community is in shock for the death of a 52-year-old, torn from life by a cardiac arrest. That's what happened on Wednesday night. The man was in the gym when he started not feeling well. He returned home and there he collapsed to the ground. On the spot arrived the medics of 118, the man was then taken to the hospital: long resuscitation maneuvers, then the news of the death of the man who leaves his wife and an 8-year-old son.
Sudden illness during a road dispute: 75-year-old falls to the ground and dies in the middle of the square
July 11, 2024
Catania (Sicily) - A 75-year-old man had a sudden illness during a road dispute and died in the central area of Piazza Verga in Catania. It happened around noon late yesterday morning, Wednesday, July 10th. The 75-year-old was arguing with a young man over a road dispute when he collapsed and never recovered. Police officers and the medics of the 118 intervened on the spot but could not do anything but note the death of the man. According to initial information, the man died at the scene of natural causes, probably a myocardial infarction. There are no suspects.
An environmental activist “died suddenly”:
Pigna in mourning for the death of Simona Lanza, soul of the rio Carne
July 11, 2024
Pigna (Liguria) in mourning for the death of Simona Lanza, one of the souls of the Rio Carne Preservation Committee, who for years fought against the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in one of the most exclusive natural environments of the hinterland. Sick for several years now, she died from a cardiac arrest.
No age reported.
Community in shock for Alberto Bracco: the 53-year-old merchant, victim of a sudden illness
July 11, 2024
Chivasso (Torino) - A grave mourning in the city of Nocciolini for the sudden death of Alberto Bracco, owner of the winebar of Viale Galileo Ferraris. The well-known and esteemed 53-year-old was torn from the affection of his loved ones by a fulminating illness. Alberto Bracco felt sick this morning. Immediate call to emergency. The medical team on the spot immediately understood the gravity of the situation. The man was taken urgently to the emergency room of the hospital, where unfortunately all attempts by doctors to save his life have proved useless.
He died at 65: a week ago he had back pains, then the collapse
July 8, 2024
Mourning in Carnia (Udine) for the sudden death of Valter Fracas. Former state police officer. He was 65 years old. Last Tuesday he went to the hospital in Tolmezzo for a back pain that tormented him for some time. From the investigations, a disease emerged that degenerated in a lightning-fast way. On Saturday evening, July 6, his heart gave way and he died. Great emotion in the communities of Cercivento, Ravascletto and Arta Terme for this sudden disappearance. He leaves his two children, Valentina and Michele.
Arzana mourns young Sergio Pirarba, suddenly ripped from life
July 7, 2024
The community of Arzana (Sardegna) is mourning the untimely death of Sergio Pirarba, who died suddenly at the affection of his loved ones at the age of 46. The news shocked friends and family, leaving an unbridgeable void in all those who knew and loved him.
No cause of death reported.
San Gavino mourns the death of Francesca Contu
July 6, 2024
San Gavino (Sardegna) - Is deeply shaken and immersed in pain for the untimely death of Francesca Contu. The young woman died in the past few hours at the age of only 37, leaving an unbridgeable void in the heart of her family and all those who have had the privilege of knowing her. The news of her death has upset the community, which unites in the mourning and memory of a loved and esteemed person.
No cause of death reported.
Four “died suddenly” at work:
Livorno, a 45-year-old caregiver found dead in the bathroom of the house
July 14, 2024
Livorno (Tuscany) - He was found dead in the bathroom. Tragedy in an apartment building where a Georgian caregiver, Alexander Alasania, died at the age of 45. A sudden illness, in all probability, occurred inside the apartment where the servant cared for an elderly woman from Livorno. The alarm started from the family members, who on the morning of Sunday, July 14 tried to get in touch with him by phone, did not respond, perhaps already deceased. This is why the relatives rushed into the house, worried that something had happened, finding him on the floor. Immediately the call to 112, with the arrival on the spot of the medics with an ambulance and doctor on board. The doctors tried everything to save him, but unfortunately the forty-five-year-old, he had already died.
No cause of death reported.
Drama in town, graveyard peddler dies of a sudden illness
July 13, 2024
Marcianise (Caserta) - A 58-year-old man, a peddler who was stationed in front of the cemetery and well known to the citizens, died this morning at the very place where he worked. This morning, like every day, the man was in front of the cemetery sitting on a bench when he was hit by a sudden illness. The citizens present in the area immediately alerted the 118 who arrived on the spot but could only note the death.
No cause of death reported.
Trucker found dead in Melzo (Italy)
July 12, 2024
Melzo (Lombardy) - The body of a lifeless truck driver was found. Despite the immediate intervention of the rescuers, they could not help but note the death of the man, a 56-year-old truck driver from Poland. The man was inside the cockpit, with the vehicle still on to allow the air conditioning to operate. He had parked in the parking area that runs along Viale Sweden, in front of the Giordano Bruno high school and where other truck drivers were parked. It's likely that it was one of them who raised the alarm. From the first information everything suggests that the man was struck by a sudden illness.
No cause of death reported.
Drama at the Volta Institute in Latina: teacher feels sick, collapses and dies
July 9, 2024
Latina (Lazio) - A sudden illness in the Alessandro Volta comprehensive institute in Latina. This is how Carla De David, esteemed music teacher and director of the school’s choir, died yesterday morning, in front of the unbelieving eyes of her fellow teachers. Sixty-three-year-old, the woman, according to a first reconstruction of the incident, collapsed during the meeting of teachers. The rescue was immediate. The 118 medics arrived on the spot. Unfortunately for the woman, despite attempts at resuscitation by the paramedics there was nothing to do.
No cause of death reported.
11 “died suddenly” while out and about:
Illness strikes Francesco Quaranta, the well-known promoter of discos in Piedmont and Liguria: died in Buttigliera Alta
July 15, 2024
Last night, Francesco Quaranta, a well-known promoter of discos in Piedmont and Liguria, died of an illness while he was driving back from Sestriere. A cardiac arrest struck him. The incident took place at the height of Buttigliera Alta and despite the timely intervention of the rescue, nothing could be done to save the victim, who was only 51 years old.
He dies while looking for mushrooms. Tragedy at dawn in Montegallo, a man was found dead in a forest
July 14, 2024
Monthgallo (Marche) - This morning, just before 6:00 a.m., the lifeless body of Costantino Di Fabio, 66-year-old, who probably caught sick while he was looking for mushrooms, was found in a wooded area in the municipal territory of Montegallo in the Abetito area. The circumstances of the find suggest that the man was seized by a sudden illness that left him no escape. The rescuers and firefighters intervened promptly at the scene of the accident. Despite attempts at resuscitation, there was nothing for man to do.
No cause of death reported.
A 45-year-old dies during the soccer game
July 14, 2024
The community of Melegnano mourns the sudden death at the age of only 45, Claudio Ferrari, who was the victim of an illness while playing soccer with work colleagues. Pending the autopsy scheduled in the coming days, the date of the funeral has not yet been set. The news of his death aroused deep mourning in the city, where many have clung to the family members in this moment of immense pain.
No cause of death reported.
Fatal illness at walk, dead at 74
July 14, 2024
Capannoli (Pisa) - It was supposed to be a nice evening with friends in the name of sport. The night walk turned into a tragedy. In the town of Capannoli, Roberto Terreni, 74-year-old entrepreneur from Ponsacco, died. He collapsed, while everyone was preparing to take pictures. A fatal and sudden illness took him away, despite attempts at resuscitation. In addition to many friends, he leaves his wife Marisa, two children and two grandchildren.
No cause of death reported.
Prata Camportaccio in mourning - Within two days two people have died, both due to a sudden illness
July 13, 2024
Double mourning in Prata Camportaccio where, within two days, two people have died, both due to a sudden illness. This is Diego Marini, 52 years old of the Traffic Police of Mese, and Dino Agosti, 56, of Prata. Diego Marini was caught by illness yesterday, while he was on the bike path between Gordona and Prata. He had gone out for his usual daily ride when he slumped to the ground. Some people who arrived saw him and immediately called for help. He was transported by helicopter to Pope John XXIII in Bergamo, but there was nothing to do. Also due to a sudden illness, on Thursday, in Samaden, Dino Agosti also died. He was going to wash his car when he slumped inside without giving a sign of life. And nothing could be done to restart his heart.
No cause of death reported.
He collapses and dies in front of everyone: Massimo Brundu is the victim
July 13, 2024
Sassari (Sardegna) - Massimo Brundu, an entrepreneur, died yesterday, caught by a sudden heart attack while walking with his family under the Crispo Porticos. He was 55 and leaves a teenage daughter. Despite the timely intervention of the 118 health workers, repeated attempts at resuscitation failed to save Massimo Brundu. The entrepreneur never regained consciousness, leaving an unbridgeable void in his family and in the community that knew him and esteemed him.
Tragedy at the restaurant: a man died
July 13, 2024
Eupilio (Lombardy) - Tragedy at the restaurant Ramè of Eupilio where, after an illness, a man lost his life. The alarm went off around noon for a 67-year-old man. According to the first information collected, the man fell to the ground after a cardiac arrest. On the spot they rushed the auto medical and the helicopter rescue, arrived from Bergamo. The man was transported urgently to the hospital in Erba. Unfortunately, despite the intervention of the doctors, there was nothing the doctors could do for him.
No cause of death reported.
Tragedy in Marsala: man suddenly dies on the waterfront
July 9, 2024
Marsala (Sicily) - A tragic event has shocked the tranquillity of the Spanish promenade in Marsala. This afternoon, a man died suddenly on the street due to an illness. According to the first reconstructions, the man was walking along the waterfront when he was seized by a sudden illness. Eyewitnesses reported that the man slumped to the ground, and help was immediately called. Despite the resuscitation attempts made on the spot, unfortunately there was nothing to do to save his life.
No cause of death reported.
Illness at the bar, 23-year-old boy dies
July 15, 2020
San Vittore Olona (Milan) - He went out on Saturday night, July 13, to have a beer with friends. Suddenly he died of an illness. It happened in one of the many bars in San Vittore Olona. The boy, 23 years old, was at the table with friends, when at a certain point he said he would go out for a breath of air, because he was not feeling so well. The time to get up from the chair and collapsed to the ground, under the gaze of petrified friends and other patrons of the pub. Immediately the rescuers were alerted: the young man was transported to the emergency department of the hospital in Legnano, but the resuscitation maneuvers were not enough to save his life.
No cause of death reported.
Friday the farewell to Simone Bauco, the forty-year-old crushed by a sudden illness
July 10, 2024
Tecchiena (Lazio) - The funeral for Simone Bauco, the 40-year-old from Tecchiena, who was killed by a sudden illness while taking a walk near his home, will be held on Friday, July 12. With his cell phone, the man alerted family members that he was not feeling well and was returning home, from that point the relatives lost contact. Immediately they requested the medics of 118, unfortunately they could not do anything but note the death of the young man.
No cause of death reported.
“Died suddenly” mountain biking:
Killed by a heart attack during a mountain bike ride in the mountains
July 13, 2024
Borgo Pintura di Bolognola (Macerata) - A 52-year-old Civitanovese, Danilo Pollastrelli, died this morning in Borgo Pintura di Bolognola. He was mountain biking when he got sick, heart attack according to the doctors. The first to notice were some bikers who were riding on the same path and called for help. On site the 118, and the air ambulance was also alerted but the resuscitation maneuvers were useless. For the Civitanova there was nothing to do. Resided in Santa Maria Apparente and leaves companion Emanuela and a daughter of sixteen.
“Died suddenly” while hiking:
Hiker crushed by a heart attack on the mountains of Sondrio
July 14, 2024
Predarossa (Lombardy) - A 71-year-old hiker, resident in the province of Milan, died today while he was with some friends hiking to reach an alpine refuge in the valley of Predarossa. The man, suddenly, while walking, slumped to the ground. His death, according to the first doctor who intervened with the helicopter rescue of Areu, was a heart attack.
“Died suddenly” on vacation:
40-year-old mother crushed by fulminated meningitis while on vacation in Sicily with family
July 12, 2024
Palermo (Sicily) A young mother, 40-year-old Lara Sterlicchio, living with her family in Marino, in the province of Rome, was struck down by fulminating meningitis while in Palermo with her husband and two young children. A sudden illness that did not give her a chance, despite the readiness of the medical staff. The woman died at the hospital in Palermo. She leaves her husband and two young children.
Two “died suddenly” in the waters:
Marsala, a woman died while taking a swim in the Stagnone
July 9, 2024
Marsala (Sicily) - Her name is Celeste Maggio, a 70-year-old woman who died today in the waters of the Stagnone di Marsala while taking a swim. The woman, a retired teacher, was noticed by some bathers unconscious. She was rescued and brought ashore. There the resuscitation practices were attempted. The medics arrived, but any attempt to save her life was useless. The woman died of a sudden illness that hit her while she was swimming in the shallow waters of the Stagnone.
No cause of death reported.
Suddenly sick while bathing in the sea, elderly woman loses her life
July 9, 2024
Bellaria (Rimini, Emilia Romagna) - It's the second fatal illness in not even 24 hours in the sea in front of Bellaria where, in the early afternoon of Tuesday, a 71-year-old local lost her life. The drama took place around 13.30 in front of the Bagno 31 when, suddenly, the lady collapsed in a few inches of water. The lifeguard noticed what was happening and intervened, bringing the woman to shore to begin the resuscitation maneuvers, and at the same time, giving the alarm to 118. On the shoreline the medics of Romagna Soccorso continued the cardiac massage but, in the end, they had to surrender, with the doctor declaring only the death.
No cause of death reported.
Five “died suddenly” at home:
Mourning in Valsessera for the sudden death of Luciano Cagna
July 12, 2024
Luciano Cagna, 69, died suddenly yesterday, at the house he shared with his wife Lorella, in Curino. Originally from the village, Cagna leaves in addition to his beloved wife the brothers Giuseppe and Angelo and his mother-in-law Olga.
No cause of death reported.
51-year-old died last night in Albissola Marina
July 11, 2024
Last night, Wednesday 10 July, around 10.30 p.m., in a house in Albissola Marina, a man had a heart attack and passed away. On the spot there were medics of the 118, along with the ambulance of the Golden Cross Sea of Albissola, but despite every attempt to revive him, for the 51-year-old there was nothing to do.
No cause of death reported.
Died suddenly at 36, a valley in tears
July 10, 2024
Valle Cervo (Province of Biella) - The funeral of Raffaele Ramasco, the 36-year-old from Piedicavallo who died suddenly at home on Sunday will be held on Thursday, July 11. A mourning that deeply affects the small community of Valle Cervo, in the Biella area. Raffaele Ramasco, “Raffo” for his many friends, was a well-known person in the area. He was the owner of a company that deals with the installation of plumbing, heating and air conditioning systems. The young man, born in 1988, felt ill on Sunday when he was at home. The family immediately called for help, but when the 118 medics reached the house, for “Raffo” there was nothing more to do.
No cause of death reported.
Found dead by friends at 45, tragedy in the town
July 10, 2024
Maddaloni (Campania) - Tragic news shakes this morning the community of Maddaloni. A 45-year-old man, A.B., these are his initials, was found dead inside the apartment where he lives. To make the tragic discovery was a friend who could not get in touch with him, so he went to his home and made the bitter discovery. It may have been a sudden illness during the night. When the 118 rescuers arrived, unfortunately, for the man, there was nothing more to do.
No cause of death reported.
Latina, a 39-year-old woman found dead at home: autopsy ordered
July 7, 2024
Latina (Lazio) - The body of a 39-year-old woman was found on Thursday evening in a house in the outskirts of Latina. The dramatic discovery was made by State Police officers after the victim’s family raised the alarm because they had no news from her for hours. The operators of the 118, who also arrived on the spot, but could only notice the death. The Prosecutor’s Office of Latina has opened an investigation file by ordering an autopsy on the woman’s body.
No cause of death reported.
Eight killed in “vaxxidents”:
Fatal illness at the wheel, dead restaurateur, Adelio Antoniazzi
July 14, 2024
Monastier (Province of Treviso in Veneto) - Tragedy in the night between in Monastier. Died, due to a heart attack, the 62-year-old restaurateur Adelio Antoniazzi, former owner of the restaurant pizzeria "Da Adelio". The man was at the wheel of his car and crashed into the fence that runs along the road in Via Pisani, in Monastier. The accident occurred around midnight: the driver probably felt sick due to a sudden illness. The 62-year-old, taken out of the cockpit and resuscitated on the spot by the medics of 118, and was transported in serious condition to Ca' Foncello in Treviso. The death a few hours later in the hospital.
No cause of death reported.
Rome - A car crashes into a wall at Villa Carpegna: 54-year-old driver, Stefano Acquaviva, died
July 12, 2024
He loses control of his car perhaps following an illness and crashes into a wall. This is how a 54-year-old Stefano Acquaviva died at about 6 p.m. on Thursday at the wheel of his Fiat Panda in the Aurelio district. For the victim, there was unfortunately nothing to do despite the intervention of an ambulance and an automedical of 118. With the death of the 54-year-old, the death toll of the roads in Rome and the province since the beginning of the year rises to 86.
No cause of death reported.
56-year-old manager dies on his way home from work
July 12, 2024
Follonica (Tuscany) - He had just spent an evening with friends, one like many others, Luigi Magnani, when returning home with his scooter around midnight last Wednesday, he died for reasons still to be clarified: according to the first hypotheses for a sudden illness (probably cardiac arrest). The operators of the Red Cross and the Pegaso helicopter rescue ready for transport to Grosseto intervened on site, but unfortunately for the 56-year-old there was nothing to do.
She suddenly skids in the opposite lane and runs into a van: 45-year-old dies instantly
July 11, 2024
Cesenatico (Province of Forlì-Cesena) - A very serious accident, with fatal outcome occurred on the Adriatic state road, around one o'clock in the morning, when a Fiat 500 car, travelling towards Rimini and driven by a 21-year-old from Cesenatico, suddenly skidded in the other lane, facing a van coming from the opposite direction, a Mercedes Citan. The violent impact was fatal for the driver of the van, Claudio Baiocchi, 45 years of Gatteo Mare. On the spot they brought the ambulances of 118, but for the man there was nothing to do: he died instantly. The young driver was taken to the Bufalini Hospital in Cesena and is not in serious condition. No conditions of alteration due to the intake of drugs or alcohol would have emerged. The exact dynamics of the incident and its reasons are under consideration by the Carabinieri of Cesenatico.
No cause of death reported.
Trucker goes off the road and overturns: he dies at 44 years old
July 10, 2024
Fiorenzuola (Emilia Romagna) - A 44-year-old lorry driver, originally from Pescara, lost his life in a tragic road accident that occurred on the afternoon of Wednesday 10 July along the Piacenza section of the A1 motorway, between Fiorenzuola and Fidenza, towards Parma. For reasons still under investigation by the traffic police, the driver left the road suddenly: the heavy vehicle, carrying metal coils, capsized into the escarpment next to the road. The 44-year-old died instantly: the fire department pulled his body out of the truck’s cabin, but the medics of 118, despite the CPR manoeuvres, were unable to save him.
No cause of death reported.
Accident on the Brebemi, 21-year-old Michele Luzzardi dies in Antegnate
July 10, 2024
Yesterday morning at 4.30 the young man was at the wheel of his Volkswagen Polo and was returning home, traveling on the lane of the Brebemi in the direction of Brescia. However, there must have been problems, perhaps a sickness or a slumber. The crash was very violent, and the driver did it all by himself. But doubts remain as to exactly how he died. Because after being thrown outside the cockpit by the violence of the collision of his car against the barrier, he was also hit by a truck. According to the reconstruction, the car began to skid, hitting the barriers on both the right and left and ending crashing. A blow so violent that the boy was thrown outside the car. Just at that moment a truck came and hit him, then, a witness reported, the truck didn’t stop and continued. The Road Patrol and ambulances of 118 arrived at the scene, but now there was nothing to do for the boy.
No cause of death reported.
Terrible head-on collision between two cars in Terracina. One dead man
July 9, 2024
Terracina (Lazio) - A terrible road accident occurred around 8 pm today on the Terracina-mare. Two cars, for reasons being examined by law enforcement, collided head-on. The impact was very violent. The toll is dramatic: one dead and one seriously injured. The victim is an 85-year-old man from Ceccano, Ernesto Colapietro. From what we learn, the man was thrown out of the Smart driven by his 30-year-old nephew and died on the spot. Firefighters, traffic police officers and 118 medical personnel arrived at the scene. The heliambulance that transported the wounded in serious condition to the San Camillo hospital in Rome, where he is currently hospitalized.
Contrada: the story of the dramatic fatal accident. 62-year-old Vito Esposito died in absurd circumstances
July 6, 2024
Last night, around 7:30 p.m., a tragic fatality struck the Contrada community. A 62-year-old man, Vito Esposito di Solofra, lost his life in a road accident. The dynamics of the accident was as absurd as it was incredible: a piece of sheet metal, detached following a clash between two cars and an Enel truck, cut a leg to the man, who was driving a scooter with his 10-year-old granddaughter. A Fiat Punto, with a mother and her daughter, crashed into two parked cars and an Enel truck. The impact caused the detachment of a piece of sheet metal that hit the 62-year-old, in transit on his scooter. The man and granddaughter fell ruinously on the asphalt, with the man who underwent the amputation of his leg because of the sheet metal. The limb was later found about 150 meters from the site of the clash. The medics intervened promptly, transporting Vito Esposito urgently to the hospital, where he died a few minutes later due to serious injuries sustained. The granddaughter, seriously injured, was transferred to the Moscati hospital in Avellino and underwent surgery for a fractured leg. Even the 9-year-old girl who was in the car with her mother suffered injuries, hitting the windshield with her head, and was assisted in the pediatric emergency room of the hospital of Contrada Amoretta. According to a first reconstruction, it seems that the woman driving the Fiat Punto has lost control of the vehicle due to an illness, causing the impact with the parked cars and the Enel truck. The communities of Solofra and Contrada are shocked by this dramatic loss, which has left everyone with a deep sense of dismay and sadness.
No cause of death reported.
Brunetto Rinaldi, 60
May 5, 2024
Reggio Emilia - They give the sad announcement his wife Mirca, sister Stefania with Massimo and Mattia, sister-in-law Roberta, in-laws Teresa and Peter, friends and relatives all.
No cause of death reported.
From our researcher in Italy: Just informed of this death. Rinaldi was an acquaintance of my husband from years ago. From another mutual friend we found out that he died from an ischemic stroke and that he taken the covid “vaccine.”
Benevento in tears for Vincenzo De Rosa
July 8, 2024
Benevento (Campania) - Vincenzo De Rosa, a man known and respected for his dedication to work and love for the family, suddenly passed away. His sudden disappearance leaves an unbridgeable void, but his example of dedication and love will continue to inspire everyone who has known him.
No age or cause of death reported.
Troina mourns the untimely death of Gaetana Severino
July 8, 2024
Yesterday, the community of Troina (Sicily) was struck by sad news: the sudden death of Gaetana Severino, 50 years old. Gaetana Severino suddenly passed away, leaving an unbridgeable void in the hearts of her loved ones.
No cause of death reported.