In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, December 12-December 18, 2023
Musicians in the US (4), Canada, Antigua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Zimbabwe, S. Africa, Australia, NZ; actors in the US (2), Mexico, UK, Spain, Italy, China; & more
United States:
Mexico, Antigua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Suriname, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina:
United Kingdom and Ireland:
France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Slovakia, Croatia, Albania, Greece and Spain:
Morocco, Zimbabwe, S. Africa, Ukraine, Russia, India, China, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand:
Israel used it's people like lab rats and got paid by the drug companies, the same people are genociding tens of thousands of women and children and innocent civilians including Christians who are being genocides by the truck load. I'm sure the Zionists will call this anti semetic, what a weak way of dealing with the honesty of their actions. The truth hurts, genocide is genocide when it's done by the IDF it's genocided when done by Pfizer but nobody has the balls to say that except a few brave souls that I won't name because speaking out about the true corruption is a death sentence, but it's not hard information to find. Genocide is wrong no matter who does it.
Mark - When I click on the link that takes me to each section, the sidebar to scroll disappears and I cannot read the obituaries. Is this something wrong at Substack or is this a problem with Google mail? Are they preventing me from reading your information? Anyone else having this problem?