In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Mexico, Ecuador, Suriname, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, November 6-November 13, 2023
Mexican stillbirths explode; Brazilian reality star Luana Andrade, actress Isis Freitas; Argentine musician Santiago Forlín, singer Claudia Pirán; Chilean explorer Alejo Contreras Staeding; & more
The number of stillbirths multiplied by 7.9
November 30, 2023
• Stillborns:
5 in 2019
3 in 2020
37 in 2021
293 in 2022
In Oaxaca, the number of stillbirths increased alarmingly in 2022, with a total of 293 cases, higher than the five in 2019, the three in 2020, and the 37 in 2021, according to the registers of the health sector and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI). In addition to Oaxaca, the increase was also noticed in the rest of the country, going from a total of 853 stillbirths in 2021 to 9,156 in 2022, especially in entities such as the State of Mexico (1,187), Mexico City (968) and Puebla (844). In the state of Oaxaca, of the 28,405 births that occurred in 2022, at least 293 were stillbirths and 28,112 were live births. Given this increase in "stillbirths" on the INEGI platform, with data provided by the health sector and the Civil Registry, no further details are given of the causes that generated them and why the disproportionate difference with previous years. Even in the different institutions of the health sector, the authorities do not have data that specify the reason for the increase in stillbirths in 2022.
From our researcher: Note that the misleading, but still dramatic, headline "multiplied by 7.9" is based on 2021, a year with a skyrocketing number of stillbirths. "Hundredfold from previous normal" would be more correct.
Reported on June 11:
What did the Wiko die of?
June 11, 2023
On Monday, November 6, the death of El Wiko [left], internet sensation, was announced. The news was shared through Facebook, by a friend identified as El Kuate de Caborca. Thousands of users regretted the news, remembering their sense of humor and their history on the internet. The friend of El Wiko reported that he had died of a heart attack, assuring that he had not suffered from any illness before. "Everything seems to indicate that it was a heart attack, he did not suffer, he just fell asleep”. Despite the virality that the Wiko gained on social networks, personal data such as his full name and marital status are unknown. However, on social networks they lamented his unexpected and sudden death; in addition, they wished quick solace to family and friends.
No age reported.
Abel Cuevas Melo, former senior officer of the SEV with Yunes, dies at 58 years of age
November 13, 2023
Xalapa, Ver.- The death of Abel Ignacio Cuevas Melo was confirmed during the first hours of this Monday, November 13. Originally from Veracruz, he had a long political career championed by the National Action Party (PAN). Cuevas Melo died at the age of 58, which was confirmed by his wife, Mónica Villa, who shared a snapshot from his social networks. The cause and place of Abel Cuevas' death are unknown at this time. Originally from Coatepec, families in the region mourned his death.
No cause of death reported.
They find a deceased worker in the parking lot of the Chamber of Deputies
November 10, 2023
This afternoon, the Chamber of Deputies reported that the worker Víctor Hernández Martínez died last November 8. A spokesman explained that yesterday, at the request of the Workers' Union of the Chamber of Deputies, the DGRS reviewed more than 600 security cameras and entry and exit records to locate him. "The daughter of said worker had contacted to inform that he had not returned home after his working day," the Lower House explained through a statement. The DGRS reported that through the cameras, it located the deceased worker in one of the parking lots, where he had keeled over. "It is possible to determine that on November 8, at approximately 15:00 hours, Mr. Víctor Hernández Martínez walks through the parking lot, known as the Basement, in the direction of the construction site between buildings H and G, where it is observed that he falls and does not get up," he said.
No age or cause of death reported.
Eight “died suddenly” from heart attacks:
Lifeless man found
November 11, 2023
A lifeless man was found in Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City. The man was found in one of the planter boxes of Paseo de la Reforma. The person was found face down on the grass, where the experts of the Secretary of Citizen Security (SSC) made the removal of the body before the astonished gaze of the people who were circulating through the place. It is determined that the cause of death was due to a heart attack.
No age reported.
Elderly man dies inside car in parking after leaving gym
November 11, 2023
When he was leaving the gym and after boarding his vehicle, an elderly man allegedly died of natural causes in the municipality of San Nicolás. The incident occurred in the parking lot located at the bottom of the overpass of Manuel L Barragán and Almazán Avenues, where the various authorities went. According to relatives who arrived at the site, they mentioned that it was an adult man who apparently suffered a heart attack.
No age reported.
A policeman “died suddenly”:
Traffic officer dies of a heart attack on board his patrol car
November 11, 2023
One of the oldest serving members in the Pueblo Mágico de Casas Grades died on board his patrol car, when he was about to end his shift as a traffic officer, as a result of a heart attack. José Antonio González Amaro, 56, known to all those close to him simply as "Toño," was working as a transportation agent in the neighboring municipality of Casas Grandes, when the incident was reported at 9:50 p.m. yesterday, as he was suffering from arterial hypertension, the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) confirmed. The cop was even in his patrol car, and was preparing to turn in the shift when the complication to his health occurred. His companions tried to take him to receive specialized medical attention, but nothing could be done to save his life.
Young footballer dies in Veracruz after colliding with colleague
November 10, 2023
Shock in the state of Veracruz for the sensitive death of Ernesto Ricardo, a young footballer just 13 years old, who died in a field of Tierra Blanca last November 8. The minor, who was practicing football in the Twin Fields of Tierra Blanca, Veracruz, when he suddenly collided with one of his classmates, so he was lying on the grass for several minutes. Although the reason for the death has not yet been confirmed, one of the first versions indicates that the young athlete may have suffered a sudden heart attack at the time of the collision, which is why he could not be revived after the arrival of paramedics.
A young woman dies of a massive heart attack on board a bus
November 8, 2023
A woman identified as Gladys, aged between 35 and 40, died inside an ADO line bus that arrived on the evening of this Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at the bus terminal of the city of Veracruz. The woman was traveling unaccompanied, and it is presumed that her death could have been due to natural causes. The driver and passengers noticed that she did not have vital signs when she arrived at the first-class platforms of the Veracruz bus terminal, where the unit made a stopover before continuing on its way. The passengers commented that she suddenly began to feel unwell and said that her chest hurt, then died immediately.
The heart attack killed him
November 8, 2023
An employee of the company "Scales of the Southeast" lost his life from a heart attack, while performing maneuvers to unload some heavy iron. His colleagues could not do anything to help him since the doctor on duty at a nearby Health Center was not on duty and neither were ambulances on duty in Villahermosa. The situation alerted the delegate of the area, Cristian Hernández Porta, who requested the support of the patrol cars of the Preventive State Police. Immediately the authorities moved to the place, where they interviewed one of the workers named Daniel N.M., 24 years old, who said that shortly before he was working with his partner, who in life was called Miguel Alberto A.L., 34 years old, who was lowering material with a backhoe when he indicated that he began to feel unwell and they decided to board him to a van to take him to the nearest Health Center; but it was not in service. Therefore, they returned to the place where they were working but Miguel fell down next to the machinery, and no one could help him because although they had called 911, they were told that there were no ambulances available.
Killed in a “vaxxident”:
He died of a heart attack while driving
November 7, 2023
A man died of a cardiac arrest while driving his car on 9th Avenue South, which ended up crashing into a tree; the events took place in the municipality of Tapachula. After 18:45 hours it was reported to the emergency numbers that a driver of a car had climbed onto the curb and hit a tree, so rescue elements immediately arrived at the place. According to first information, the victim was driving from South to North when he apparently went into cardiac arrest, which would have caused him to lose control of his blue van and end up crashing it into a tree.
No age reported.
Trucker suffers heart attack and dies on the Mexico-Tuxpan highway
November 6, 2023
A truck driver suffered a sudden death while driving on the Mexico-Tuxpan highway, in its section through the state of Hidalgo. He managed to park his unit at the curb, where he no longer moved, so authorities showed up to attend to the situation. According to the road police, the driver of a white Kenworth trailer with cargo was traveling in the morning of this Monday, November 6, along the Tulancingo-Singuilucan section bound for the state of Puebla. Despite the arrival of paramedics, nothing could be done for the trucker, because he had suffered a heart attack, although the presence of specialized experts from the Attorney General's Office of the State of Hidalgo was requested to take care of the human remains.
No age reported.
A journalist “died suddenly”:
Rómulo Barcos died this Monday from a massive heart attack
November 13, 2023
The renowned Ecuadorian sports journalist, Rómulo Barcos, died this Monday, November 13, 2023, after suffering a fatal heart attack at the age of 59. Barcos did not attend his work on Sunday, the day of the Shipyard Classic, and neither did he attend today, since he said he was feeling sick. As the hours passed, Ecuavisa was able to learn the unfortunate news of the death of the journalist who was part of this medium for several years. Barcos was recognized for his truthfulness and firmness within sports journalism, working in different media. "He did not respond to the calls, we went to his house, the Police had to force the door of his home to open the door and confirm his unfortunate death," said Guillermo Aragundi, director of La Radio Redonda, the media outlet where he came from.
Investigation launched into unexpected death of pregnant teenager in Emergency Department
November 11, 2023
On Thursday, November 9, 2023, concerned family members brought 16-year-old teenager P.Q. motionless to the Emergency Department (ER) of the University Hospital Paramaribo for medical treatment. However, a doctor on duty noted that P.Q. had already died before she reached the hospital. The Munder police station received the report of the girl's death in the ER through the Command Center. The body of P.Q. showed no external lesions. Preliminary investigation shows that the girl was already three months pregnant and had been ill for some time. She had been prescribed medication for her illness, which she probably took in combination with an osodresi. After ingesting the drug, the teenager vomited, with fatal consequences. It is suspected that complications occurred, leading to the fateful outcome. Police confiscated her mobile phone, which was found on her lifeless body. The Forensic Investigation department is conducting further investigation into the case.
Brazilian Reality TV Star Luana Andrade Dies Suddenly at 29
November 12, 0023
Luana Andrade, a 29-year-old Brazilian reality TV star, was having an “aesthetic procedure” done to remove fat from her knee through liposuction. But as her boyfriend, Joao Hadad, shared on Instagram, she suffered from a massive pulmonary embolism and died. Sao Luiz Hospital, where Luana was being treated by a private doctor, issued a statement which reads: “The surgery was interrupted and the patient underwent tests that revealed massive thrombosis. She was transferred to the ICU where she underwent medication and hemodynamic treatment.” As always, we cannot say whether the Covid-19 “vaccines” contributed to the early death. But Luana joins the huge list of people who have died from an ailment known to be triggered by the jabs and nobody in media will even ask the question (Journalist JD Rucker's comment).
At the age of 22, actress Isis Freitas dies after being hospitalized with tuberculosis
November 13, 2023
Actress Isis Freitas, 22, who was hospitalized with tuberculosis, died last Sunday (12th). The burial takes place this Monday (13th), in Rio de Janeiro. According to a source close to "TV news", Isis was hospitalized in serious condition, diagnosed with tuberculosis. The death of the actress caused a commotion among artists and friends. Isis Freitas began her career as a model, and then became an actress and went on to act in theatrical plays. She also participated in advertising advertisements for cosmetic brands. The artist had about 3 thousand followers on Instagram.
Three teenagers “died suddenly”:
Director of Boa Fe Schools Group denies that death of 13-year-old student is related to any aggression
August 11, 2023
The director of the grouping of schools of Boa Fé in Elvas, denied rumors that the death of a student on Monday, near the entrance of the Basic School, is related to any aggression. In a statement published on social networks, Paula Rondão Almeida, assures that ”there was no fight inside the school and no group entered the educational establishment to beat anyone", confirming that the boy's death was due to a cardiorespiratory arrest. The 13-year-old boy, a student at the Boa Fé Basic School, felt unwell, Monday, near the entrance of the educational establishment, and ended up being admitted to the city hospital already dead. Police have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the child's death.
Livia Araujo Silva, 15, died
November 2, 2023
Livia Araujo Silva, 15, daughter of veteran military firefighter Corporal Emerson da Silva, died last Tuesday night (31st). It initially started with headache and fever, then the fever ceased. After the headache and mild body pain, she woke up the other day with an episode of vomiting and on Friday morning she woke up totally debilitated, that's when she went to the hospital. In the beginning during the examinations they found an alteration in relation to the kidney and the pulmonary listening was bad, later, in the blood test, the platelets were very low. After listening to the lungs, it was talked about COVID, but the test was negative, so a CT scan was done. She did 2 tests that were negative for dengue, but the initial symptoms, according to the doctors, had all the symptoms to be dengue hemorrhagic fever....They started the protocol for dengue hemorrhagic fever after a bacterium appeared in the bloodstream, bleeding in the lung, bleeding in the digestive tract and, finally, bleeding in the brain... Possible causes: autoimmune disease-vasculitis, one of the autoimmune diseases that can be is Lupus.
No cause of death reported.
Davi Oliveira, a 15-year-old child, died of a stroke
November 11, 2023
This is Davi Oliveira, son of Dr. Ana Flávia de Oliveira Vieira, a 15-year-old child. He had a severe headache, fainted, had a stroke, is in a coma, with a clot in the brain! Let's pray, let's cry out to God for David's life, let's ask for strength for parents, and grandparents, whoever has a child knows the suffering of this family! Attention: David died on 11/11/23. Let's pray for the family, for David's mother, after all, when a mother loses a child, all mothers in the world lose a little too!
Young man dies during care
November 10, 2023
A 22-year-old man died inside an emergency care unit (UPA) in Londrina on October 23. The city council removed the doctor responsible for care. The victim, identified as Nycolas Dias, sought the Jardim do Sol unit, located in the West Zone, after experiencing shortness of breath and expelling blood from his mouth. Later the same day, he returned to UPA, was medicated and was in the observation room when he died. According to the death certificate, Nycolas suffered a sudden acute infarction, seizure, pleural effusion, and sudden dyspnea. An investigation is being carried out through a commission created by the Londrina Department of Health.
Delegate Menandro suffers heart attack and dies while participating in a race
November 12, 2023
Delegate Menandro Pedro died on Sunday morning (12th), after suffering a heart attack while participating in the Northeast racing circuit on Avenida Marechal Castelo Branco, in Teresina. In a video posted on social media, the delegate said it was the first time he had participated in a race and aimed to encourage other seniors to practice physical exercise. "I have never participated in any race and tomorrow I will try to run 15 km. I hope to complete the race to encourage those people who are elderly," he said.
No age reported.
Public servant in the Prosecutor's Office of Cuiabá dies in hospital
November 10, 2023
The public servant of the city of Cuiabá, Rosana Gleicy Almeida de Carvalho, 48 years old, died on Thursday afternoon (09.11), at the Jardim Cuiabá Hospital. Rosana had been hospitalized in the health unit since November 1, after a seizure and suffering a mild stroke. On this Thursday (9th), the public servant had complications in the health condition, which culminated in a pulmonary embolism, and she did not resist and died.
A policeman “died suddenly”:
Deputy Lieutenant PM Alessandro César Zingarelli died
November 11, 2023
Deputy Lieutenant PM Alessandro César Zingarelli died in the early hours of Friday (10th), victim of a heart attack. Zingarelli was the son of a well-known shoemaker from Araraquara, and made a career in the Military Police, where he joined at a very young age and held command posts in cities in the region such as Matão.
No age reported.
Woman has sudden illness, dies on flight from the US to Brazil and body stays in the seat for hours
November 8, 2023
A woman fell ill and died on board an aircraft on Tuesday (7th). The passenger boarded in Florida, in the United States, and was destined for Confins International Airport, in Minas Gerais. According to witnesses, the body of the woman, who was sitting in a business class seat, was only removed when the aircraft landed at Minas Gerais airport. In a statement, the airline said the passenger had a sudden illness during the flight and did not resist. Her death was confirmed by a doctor who was on board.
No age or cause of death reported.
Death of Nego Dé causes great commotion
November 13, 2023
The news of the death of José Canuto de Abreu, resident of the Lagoa De Santo Antônio neighborhood, caused great commotion. Nego Dé, as he was affectionately known, would have turned 40 this Monday, the 13th. He died this Saturday (11th) victim of a heart attack. The young man leaves his wife Vanusa, two children, his father Luiz Cearense, brothers and other family members. Nego worked at the amigão Rações store, in front of the Heitor Cláudio de Sales School.
It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Paulo Sérgio Macedo de Freitas
November 13, 2023
It is with regret that we inform you of the death of Paulo Sérgio Macedo de Freitas at the age of 38, victim of a heart attack. The very dear Paulo Sérgio was the son of Mr. Fernando, owner of the Garrafão Bar. Paulo was a locksmith, he was the brother of Paulo César owner of the Garrafinha Bar. Paulo Sérgio leaves a couple of children.
Death of cook generates great commotion in Arapongas
November 12, 2023
The death of 49-year-old cook Maudi Souza has generated great commotion in the city of Arapongas. Maudi died after suffering a heart attack this Saturday (11th). She leaves behind a couple of children and many friends. The death of the Cook caused deep commotion on social networks.
Candiota mourns Anilvo Francisco Prestes Júnior
November 12, 2023
Anilvo Francisco Prestes Júnior died on Saturday Night (11th) in Candiota, at the age of 49. According to information obtained by us, he suffered a heart attack. Anilvo was well known in the city for his effective participation in the traditionalist milieu, when, among other contributions, he presided over the Association of Cowboys, and Cowboys and Cowgirls of Candiota.
Man dies after falling ill on Cosmopolis bus
November 10, 2023
Márcio Júnior, 41, died during the afternoon of Thursday (9th) after suffering a sudden illness. The man was found unresponsive inside the municipal public transport bus, and was sent to Santa Casa de Misericórdia, where he was found dead. The rescue was triggered by the driver of the vehicle, who noticed the absence of movement of Márcio along the entire route. As he directed the bus to the garage, he noticed that the man remained in his seat. As he approached, he discovered that the man was ill. An ambulance was called at the Cosmópolis Bus Station and he was referred to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia Hospital, but there was no time for help.
No cause of death reported.
Two killed in “vaxxidents”:
30-year-old man dies in accident in Paraná: "sadness will be immense”
November 13, 2023
A 30-year-old man died in an accident on the Santa Fe Highway, in Marialva, northwest of Paraná, on Sunday (12th). Guilherme Rabelo suffered a fall from a motorcycle after a suspected sudden illness. He had several fractures. He was rescued by Samu and taken to hospital, but died. William leaves a pregnant wife and a 13-year-old daughter. His death caused a commotion on social media.
No cause of death reported.
Instant karma! Moment thief steals motorbike form elderly rider - then drops dead from sudden illness seconds later in Brazil
November 12, 2023
Brazilian CCTV footage caught the extraordinary moment a criminal robbed an elderly biker and dropped dead from a sudden illness seconds later. Footage shows Iury Gustavo da Silva Godoy, 17, and his accomplice riding down a road in São Paulo on a motorbike, and cutting off a 66-year-old rider and forcing him to stop on Tuesday, November 7. The pair of crooks get off their bike, surround the man, and rummage through his pockets, before forcing him off his bike with his hands in the air. As the victim runs away, one of the suspects - wearing a yellow coat - jumps on the stolen motorcycle and rides it away. The other, wearing black, gets back on the other bike, but as soon as he tries to ride away, he swerves, falls onto his side, and lies motionless on the tarmac. Medics arrived on the scene to treat him but could only pronounce him dead, local media report.
No cause of death reported.
Young woman dies after suffering heart attack in Santo Antônio de Jesus
November 13, 2023
A 38-year-old died on Monday (13th), in Santo Antônio de Jesus. She was identified as Edilane de Oliveira Santos Rocha and according to information, suffered a fulminant heart attack. Edilane worked at the Avatim store in Shopping Itaguari. Friends and acquaintances of the young woman were very moved on social networks after the sad news.
Two musicians “died suddenly”:
Santiago Forlín, musician of "La Previa", has died
November 11, 2023
Santiago Forlin was a 33-year-old cumbia musician, member and vocalist of the group "La Previa", and he was going through a difficult time in his health. Social networks were filled with requests for prayer and collaboration for his family at the funeral. He was hospitalized in the High Complexity System of the Juan Domingo Perón Hospital, where Santiago was waiting for an accurate diagnosis. The wait was long, and unfortunately, he passed away. A few days ago, the followers of the cumbia band made a collection for the mother of the young man since she could not afford the expenses of hospitalization and medical studies. They were also asking for blood.
No cause of death reported.
Claudia Pirán, the singer from San Juan who dazzled with her exquisite voice, died
November 9, 2023
The San Juan singer Claudia Pirán died this Wednesday night, at the age of 51, after being hospitalized since last Saturday, at the Rawson Hospital in her province, suffering from a serious illness. The artist, who from the streets of the Cosquín Festival was projected to all the stages in the country with her exquisite voice, was in critical condition due to hypercalcemia, an illness that causes a high level of calcium in the blood, which causes bone weakness and circulation problems. Pirán had a wide musical career. She achieved important recognition when she won the Pre Cosquín in 1998, in which she also went up to the main stage of the Plaza del Folklore.
Two journalists “died suddenly”:
A journalist died on the field of Deportivo Maipú
November 12, 2023
This Sunday, a journalist from Mendoza died in the preview of Deportivo Maipu match, at the Omar Higinio Sperdutti Stadium. Martín Simulnic fainted on the court and the ambulance that was at the place transferred him to the hospital. But he arrived at the hospital without vital signs. Simulnic was 47 years old and had studied at the Sports Journalism School of the province of Mendoza.
No cause of death reported.
Pain for the death of journalist Edi Zunino: he had pancreatic cancer
November 9, 2023
Journalist Edi Zunino died this Thursday morning at the age of 60, after fighting pancreatic cancer that had afflicted him for some time. The news was revealed by Jorge Fontevecchia, director of the publishing house Perfil, who was his boss and co-worker for more than three decades. The news reached the businessman during a dialogue that he had on Radio Con Vos with Ernesto Tenembaum, in which they analyzed the role of the media. “Forgive me, but I just received very sad news. Edi Zunino died and I couldn't pay attention to what you were telling me,” Fontevecchia apologized when asked by his interlocutor. He also received international and national awards for Journalistic Ethics and Freedom of Expression. Social networks were quickly flooded with messages in evocation of what was his career and life dedicated to the profession.
Two police officers “died suddenly”:
Grief in the region for the death of a Galvez policeman
November 12, 2023
A police officer in the town of Galvez lost his life this Sunday in the performance of his duties. He was 47 years old, and his death caused great shock in his city and the region. This was sub-Inspector Carlos Alberto Acuña. According to the first versions indicated, Acuña lost his life while he was working in the city of Galvez when he suffered a medical incident when he tried to separate young people who were having an argument in the early hours of this Sunday.
No cause of death reported.
Deep sorrow for the death of a police assistant
November 13, 2023
Mariela Andrea Venteo, 1st assistant of the Mendoza Police, died today after midnight. She was hospitalized in the Intensive Care unit of the Schestakow Hospital, after being diagnosed with pulmonary thrombosis. The woman had been admitted to the hospital a few hours earlier, when a relative brought her in from a medical emergency.
No age reported.
A man died on a public road in the center
November 13, 2023
An elderly man keeled over at the corner of Esquiú and Rivadavia streets, minutes later he lost his life. According to the information provided by police sources, at 07:50 through a call to the SAE 911, they realized that in the aforementioned corner of our city a person had suffered a heart attack, when they arrived at the place the police verified that the man did not present vital signs, initiating the resuscitation maneuvers. Once at the scene, medical personnel confirmed the death of the male, who has not been identified so far.
No age reported.
An explorer “died suddenly”:
Prominent Antarctic explorer was found dead in Punta Arenas
November 9, 2023
Around 1:00 p.m. this Wednesday, the well-known Antarctic explorer Alejo Contreras Staeding, who provided services for DAP airways and also worked for the Chilean National Antarctic Institute in Magallanes, was found dead. The discovery occurred on the corner of Jorge Montt and Angamos streets, in the center of Punta Arenas, where the academic's car was parked with the occupant inside it. The causes of his death at the age of 67 are the subject of investigation, but in principle it is pointed to natural causes.
No cause of death reported.