In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Italy, July 17-July 24, 2023
Composer Massimiliano Damerini; journalist Andrea Purgatori; poet Stefano Colletti; 2 infants; 2 chefs; 6 at work; 8 at home; 5 in waters; 3 while out and about; 3 in “vaxxidents”; & more
A note about the “extreme heat” as a possible cause of death reported throughout today’s compilation (a comment from a reader in Italy):
Some of these reports are suggesting that the heat is a cause of death. In Italy the media is fearmongering about the "extreme" heat. It's really nothing unusual this year, yet many are afraid to go outside during the day. Now, weather forecasts and apps are predicting higher temperatures a week or more in advance and are not adjusting the temps when those predictions (lies) are obviously wrong. BBC tweets a temperature for Sicily which is 10°C HIGHER [20 degrees F] than the BBC app for Palermo, Sicily. What's going on? Both temperatures are from BBC Weather, they are 10°C off. One is for locals, one for those abroad. What can we conclude?
The Genoese pianist and composer Massimiliano Damerini died suddenly at the age of 72
July 21, 2023
The sudden disappearance of Damerini has aroused great emotion in the musical environment. Trained at Martha Del Vecchio's piano school and Sergio Lauricella's school of composition, Damerini has been a protagonist of concertism for the last fifty years. His training allowed him to deal with the contemporary repertoire with great rigor and ability, so much so that he became the favorite interpreter of a large group of composers of our time, from Berio to Sciarrino, from Kurtag to Nono. However, Damerini has always rejected any label and has faced a wide repertoire in his long career, from Mozart and Beethoven to Romanticism and the early twentieth century. A few weeks ago he had released his latest effort, the eighth and last album dedicated to the complete Beethoven Sonatas created with the collaboration of his son Luca as sound engineer.
No cause of death reported.
A journalist and screenwriter “died suddenly”:
Andrea Purgatori, the face of 'Atlantis' journalist who dealt with Emanuela Orlandi, has died
July 19, 2023
The journalist, screenwriter, author and host Andrea Purgatori died this morning in a Roman hospital, after a short illness. He is learned from environments of La7, where he had conducted the popular show 'Atlantis'. Purgatori, who was 70 years old, had made himself known from the pages of Corriere della Sera for his articles on terrorism and in particular for his investigation into the Ustica massacre, to which he devoted himself for many years. On Ustica he also wrote the screenplay for 'The rubber wall', directed by Marco Risi. He had also been an actor in the film 'Fascisti su Marte' directed by Corrado Guzzanti and Igor Skofic. From 12 May 2014 to 15 June 2020 he was president of Greenpeace Italy. From the 2017-2018 television season he hosted the new edition of Atlantis on LA7, for which he had received the 2019 Flaiano Award as best cultural program. In the autumn of 2022 he was the protagonist of the Netflix docu-series 'Vatican Girl: the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi'.
No cause of death reported.
A poet and professor “died suddenly”:
Sudden illness, well-known professor Stefano Colletti dead: autopsy ordered
July 24, 2023
An autopsy was ordered on the body of Stefano Colletti, who died in hospital at the age of 62, about ten days after being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Esteemed poet, musician and professor, Colletti taught History and Philosophy at the "Virgilio" Classical and Linguistic High School in Mantua; he had graduated in Philosophy in Bologna in 1984. With the collection of poems "The marble herb", in 2008 he had won the "L'Autore" editorial prize organized by the Maremmi editore-Firenzelibri publishing house.
Two infants “died suddenly”:
Cagliari - baby of months dies in mother's arms
July 20, 2023
A two-month-old baby died last night in Quartucciu, in the metropolitan city of Cagliari, while his mother was breastfeeding him in the square. The cause of death has not yet been ascertained; the prosecutor of Cagliari, Andrea Vacca, will entrust the task to the coroner Roberto Demontis for the autopsy. The hypothesis is that the little one died from a congenital malformation, or from an illness also linked to the scorching heat. The tragedy took place in Piazza Raffaele Piras, around 10.30 pm. The father, 35, and the mother, 33, with the grandparents of the little one, according to what was reconstructed by the Carabinieri of the Company
Sudden illness at the nursery: a child of only eleven months from Lissone dies
July 17, 2023
Diego, the 11-month-old child caught by a sudden illness, which was followed by cardiac arrest, while he was at the Piri Piri nursery school in via De Gasperi, in Casatenovo (lc), did not make it. The tragic episode took place shortly after 4 pm yesterday afternoon.
No cause of death reported.
A doctor “died suddenly”:
He dies while on vacation in Greece with his family: goodbye to the well-known gynecologist of Frosinone
July 24, 2023
He dies while on vacation. Mourning in the Ciociara healthcare world for the disappearance of the well-known gynecologist Enrico Bracaglia. The 77-year-old from Frosinone was on holiday in Greece with his wife and daughters when he suddenly suffered an illness, probably a heart attack, and collapsed lifeless to the ground. For the rescuers, unfortunately, there was nothing they could do. Pain and discouragement in Frosinone where the man was highly esteemed and known. Bracaglia, in fact, in the past had directed the obstetrics and gynecology department of the Spaziani hospital in Frosinone.
A nurse “died suddenly”:
Naples, sudden illness while in the car: Roberto dies after 2 weeks in the hospital
July 24, 2023
Naples - Mourning in Neapolitan healthcare. The nurse Roberto Davino died at the age of 63. He had been hospitalized for ten days in the Maddaloni hospital after being struck by an illness while he was driving his car. An esteemed person at work and loved in life by many people, Roberto leaves a huge void among those who were lucky enough to know him. A moving memory was published on the page 'Hands Off Hippocrates' where he is described as "... a point of reference in the Vecchio Pellegrini of Naples where, in addition to his work, he dispensed advice and directed patients towards the right path: in short, an "all-round" nurse.” It was last July 10, he was traveling alone by car in the province of Caserta and he fell ill: "Before the emergency services were activated,” they write on the NTI pages, “he was in the car for a long time under the sun ..... he was hospitalized from 118 at the Maddaloni intensive care unit for respiratory/renal/hepatic failure. At first the renal and cardiac parameters had given good hopes, but his lungs could not withstand even veterans of previous pleurisy…Roberto never came out of resuscitation”.
A health administrator “died suddenly”:
Eboli, Rolando Scotillo has died struck down by a sudden illness
July 23, 2023
Mourning at Eboli for the premature death of Rolando Scotillo, director of Fisi-Sanità and operator at the local hospital. The well-known trade unionist died last night due to sudden illness. The news of his passing is making the rounds of the city and the province, where he was very active especially for his battles to protect public health. Numerous messages of condolence have been published on social media in these hours.
No age or cause of death reported.
Until August 2, 2022, when the mandate was lifted, “vaccination” was mandatory for health workers in Italy:
Update 17/03/22: The government road map for easing anti-covid measures establishes that the vaccination obligation for health workers will remain active until December 31, 2022, with suspension from work for those who do not respect it.
A water polo player “died suddenly”:
Albissola Marina, former Rari Nantes player dies at the age of 31 struck down by an illness
July 19, 2023
A serious mourning has overwhelmed the Rari Nantes and the town of Albissola. This morning a sudden illness, perhaps a heart attack or an aneurysm, struck Andrea Beri, 31, a former player of Rari Nantes and Waterpolo Savona. The young man lived in an apartment via Cilea, in the center of Albissola Marina, the last contact was with her mother, when he phoned her saying he had severe stomach pain. When she tried to contact him again she never got a reply. At that point the alarm went off: the firefighters and the crews of Croce Oro and the 118 medical car found Beri in cardiac arrest. They tried resuscitation, but to no avail.
Drama in Bacoli, 29-year-old struck down by a sudden illness
July 19, 2023
The community of Bacoli is incredulous at the sudden death of Salvatore Longobardi, who died suddenly of an illness. The 29-year-old was struck down suddenly. It was 13:40 when the call to the self-medication of Pozzuoli for cardiac arrest in a 29-year-old man arrived. Unfortunately for the young man there was nothing that could be done. Many comments on social media for the 29-year-old who leaves his partner and a child. He was a fruit merchant.
A bus driver “died suddenly”:
Malaise while driving the bus, pulls over and then dies: Michele (the hero driver) was 50 years old
July 21, 2023
He was driving his bus like every day and never would have imagined becoming a hero by dying. The story comes from Calabria and concerns a bus driver who for years drove his vehicle from Triolo, the country of which he was originally from, to Catanzaro and vice versa. The man died of a heart attack, but first he had the coolness to pull over and save the passengers on board.
Two chefs “died suddenly” at work:
Vittorio Veneto - Sudden illness in the bar, customers try to save 50-year-old cook
July 24, 2023
Tragedy this morning, 24 July, inside the Eden bar in Vittorio Veneto, in via Matteotti, not far from the Emisfero shopping centre. A 50-year-old cook, Antonietta Caponetto, originally from Casoria but residing in Cappella Maggiore, suddenly collapsed to the ground, seized by a sudden illness. Those who were in the room, some customers and passersby, immediately raised the alarm on 118 and in the meantime the operators tried to guide the woman's resuscitation procedures via telephone. Unfortunately, when the Suem doctor and nurses arrived at the scene, they could do nothing to save her life. It was probably a heart attack that killed her. At the Eden bar, now closed for mourning, the carabinieri of the Vittorio Veneto Company also intervened and identified the 50-year-old. The body was transported to the mortuary of the Vittoria hospital.
No cause of death reported.
Lerici – 33-year-old chef dies of heart attack while cooking
July 23, 2023
Lerici (La Spezia) – Illness suddenly seized him while he was fumbling at the stove to prepare the dishes ordered by the restaurant's customers. It was 9 pm on Saturday when Inghemar Torriti – chef and partner of the restaurant "La luna nel pozzo" in Lerici – had a pale face and sat down on a chair. At his side was his partner Davide Pascalizi. "Please give me a glass of water with some sugar" were his last words. There was thoughtful assistance, together with the request for an ambulance to intervene and the efforts of soldiers and the 118 doctor in carrying out the resuscitation maneuvers; all in vain. The young chef died in front of his colleague's eyes, dismayed. "During the day he hadn't shown any illnesses. Never, in the past, had he reported any health problems. He was a rock." Davide says reconstructing the tragedy and questioning the reasons for his death. The heat, presumably, played its part, despite the air conditioning. But Jnghemar, a resident of Ruffino, was only 33 years old, at the height of life and strength. The one that, despite the high temperatures of the last few days, had led him to train to participate in a 'skating' tournament on the beach in San Terenzo in September. The tragedy happened on Saturday evening, in the middle of an evening of intense work and satisfactions, those given by customers, including some friends of Jnghemar. A shock for them too to witness a crescendo of moments that are difficult to forget: the agitation in the kitchen, the 118 alarm, the rocket arrival of the soldiers of the Public Assistance of Lerici and then of the 118 self-medication, the efforts of the doctors in cardiac massage and in other resuscitation maneuvers. All in vain, unfortunately.
Six “died suddenly” at work:
Ancona - skilled worker collapses and dies while operating a crane
July 19, 2023
Tragedy this morning, Wednesday 19 July, in Jesi, in the province of Ancona: a worker died at the Amazon construction site in via Coppetella, probably due to too much heat. The victim was a 75-year-old skilled worker from Campania who was operating a crane. The Amazon logistics center in Vallesina is being built on the site. Suddenly the man collapsed on the wheel of the mechanical vehicle and despite the timely intervention of colleagues and 118 health workers there was nothing they could do for him: his heart had already stopped beating. The paramedics attended the scene but could only ascertain the death. The carabinieri also arrived later to investigate the case. According to reports from the agencies, the man would have suffered from a heart condition. Among the hypotheses also that the illness is linked to the heat of these days. It seems that the worker was equipped with medical certifications to operate as a crane operator, despite his advanced age.
Several workers die in the Napoli area, 59, 20 and 21 years old
July 19, 2023
Second death at work in the province of Naples. Tonight Raffale Foresta, 59 years old from Roccarainola, passed away. The man, a construction worker, would have died as a result of the injuries sustained after a fall that took place yesterday afternoon on a construction site in San Giuseppe Vesuviano in via Martinelli for reasons yet to be clarified. The body, at the disposal of the judicial authority, was seized for the subsequent autopsy examination. This is the second death at work in a few hours in the province of Naples. In fact, 20-year-old Raffaele Vergara also died this morning. Raffaele was a boy full of life, he loved football and was a great Napoli fan. He was part of the Virtus Afragola Soccer team. A few days ago he had seen his contract renewed despite the various offers that had arrived.
Lonato del Garda - Sudden illness while he works: colleagues find him dead
July 19, 2023
He died at the age of 65 after a day's work at the TAV construction site in Campagna di Lonato, struck down by a heart attack probably caused by the intense heat - peaks of over 35 degrees on Tuesday: they found him now lifeless in his lodgings - at the Campagna construction site there are dozens of prefabricated houses for the workers on the move - and, unfortunately, timely help was unsuccessful. The victim is Gabriele Lucido, a 65-year-old originally from Campania and traveling to Lake Garda for work. To give the alarm to 112, shortly before 21, colleagues who would have found him unconscious. The rescue machine moved quickly - on the spot in a few minutes the self-medicine, the nurse and an ambulance from the White Cross - but there was nothing more they could do. The findings were entrusted to the Desenzano carabinieri.
63-year-old baker, Olindo Zuanon, dies suddenly in his shop
July 18, 2023
A sudden illness, perhaps caused by heatstroke, would have been fatal to a 63-year-old baker, Olindo Zuanon, who lost his life after feeling unwell in the early morning of today, 18 July, shortly after 8.30, inside of the Zuanon bakery and pastry shop. The man passed out under the gaze of his wife Michelle, with whom he has been managing this business since 2010, was rescued by the doctor and nurses of Suem 118 who were unable to do much to save the life of the 63-year-old who suffered from minor natural cardiac problems: after a first attempt at resuscitation and emergency transport to the emergency room of the Castelfranco Veneto hospital, the death of the man, a professional much appreciated and loved by customers, was declared. Certainly the great heat of these hours could have tragically influenced the story. Olindo, his wife and his three children lived in the nearby province of Padua, in Fratte di Santa Giustina in Colle, where the family runs another business, the one that had been founded by Olindo's father. It is here that his funeral will probably be celebrated in the next few days.
Eight “died suddenly” at home:
Torrebruna - elderly woman collapses and dies at home
July 24, 2023
According to initial information, Maria Di Conca was about to leave the house, accompanied by her husband, to go to the village doctor because she was not feeling well. It was about 8.30. Shortly before leaving, the pensioner suffered an illness and she collapsed to the ground in her home, which is located in the center of the Upper Vastese town. The husband called 118. An air ambulance arrived in the village, but the doctors were unable to save the patient's life: they had to ascertain the death of the elderly woman. The news of the sudden disappearance of the woman is causing deep sympathy in the village.
No age or cause of death reported.
A photographer “died suddenly”:
Mareno Di Piave - Illness in sleep, the photographer Francesco Zaccaria dies at the age of 40
July 22, 2023
The funeral of Francesco Zaccaria was celebrated on Thursday afternoon, 20 July, lost to the affection of his loved ones due to a sudden illness in his sleep. Zaccaria, 40 years old, lived for some years in Francavilla al Mare, in Abruzzo. The photographer's body was found in the bed of his home. Help was useless, Zacharias had died in his sleep without being able to ask for help. The news of his disappearance also reached the province of Treviso where the 40-year-old photographer had lived for a long time in Mareno di Piave.
No cause of death reported.
Davide Apollonio died in his home in Prevalle due to a sudden illness
July 22, 2023
A bolt from the blue, in the sunny afternoon lull of a long day of thunderstorms throughout the province. At 16:00 yesterday, Friday 21 July, Davide Apollonio died in his home in Prevalle due to a sudden illness. 45 years old, owner of the Ferraboli company, famous for its spit-making machines, present in many Brescian homes, Davide Apollonio was married to Laura, a former dancer and now a dance teacher, and was the father of Chiara and Marco. He also leaves his father Gigi and his mother, Mimma Ferraboli. In addition to being an entrepreneur, Davide was well known, even outside the provincial borders, for his other great passion, that of basketball. He began his managerial career at Gavardo. Then he moved to Salò, from where he moved again - to be able to play Serie C - to Molinetto di Mazzano. More years of successes, then Apollonio returns to Prevalle, where he too becomes a coach, always with a burning passion for everything concerning the ball.
No cause of death reported.
Two “died suddenly” in Monteroni:
Illness at home, young mother dies at 33
July 22, 2023
Seized by a sudden illness at home, a young mother dies in Monteroni. The woman, apparently died of a heart attack, was 33 years old. A few hours after the tragic road accident in which a 36-year-old local centaur lost his life, the community of Monteroni is experiencing a second mourning for the sudden death of LC, her initials, mother of a little girl of just 3 years. The woman was in her home on via Gramsci when she accused the illness. The 118 doctors who arrived on the spot following the request for intervention launched by the young woman's husband, despite repeated attempts to revive the 33-year-old, unfortunately soon had to confirm her death. “Two young lives cut short in a few hours and in such a tragic way,” declared the mayor Mariolina Pizzuto. “Due to the serious mourning that has affected our community, we have decided to cancel the show scheduled for tonight. We gather around the family members, expressing all our closeness for the great pain they are experiencing".
No cause of death reported.
Alessandra, 34, dies suddenly: she was six months pregnant, her partner was with her
July 21, 2023
A tragedy has shaken everyone in recent days. Alessandra Martinelli, a young 34-year-old woman six months pregnant, suddenly collapsed to the ground and died. A double drama: two broken lives, that of Alessandra and that of her daughter, who would be born in a few months. Alessandra Martinelli died of abdominal aneurysm. The girl, a resident of Avigliano, in the province of Potenza, a student at the Oriental University of Naples, was at home with her partner on July 17 when she fell ill, she collapsed to the ground and passed out. The 118 health workers arrived at the house immediately, arriving by helicopter to hurry, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do. When the doctors arrived at the house it was too late for Alessandra: the young woman, according to reports from the Republic, died of an abdominal aneurysm. The autopsy examination revealed the causes of her death.
Man dies of a heart attack at home in Naples, the 87-year-old mother is left alone: saved by the carabinieri
July 21, 2023
Around midday the porter of a building in via Argine 809 contacts the carabinieri. A 52-year-old resident of that building hasn't answered the phone for a couple of days. It is a man who lives with his elderly, sick and bedridden mother. The military intervene with 118 personnel and firefighters.
Sudden illness, Emilio Zanoli dies at the age of 77. Cgil Modena in mourning
July 19, 2023
Mourning in the world of the Modena trade union, Emilio Zanoli died at the age of 77, struck down yesterday by an illness in his home. A metalworker at Corni Fonderie, he was a Fiom CGIL member of the Internal Commission and a Fiom CGIL official within the Unitary Metalworkers Federation (FLM). Subsequently he was a Fiom official in the Modena Est area. In the 1990s he resumed trade union activity, first in Sassuolo as an official of the Filtea CGIL textile union, then as an official of the Fillea construction union in Modena and Castelfranco Emilia. Since the beginning of the 2000s he has carried out activities in the Spi Cgil pensioners union also as coordinator of the Spi district of Castelfranco and as a secretarial member until 2009.
No cause of death reported.
Drama in Giugliano, the butcher Camillo suddenly died
July 19, 2023
A mourning struck the community of Giugliano, Camillo Petito died suddenly today, 19 July. The Facebook group "Giuglianesi Progogliosi" announced the young man's untimely death. From what we learn, Camillo Petito, a well-known butcher from Giugliano, would have returned home after the morning's work because he was not feeling very well. After a few hours, the boy's heart stopped beating. A sudden death that left relatives, friends and the whole community of Giugliano speechless where he was well known. The dramatic news quickly made the rounds of the city and social networks. Numerous messages for the young man who leaves behind his wife and a 4-year-old son.
No age reported.
Two “died suddenly” looking for mushrooms:
Community of Sondriese in mourning for the death of Erminio Tognini, who died suddenly, on the afternoon of Saturday 22 July
July 24, 2023
Erminio Tognini, 70 years old from Albosaggia, lost his life yesterday afternoon, in the woods above Caiolo. He was looking for the prized porcini mushrooms when he crashed in a very impervious area, in the locality of La Costa, at about 1500 meters above sea level. A person passing by happened to notice him and immediately called for help. He leaves behind his wife Nicoletta, his son Alessandro with Elena and his adored niece Giulia. He was well known for his professional, political and social commitment. For 41 years he had worked as an official in what is now called the Provincial Education Office.
No cause of death reported.
67-year-old dies searching for mushrooms
July 21, 2023
Canale D'Agordo (Belluno) - He had gone out looking for mushrooms and hadn't returned for lunch. Called on his cell phone by his wife, he told her he felt unwell and she triggered the alarm. The man, Claudio Rampazzo, 67, from Mestre (Carpenedo), was thus rescued around 2 pm by the Val Biois mountain rescue, above the village of Colmean, after getting in touch with the rescuers, describing the road he had reached.
Rescuers began to give him first aid, but as the medical team arrived, the 67-year-old's condition suddenly worsened. Immediate intervention to try to revive him. Unfortunately the manoeuvres, carried out for a long time, did not have the desired result.
No cause of death reported.
5 “died suddenly” in a river, in the sea:
Orzinuovi – 52-year-old Argon Giyla dies after illness while swimming
July 24, 2023
The victim is Argon Gjyla, a 52-year-old worker of Albanian origin, who on Sunday afternoon, in the company of his family, including his wife and son, decided to spend the day off by the river, having a picnic in the Orzinuovi area, in the province of Brescia, write the local newspapers. After lunch, the 52-year-old decided to dive into the river, but once in the water, those who were with him saw from the shore that something was wrong, and the man struggled to reach the shore, perhaps due to the currents of the river or perhaps because the food had weighed him down and the fatigue caused a sudden illness.
No cause of death reported.
Alba Adriatica - Illness in the water, a 67-year-old tourist dies in Alba
July 22, 2023
Alba Adriatica – An illness may have caused the death of a 67-year-old tourist who this morning suddenly collapsed in the water in front of numerous bathers. The tragedy occurred on the stretch of beach in front of the La Primula chalet. Relief was immediate, brought by lifeguards in the area, by 118 health workers and by coast guard personnel. Unfortunately there was nothing that could be done. This is the third victim on the beach of this first part of the summer. It had already happened in Roseto on the north beach, last July 2: in that case the victim was a tourist from Modena. Another death from an illness in the water, most likely from congestion, was recorded in Scerne di Pineto two days ago: a 48-year-old Belgian tourist lost his life.
No cause of death reported.
Black afternoon on the coast of Punta Secca in Santa Croce Camerina, in the province of Ragusa. A man died while swimming
July 21, 2023
Black afternoon on the coast of Punta Secca in Santa Croce Camerina, in the province of Ragusa. The victim would be a man of about fifty, who, after having dived from a boat offshore, would have been taken by a sudden illness. From what emerges, it seems that it was the others who were together with the victim in the boat who immediately took the man to the beach and at the same time gave the alarm to the rescuers.
Once on site, the 118 doctors would only have ascertained the death.
No cause of death reported.
Ancona - update on man who died of an illness in Numana, he was an engineer and a father
July 20, 2023
His name was Lorenzo Ferri, engineer and father of a small child, the 32-year-old young man (and not 35 as it had been learned) who died yesterday in Numana (Ancona) due to a sudden illness. The 32-year-old from Osimo, water sports, local media reported today, felt ill after a ride with the SUP [standup paddleboard]. In front of the eyes of many bathers, he was rescued by lifeguards in front of the "Eugenio" establishment, then the air ambulance intervened and hoisted a medical team directly onto the beach. Attempts to revive Ferri, however, were useless. The 32-year-old was the son of Franco Ferri, general secretary of Erap Marche.
No cause of death reported.
Marotta, illness on the beach: tourist dies before the eyes of those present
July 18, 2023
Tragedy in the late morning of July 18 on the beach of Marotta. It was around 10.30 when an 80-year-old resident in the Pesaro area would have accused a serious illness that would have left him no way out. At the time of the illness, the man was on the shoreline, at the height of the 'Solindo' bathing establishment: the pensioner would have suddenly collapsed to the ground, attracting the attention of those present who promptly alerted the rescue services. The 118 men arrived on the spot and, realizing the seriousness of the situation, asked for the immediate transfer in red code by air ambulance to the regional hospital. Unfortunately all efforts proved to be in vain: the air ambulance took off in an empty flight. The carabinieri, the harbor master's office and the local police were also on site.
Three “died suddenly” while out and about:
Livorno - woman died after an illness in the street at the age of 68
July 24, 2023
In the late afternoon of Saturday 22 July, 68-year-old Antonella Campana died after suddenly feeling ill while she was in via Adriana. Her conditions immediately appeared extremely serious and despite the resuscitation efforts undertaken by the Livorno Mercy volunteers, followed by the 118 doctor with an SVS ambulance, unfortunately there was nothing they could do.
No cause of death reported.
He collapses and dies while attending a show in the square in Sora: a 62-year-old from Abruzzo loses his life
July 24, 2023
The man residing in Balsorano was in the city of Ciociaria when he suddenly fell ill, perhaps caused by too much heat. The attempts to revive him made by the 118 personnel present on the spot were useless. Fatal illness for a 62-year-old from Balsorano (L'Aquila) who died in the Santissima Trinità hospital in Sora, a city in Lazio in the province of Frosinone. According to what was reported by the LaPresse news agency, he felt ill on the afternoon of Monday 24 July while following a show in Piazza Indipendenza in the city of Ciociaria not very far from the Abruzzo municipality. The attempts to revive him by the 118 present on the spot were useless. The death was taken to hospital. Among the causes of death, a heart attack is hypothesized to which was added the scorching heat of these hours.
Osimo - Sudden illness, a 43-year-old father dies
July 22, 2023
Sudden illness, a 43-year-old father dies. There was nothing to do this morning in Osimo for David Morresi, originally from Recanati. The man, father of a three-year-old boy, died in the Pavilion. Rescue attempts were useless. The funeral has already been fixed, which will be celebrated on Monday at 5 pm in the Recanati hamlet of Bagnolo.
No cause of death reported.
Three killed in “vaxxidents”:
Tragedy in Quartucciu: 70-year-old dies struck down by an illness. Fatal the heat
July 24, 2023
Tragedy in the afternoon in Quartucciu. A 70-year-old man died probably due to the heat. The elderly man was maneuvering his car in the Carrefour car parks when he suddenly fell ill. The car collided with other parked vehicles. For the victim, a man from Teulada, unfortunately there was nothing they could do.
A firefighter was killed in a “vaxxident”:
Terrible accident for a fire engine of the Ivrea detachment: a fireman dies
July 20, 2023
Unfortunately, the coordinating firefighter Massimo Viglierco, 55 years old, in service at the Ivrea detachment, died in the San Giovanni Bosco hospital in Turin. He lost his life following the terrible road accident that took place just before 7 pm yesterday in Castellamonte while he was driving the fire engine to reach the place where a fire had been reported. The other two colleagues traveling on board were injured. The Ivrea detachment team was traveling on provincial road 222 when the vehicle suddenly went off the road, invading the opposite course and crashing into the fence of a house. The conditions of Massimo Viglierco, the firefighter driving the fire engine, immediately appeared desperate. He was revived on the spot and immediately transported by ambulance to the San Giovanni Bosco hospital in Turin but unfortunately he didn't make it. The other two colleagues who were on the vehicle were injured, treated on the spot and then transferred to the Ivrea hospital for checks.
Boltiere – 63-year-old suffers heart attack while driving
July 18, 2023
The victim is Gianmario Alborghetti, a 63-year-old worker from Filago. His Punto skidded along the sp 184 stopping its run against two vehicles, without causing injuries. He was driving to work when he suddenly suffered a heart attack which caused him to lose control of his vehicle and cause an accident. The man was immediately rescued, but the illness that struck him left him no way out: he was declared dead shortly after being extracted from the passenger compartment of his car. It all happened around 12.30. Alborghetti, driving a Fiat Punto, was proceeding on Provincial Road 184 (via Dante Alighieri) towards Zingonia. Got about the height of the car wash and he started to feel sick. The man was therefore no longer able to control the vehicle which ended up on a traffic island and then invaded the opposite lane.
Two “died suddenly” while running:
Lodi - Farewell to the 49-year-old "Boio" who died while running
July 23, 2023
An entire province mourns Alessandro "Boio" Boiocchi, 50 years old in August, found deceased yesterday on the via Vecchia Cremonese overpass. The man, a resident of Corso Mazzini and father of an 11-year-old girl, had left the house for the classic race through the city streets to then continue in the border countryside between Lodi and San Martino when he fell to the ground. When he was found around 18.45, now lifeless, it was thought of an accident, also following a reported graze on the head, but the absence of signs of braking or car parts on the asphalt then led to the discovery also certified by the doctor who arrived on the spot together with the carabinieri: Boiocchi died following an illness he accused during sporting activity. Sport that was one of his great passions, having played football, to which is also added the activity of coach and collaborator, up to the age of 45: among the last stops EsorSamma and Graffignana who this morning wanted to pay him a greeting message on their respective Facebook channels, as was also done by Cocktails & Dreams, a reality in via Cavallotti in Lodi. Only a month ago, the father of the 50-year-old, Emiliano, a volunteer in Borghetto, had disappeared.
No cause of death reported.
Seclì, participant in a foot race: 55-year-old from Aradeo died while running
July 20, 2023
He collapses during the foot race and dies. A sudden illness, perhaps due to the heat, was fatal to Pietro Pantaleo Marzano, 55, from Aradeo, a merchant and owner of a plant and fertilizer store. The man, together with 82 other members, was participating in the "Let's run together in Seclì" foot race, an event included in the CSI Terra d'Otranto calendar, valid as the second round of the 2023 Gran Prix circuit "Le Strade Del Salento". The start was scheduled for 18, but due to the high temperatures, the organizers (Lecce Club Salento Giallorosso in collaboration with the CSI Territorial Committee of Terra d'Otranto - APS) decided to postpone the departure to 19. At the third kilometre, Marzano collapsed. Help was immediate but there was nothing they could do. The carabinieri of the Aradeo station intervened on the spot and are reconstructing what happened.
Monica Guidetti dies at the age of 57 in Correggio
July 22, 2023
Correggio – Vast condolences to Correggio for the disappearance of Monica Guidetti, 57, a well-known person. It was a sudden illness that struck her the other evening around 8 pm in her house in via Barozzi. The family members immediately gave the alarm, with the intervention of the ambulance of the local Red Cross and the self-nurses, which arrived in a few minutes. But the woman's conditions deteriorated rapidly and any assistance - even with the arrival of the medical staff - was useless.
No cause of death reported.
He died at the age of 49 a few hours after being discharged from the hospital in Popoli, the family members want to see clearly
July 20, 2023
A 49-year-old man, Roberto Tulliani from Prezza in the province of L'Aquila, would have died a few hours after his resignation from the Popoli hospital, as reported by the LaPresse agency. A sudden heart attack would have caused the man's death, but the family members want to see clearly and understand if the death, which occurred on Tuesday 18 July, is linked to a possible inexperience of the medical staff of the Val Pescara hospital and if, keeping him in the garrison, he could have been saved. The man was hospitalized for an inguinal hernia, but after tests he was discharged.
Malaise while on vacation in Sicily, Antonio Pezuol dies at the age of only 54
July 19, 2023
A 54-year-old man, Antonio Pezuol, died while spending a few days on vacation in Sicily with his family. The victim, originally from Venice, worked for Venis, an ICT services company and the local electronic communications operator of the Municipality of Venice. Based on the reconstruction of the facts, Pezuol allegedly fell ill which later proved fatal.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness, the former president of Confagricoltura dies
July 19, 2023
The community of Castelpagano and Alto Tammaro is in shock. The sudden death, most likely due to a heart attack in the early afternoon of yesterday, of the 56-year-old entrepreneur Andrea Postiglione Coppola, aroused deep emotion among the citizens of Castelpagano. The Mayor Giuseppe Bozzuto expressed this sentiment who, reached at '' declared: "I am in shock. It is news that comes completely unexpected also given his age and his activism". Bozzuto, who is a doctor in private life, then added: "Andrea Postiglione Coppola was well liked by everyone and, moreover, it is well known how much his work and his commitment to the enhancement and development of his estate have contributed to the rebirth of our village". Postiglione Coppola, for a long time provincial manager of one of the agricultural producers' organizations, Confagricoltura, had been the architect of one of the most important realities in the field of agritourism and accommodation in one of the most suggestive corners of the Samnite territory on the border with Molise. Right in front of his estate, the entrepreneur, returning by car from the Samnite capital, was perhaps also a victim of the excessive heat of these days. Found at around 2 pm by his son on the ground, the resuscitation attempts carried out by the 118 personnel who immediately rushed to the scene were useless for him. The Carabinieri of the San Bartolomeo in Galdo Company also intervened on the spot. According to doctors, the death was due to natural causes.
“Died suddenly” riding a bike:
Illness after the bike ride: 48-year-old dad dies in front of his friend
July 18, 2023
A vacation that ended in tragedy. 48-year-old father dies on a bicycle near Bologna while pedaling with a friend. Sylvain Palazzi, test technician from Pesaro, was struck down by an illness: he leaves behind his wife Manuela and two small children aged 9 and 5. Sylvain was returning to the Health Village, a spa center on the outskirts of the Emilian capital, after taking a bike ride with a friend when he collapsed to the ground. A sudden illness. The friend with whom he was riding his bike, a nurse, tried everything to revive him, an air ambulance also arrived on the spot, but there was nothing they could do.
No cause of death reported.
Genoa, Riccardo Pedemonte died of sudden illness, the web: “In 2021 he wrote, 'protected by our vaccination'”
July 18, 2023
He died at the age of 54 due to a sudden illness, Riccardo Pedemonte, collaborator of the technical office of the municipality of Genoa. The man was also a volleyball referee. It is not clear how the death occurred, but the most likely cause is a fulminant heart attack. When the news of his death due to a sudden illness spread, several users began searching the web to understand if the death was somehow related to the anti-Covid vaccines. At the moment however, there is no news on the Covid vaccine and any adverse effects.
Toni D'Angelo, 42
July 20, 2023
Termoni mourns Toni D'Angelo, who died suddenly at the age of 42. An inevitable presence there in the center of Termoli in its "Piccolo Bar", a meeting place for children, young people and adults. Affectionate and affable person. The news of his death caused great confusion.
No cause of death reported.
This is all pretty headspinning. Many thanks to Professor Miller for all the hard work he does.