In memory of those who 'died suddenly,' in Italy, October 3-October 10
Economics professor Valter Cantino; schoolteacher Giovanna Fabrica dropped dead in class; a 32-year-old man died on a videoconference; 11 died at home, 4 in the street, 15 (!) in "vaxxidents"; & more
Valter Cantino dies, mourning in the Turin academic world
October 7, 2022
Mourning in the Turin academic world. Valter Cantino, full professor of Business Economics at the University of Turin, died. The teacher, 61, from Turin, allegedly suffered a sudden death. The news spread in a short time: a severe blow to the academic world for which Cantino was a reference, a well-known and respected personality in the university. Alongside his academic activity, to which he has dedicated most of his life, he has joined his professional and consultant activity, as well as being the author of numerous publications and articles. He was a founding partner and head of the Kingdom Smart Advisory App spin-off, as well as the promoter and creator of Scopritalento, aimed at high school students.
No cause of death reported.
Three teachers “died suddenly”:
Teacher dies in school in front of her pupils. Her colleague: "I tried to revive her, I hoped she would make it"
October 11, 2022
She died under the terrified eyes of her students, struck down by a sudden illness against which unfortunately, despite the timely help, there was nothing to be done. That's how she left, in that school that she loved so much and where everyone appreciated her for her always calm and kind way, Giovanna Fabrica, 44, teacher at the primary "Carlo Ederle" of Villa Bartolomea. Illness Yesterday afternoon, shortly after 2 pm, she was in the classroom of second B, where she had just finished one of the usual afternoon return lessons.
Suddenly, after greeting the Italian teacher Tommaso De Stefani who was supposed to hold the next two hours, the teacher collapsed to the ground, falling on her back, a short distance from the desk and the front row benches. Immediate intervention of the other teacher who, with great courage and cold blood, without panic and strengthened by what he learned in the life-saving course that the IC Ederle had activated last year for all his staff, began to practice heart massage. While De Stefani continued all the maneuvers for over a quarter of an hour in an attempt to snatch her colleague from death, a 118 ambulance arrived at the Ederle first and immediately after the Verona Emergency helicopter rescue, landed in the football field in little distance from the institute. Unfortunately, however, after another half hour of resuscitation maneuvers implemented by the medical and paramedical staff, the young teacher did not make it.
On the spot, informed by the head teacher Cristina Ferrazza, the teacher's husband also arrived. "An admirable person who reacted with great composure to this immense and sudden pain that not even he would have expected to experience", emphasizes the headmaster. “Also because, as she assured us, Giovanna did not suffer from diseases.”
No cause of death reported.
Padua, elementary school teacher Stefano Severino died at home
October 6, 2022
An attentive, competent and very reserved teacher. Colleagues remember Stefano Severino, the forty-four-year-old primary school teacher found lifeless in his home in Vigonovo on the afternoon of Monday 3 October. It was not like him not to show up at school without warning, and it was precisely this oddity that made the tragic discovery happen. Only Stefano died, probably on Saturday 1 October, but no one looked for him over the weekend.
The causes of death are still to be defined, in these days the investigators and medical staff are precisely collaborating to accurately reconstruct the dynamics of the teacher's last hours of life, and at the same time to ascertain what actually caused his death. For the moment, the most probable hypothesis is that according to which Stefano Severino was struck down by a sudden illness, but it is equally possible that he fell violently banging his head against the floor or furniture and losing consciousness.
Mourning in Naples, a young high school teacher dies
October 4, 2022
Naples and Scampia mourn the teacher Tiziana Assante, teacher of the Liceo Elsa Morante in Scampia. The untimely and sudden death of the young mother and teacher shocked friends, colleagues and all who knew her. The tragic news immediately went around the web and the city. There are many who remember the teacher, much loved by students and colleagues. It is always said that those who live in the heart of those who remain never die. It may be true, but today the pain is great.
No age or cause of death reported.
Gian Piero Ventrone, the former Juventus athletic trainer died
October 6, 2022
Gian Piero Ventrone died in Naples. The former Juventus athletic trainer and currently at Tottenham with Conte was 62 years old. According to sources from the Fatebenefratelli hospital, the death occurred this morning at 6.45 am due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Ventrone had arrived at the hospital emergency room on the evening of 4 October and was immediately put on mechanical ventilation because he was in a coma. A few days ago he had discovered that he had acute myeloid leukemia. The tragic news began to circulate this morning, confirmed by sources close to the English club: the "marine", as he was nicknamed for the toughness of his training, continued to work until a few days ago together with his former footballer and now coach, Antonio Conte, who did not feel like facing the journalists in the press conference scheduled two days before the championship match against Brighton.
Railways, power line failure, maintenance worker dies of heart attack. Traffic suspended
October 12, 2022
A breakdown in the power line between Ginosa and Castellaneta, which occurred in the past few hours, has suspended railway traffic in the province of Taranto. And a maintenance worker, who intervened on site with his colleagues, suffered a heart attack while he was at work and died. According to union sources, he was a former CISL representative of railway workers. Following the breakdown, some trains were canceled.
No age reported.
Jesolo, a strong stomach ache then the rush to the hospital: Giampaolo dies at 41 of fulminant peritonitis
October 5, 2022
Jesolo - Electrocuted by acute peritonitis at the age of 41. The tragedy took place yesterday afternoon at the San Donà hospital, where Giampaolo Vianello , a hauler, was hospitalized. The man was hospitalized on Saturday after suffering acute pain in his stomach. After the diagnostic visits, the 41-year-old underwent surgery. The conditions immediately appeared serious due to an extensive infection, which affected vital organs. Yesterday, Tuesday 4 October, he died in hospital in San Donà.
For all customers it was 'Lino della police headquarters': "His pizza was the policemen's favorite"
October 3, 2022
Bari - Work and family above all else, even his health. For Pasquale Vassalli a mantra of life, which accompanied him until the end, when at 64 he died of a fulminating tumor. Bari thus loses a column of catering, known by all as 'Lino della Questura', from the name of the pizzeria also frequented by policemen, who at the end of the shift spent a few moments of lightheartedness in the company of Lino and his overwhelming joy. [paywall]
The Magdalene weeps Matteo Canu, a young man struck down by a sudden illness
October 7, 2022
The community of La Maddalena is shaken by the sudden death of Matteo Canu. He had not yet turned thirty, but a sudden illness took him away. His main activity was to accompany tourists among the wonders of the archipelago with the excursions of the Elena tour navigazioni. But the sea wasn't just his workplace, it was his passion. Together with his partner Sara he was very active in the campaigns for cleaning the seabed and cliffs organized by the association "An archipelago without plastic". A great mobilization of volunteers who move en masse to clean up the Maddalena sea from the plastics abandoned by the uncivilized and dragged by the waves. Matteo had been working on this front for years.
No cause of death reported.
Heart attack on Aurelia, former restaurateur dies
October 6, 2022
Braccagni - She didn't make it. Anna's heart stopped once she got on Pegasus, who flew to the Scotte di Siena, where the woman arrived already dead. Her heart stopped while she was on vacation with her husband Gino and a couple of friends. Anna Arcaro had begun to feel ill on Thursday morning, while she was in Saturnia. Arriving in Braccagni, however, the situation precipitated: the woman felt ill, the alarm was given to 118 and the health workers, who arrived by ambulance on the Aurelia state road, immediately asked for Pegaso's interventon. Hope was extinguished when the helicopter rescue landed: Anna died, and as a last gesture of love, consent was given to the removal of tissues.
No age or cause of death reported.
Giampiero Pinna, president of the Santa Barbara Mining Trail Foundation, died
October 11, 2022
Giampiero Pinna, president of the Santa Barbara Mining Trail Foundation, died this morning at the age of 72. He had been hospitalized in a pharmacological coma for a few weeks, after being suddenly struck by severe ischemia, at the end of a videoconference during which he had presented one of the many excursions on the paths of the Mining Route of Santa Barbara, his creature that gave him so much satisfaction. After many professional experiences, he dedicated himself with extraordinary enthusiasm and undoubted competence to the largest project, the creation of the Santa Barbara Mining Trail, arriving at the foundation of the Foundation, on 18 December 2016, in the council chamber of the municipality of Iglesias. Since then he has fought like a lion, together with his collaborators, without stopping for a single day, for the promotion and growth of the Way, which has achieved extraordinary results in a few years, thanks also to the support of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia which, after some initial uncertainty, he argued. The death of Giampiero Pinna leaves a great void in Sulcis Iglesiente, in Sardinia and beyond.
Lino Rizzi leaves us
October 4, 2022
Lino Rizzi passed away. A sudden illness last night snatched him from the affection of his loved ones, friends and many acquaintances. Lino was also known in the village for his travel agency. The meek and helpful character of him will be missed by all. The Noci Officina Civica association, of which he was a loyal and proactive member, expresses condolences and closeness to the family.
No age or cause of death reported.
Two doctors “died suddenly”:
Massa Carrara - Doctor dies during the night shift due to lightning sickness
October 7, 2022
Very serious mourning in Apuan health care. Doctor Dante Bellé died of a sudden illness. The incident occurred while the doctor was working the night shift as a medical guard. Doctor Monica Guglielmi, on behalf of all her colleagues in the Apuan Area and the entire North West Tuscan Usl Company, expresses her deep condolences: "Dr. Bellé, coordinator of the continuity of care of the Carrara-Fosdinovo area, has left us," highlights the director of the Apuan Zone. "He fell ill during his night watch shift and the treatment and immediate surgery were of no avail. Dante was a pillar of the medical guard: he trained many young doctors who found a professional in him and, as some of them told me, a father".
No age or cause of death reported.
Roccadaspide in mourning: the hospital's medical director dies at 48
October 7, 2022
Roccadaspide in mourning: Doctor Michele Carratù, medical director of the hospital, died at 48. To express his condolences, Mayor Gabriele Iuliano: "I express my personal condolences and that of the entire Municipal Administration of Roccadaspide for the untimely death of dear Dr. Michele Carratù. An attentive, caring and always available medical executive, with a truly rare sense of humanity. A good person who unfortunately leaves us suddenly and who will miss us from all points of view".
No cause of death reported.
Until August 2, when the mandate was lifted, “vaccination” was mandatory for health workers in Italy:
Update 17/03/22: The government road map for easing anti-covid measures establishes that the vaccination obligation for health workers will remain active until December 31, 2022, with suspension from work for those who do not respect it.
A cop “died suddenly”:
Mourning in Marino: Antonio Novelli has died
October 8, 2022
The community of Marino learned with pain of the sudden death, at the age of 61, of Antonio Novelli, who died early this morning at the NOC in Ariccia. Antonio Novelli, recently retired from the Carabinieri and resident in the hamlet of Frattocchie, was born on 13 June 1961 and was married to Loredana Anselmi, who passed away on 18 August. “We cling, once again, to the pain that struck our friend and militant Aaron Novelli, for the disappearance of father Antonio. Unfortunately there are things that we humans cannot explain. All our closeness to Aaron and his loved ones. Rest in peace, dear Antonio”, thus the coordination of the Marine League.
No cause of death reported.
“Died suddenly” at work:
Sudden illness, collapses to the ground in his workshop, dies 2 days later
October 4, 2022
He was working in his workshop and talking to some customers when suddenly he started to feel sick, he collapsed on the ground losing consciousness. The man, 53, was rescued and transported to the hospital. After two days of hospitalization, the doctors could not help but communicate the news of the death to the relatives. As told by the local newspaper Casteddu Online, the man was inside his workshop in Gairo, in the province of Nuoro in Sardinia, when he was struck by the illness. Later the doctors told relatives about a sudden and unexpected cerebral hemorrhage. Mechanic and entrepreneur, he had managed to open the business in 2000 after many sacrifices. He leaves behind his wife and children, one of only 4 years.
11 “died suddenly” at home:
Toddler dies in Napoli area
October 11, 2022
From the first information, last night in San Vitaliano, the carabinieri of the local station - alerted by 112 at the request of the 118 staff already on site - intervened in an apartment in Traversa Cittadella. Aid was requested for the child, who was probably suffering from a respiratory crisis. The newborn was first transported to the hospital in Nola and then to the Santobono in Naples where he died at about 3 o'clock due to causes still under investigation. It was the baby's mother who called for help. The 118 operators, in turn, also alerted the Carabinieri. The death may have been caused by a natural cause - help was called for a probable respiratory crisis - but an autopsy was ordered to rule out any other hypothesis.
San Vito, 24-year-old boy dies in bed: autopsy ordered
October 10, 2022
It will be the autopsy to establish the causes of the death of a 24-year-old boy, Gianluca Cappellaro, found dead in bed on Saturday afternoon in his family's home, in San Vito dei Normanni, in the Santa Rita area. The young man, who worked in Ravenna, had returned to San Vito to participate in his brother's confirmation. The tragedy took place in via Caravaggio. Family members found him in the lifeless bed. The 118 health workers and the carabinieri of the company of San Vito dei Normanni intervened on the spot. The body did not show signs of violence or other elements that could suggest something other than natural death. But given the young age of the victim, who did not suffer from any relevant pathology, the prosecutor Giovanni Marino wanted to see clearly, arranging the autopsy examination on the body that is in the morgue of the San Vito cemetery. Numerous messages of condolence for the family and for the parents Michele Cappellaro and Daniela Castiglione who work in 118. Gianluca was a beloved boy in the village. The funeral will take place immediately after the completion of the autopsy examination.
Tragedy in Favara in the Agrigento area: a 66-year-old man Domenico Marchica died following an illness he contracted immediately after finding thieves in his house
October 9, 2022
In the late morning of Friday, as reconstructed by the Carabinieri, the pensioner found two criminals rummaging through wardrobes and drawers. He then called the military and while he was reconstructing what happened he suddenly felt ill. The 118 health workers intervened on the spot and transported the man to the hospital in yellow code. With the passing of the hours, however, Marchica's conditions worsened, until his death from cardiac arrest. The Carabinieri are investigating to find the two thieves, examining the presence of possible video surveillance images.
No cause of death reported.
He dies a few hours after his wife
October 8, 2022
His heart could not bear the death of his beloved lifelong companion and stopped beating. Yesterday morning Pietro Coccia, 65, they have seen for a handful of hours, just over a day, was found dead in his house, in the hamlet of Morano Osteria. The man was the victim of a sudden illness, almost certainly a heart attack was fatal. He had stayed in the house in the village where he had lived for many years with his wife, Mrs. Rita Frillici, who on 13 September was seriously injured in a road accident that happened to her near the walls of the historic center of Gualdo Tadino.
The woman was then transferred to the Terni hospital, where she unfortunately died after about three weeks of agony. Pietro was very close to his wife, he was deeply saddened and tried for what happened. A great pain. Some of his friends reported that he used to say that he too would die if his beloved wife had gone missing. And so, unfortunately, it happened. Thursday morning, his son Marco, co-owner of a funeral home with him, had gone to Terni to transport his mother's body to Perugia for the autopsy; Pietro, on the other hand, had stayed at home, in Morano, because, as well as very saddened by the serious loss, he also had a little fever.
Mauro Picozzi, coach, trainer, former councilor died: confusion in Limbiate
October 6, 2022
Pain and bewilderment in Limbiate: Mauro Picozzi died suddenly, last night, alone. 53 years old. Mauro Picozzi was a gym teacher, athletic trainer, coach and had also been a city councilor. A well-known and highly esteemed person in the city, who in his appreciated professional career had accompanied children, adults and the elderly in maintaining physical fitness and in sporting activity, even with special projects in various local sports clubs. He leaves behind his wife and two young children. There are many messages of condolence that since this morning, when the tragic news spread, are filling the social pages of Limbiate. Among the first, that of Asd Limbiate, the city's football club. “An appreciated coach, a great man, leaves at the age of 53. A young coach who is in love with his job leaves. Asd Limbiate embraces the family,” writes the president Cosimo Infante.
No cause of death reported.
He cuts off his foot with the chainsaw and bled to death
October 6, 2022
Terrible end for a 68-year-old: perhaps an illness at the origin of the fatal distraction. He was a man who had handled the chainsaw without problems many times. This is why it is thought that it was a sudden faintness that made him lose control of the blade, to the point of cutting off his foot. It happened the other day in a hamlet of Novara, Olengo. Giovanno Cetro, 68, was doing a series of routine work outside his farmhouse. Suddenly a wrong maneuver, and the blade took off his foot. The immediate relatives tried to stop the copious blood gushing from the wound, and in the meantime they called 118. The health workers arrived immediately, and they too did everything possible to contain the bleeding. But unfortunately it was all in vain. The 68-year-old retired bricklayer slowly lost consciousness. And there was no way to get him to resume.
He dies during a videoconference. Fatal illness for a 32-year-old young man
October 6, 2022
Rome - A 32-year-old man died while he was in a videoconference. Under the eyes of the other participants in the online video meeting, the man residing in Udine suddenly fainted and collapsed. The scene was noticed by two people, one from Campania and one from Veneto, who called for help, reporting to the staff of the Sores, the operating structure of the Friuli Region for the health emergency, what had happened. Once the data on the identity of the man who had felt ill were received, the dining room staff at Sores asked for information on the man's residence, but no one was able to provide the address of the house or facility in where the man was.
With a quick search in the registry, the last official residence of the person taken ill was identified, in Cividale del Friuli, where an ambulance was sent in a few minutes. Arriving on the spot, the crew understood that this was the home of the parents and that the victim of the illness resided, however, in another town, just outside Udine. At that point the Sores operators sent another ambulance from Udine, to the address indicated by the parents. Upon arrival, with the support of the firefighters and a relative to open the door, the health workers entered the house, finding the young man unconscious for whom there was nothing to do.
No cause of death reported.
Pierpaolo does not answer the phone, his father finds him dead at home in a pool of blood
October 6, 2022
He is yellow in Teramo for the lifeless discovery of the 46-year-old surveyor, Pierpaolo Di Felice. He died alone in the house, probably due to a sudden illness that left him no way out. The man's father, single and childless, made the tragic discovery after he hadn't answered the phone for hours. His body lay in a pool of blood.
Antonio Tieghi dies in his sleep, the shocked discovery of his wife when he wakes up
October 5, 2022
He died in his sleep: drama in Pordenone. His wife noticed it when she woke up. The arrival of the 118 ambulance with sirens explained early in the morning, then the long attempt to revive him. No effect. Thus died Antonio Tieghi, 69, with a degree in engineering, taken a few years ago as a demonstration of brilliant intelligence and strong determination. Born in Valdobbiadene, he arrived in Pordenone in the early 1980s. He was a surveyor. The rescues arrived on the spot were of no use. For Antonio Tieghi there was nothing to do.
No cause of death reported.
Construction contractor dies at 46
October 4, 2022
Roman Pescia - Suddenly he was snatched from his loved ones. Moreno Rosati,46, was struck down by a heart attack on the night of Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd October. There was nothing for him to do. He leaves behind a wife and son to whom he has always dedicated himself.
Illness in the night, Carlo Baldassa dies at 38
October 4, 2022
The news is one that leaves dismay: on Sunday morning, in fact, a man of only 38 years, Carlo Baldassa, was found lifeless by his mother Graciela in his bed in their home in Cazzago di Pianiga (Venice). The woman, once she became aware of the situation, immediately called for help but the Suem health workers who arrived in the house could do nothing, except to note the death of the 38-year-old. The presence of ambulance and police was noticed in the village by several people who followed the story with apprehension until the news without appeal of the man.
Carlo Baldassa lived with his mother, theirs is a very private family. What happened then hit them like a bolt from the blue. The man, who was probably seized by fatal illness during the night, had long worked in the service of a cooperative in the area and is described by those who knew him as a very calm person. The funeral was immediately arranged for tomorrow, Wednesday 5 October at 15 in the church of San Martino di Cazzago. Carlo Baldassa thus leaves his father Mario, his mother Graciela and his brother Fabio.
No cause of death reported.
Four “died suddenly” on the street:
Vaxxed Daniele Ciolli, 34, RIP
October 6, 2022
Daniele Ciolli, a 34-year-old young man died suddenly on the evening of September 30th. The announcement was made by family members. An illness suddenly caught him on the street, after attending a public assembly. Daniele was an activist for the civil rights of disabled citizens.
Posted by Ciolli on Facebook, December 28, 2021: "Just call me vaccinoman at this point . . .That is 4 vaccinations in 7 months (one flu shot) and 0 side effects, but nothing of anything oh! At this point I'm offering myself to the novax to get vaccinated instead, 100 each and I'll become a millionaire."
No cause of death reported.


Found on the ground on the side of the road, an 80-year-old woman died
October 9, 2022
A woman died in Pontebba. A woman of about 80 years of age was found lifeless this afternoon along the road that leads from Pontebba to the hamlet of Sudena Bassa. After the alarm, which went off in mid-afternoon, the nurses of the Central Sores Regional Health Emergency Operational Structure sent the helicopter crew and the crew of an ambulance from Chiusaforte to the scene. Unfortunately, despite the immediate rescue operations, there was nothing for the woman to do. The carabinieri of the Tarvisio company were also on site.
No cause of death reported.
Trani, 48, dies in front of the church after his silver wedding
October 7, 2022
The party for the 25th anniversary of the marriage of a 48-year-old greengrocer who carried out his business in the city center turned into a tragedy. The man had a heart attack outside the parish church of Madonna delle Grazie, at the end of the religious rite, while he was in the churchyard to receive greetings from guests and those present. The 118 operators intervened on the spot, but unfortunately there was nothing more to do for the man. Later a patrol of the Carabinieri and one of the local police also arrived.
Struck by a sudden illness, he died in the street 61 years old in the district of Santa Maria Goretti
October 5, 2022
A man died this afternoon in via Antonio Amodio, in Latina, a few steps from the Samagor football field. The alarm was raised by a man who asked for help from the emergency number because the friend who was with him had suffered a sudden illness. The staff of the 118 quickly intervened practicing resuscitation maneuvers for over half an hour, but to no avail: the man died probably as a result of a cardiac arrest. It will be the magistrate on duty to decide whether to order an autopsy on the corpse. The victim was 61 years old and lived in Sermoneta Scalo.
15 killed in “vaxxidents”:
The slaughter: Fatal accident on the A4, no signs of braking: hypothesis of an illness for the former mayor at the wheel
October 9, 2022
There would be no traces of braking at the point of the accident on Friday on the A4 motorway, in the San Donà-Portogruaro section, in which six volunteers and members of the Centro 21 cooperative in Riccione lost their lives. The detail that emerged from the findings, reported the local newspapers, suggests that the driver of the van, the former mayor of Riccione Massimo Pironi, is ill. The minibus driven by Pironi crashed into a truck at high speed, which was lined up on the carriageway near the infamous "funnel" for the third lane construction sites due to an accident about 5 kilometers ahead. The clinical conditions of the 36-year-old involved in the accident on the A4, RB, who works as an educator and is always involved in the Centro21 cooperative in Riccione, remain "very serious". The patient remains hospitalized in intensive care, with a reserved prognosis. The Ulss company of the Marca Trevigiana expects an update around during the day.
Car ends up in the canal, two women are killed and a third is serious: they had just left the factory
October 11, 2022
Tragic road accident last night in Serra San Quirico, in the province of Ancona, where a car ended up in a canal and two of the four people on board died. Cinzia Ceccarelli, 58, from Jesi (Ancona), who drove the car, and Sabina Canafoglia, 51, from Monsano (Ancona), who was in the seat next to the driver, lost her life. Wounded a third woman, in shock but unharmed a man who was with them. The four are all workers at the Elica plant in Mergo. The driver of the car, for reasons yet to be clarified, lost control of the vehicle which ended up in the water. It is not excluded that the woman had an illness. The car, a Volkswagen Polo, was dragged for about 60 meters into the canal before coming to a stop, entangled in the vegetation. The driver and the woman sitting next to her died instantly and divers needed to recover the bodies. The two colleagues sitting behind, on the other hand, managed to get to safety by exiting the cockpit.
Ultralight crashes in Salento, a dead man
October 11, 2022
Lecce - An ultralight plane crashed a little while ago in a quarry in Seclì (Lecce). According to what is learned, the pilot died charred by the flames that were released on impact. Carabinieri are on their way to the place. The victim is a retired former German manager who had moved to Salento, in Supersano a few years ago. The ultralight in which he crashed, a Stol plane, was his property. Experienced pilot and with many hours of flight behind him, he had arrived in Salento from Germany piloting it, when he had moved to Puglia. The aircraft took off shortly after 1 pm from the Macrì airfield in Supersano. According to what is learned, some witnesses reported having seen the ultralight slowly lose altitude and then crash into one of the walls of the quarry. This dynamic would support the hypothesis of an illness of the pilot.
No age reported.
Fatal accident in the night: the body found only the next morning
October 8, 2022
On the night between Thursday 6 and Friday 7 October, a dramatic road accident occurred in Ronchi di Cigliano, in the Vercelli area. According to the first reconstructions, the driver would have suddenly lost control of the car, perhaps due to an illness or a fall asleep.
Cagliari, heart attack driving for Sergio Manuella: "I lost a son"
October 7, 2022
"I lost a son": Gianni Onorato, owner of Motomar, cries on the phone. Sergio Manuella, 45, worked for him: he had just gotten off his shift in Marina Piccola when, around 2 pm, he was struck by a fatal illness while he was driving his car in viale Poetto, on his way home, in via Stampa. Manuella had time to pull over and ask for help. A nurse non-commissioned officer and a graduate of the 151st regiment of the "Sassari" Brigade and a carabiniere intervened to help him, free from duty. The Army soldiers immediately noticed the desperate conditions of that dying man and immediately carried out the first aid maneuvers, alternating in practicing an uninterrupted heart massage until the ambulance arrived. All useless, unfortunately. The 118 doctors tried to revive him, but in the end they were forced to spread a white sheet over his lifeless body. Fulminant heart attack is the first diagnosis. A sudden illness that crushed a forty-five year old who had undergone company visits last March: not even a value out of place. "Sergio used to cycle around the port", Onorato says, "he was always on the move. He managed the mooring system and accounting: he was a very precise one. What happened has no explanation".
Albairate. Heart attack while driving. He dies at 42
October 7, 2022
On 6 October, at the petrol station on provincial road 114, in the municipality of Albairate, a 42-year-old man felt ill while he was driving his car. He was struck by a lightning heart attack. Fortunately he did not cause any accidents and was rescued by an ambulance crew from the ATA Rescue Surrigone Zeal Section. The doctors gave him the first treatment and started a quick race, in red code, towards the emergency room of the Pavia polyclinic, in an extreme attempt to save his life. Unfortunately, once they arrived at the hospital, the doctors could not help but ascertain his death.
25-year-old footballer found dead in a car
October 6, 2022
Deep condolences to Settimo Milanese and Pogliano for the sudden death of Marciano Rocha Joao Vitor, only 25 years old. The boy, resident in Pogliano Milanese, was found unconscious in his car in Pogliano, in via Tasso, in the late evening of Thursday 29 September. Transported with the utmost urgency to the hospital in Rho, despite the work of the doctors there was nothing for him to do. On Thursday evening, Marciano Rocha Joao Vitor played a football match in Settimo, wearing the Novella shirt he had been part of this summer. Nothing hinted at the impending tragedy. The boy got back into his car to go home to Pogliano. Unfortunately, he never got there. It will be the autopsy to clarify the causes of the tragedy , and only afterwards will it be possible to proceed with the funeral rite.
Giuliana Zanchi, the woman who died in the road accident of 5 October in Sansepolcro
October 6, 2022
Arezzo - The many affectionate memories posted on Facebook by colleagues and by those who met her every day testify to the pain in Sansepolcro for the death of Giuliana Zanchi, employee of the Mountain Union of Municipalities of the Valtiberina Toscana. She is the 65-year-old who on the morning of Wednesday 5 October was driving along via del Campo Sportivo at the wheel of her Y10, when at a certain point she lost control of the car due to a cardiac arrest and went to collide with other cars stopped in break. Giuliana Zanchi was not married and lived with her sister, brother-in-law and nephews in the hamlet of Gragnano. Every morning it was easy to meet her in the Borgo when she went to work on time.
Lorenzo Toffolini, illness in the car for the former Udinese manager: reanimated for 50 minutes, dies at 65
October 4, 2022
The illness, the intervention of the health workers, death. A 65-year-old man was rescued this morning by the crew of an ambulance in transit in the Ciconicco area of Fagagna. Unfortunately for him there was nothing to do, the victim is the historic Udinese manager, former team manager, Lorenzo Toffolini. The doctors noticed a car off the road and immediately took action to provide assistance. Inside the vehicle, at the wheel, the unconscious man, taken ill. Rescue was immediately started with a resuscitation that lasted for about 50 minutes. The Sores/Regional Operational Structure for Health Emergency Fvg promptly sent the crew of a car from Udine and an ambulance from San Daniele del Friuli to the site. The resuscitation maneuvers continued, in an ambulance with a doctor on board, until the arrival in the emergency room, in the hospital, where the man unfortunately died.
No cause of death reported.
“Died suddenly” collecting chestnuts:
Man feels bad while picking chestnuts: found dead by his daughter
October 11, 2022
E. M. had gone out this morning, Tuesday 11 October, to go to a piece of land owned by him in Pederobba (Treviso) and collect some chestnuts to take to his family. The 77-year-old, however, suddenly fell ill and collapsed to the ground in the woods. Her daughter, worried about not seeing her father return home for lunch, rushed to look for him. The woman found herself in front of her father's lifeless body. The other son of man also reached the forest as soon as possible, together with the 118 health workers. The doctors were unable to do anything to save the elderly man and limited themselves to declaring his death. The Carabinieri of Pederobba also arrived on the spot.
No cause of death reported.
He died at 42, a community in mourning
October 5, 2022
Orta di Atella - Pain and tears for the disappearance of Marzo Lizzi 42 years old. The well-known and well-liked young man died prematurely while he was in Bergamo on Sunday. The community heard the dramatic news and expressed their condolences.
No cause of death reported.
Stroppiana in mourning: farewell to Michele Pancallo
October 9, 2022
Stroppiana - News, that of the sudden disappearance, which took place on the night between Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October, of Michele Pancallo, which plunged Stroppiana into sadness and dismay. Born in 1957, Pancallo was 64 years old. The news of his death was given to the mayor Maria Grazia Ennas in the early hours of the morning. “Tonight Michele Pancallo suddenly passed away, a good, kind man, minority municipal councilor and coach of the Lupetti Bianchi, a team that he himself wanted and has always managed. The Mayor and the municipal administration hug Marinella, Luca and Cristina in a strong embrace. The news leaves us astonished and dismayed and makes us understand how life really is a breath. Have a good trip Michele”, wrote the mayor. Pancallo was in fact a minority municipal councilor and had presented himself in the last administrative elections, those of 2019, in the "Obiettivo Comune" list.
No cause of death reported.
Boy, a lot of people dying out in public in Italy. 🙏❤️🌷