Making little kids wear masks is slo-mo ritual child abuse
Apparently SOME people's feelings CAN be hurt so badly that it wrecks their lives, or kills them
How very sick it is that, in this world of ferocious mobocratic hyper-sensitivity, where one gets canceled for some casual remark or post that could, in theory, hurt somebody's feelings, making helpless people miserable is not just perfectly okay, but a sign of virtue now demanded of all "caring" people.
Thus it is that, if you merely reaffirm that men cannot be women, or question Critical Race Theory, or hold unapologetically to Christian or Judaeo-Christian principle, you risk indictment, and conviction, for "hate speech"; but you're allowed—in fact, required—to approve of forcing masks on little children, making sick old people die alone, and treating all "unvaccinated" people with exactly the same hateful fear and loathing that the Nazis stoked in Germany, in preparation for that Holocaust.
So those who scream of "hate speech" are themselves engaging in it, and are themselves the "fascists" whom they hatefully attack, imagining them out on the "far right."
From a subscriber:
Yesterday morning, my wife, who teaches grade 2, was taken aback by the appearance of one of her students, a little girl who's usually very cheerful and well-groomed. Now her hair was a mess and she looked very tired. When my wife gently asked her if she was ok, she said not really as her parents now have her wear a mask when she sleeps.
Another time, the class had to blow up balloons for a project—to everyone’s delight, except for one little boy who was terrified to take off his mask and join the fun. He finally relented, but it was an inner battle for him.
I can only surmise that this is not uncommon and shudder at the incalculable damage that’s being done to children’s psyches under the guise of "keeping them safe."
I am a middle school teacher at a self declared "progressive" private school that prides itself on its woke worldview, and I am surrounding by covid hysterics who have normalized child abuse. For instance, at my school, children are forced to eat lunch outside in subfreezing temperatures, and, since there aren't any tables or chairs, they eat off of the cold (and sometimes wet) concrete. I am now in open rebellion against the outdoor lunch policy at my school, and I have garnered parental support. The students unanimously support our nascent rebellion, too. My administration, though, is not happy with me. They called me into the office to reprimand me for speaking with a particular parent against the barbaric outdoor lunch policy. But I didn't budge an inch: I told them I would not refrain from speaking out against their pathological practices. At this point, I am not concerned about the consequences of my defiance.
I write about my experience on my substack, which I will link here, in case anyone would like to read about one teachers battle against a hysterical and abusive private school administration.
It is heart wrenching to hear these nightmarish story’s about this kids and what their parents are doing to them.
I am part of a group of women & some men and we call our group ‘Warriors of The Radical Light’. (We lifted our name from a phrase that Dr. Christiane Northrop coined that we are all “The Warriors of the Radical Light”.)
On a regular basis we do acts of civil disobedience individually out in the community, and one of them is to call out parents who mask their children. One of our members is a former owner of a private preschool/ kinder school! She regularly tells parents who mask their children to “take these masks off those children”….”you are committing child abuse”. I have been with her when she says it and the parents flip out! One day I when I said to a mom of two young children in a Dollar Tree Store “to take these masks off your kids, they are in little to no danger of getting Covid or giving it to you or anyone else”, she just laughed at me. Then on a second pass as I was leaving the store, I said “that the psychological damage you are doing to your children by making them wear a mask everywhere, will come back to haunt you”! She turned & fled. (Oh and we live in Commiefornia where the majority of people wear masks inside & outside, even at the beach or recreating outdoors! And must school
districts across the state ‘mandate’ the wearing of them for all
school children!)