Some actual reporting from Mariupol, under fire by Ukrainian forces (and more about the Nazis over there)
Please watch and read all this, and share it far and wide, while it's still (barely) legal
With the BBC now pounding out a bogus narrative about the “Russian attack” on that theater in Mariupol, and all the other media (led by the New York Times) maintaining the Big Lie about Ukraine, it’s helpful to tune in to what the residents of Mariupol have to say about what’s happening there; so here are two helpful videos, followed by several items on the lethal Nazi element in Ukraine’s recent history, extending right up to this moment.
Because the military situation over there is complicated and confusing, I asked a knowledgable friend for an explanation as to why, with Russian forces now in East Ukraine, Mariupol is still vulnerable to Nazi shelling. Here is is reply:
There are still remaining pockets of Azovs holding out, now surrounded by Russian forces, a small cluster of cells around the port/central zone (go to for up to date battle maps). Mariupol buildings are getting caught in the crossfire.
Russia has more or less stated publicly that Nazis will not be given due process, so the Azov and Aidar battalion know they cannot escape (many have tried, dressed as women, hiding in car trucks etc) and Azovs are shooting deserters, so these men have no choice but to fight to the death. That's what delaying the full liberation (I say liberation, because Marupol and other areas in Ukraine have been dominated and terrorized by these extremists. There is now plenty of evidence and witness testimonies to validate this thesis now) because for starters it's now admitted, even by the Washington Post this week, that these Nazi brigades adopted a policy of preventing residents from leaving the cities through open humanitarian corridors set up by Russia which have allowed hundreds of thousands to exit already.
Nearly everything you will hear and read in western media resembles the exact opposite of the realities on the ground in Ukraine. This is the most globalised, systematic propaganda and information warfare (an extension of the military theatre, as perceived by the west) in history. Add in social media manipulation of of newsfeeds & boosting of MSM fake stories about Ukraine v Russia and you now have a more systematic campaign of information warfare than the embedded MSM operatives who fed us 'reality' from the Iraq and Afghan fronts in the 2000's.
Residents of Mariupol tell their stories:
Patrick Lancaster with an ambulance crew collecting civilians wounded in Ukrainian attacks:
From Michael Averko:
As I noted, after WW II, the pro-Bandera hierarchy deemphasized anti-Polish and anti-Jewish advocacy with anti-Russian bigotry.
British Bullshit Corporation Whitewashes Ukrainian Nazis — Strategic Culture
The Orwellian reality of the Beeb should make it the world’s “most busted” propaganda outlet, Finian Cunningham writes. There is no Nazi presence in Ukraine, the Azov Battalion are merely excellent fighters, and Russian claims of denazifying the regime are cynical falsifications to justify aggression, according to the BBC.
From the BBC in 2018, the neo-Nazi situation in Ukraine didn't suddenly end:
Ukraine: On patrol with the far-right National Militia - BBC Newsnight
Ukraine's National Militia says it "polices" the streets. So why does it also fight the police themselves? BBC Kiev correspondent Jonah Fisher reports on the increasing visibility of far-right groups in Ukraine. Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews ...

See new Tweets. Conversation

“While advancing through southern Ukraine, RT along with Russian troops found a house of a neo-nazi leader in Berdyansk. As a surprise to no one conducting the denazification campaign in Ukraine, the fascist-inspired symbols are not even covert.”

See new Tweets. Conversation

“➝ US experts warned for years that US actions would start a war in Ukraine ➝ US neocons arming Nazis to kill Donbass people ➝ Ukrainian Nazis say: "we have fun killing, we started this war" ➝ Suffering in Donbass silenced for 8 years by the West ➝ Russia decides to stop this”
Great work MCM.
I cannot convince certain family members despite all the evidence presented. I see them as set on a course which alienates them from me and ultimately the judgement of recorded history. "How could we have been so stupid?" They just didn't bother to think for themselves. I don't understand why. Voltaire described it as one of life's greatest privileges.
I'm beginning to think this entire episode is a false flag. Much like the precursor "Covid Operation" this is another divide and conquer to create chaos.
Yes, there's been warnings about red lines. Yes, the US paid for the Ukrainian coup and wars galore. The Pentagon is requesting more funding (over a trillion isn't enough, I guess) to support Ukraine. The 4th jab is coming to get you.
Russia has too many ties to the West (and China does as well) and its elite plans. I'm not on the ground, and it appears photos and film have been largely cropped from other military incursions. Of course, the Ukrainian people are paying a price, as will the EU and US peasantry.
My guess is this sets the stage for the financial reset. Regarding the entire 4IR, I doubt it can be pulled off - but they already have us paying with digital currency. Expanding that is doable. Much of the AI is pure fantasy for now. Too much of it just doesn't work. People need to stop believing in the extent to which this game can be played. However enough can be implemented to achieve slavery and death.