"Unvaccinated" life in bio-fascist Italy
It's constant misery for those who won't comply, while those who have continue to "die suddenly"
From a former NYU student, living (or trying to) in Rome:
I want to come to NYC and I want to run away from this country forever.
I'm suffering so much for this mandatory vaccine - you have no idea. I have tons of allergies to chemical remedies and I'm trying to get an exemption but the regime doesn't allow it so the risk is ....the loss of my job. It's like finding continuous walls and obstacles ...I'm exhausted.
During the month of January I thought I couldn't survive...not able to sleep and eat ...so I
have lost pounds and my doctor said it was a way to escape the vaccine....
They are all brainwashed.
I'm really desperate and I want to move now no matter what.
My father is losing his mind so I'm sorry to leave but I'm really scared here ....the regime is terrible. I cannot get a coffee without the vaccine ....can you believe it?
Throughout that heavily “vaccinated” country, meanwhile, Italians continue to “die suddenly” with no cause given, or to be felled by sudden heart attacks that either kill or incapacitate them. Here, compiled by Carla Venezia, are those instances that have made headlines in major media (two concerning children):
1/30/22 Ferentino— 46 Ucciso da un infarto su un bus Cotral: aveva cercato di fermare un ragazzo che voleva salire senza abbonamento
46 year old man, Piero Segneri, died of a sudden heart attack while riding a bus commuting to work.
1/29/2022 Frata Maggiore—Crescenzo Del Prete, 40 , Giovane padre muore dopo prelievo, scatta inchiesta: salma sequestrata. Il dramma di Renzo è cominciato alle 11 di giovedi dopo essere stato colpito da un malore.
Crescenzo Del Prete, 40, father of two, wasn’t feeling well and went to the Emergency Room where he died.

1/29/2022 Caserta—Aveva solo 46 anni Lanfranco Basilicata, 46enne morto questa mattina in casa sua per un malore. Inutili i soccorsi.
Lanfranco Basilicata, 46, died unexpectedly in his home this morning.

1/29/2022 Lago di Garda—(Name withheld) Grave malore per un ciclista, nel primo pomeriggio di oggi a Cisano. L'uomo, trentenne, poco prima delle 14 stava percorrendo in bicicletta la Gardesana in direzione sud assieme ad alcuni compagni quando all'improvviso ha avuto un malore all'altezza del centro di Cisano.
30 year old cyclist had a heart attack while riding his bicycle with friends in Cisano. He was taken by helicopter to the hospital.
1/27/2022 Catania— Catania, panico davanti la Cavour: studentessa 12enne ricoverata d’urgenza dopo infarto
12 year old girl, student (name withheld), suffered a sudden heart attack. She was resuscitated and remains hospitalized in grave condition.
1/14/2022 Livorno—Tragedia in via di Salviano, muore in casa a 39 anni davanti alla moglie
39 year old ma (Name withheld), father of two, died suddenly while sitting on the sofa with his wife.
Ponte e Egola— Tragedia a Ponte a Egola, dove un uomo è morto a seguito di un malore improvviso. Inutile ogni tentativo di salvargli la vita
Tragedy in Ponte a Egola, where a man (Name withheld) died of a sudden heart attack. Paramedics were unable to resuscitate him.
2/1/2022 Brescia—Malore durante l’ora di ginnastica, ragazzo di 17 anni, Gabriele Marletta muore in ospedale. Si era sentito male a scuola, durante l'ora di ginnastica: si era accasciato a terra, privo di sensi.
17 year old boy suffered a sudden heart attack during gym class. He died at the hospital.
I never received this one to my inbox. Hmm? Glad I found it. I have a home in Italy and adore my Italian culture, but damn this fascism. I won’t return anytime soon.
Italy has anyway found the cause for the spike sudden deaths and and juvenile heart attacks. Turns out a novel food never seen in the Italian diet before - the pizza margherita - is the culprit.