Don't "vaccination," and the Blitzkrieg that incinerated all Pacific Palisades, PROVE that we are in the hands of psychopaths? You better believe it.
Those who literally CAN'T BELIEVE what the authorities have done to them and all the rest of us had better wake up fast, because their self-protective blindness has us all at risk
The authors of the worst atrocities in modern history have always grasped the chilling paradox that they were largely shielded from exposure by the very heinousness of what they’d done, and/or what they were doing. In other words, the perpetrators were, and are, protected from exposure not so much by mass indifference (although that, surely, is a factor) as by mass incredulity—a sort of sentimental chauvinism, shielding us from guilty knowledge (and, therefore, complicity) by the authoritarian conviction that those in power on our side certainly would never do such things, whereas the Enemy (of course) does little else.
The maintenance of that mass delusion has required two strategies, one practical, one psychological. It was necessary, on the one hand, to keep the process of extermination, however vast and/or prolonged, completely out of sight, and never mention it, so that nobody (or very few) saw anything that contradicted the fundamental notion of state innocence. Thus Himmler placed the death camps off in rural Poland, and all the managers and other personnel involved in the extermination project shrouded it in euphemism. (“We will never speak of it,” Hitler told a conclave of SS generals in Poland on October 4, 1943.) Similarly, Stalin hid his famine in Ukraine by blacking out the windows on the trains running through that region, so that passengers—especially members of the foreign press—would catch no glimpses of that genocide (while Walter Duranty, Stalin’s creature at the New York Times, stoutly and repeatedly denied, in print, that there was any famine, though he later privately admitted that there was).
So much for the logistics of concealment. Such arduous cover-ups were enhanced by propaganda slyly playing to the masses’ wishful thinking that their leaders could not, would not do such horrid things. The Jews were merely being “resettled” in “the East,” while the “kulacks” were not starving (though they deserved it); and anyone saying otherwise was spouting enemy lies—an accusation of crude propaganda that itself was propaganda of the shrewdest kind.
This brief survey of totalitarian practice applies perfectly to the globalist killing spree ongoing all around us here and now, wherever “here” may be—a killing spree far more ingeniously concealed than the overt genocides so infamously carried out in the last century. The staggering toll of “vaccination” is effectively invisible, with millions killed, not by thousands all at once, but one by one, and (mostly) weeks, or months, or years after the lethal shot, their “sudden death” or “rare” fatal illness seeming wholly unconnected to the jab(s) that caused it.