"Winston Smith" arrested by New Zealand police (UPDATED)
While some started questioning his data (as ALL scientific data should be questioned), New Zealand's police have moved abruptly, and dramatically, against the whistle-blower, along with someone else
UPDATE: Igor Chudov has updated his post, having revised his initial “skeptical” opinion (scroll down).
Liz Gunn reports that the police descended on the homes of both the whistle-blower himself, and someone else involved with publicizing his testimony:
A brief report from Cryptogon:
Igor Chudov’s updated post:
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The clot thickens!
So, the "authorities" CAN mobilize quickly given the right circumstances. I'd like to see that flow chart presentation. Top of the list: soccer mom insurrectionists, whistle blowers, ice cream vendors etc....Bottom of the list: Genocidal maniacs, merchants of death, murderous profit-at-all-costs medical cartels, etc....Yup, fair and equitable across the board.