What’s interesting is the hesitation on the part of Russians to go along with mass vaccination. I think it was Eugyppius that pointed out the clear distinction between east and west Germany in vaccine uptake - suggesting that those who have lived under legit communist rule are quicker to spot propaganda than dewy-eyes westerners. It’s an interesting thought.

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Dewy eyed westerner. I use to be one. Thank God I woke up.

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What I don't get is that once trust is gone it is gone. Our leaders have destroyed trust with 90% of the public. We now know they are willing to hurt or kill or lie to us.

Everything they do from now on is going to be much harder because of that

Moon Landing? I don't believe you

Syrian gas attack? Nope!

Climate change? Lol!

Saturated fat being bad? No no no!

Oh but science says so and science is right about everything! God I can't even type that without laughing.

So our leaders blew their load over the covid shots. So many people now distrust all vaccines. We must have tripled in size and are growing every day.

I just want to know what was so important about these vaccines that they would risk all of that. I'm sure depopulation is part of it but not all - they could have stuck even more toxins in the water and wiped out as many people as they wanted any time they want.

So what is so important about them?

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Perhaps a desire to make billions of dollar in the process? If they'd just poisoned all the water supplies, how would they make money off of that? Also, if the injections had been considerably more deadly than they are (excluding the hot lots, which are exceptions, and are only a very small proportion of the total) after a week or two the general public would have become aware of the high level of lethality and toxicity, and refused to take the injections. They had to titrate the level of lethality down to a level the public would tolerate. This is in fact exactly what happened, though few people are aware of it. If you were to study the website howbadismybatch.com, you'd see that the adverse reaction reports show exactly this. And you'd learn much more, all of it shocking and horrifying.

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I know!! They risked it all on an incredibly faulty product. It drove so much into the open. You have to wonder why risk it all here. Are they scrambling now? Or is this by design?

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I agree! What is the reason for pushing the jab at such a cost? I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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The vaccine hesitant are on par with a new classification: the vaccine decliners. We prefer to build and maintain a strong immune system. Acupuncture will enhance Wei chi when needed. Whole foods, herbal formulations, Essential Oils, and nutritional supplements combined with a healthy lifestyle works well.

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I prefer the term "Refusenik" LOL.

Since they embellished the death count, went over cycle threshold 35 and refused early treatments. May 2020 the CDC admitted the IFR was 0.3 NOT 3.x like they originally said. They were off by an order of magnitude+ as usual. "Missed it by that much - Maxwell Smart".

Not a chance was I going to take experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3

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Oct 24, 2022
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Your intuition to massage your hands is good, since there are points on the hands and arms to promote immune function and bolster structure. I support your choices of Ivermectin and colloidal silver, however most people include zinc and use ionic minerals which come into closer contact with the pathogens in the blood and lymph. Well done...keep eating from your garden.

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Can you please share how you used colloidal silver? Especially for internal use? How & where did you learn how to properly use colloidal silver (dosage & how often & even brands recommended)? Any links?

Thanks so much!

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Oct 24, 2022
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I deeply appreciate your informative reply. I was gifted a large bottle of colloidal silver from an enthusiastic out-of-town friend but received no clear cut instructions on use & dosage which was the reason for my inquiry. Unfortunately my friend is now passed away so l couldn't ask her directly. And l am quite "technologically challenged" so my Goggle searches didn't tell me much about what l needed to know.

As a retired Registered Nurse l am very familiar with the topical use of Collioidal Silver for wound care but l am unfamiliar with the use of this substance for internal ingestion. But l have heard amazing reviews about it. So, again, thank-you for your reply!

And as an amateur gardener l appreciate your information about the various greens you are incorporating into your diet from your uncontaminated yard. I am trying to do the same. I recently learned of the Moringa tree which is so nutritious & grows well in Florida where l live so l am trying to locate a small sapling tree or even a couple of cuttings which apparently root quite easily.

It is truly so important to learn as many survival skills as possible as the future looks bleak. Sharing our knowledge will hopefully help our small remnant survive & pass the knowledge on to others.

Again, thank-you! Wishing you all the best!

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Oct 24, 2022
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Hi Victoria,

Again, thanks for the info you've shared! Deeply appreciated. I "do" have several aloe plants so thanks for reminding me of their fantastic benefits. Do you live in Florida as well? If you ever want to contact me off Substack here's my email:


Have a super Monday!

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Anyone know what happened with the vaccine Robert Malone was developing? Ages ago I remember seeing the corporate presentation he had made for the product. I believe it was with an Indian company. Nearly impossible to search for considering the keywords involved.

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I just saw a video from 6 years back where he talks about Zika. He also says Ivermectin and another drug were promising as treatments.

It is a bit strange how the 2 drugs worked for Covid and Zika.

I'm not knocking those drugs but I wonder if Malone is making money off them. Maybe they are just wonder drugs.

Or, and I really think this is true, docs who used those drugs ignored the Covid protocols. It wasn't that the drugs were so effective but the protocols were so dangerous - isolation, Remdesivir, Vents and cocktails of drugs that suppress breathing.

Which would explain how Covid is so much dangerous when you get in a hospital - a cold at home but a kidney destroying, lung killing, blood clotting, heart busting mass murdering super virus.

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Oct 24, 2022
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THANK YOU Susan!!! Wanted to look more into the type of vaccine he was (is) working on.

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My take on it is that the world leaders, Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and so on, are all in on this extermination together and while they play their parts on the world stage, what is going on here is much darker than that. Their joint purpose is to reduce world populations as quickly and efficiently as possible and then those that survive the extermination are ideal for conversion by Musk's Neuralink, which I posted just now, on my substack and whatever comes next, will be bio-humans controlled by 5G, having exterminated every other human which was not suitable for that conversion, including all of those over 50 years old. Who or what would profit from that most - my guess is computers and if you have been following my posts, you will have read about the scientists putting 2 super computers together and they created their own language that the Scientists could not crack and eventually the Scientists managed to shut them down and separate them - but the Scientists probably have never heard of modems, so when they were switched on again, guess what - bearing in mind the vaccines were created for humankind on a computer in an afternoon and no virus or Covid was present to do that and everything we enjoy, is controlled by computers, otherwise nothing would work would it?

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If only you could call HAL and check out your theory Christine. But I think he has an unlisted number. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy4EfdnMZ5g

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I know there must be doctors dying in great numbers in the US but I have not come across a list. I know of three in my area. One of them I know died a couple days after getting the booster.

I also heard a a tragic story recently. A friend told me that her sister had been in tremendous pain and kept calling her doctor and leaving messages for a couple months. After months she somehow figured out that her doctor had been dead the whole time and nobody informed her of his death. When she finally got help she discovered she has stage 3 colon cancer. And yes she is vaxxed.

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Check the Mexico "died suddenly".

Jabbed with Sputnik V as well.

"Non replicating viral vector":

Non-Replicated Viral Vector: Contains viral genetic material packaged inside another harmless virus that cannot copy itself


The 'approval source" gives you a 404 error.

I love this bit:

"When a vaccinated person is exposed to SARS-CoV-2, their immune system will recognize the viral antigens and spring into action to keep them healthy. "

Except, when it doesn't.

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I've never for a minute believed there's any difference whatsoever, among the vax brand names or 'DNA' vs 'mRNA' vs 'traditional' viral vector etc etc. That's all science fiction. It is the exact same primary substance in all of them, centrally concocted years before its release. The variations in doses, toxicities, kill rates and regional distributions of the batches were similarly planned and executed. It's a single global experiment, we're still in phase 1. As for Africa and the other vax-hesitant areas, I imagine once the famine sets in, it'll be food-for-jab.

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hello there.

thought you might find this article interesting. It's in French but can easily be translated...

Just wondering if there is any documentation on baby sudden death with mothers who got the shot.


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The depop agenda seems to be handed down from authorities above the U.S. DOD, that is, international finance capital, which still controls to some extent Russia and China.

Very interested to hear further or other explanations.

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1 Clue: Bank of International Settlements. See book, The Tower of Basel. Completely out of the bounds of any oversight. I believe they were formed to deal with the reparations of World War 1. In an interview I listened to today with Dolores Cahill, she thinks this has been a multi-generational plan that started in 1913, with the the formation of the U.S. Fed. Reserve. (Interview was with Maria Zeee from Australia. Can be found on bitchute. )

As Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari.com) and Joseph P. Farrell (Giza Death Star) point out, we don't really know who's running the planet. They've been discussing & debating this issue for years and postulating that what we really have is a "governance" problem. (Two of the best minds, asking the right questions IMO!)

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.”

           --― Kevin Alfred Strom

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cheers YAT, duly noted!...mea culpa...it's a real bmmer that some people hijack quotes,eh?

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By the year 2030, Russian people will have their digital ID and brain implants, they will eat bugs and 3D-printed meat, own nothing, and be happy:


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Oct 24, 2022
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My money is on polar magnetic flip around 2040 that wipes 90% of us out - possibly with a solar flare at the same time.

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Surely, even the vax believers must be getting 'cold feet' about repeatedly loading up with this poison? Depopulation is the real intention for this WEF/NWO campaign. LIABILITY for the makers would end the deadly farce because they would go bust within a few weeks of Claims & Litigation? Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Hello, Your sub stack just popped up in my email. I read the report about Russian docs and got a chill down my back. I didn't see any info on the 'Sputnik' vaccine. A very good investigative journalist out of Russia reported on World Signals online she had evidence the 'Sputnik' vax is a product of Fizer. She analyzed public docs finally posted online some months ago on Russian gov transparency. Here is the link to the article:


The vac was mandated as far as I could tell. All Ukrainian refugees were held in quarantine and all were required to be injected for entry. I didn't read anything about children other than some odd videos of a person using some kind of humidifier into little kids faces.

But the report of doctor deaths really chilled me since Russia tried to say they have their own 'special brew' of this mRNA genetic editing CRISPR CAS/9 monstrosity. Plus, Russia was moving at 'warp speed' to install 5gggg. The deaths are very close to a timeframe predicted by early Physicians trying to warn the public. 6 months to 3 years after injection death will ensue as a result of disease triggered by the genetic editing. These are simple mapping techniques used by these unethical biosciences researchers. Listen to the doctor who made the 'discovery' a tick in Texas caused an allergy to red meat. This is an unregulated industry utilizing a moral compass as their guide from amoral bioethicists, in other words, there is no limit.

Thank you for your reporting.

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Thanks and shared.

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I always had a suspicion that things were not exactly going smooth over there. Now, we have at least some semblance of evidence for that. Unclear record keeping makes this worse. Here in Canada it's very clear: read between the lines on how the death was reported. But from what I see, Russia is foolish enough to classify young "sudden" deaths as actually FROM Covid19. Not good news at all.

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Come on. What are the chances a 22 doctor dies from covid?

In Scotland we are being told our drop in life exp is mostly due to covid.

Ok but wasn't the average age of covid victims around 80 in the first year. 5 years higher than life exp.

So... how can that reduce our life exp? If anything covid should have increased it by 5 years lol

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Thank you again Mark for this work. Here's another very sad car-crash-after-a-medical-emergency death in Hollywood from Monday: https://www.theatermania.com/los-angeles-theater/news/leslie-jordan-dies-at-67-following-car-crash_94468.html

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