The confused twirling is the “aura” that happens before a grand mal seizure; the person is aware for a short time that something is very wrong before they collapse, stiffen up very tight and then start trembling and sometimes making noises. I’m very familiar with these types of seizures since I have witnessed dozens of them in two of my vaccine affected children (DTaP, MMR, Hep B, epileptic within 48 hours, seizures recurring thereafter). Soft spots on head become hard during seizures, so the mechanism might be inflammation of the spinal fluid/pressure on the brain as can happen with meningitis. Since two of my children experienced this, there could be a genetic factor, but the fact that they were given 3 or more vaccines each time could point to an overload of toxins or antibody response. Perhaps the payload in the Covid vaccine is causing a similar overload, if it’s not a genetic predisposition.

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Also, this type of seizure is not lethal unless it goes on more than 5 minutes or you hit your head on the way down.The person can still gasp in air during the convulsions. Also pretty hard to fake, and most of these look genuine as far as the seizures go.

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Thank you for this bit of information! I have five vaxxed children (all those you mentioned) and am thanking Jesus none show signs of detriment. We are finished with injections now though.

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Find WMC research, Walter M Chesnut. Consider quercetin,curcumin. Good luck 🙏

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Yes I follow Walter but his material is far above my level of comprehension… in early covid days I waded through entire papers designed to be read by people like him but these days I can barely keep up with the DATA and ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE. These are much more within my grasp. Thank you for your reply … I intend to not inject a single more thing into my five kids, we have more than “done our part”

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Please pin this comment, Mark ~ if you can. Jared's clarification is immensely helpful.

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Yes the spinning to the right and looking up is something I've seen many times in my mom, who had grand mall seizures from ages 15-50. To me it signifies that there is something electronic taking place in the brain. Perhaps these people's devices are emitting some sort of frequency that induces seizures and death. I saw a video of a Mexican girl the other day (maybe it was from this substack) that was explicitly connected to the electronic activity of her phone.

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There was one about 6 months or so ago at a salon in Asia that seemed to be related to the victim's phone. 5G signal?

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My wife developed Bell’s palsy twice both times after using mobile phone. Except the Bell’s palsy only lasted hours and rectified by themselves. Not normal

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A close relative of mine got Bell's Palsy after her first covid shot, and now has been told that it's permanent.

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OMG. That's scary.

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It could be your children received a "hot" vaccine. Like Russian roulette. Hot vaccines are more toxic (on purpose?)

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Are you aware of howbadisyourbatch dot com? You can look up your vax by batch number. If yours isn't on the list, it wasn't very toxic.

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That is for the Covid death jab. I was referring to the childhood vaccine schedule jabs.

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It would be interesting if a database were put together. I have my kids' lot numbers on hand.

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Were you kid's adverse reactions reported to VAERS? Because VAERS usually (though not always) has lot #s.

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They were not because the doctors labelled them as febrile seizures, though no fevers were ever observed, even with seizures at the doctor office. We were told that the seizures had no possible connection to the vaccines, which is a lie since seizures are listed as a potential side effect on the CDC handouts for all of the vaccines.

VAERS reporting was not considered by the doctors since anything resembling the reporting of encephalitis might open up a case to be paid by the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

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note, the twisting, when it happens, is almost always counterclockwise, is that a thing with grand mal?

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Yes, from my experience. They twist their head around and it seems like they are trying to look up and behind them, but actually they are entering a seizure state.

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Now that you mention grand mal seizures I recall a young boy I cared for who had them and this is what I observed. That poor man who fell under the train…….I hope he died before he collapsed or at least lost total consciousness.

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Could be a aneurysm popping too, CVAs. The ones who twirled stayed still

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They collapse to the ground still, but notice how stiff they are. Arms and legs stiffen up, sometimes the back arches. Then there are vocalizations and then it crescendos into full on shaking. Sometime they appear to faint or sleep and it can take a full minute or two for the seizure to start.

The other odd thing is that the shaking seems deliberately cut out in the middle of a couple of these. Or it’s cut too early for most people to tell what it is.

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Jared, Thank you so much for all your comments!

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It is - a deliberate one

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I thought so too.

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I was thinking the same thing. You really don't want to be on a train platform when you have a seizure!

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For those who question these videos, take a look at the channel these came from. He has a hundred more, and I believe many (possibly most) are legit and related to the jab:


I did some checking on these 15 videos. For everything I looked up, the dates seemed to match up with vax injury - all the dates I found in news reports, etc, were in the last year or two.

The plane crash may not have been vax related. It happened in Orlando, on University Blvd on August 19. Florida Highway Patrol said the pilot was distracted dealing with a mechanical problem (broken radio), forgot to check his fuel levels, and ran out of gas. The pilot was fine, just bruises, and nobody else was injured. The investigation hasn't been published yet. For those interested, the AP does a pretty good job covering plane crashes, which (coincidentally?) are way up over the past 2 years:


The chef was named Pimporn, and was a popular livestreamer in Taiwan. This one is a little confusing, and there is a language barrier, very little published in English language. The family said, at the time of the incident she had not yet been vaccinated. But the news said she died on the way to the hospital - her husband dragged her into the car and drove her. Sadly she was dead on arrival. But "not yet been vaccinated" to me implies she was vaccinated at a later date. Like, after she died? And she was reportedly healthy prior to sudden onset myocarditis, which caused the heart attack and collapse. This exact thing has happened to thousands (probably hundreds of thousands) of recently jabbed people worldwide. Perhaps she had myocarditis from a recent bout of Covid - you get a lot more spike protein from the vax than you do from natural infection, but natural infection can indeed cause similar side effects.

None of them seemed fake to me. The part that makes me cringe most is the "thock" when their heads hit the pavement, which is difficult to fake, and likely adds concussion (or worse) to their already dire situation. When someone fakes fainting, they always protect their head, so that's the first thing I look for.

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Could it be a technicality regarding the chef, in the sense that "official" vaxx'ing isn't count until two weeks after the injection so she was in that window?

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Yes possibly, like maybe she wasn't "technically" vaccinated since she hadn't received her second dose? I dunno.

The "fact check" debunking this story has several funny things. First, it relies on a "family member's" social media post which vehemently denies she was vaccinated. But the denial was weird, it didn't come from the parents or the husband. They seemed to imply she lived a natural lifestyle, and begged people to stop posting and sharing the video. Taiwan has a huge vaccination rate, at last count at least 88% got the first jab, so she would have been a minority.

Second, the "fact check" literally says:

"The claim is False. The influencer didn't collapse and die because of vaccination but because of a minor heart attack."


Umm... a "minor" heart attack? A minor heart attack causes a healthy 30 year old to collapse and die almost instantly? With zero previous health issues? Fewer than 1 in 8 heart attacks are actually lethal, and those who do die often linger in the hospital for days or weeks, and usually have a long history of previous cardiovascular issues. So no matter how you slice it, this doesn't really add up.

This one is getting a lot of attention, particularly in Asia, because she was an influencer and the video went viral. Maybe someone fluent in Mandarin can sort through it. Maybe the husband will speak out eventually. For now, though, this one falls into the "fishy but unknown" category.

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I think it was Thai language. When I get time, I will try to listen to it more slowly when there is time.

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I think that is exactly it. And I remember seeing this somewhere and I think it was her 2nd jab...

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Thanks for posting that website. For some reason all of the videos I'm trying to click on this morning that Mark posted say I'm not authorized to view them, but I can see the website you posted. I was part of so many Facebook groups early on in the rollout of these genetic based injections and read and saw so many tragic stories. The majority of the groups have all been pulled down by Facebook.

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Not as many, but these are professional athletes, with the best medical supervision of us all. This is just a small selection as I regret that they seem to have gone off the internet now - https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

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I thought some had disappeared from the internet too.

Thanks, I sent that link to a friend a week ago. She ran it by a nurse friend of hers who sent me a fact check article. 😄 It enabled me to talk about snopes, one of the original super popular fact check sites that even corporate media used. Then the world found out a couple ran it out of their apartment with no higher education, and we're just googling s***.

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Oh PS None of the names put on that list are put on without them having the jab verified.

I contacted them last night to find if they / the site had been brought down or whatever... actually recieved an email back ... "which made me chuffed"...

"Sorry for the delay in updating the “athletes” list.

The data is prepared, but not yet posted onto the site.

Other priorities currently, but it will be updated soon."

Then I got a nice compliment, so decided to call myself an "Influencer" now - LOL, whatever the F that actually means.

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Wow, I didn't know they were job verified. Hmmm I wonder why they're holding off on uploading data.... I hope they're not getting threatened.

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August holidays maybe, it has been updated now...

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The fact check sites are all government sponsored, whether mainstream of small. The BBC and I think the German National media (DW ?? or something) is in the centre of them all and just a head up in that the same two are in charge of all Ukrainian mainstream nonsense we read.

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That's a good list to send to my elected officials. Thank you.

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Thanks a lot for tracking down the dates, I was wondering about that. 👍🏽

From a physical therapist point of view, the only one that looks fake to me is the video with the account Aqui, with the man's arms in the air. The way he's holding his hands and arms is not the way spasticity looks. Otherwise I agree, the rest look genuine, there are no automatic reflexive protective mechanisms, to protect the vulnerable parts of the body, operating. This means something's happening in the central nervous system.

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When the vax rollout started there were people including myself that were saying that it would end in disaster. It was a government project after all. You really didnt need to know much more about it than that.

The inflation reduction act makes Inflation worse. The affordable care act makes care more expensive.

The federal warp speed vaccine act which is meant to help people kills millions instead.. Anything government touches it destroys

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I tend to ignore vids and look at the data....rise in the 'all mortality' rate, increase in life insurance payouts, dramatic fall in birth rates, etc. across multiple nations. The data suggests something very bad.

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The data are equally chilling:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/1fb5d81f32ad

However, Mark recently explained his goal in sharing the personal accounts is to make the data real ~ to bring home the horrendous reality of what is actually happening:

> https://rumble.com/v1hdf31-full-episode-44-the-pandemic-of-propaganda.html

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It is the ignoring of all this data that I see as the most convincing piece of evidence. My “north star” justification for position that injections are unsafe and possibly intentionally unsafe, is that the CDC logs more than 50 deaths a day in VAERS then claims not a single one is actually vax related. That is very weird and contrary to previous vax rollouts. If you could explain this one fact away, I would need to reevaluate what I have concluded.

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These videos were not faked……poor people looked like they had severe neurological problems before dying. So horrific.

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Incidentally, fortunately, the pilot and only person on board the aircraft shown in the last video, walked away from the crash. See YT.

Pilot says the crash was his fault as he ran out of fuel.

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This is a good thing, I do not relish planes dropping from the sky thanks to incapacitated pilots. But many of these incidents are vax related and the fact no one is digging to understand the cause is all I need to know. Swine flu vax was discontinued for something like 25 deaths in proximity to injection … no proof of cause just 25 deaths occurring post injection. That was the norm a few years ago … this is something else entirely. It is all I need to convince me that things are not right.

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I like your account name- reminds me of airplane at the Pima Air & Space Museum in Tucson.

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Are you sure those were not the fakes from Wuhan in early 2020 which were part of their scams to scare people in the West and forced the lockdowns?

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In the Chinese ones everyone is wearing a mask, and pre-Covid some did but it wasn’t that common, also, they’re not dressed for cold weather.

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I noticed that most were masked also. I believe masks are common in China due to the extreme air pollution in many cities.

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Not common at all. I’ve spent a lot of time there, just looked through photos, zero masks—it’s situationsl, not an everyday thing.

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Ok, then I stand corrected in view of your first hand knowledge.

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This is CCTV footage, almost all of it. What I was thinking too was that some of these are likely wuhan propaganda films for covid … the older gentleman posed on the ground with his bike and blood all around him … looks fake to me. But there is just no way to fake slamming down to the pavement with no defensive gesture from hands and arms … ALL of those are very real. The man who falls under the train … oh my

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The fakes from Wuhan have nothing to do with any of this - it is all part of "The Great Reset" and horrific in its intent and ultimate purpose - I have the facts, care of the author and he has cross referenced these pricks, advertised facts, to ultimately hang themselves, you be the Judge and decide for yourselves.

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Yes. Must be very careful with this reporting. Why none from the West? The West is ubiquitous regarding cameras.

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There were plenty from the West, even from Australia.

In 2021 in western Sydney, Australia an Asian woman collapsed after crossing the road from the vac site. Her relative threateningly told the who was filming to put the phone down.

I saw a video in 2021 of some blonde in USA all shook in a car,

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Sorry, hit wrong key. The evidence in this Stack looks like it was fed to the author, and the evidence is staged.

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These are all Twitter posts. You cannot fake falling head first to the hard ground. Try it

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Speaking of the original fake vids from China, watch those closely. People put their arms out to break their fall.

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Absolutely! I posit fake falls include involuntary gestures to protect the head … in this case, it is a key to detect what is real and what is not

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I don't like you already ......

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Do you have links? I relay reliable evidence that indicates vaccine injury. The evidence in this

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The Chinese are monitored three ways from

every corner and shop. It is the freedom they have given to their government over the years. I wonder how these images are being shared to the outside though

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Aug 31, 2022
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Looks like most situations were public transport cctv or private gym monitoring (liability protection), others were intentionally set up to livestream (cooking demonstration, dancing). They’re from all over the world, not the Wuhan fakes.

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People are dying like flies in Italy. They are tourists, which means to get there, they have to have the vaccines and they are dying while exercising, riding a bike, swimming in the sea, or just walking on the beaches.

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Can you send more information on this

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Well, they are mainly Pom's (English) and there are still plenty of them left, so I suppose it does not matter much. No, I saw it in and email newsworthy article and thought - ah ha I know, what and why - unfortunately, those who dropped dead, did not.

You could try to research Google : Tourists drop dead and Italy and see if you come up with anything

I find it amusing that some posts have been made telling people they should exercise more - that is inviting heart attacks, don't you think - must be in a hurry to exterminate even more of us - the obvious thing to do is become a couch potato if you have been vaccinated and want to live longer

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Nearly all of them are from China / Chinese

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Aug 31, 2022
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People are using their mobile phones to film screens showing security footage.

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"Communist China Has ZERO Casualties From The Experimental mRNA Vaccines."

As of August, 2021, China had administered 2 billion COVID vaccine shots in the country. But not a single person in China was given a mRNA COVID vaccine.

In July 2021 China announced it may be time to work on a mRNA vaccine. But in December 2021 there was still no word on when China would start administering their own mRNA vaccines.

[M]ore than 1 billion people worldwide have received more than 2 billion shots of mRNA.

None are in China.


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yes but Coronavac has spike too and is dangerous too. I linked below abput myocarditis. There has never been a safe coronavirus vaccine despite years of attempts since Sars 1.

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Thank you, that’s what I thought....

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This is likely true although not much is known about the China shots as China is not known for information sharing. But the west has its own non mRNA vaccines (I think these may be actual vaccines without having to jimmy definitions around). AstraZeneca and J&J … both lethal and causing all sorts of maimings. It might be that spike protein has no place on the blood stream as sars cov2 is naturally contracted through the respiratory system … we have overlooked something for sure and our error was circumventing trials in favor of haste. Shameful

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What do you think about Mike Adams/ la Quinta columna analysis of the “clots” embalmers are finding in corpses of the vaccinated, I don’t think they’ve come to any complete & definitive analysis yet, but still Putting it together piece by piece. Dystopian af

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Thank you for this!

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You are most welcome, Seoreh! Thank you for your acknowledgement.

For those who are are interested, there are lots more resources available in my "red pill" library:

> BeyondC19.org

If you prefer peer-reviewed research only, check out my peer-review research hub

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/54fb7411998d

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It's an operating sysyem. Moderba states it's THE SOFTWARE OF LIFE!

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Just like vodka is the "water of life."

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Sorry, this evidence is poorly supported. I will not utilize this in any arguments I undertake.

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That is how I feel about the reports of suddenly and unexpectedlies over 70, or anyone obese over 55. Perhaps they were related to the shots. But they hold nothing like the weight of a kid or athlete, or a middle aged healthy person.

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Hand-holding a camera at a security footage angle is proof of fakery. The twirl movemens suggest choreography and a common script. The question is what utility do fakes like this serve?

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My two year old has done this twirl before a grand mal seizure, these look genuine as far as I can tell. I get where you’re coming from as far as the filming goes, don’t have any answers on that.

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In stead of "hand-holding a camera at a security footage angle", it is more likely people are using their mobile phones to film a screen from a security system - hence the bit shaky footage we see on social media.

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Fear porn. They did the same thing at the beginning of the COVID hoax.

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It is fear porn but IS IT REAL? Some are likely staged … I could see a couple that looked staged to me but others were obviously real. Two things convince me of this … a direct fall to the head means you are not conscious… a conscious person raises his hands in a fall. The second thing is the utter ineptitude of the “first responders” … propaganda films include fast thinking bystanders while these poor blokes are largely stared at and people get their phones out to record … oh boy you cannot make that up. Honestly, humans are not a very endearing species and we deserve some of what we get

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A few years ago I was walking down the street and suddenly keeled over, falling on my head. I did not get my hands out to break my fall. I did not trip or lose consciousness. I just suddenly, out of nowhere, keeled over. Apparently there is such a thing called a drop attack, which is usually a TIA or a stroke, although I was checked out afterwards and nothing was found.

I was unable to view any of the videos. Looks like Twitter has pulled them.

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Jane that is a terrible thing! We’re you conscious as you fell? I believe the people we see in a fall from standing with their heads first to strike the ground are NOT conscious. I believe whole heartedly those videos are not fake at all. Find me a crisis actor who is willing to take a strike like that to the head … perhaps if a lot of drugs were involved? But here we go into a discussion on consciousness again …

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No, I was conscious. It was a particular type of attack. Those other people obviously weren’t conscious as they fell which is why they didn’t put their hands out to break their fall. I was just pointing out an event where it was possible to keel over like that while being fully conscious. Who knew?

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The only one get couldn't get was the Saudi. I saw it not long after it was posted

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How is that proof of fakery? Not everyone has direct access to the original footage digital mp4/mkv file. So they did the next-best thing which is to play it on the playback device (e.g. security tv) and then record it with a separate device like a cell phone.

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Perhaps some of them but you cannot fake falling head first to the pavement. Some of these look like wuhan propaganda scenes to me but many are obviously real

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Prof. Miller: Do you have a running tally of the deaths you have reported?

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as far as those first three go - there is some aspect of the pose of the Sufi "Whirling Dervish" to them- this may mean nothing, although the situation of the arms, one pointing to "above" and the other to "below" -while spinning, is strikingly similar to this description, "While whirling, the dervish’s arms are open with his right hand directed to the sky, representing his readiness to receive God’s beneficence. The dervish’s left hand is turning toward the earth, representing his willingness to convey God’s spiritual gift to those witnessing the Sema. It is also believed that while revolving from right to left around his own heart, the dervish embraces all humanity with love, since Sufis believe that the human being was created with love in order to love.

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Today is Wednesday, August 31, 2022, at 5:45 AM, PST, and I cannot view any of the videos. The account indicates it is blocked by Aqui Ahora, the Twitter account holder. “You are unable to view this Tweet because the account owner limits who can view their Tweets.” Does anyone else get this message?

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Aug 31, 2022
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I just revisited the videos and now they are all working. Thanks for the reply confirming they do work. Probably some sort of a computer glitch. Thanks MCM for posting these. They look real to me, although the epilepsy suggestion is a possibility for some of those tragic falls.

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It's called epileptic seizures.

So what?

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Saw a comment on one of those tweets that it looked like an epileptic seizure. Are we sure some of what we're seeing isn't that?

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I can confirm from personal experience witnessing them that it is as far as most of these go

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