I made the comment below on the Rosanna Arquette article that you posted just moments ago, but allow me to repeat it here. This rapid-fire succession of tragedies illustrates my point that the aggregation is so overwhelming as to cause (most of) us to numb out and normalize the trend.

--- Comment from previous article ---

Each one of these incidents is a tragedy. Add them all together and the pain is more than society can bear, so human nature is to normalize them. Stalin (supposedly) said, "One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."

When I read about the alarming percentages of people on psyche meds, diabetes meds, obesity meds, etc., etc., I think to myself, "Such a small portion of the population is in good health. How is this not a national emergency? How can we accept this?"

But we do, most of us, anyways.

The CDC V-safe records (revealed through a FOIA request) showed that, out of ten million, 770,000 people reported adverse effects serious enough to require medical attention (ER visit, hospitalization). That's almost 8%! How bad would it have to get for society as a whole to take notice, to take action? 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%?

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I think you mean how bad "will" it have to get... as these deaths are coming many months after most people will have had their jabs (hardly anyone is getting boosters). In other words, the casualties just keep on coming long after the jabs.

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Take notice of what?

Gotta go - kardashians are on...

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"And when you kill a man, you're a murderer

Kill many, and you're a conqueror

Kill them all... ooh, oh, you're a God!"-Megadeth, Captive Honour

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Ninety-three percent of Americans are metabolically unhealthy. Wow. https://revitalizemetabolichealth.com/93-of-american-adults-are-unhealthy-a-deeper-dive/

Yet, if you bring up a whole food plant-based diet, it is considered whacky, extreme, or unrealistic. Yes, we are what we eat. Where is the disconnect? Malted milk balls, cheeze-its, a slurpy (ewww), or a fast food meal of processed everything do in fact effect your metabolism, weight, hormones, mood, etc. Thanks to corporation lobbyists driving FDA policies, etc. much of needed information regarding health and nutrition gets suppressed.

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Yes and the suppression of that information is getting worse. It is an active assault on knowing what makes us healthy.

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Now. Bill Gates has come up with a way to keep fruits and vegetables from spoiling. His new product is called Apeel which coats the produce to extend the shelf life . This Apeel product has not been studied for human safety that I know of. (if anyone has studies, please post) The human body does not need new toxins to figure out how to process. In case anyone is interested, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny did a good report on the new Apeel product.


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haven't yet read this article, but I've read others which claim apeel was found to contain mercury, cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals. since all of those things are 'natural,' they get away with calling it '100% natural.' the scariest part is that you can't wash it off the fruit and vegetables...which I'd imagine means we also can't wash it off our hands or counters or cutting boards (etc.). and now the gmo will include mrna? they want us microchipped, too? obama's saying 'the general public' (not him, of course) needs watermarks and digital fingerprints if we want to be online. what we need is to call a general strike. no work no school no shopping online or off. if we took to the streets They wouldn't hesitate to kill and maim us. this has GOT to stop.

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Yes more garbage from Gates and gang. The guy is so juvenile.

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Clever name. Can just picture the testers now:

“Oh it sounds like an apple peel - or any peel in general - oh I get it, ‘it’s a peel for the... peel...’” 🤔

“Oh, oh ... it sounds like “appeal,” as in it makes food appealing - which is a GOOD thing, right?” 🤔

“Oh oh oh wait. I’ve got it. If you destroy the local apple trees that people could just grow basically everywhere, then you have to grow them somewhere else which means you sell them your GMO seeds, your pesticides, Apeel them up, truck them all over the country, and establish a monopoly on the apple and apple-products market, making you the richest douche bag on the planet?” 🤔

“Why don’t you just 3-D print them?” 🤔

Bill Gates (of hell) “now you’re thinking..” 👿

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I’m a dietitian. One year the American Dietetic Assoc. meeting was sponsored by Coke. No one seemed to think this was bizarre… now, all truth seems inverted. Just saw an article title (I believe from The New Yorker? )about “climate emotions”. It literally said “ how much should you panic?”

My bet is there will be a Climate Vaccine of some sort in the next 3 years or less. And people will clamor for it. Nothing needs to make sense anymore.

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A litmus test for health is the food given to hospital staff and patients. These people are 'the science'. Paw-leeze.

When I'm feeling brave I listen to Dane Wigington on his weekly update

https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/ This show will help a person rate their panic level.

It is surprising how much global climate news is not heard in our country .

I didn't even know there were climate emotions. My climate pronouns are Trump Russia. :)

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trouble is hardly anyone follows these stories so they really don't know what is going on or are to scared to say something.

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Except you are missing an important fact

Most people refuse to see, or even know about all this tragedy

They still think it is just odd and rare. They have not and maybe never willl make the link as to why

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There are six siblings in my family. They are all older than I. They refuse to see. They still treat me like a leper , anyway the last time I visited,making me sit at the little table outdoors. I just stay away now. I don’t understand their obsession with hating the R Party and Trump. I think they represent a large portion of today’s population, completely in the dark, and led there by the hand of the Main stream news. They are so entrenched in the old Democrats’ ways from the 1970s and 80s, that they can’t see past their party affiliation.

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my general response to those who can think of nothing but 'orange man bad' is -- we have to love truth more than we hate trump (and I always say 'we' so it doesn't sound accusatory). we have to love truth more than we hate trump. say it nicely, and with compassion, and it will usually make them think, if only for a moment. but maybe one day...

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Trump is a narcissitic oaf that looks out only for himself and is not the hill to die on and neither is the republican party that enables the democrat party in every wrong thing it does. Sounds like your family are done for if they took the jabs, hopefully you didn't. Must be terrible for you that your family are so in love with what strangers in the MSM, who couldn't care less if they live or die, tell them that they ignore what you who have known them for decades and who care about them tell them.

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How bad does it have to get. I wonder if the biggest generation - millennials - is getting the message. If not it will get worse and worse.

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As a boomer which was the biggest generation I'd say a pretty darn large percentage of us drank the kolaid.

Just scroll through MCM and his team's substack everty Thursday.

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How about the 15 million people worldwide that have PERISHED after getting the vaccine, and more than 5 million now in the USA have PERISHED. Why is nobody addressing that? That IS a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. We are nearing the end, and the Lord's return is extremely near. Especially how the tranny pedo freaks are going after our children and grandchildren. God is about to say ENOUGH! 1 Corinthians 15:52 is at the door. It is an event that will rock the world for those left behind. The Constitution will be suspended IMMEDIATELY, and the government will use project blue beam to blame the vanishing on an alien invasion. They have already been prepping the world for the alien story.... The devil knows his time is short.

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“One needs to have only two points in order to draw a straight line between them.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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Terse and tough. The best assessment so far.

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Commonality, to all these Emergencies? The Covid Vax..

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"Stadium staff and medic go into cardiac arrest " That seems odd.

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“How bad would it have to get for society as a whole to take notice, to take action? 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%?”

To the current state of the dumbed down, mentally illiterate, indoctrinated by lies of the cult of scientism, and have not the ability nor the desire to research and educate, they unfortunately don’t realize they are marching towards their eventual doom...how bad would it have to get to affect these zombies? I’d say it’s already passed the tipping point.

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I honestly think they will never realize. All will be “ long Covid” or “ climate change”.

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I hope it wasn’t a hospital employee who took the picture of Ty Pennington, intubated in ICU ,,,,,, it’s a slam dunked fired , if they get caught , but maybe they don’t care ..... watching the side effects of that Bioweapon gives hospital employees PTSD .

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He posted it on Instagram

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Who does that ?, but thank u Brian L

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Yes, the caregivers have been through a lot.

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Excuse the cynicism, but those trying to hide something (gov, pharm, mainstream media) will do everything in their power to convince you these incidents are normal! Let’s hope people stop buying the propaganda.

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It's the government that's cynical. Pointing it out is NOT cynical.

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Mark, 2 Philly cops died suddenly on Friday…heart attack and “medical emergency”. Fairly young.

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Just reading this is a nightmare, between this and what Ed Dowd reported, we are in a de-population craze. How can the governments ignore this, they know what's happening as much as we do. The MSM should be locked up and disbanded everywhere, if it weren't for their lies people around the world would not be dying in mass.

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Governments are choosing to ignore because they are part of the plan. Stopworldcontrol.com check it out for more info.

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Anecdotal tales people I know who got the quackzene were mostly “highly” educated. The UNeducated said HELL NO. Highly educated people are very unlikely to admit they made a big mistake. So they keep getting requaxed to make their point.

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What an odd, dare I say, totally unexplainable conflagration of completely unrelated, bizarre, and mysterious coincidences of the highest magnitude! It's got to be either "witchcraft, bad luck, or solar flares", because no other logical and tenable explanation exists under the sun!

I'm so glad that I was informed very early in our recent history, NOT to engage in "witchcraft, bad luck, or solar flares", as they would surely be bad for my health, or that I might "die suddenly" for no particular reason whatsoever. Too bad our corrupted media and traitorous politicians, never mind the sadists in our governmental health organizations, failed to properly inform the public, instead of being paid spokespeople for "product".

Hopefully, they will eventually pay for their profits in blood!

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When my son called me and asked me to meet him at a local watering hole, I said sure its Bike Night. There was a band, lots of bikes and great weather. While I was there, three ambulances showed up in the three and a half hours I was there. Is this the new norm? I know I dont get out as much anymore but that seems excessive.

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That is excessive for one evening in one place. Were they heart attacks?

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ireland's prime minister stood up in parliament this week and declared there was absolutely no excess deaths in ireland...this is despite all statistics showing there was a 15% excess death rate in 2022 alone...they're just outright lying to us now

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Guess it depends on his definition of “excess”—maybe he had planned to kill even more people.

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My family knows someone that had moyamoya prior to covid. The ER sent her home multiple times diagnosing a migraine. Finally her mother said she wouldn't leave the hospital until they did a CT scan. Which revealed she'd been having strokes.

It was moyamoya.

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comments of how many 10, 20, 30% before acknowledging it is the jab - it won’t be until those that are prominent start having husbands, wives, mothers, fathers and children die from it and possibly even then ABTV. But until it hits home and hits hard - just anecdotal crickets.

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Apply " Occams Razor", eliminate all other possibilities, what ever remains even if improbable, is the Truth..

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Unfortunately... “you want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!!”

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