Might as well change the jabbed narrative to "died totally expectedly." The shock and awe has completely worn off. This is commonplace now. I just shake my head....heavy sigh. With that, we still need to shine a light on this ongoing atrocity. Despicable, loathsome, soulless, black-eyed ogres that they are.
It’s very hard …foolish people, who think so highly of their intellectual abilities that they have no room for anyone’s recommendations, “Please look this up? Please take some time? Please …”. And many of these folks had more than 20 years left ….nursing, I see, ironically condemned them to the shorter life with hospital and campus mandates….~~~”Campus” which should hint at even more available intelligence, but much, I see
The culling of the health care profession is going strong. I no longer am happy when a young person says they are going into the medical professions. I just see a dead man walking.
I have that feeling too. Also feeling negatively with: joining the military, becoming police, going into teaching, open a business, open a restaurant, ....
Anything relating to serving the human kind does not have a bright future.
I teach at a medical school and a nursing school. It is depressing. One of my current 3rd year nursing students has suddenly been experiencing heart issues. She now has to visit a cardiologist monthly. She has no idea why. I am dreading the first day back after summer vacation.
It is hard for the rest of us to talk to a person in the med field that doesn't see through the B.S. Then of course I got to question if they are so very wrong about this, what else are they wrong about. I hate having any conversation with them as I just leave the conversation frustrated that I can't really talk and have to pretend what they say is the truth. I don't want med advice from them anyway.
I asked and her words and body language indicated she has no idea why a young person such as she would have to suddenly see a cardiologist once every month.
Last year, one of our medical students, not mine, heart rate shot way up and would not return to normal. She almost died. She blames her diet.
True. But I guess we will have to depend on good nutrition and staying off medications and vaccines in order to stay healthy from now on. I for one have learned that everything we've been taught by the medical, food and pharmaceutical industries fir tge ladt 60 years or so has been a big lie propagated for profits and population control. So, if the government tells us to do something, like eat more grain and less meat, we should fo the opposite...eat more meat and less grain, especially if it'sprocessed.😅 Tucker Carlson had a great interview with a Standfird educated doctor/ surgeon and a Harvard educated MBA explaining all this. So true.
I was walking in the cemetery the other day and the newest mausoleum was totally filled up - most people were in their 50's and younger. I got so angry looking at it knowing a whole generation is now lost - my generation. Nobody cares, just like the lost generation in WWI.
thirty-two year olds don't just keel over and die unexpectedly. Hopefully there is an autopsy.
Our medical system needs to be reimagined and recreated. Our military, HHS, NIAID, CDC, FDA, and all related health agencies need an overhaul or better yet, be abolished. People are sicker now than anytime in our history.
Kennedy would be 100 times better than what we have now, and I read his book on Fauci, the guy's great, but please think about how a vote for him now, at this time, when he has no path to victory, is one less vote for Trump who needs a (very possible) landslide to overcome the many many types of voter fraud, much of which was easier to pull off in 2020 during Covid, and voting procedures illegally changed, with officials and Democrats like PA's Gov. Wolf (bypassed state legislature to ok drop boxes) knowing full well rulings nixing such changes won't come until many after election day; by then we had Biden, which wasn't fun.
To break the stranglehold of the two-party duopoly requires voting for the best person and screw the misapplied argument of voting for the same lame people and expecting a different result.
I will only vote my conscious; it's my vote to cast.
Mary, it's not a duopoly, more like a monopoly. The Dems, Rinos, deep state, media, Pharma, billionaires, Leftists, dozing compliant, and all the frills. Maybe ask yourself why do they resist Trump more than any candidate in our lifetime, but at this point, for now, they only despise RFK? The answer is because for 2024 they've already neutralized RFK's threat to their livelihoods, because they managed to kneecap him during Democrat primaries. Which allows them
to focus on the one guy who scares the living hell out of them, trying all they can to stop him, and somehow he's still standing... so the deep state's thrilled anytime they hear that at least some of Trump's votes might get peeled off by somebody who has no chance of winning against the Leviathan they created in 2020 and is still rolling, but at least a little wobbly, in 2024.
RFK is the only one who doesn't have ties with the vaccines to Big Pharma. And he will fight for us against them. Trump and Harris will never admit they were wrong about them. No candidate is perfect but our health is most important.
Like I said, I like him and I can ignore his climate change crap etc. cuz he knows America's in trouble cuz of entrenched feds. But can he win '24? It's 2 months away and America's done if the perps of Hiding Biden horror keep a puppet.
Also, RFK Jr. will address the pharmaceutical reach that has corrupted our Medical Journals and Medical Boards. It's a tragedy to see so many excellent clinicians lose their medical licenses due to using medicine that saved lives. The latest casualties of medical board decisions are Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik, punishing them for using ivermectin.
RFK has many (unfair) problems to overcome before he's elected President in a couple months, for example being on the ballot in all 50 states. Hopefully you don't think I'm rooting against RFK... I'm rooting against what we have now, which won't end just cuz Biden's done. The only plausible chance of beating the Democrats 3 months out is Trump. He beat them in '16 and '20, and now even my wife's voting for him in '24. Trust me, holy SHIT that says something. When I said I'd take RFK over Harris, she said "Who?"
I think if they did an autopsy they can tell the cause of death, but of course during a culling, what difference does it make the cause of death. Just matters that the herd is thinning out.
Unfortunately they are culling the educated, trained and compassionate. The ones we need to help us through the next, greater culling, whatever they choose for us. Only the devil could plan this viciously
And she died at work, which in her case was an emergency room, so the best possible place to get care. And they could not save her. At this point, I am numb to all this. Being a go along to get along person was not the survival tactic these people thought it was. Like lemmings, straight off a cliff
In nearly ALL cases we read in these Posts, the victims were "unable to be saved." This is because of how the S-protein and other components WORK to disable the body functions completely like the heart, for example. This is a CV-19 bioweapon MARKER to differentiate from a normal health illness condition.
Incredibly tragic. A retired nurse friend of 40 years will no longer speak to me. She says we cannot talk about this. I called her out on her anti vaxxer statements and now I have become taboo.
It is hard to get along with those going along with the propaganda. I have a child hood friend that we think the opposite. We didn't see each other for a few years when covid started. I just enjoyed a lunch with her recently. Of course she knows how I feel and I know how she feels. We only lightly tap dance around the subject but mostly don't talk about it. We aren't going to agree with everything, and I don't agree with what I thought of things twenty years ago so I try to keep that in mind. If I can't agree with myself from twenty years ago how can I expect others to always agree with me today when my thoughts change.
Though in my eyes she is hurting herself by taking the shots and I have a strong urge to save her and others, as I know others want to save us by convincing us to take shots.
Was thinking that it would be nice if MCM gave a mini-class covering the Propaganda Basics we keep seeing in these Posts. Although he and his Team markup the Posts with bold text, and although we see many repeated phrases, it would be helpful if he would discuss especially since he is a Prof of Propaganda.
If you were to do even a miniscule amount of online research, you'd find that MCM has already made available to the public, available to all, the information you purport to be seeking.
Was thinking of a "discussion," something like DayzOfNoah does with us regularly, bringing forth the latest thoughts. We have all done the basic research on these ideas.
It would be great to see a remembrance of Dr Buttar. His last compilation including a clip of his interview with that CNN guy and Anderson Cooper attacking him, labeling him as misinformation. As time passes on, he was correct on all accounts. He was a fighter for truth and continued the fight through all the mainstream lies.
Silly me. In the beginning of the scamdemic I thought that they would leave doctors alone. As the elite would probably be traveling all over the world and would want there to be doctors available for them if they had the need. Nope. They went after everyone. Doctors, babies, the family man...everyone
Currently it looks to be about 1,000 nurses are dying per month based on their occupation being listed in the obituary. Granted a good number are over 70 but a good majority are younger than 78.
Jabbed still dont understand how reasonably educated people are so dumb they listen to the government. So quit your job and you live another day dont and the consequences are written above. Allopathy big ag government all wrong
It’s horrific. Doctors (and nurses) tend to be unbelievably brainwashed by the system. The entire Rockefeller med school education is a master class in brainwashing: impossibly long hours, high stress, sleep deprivation, etc. Memorization is rewarded, critical thinking punished. It’s no wonder so many really are true believers & cannot break free of their prison.
I'm very cynical. Why would AI be programmed to diagnose and treat honestly and ethically in the first place? How does Big Tech plan to protect AI from hackers and cyber criminals that might reprogram AI to harm and not heal?
Might as well change the jabbed narrative to "died totally expectedly." The shock and awe has completely worn off. This is commonplace now. I just shake my head....heavy sigh. With that, we still need to shine a light on this ongoing atrocity. Despicable, loathsome, soulless, black-eyed ogres that they are.
It’s very hard …foolish people, who think so highly of their intellectual abilities that they have no room for anyone’s recommendations, “Please look this up? Please take some time? Please …”. And many of these folks had more than 20 years left ….nursing, I see, ironically condemned them to the shorter life with hospital and campus mandates….~~~”Campus” which should hint at even more available intelligence, but much, I see
The culling of the health care profession is going strong. I no longer am happy when a young person says they are going into the medical professions. I just see a dead man walking.
I have that feeling too. Also feeling negatively with: joining the military, becoming police, going into teaching, open a business, open a restaurant, ....
Anything relating to serving the human kind does not have a bright future.
I see you left off politics. Not so many of those keeling over. 🤔. Hmmm. Some kind of cull needs to happen there.
You are right about not so many in politics ! Brilliant observation !
I teach at a medical school and a nursing school. It is depressing. One of my current 3rd year nursing students has suddenly been experiencing heart issues. She now has to visit a cardiologist monthly. She has no idea why. I am dreading the first day back after summer vacation.
That is stressful on your part also. Sorry you are up close and personal with this evil.
That's got to be a tough situation to be in. 😔
Worse for them.
It is hard for the rest of us to talk to a person in the med field that doesn't see through the B.S. Then of course I got to question if they are so very wrong about this, what else are they wrong about. I hate having any conversation with them as I just leave the conversation frustrated that I can't really talk and have to pretend what they say is the truth. I don't want med advice from them anyway.
No idea why? None?
I asked and her words and body language indicated she has no idea why a young person such as she would have to suddenly see a cardiologist once every month.
Last year, one of our medical students, not mine, heart rate shot way up and would not return to normal. She almost died. She blames her diet.
This dr has 11000 covid patients - zero deaths https://vimeo.com/992459727
True. But I guess we will have to depend on good nutrition and staying off medications and vaccines in order to stay healthy from now on. I for one have learned that everything we've been taught by the medical, food and pharmaceutical industries fir tge ladt 60 years or so has been a big lie propagated for profits and population control. So, if the government tells us to do something, like eat more grain and less meat, we should fo the opposite...eat more meat and less grain, especially if it'sprocessed.😅 Tucker Carlson had a great interview with a Standfird educated doctor/ surgeon and a Harvard educated MBA explaining all this. So true.
I know. It is everyone. The housekeeping staff, aids ,PT and OT’s, phlebotomists, porters, MRT’s (x ray) , lab staff. Admin. ALL were vaccinated.
Above……”but not much, I see”. Correction ;-)
The "new normal" we were told to expect from tptb during the scamdemic. Good Lord. My mind is still blown away. 🤯
I was walking in the cemetery the other day and the newest mausoleum was totally filled up - most people were in their 50's and younger. I got so angry looking at it knowing a whole generation is now lost - my generation. Nobody cares, just like the lost generation in WWI.
Actually, Napoleon, I think a lot of people care. I think we see some of them commenting on Mark's site. I think many of us care a great deal.
Dr. Madeline Parks, 32 years old, died of "unfathomable natural causes," suddenly, while at work -- How can they think up these phrases or print them?
thirty-two year olds don't just keel over and die unexpectedly. Hopefully there is an autopsy.
Our medical system needs to be reimagined and recreated. Our military, HHS, NIAID, CDC, FDA, and all related health agencies need an overhaul or better yet, be abolished. People are sicker now than anytime in our history.
Needs to be burnt down to the ground and rebuilt. Same with the education system too.
Agree wholeheartedly!
Many of these agencies were set in motion after WWII.
That's 70+ years of political tinkering driven by ego, fame, power, and money.
It's not a pretty sight.
We need to see it, own it, expose it, and then get to work changing it.
Vote RFK Jr. in 2024.
Kennedy is not perfect on the Gaza issue, but he understands the stranglehold of Pharma and knows how to begin the task of fixing it.
Kennedy would be 100 times better than what we have now, and I read his book on Fauci, the guy's great, but please think about how a vote for him now, at this time, when he has no path to victory, is one less vote for Trump who needs a (very possible) landslide to overcome the many many types of voter fraud, much of which was easier to pull off in 2020 during Covid, and voting procedures illegally changed, with officials and Democrats like PA's Gov. Wolf (bypassed state legislature to ok drop boxes) knowing full well rulings nixing such changes won't come until many after election day; by then we had Biden, which wasn't fun.
Nice try.
To break the stranglehold of the two-party duopoly requires voting for the best person and screw the misapplied argument of voting for the same lame people and expecting a different result.
I will only vote my conscious; it's my vote to cast.
Mary, it's not a duopoly, more like a monopoly. The Dems, Rinos, deep state, media, Pharma, billionaires, Leftists, dozing compliant, and all the frills. Maybe ask yourself why do they resist Trump more than any candidate in our lifetime, but at this point, for now, they only despise RFK? The answer is because for 2024 they've already neutralized RFK's threat to their livelihoods, because they managed to kneecap him during Democrat primaries. Which allows them
to focus on the one guy who scares the living hell out of them, trying all they can to stop him, and somehow he's still standing... so the deep state's thrilled anytime they hear that at least some of Trump's votes might get peeled off by somebody who has no chance of winning against the Leviathan they created in 2020 and is still rolling, but at least a little wobbly, in 2024.
You can tell both parties are worried about Kennedy.
RFK is the only one who doesn't have ties with the vaccines to Big Pharma. And he will fight for us against them. Trump and Harris will never admit they were wrong about them. No candidate is perfect but our health is most important.
Like I said, I like him and I can ignore his climate change crap etc. cuz he knows America's in trouble cuz of entrenched feds. But can he win '24? It's 2 months away and America's done if the perps of Hiding Biden horror keep a puppet.
Also, RFK Jr. will address the pharmaceutical reach that has corrupted our Medical Journals and Medical Boards. It's a tragedy to see so many excellent clinicians lose their medical licenses due to using medicine that saved lives. The latest casualties of medical board decisions are Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik, punishing them for using ivermectin.
RFK has many (unfair) problems to overcome before he's elected President in a couple months, for example being on the ballot in all 50 states. Hopefully you don't think I'm rooting against RFK... I'm rooting against what we have now, which won't end just cuz Biden's done. The only plausible chance of beating the Democrats 3 months out is Trump. He beat them in '16 and '20, and now even my wife's voting for him in '24. Trust me, holy SHIT that says something. When I said I'd take RFK over Harris, she said "Who?"
Our whole system needs complete reform.
Burnt to ashes, yes. Rebuilding, no.
I think if they did an autopsy they can tell the cause of death, but of course during a culling, what difference does it make the cause of death. Just matters that the herd is thinning out.
They know, so no need.
Unfortunately they are culling the educated, trained and compassionate. The ones we need to help us through the next, greater culling, whatever they choose for us. Only the devil could plan this viciously
At 32, a person has to die for a definite, specific reason.
She did. We all know what. The fact they won’t say it is the loudest admission possible.
So true.
You can also add "beloved"
And she died at work, which in her case was an emergency room, so the best possible place to get care. And they could not save her. At this point, I am numb to all this. Being a go along to get along person was not the survival tactic these people thought it was. Like lemmings, straight off a cliff
In nearly ALL cases we read in these Posts, the victims were "unable to be saved." This is because of how the S-protein and other components WORK to disable the body functions completely like the heart, for example. This is a CV-19 bioweapon MARKER to differentiate from a normal health illness condition.
Incredibly tragic. A retired nurse friend of 40 years will no longer speak to me. She says we cannot talk about this. I called her out on her anti vaxxer statements and now I have become taboo.
It is hard to get along with those going along with the propaganda. I have a child hood friend that we think the opposite. We didn't see each other for a few years when covid started. I just enjoyed a lunch with her recently. Of course she knows how I feel and I know how she feels. We only lightly tap dance around the subject but mostly don't talk about it. We aren't going to agree with everything, and I don't agree with what I thought of things twenty years ago so I try to keep that in mind. If I can't agree with myself from twenty years ago how can I expect others to always agree with me today when my thoughts change.
Though in my eyes she is hurting herself by taking the shots and I have a strong urge to save her and others, as I know others want to save us by convincing us to take shots.
Thank you for noticing that. Are they trying to use hyperbole to deflect, as in, "I'm 100% not guilty"?
Was thinking that it would be nice if MCM gave a mini-class covering the Propaganda Basics we keep seeing in these Posts. Although he and his Team markup the Posts with bold text, and although we see many repeated phrases, it would be helpful if he would discuss especially since he is a Prof of Propaganda.
If you were to do even a miniscule amount of online research, you'd find that MCM has already made available to the public, available to all, the information you purport to be seeking.
Was thinking of a "discussion," something like DayzOfNoah does with us regularly, bringing forth the latest thoughts. We have all done the basic research on these ideas.
My heart aches.💔 And we all know why they died.😞🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yes, so very sad. Unfortunately this isn't the end of it.
Just the beginning.
It would be great to see a remembrance of Dr Buttar. His last compilation including a clip of his interview with that CNN guy and Anderson Cooper attacking him, labeling him as misinformation. As time passes on, he was correct on all accounts. He was a fighter for truth and continued the fight through all the mainstream lies.
I really miss him.
I do too, certain things he has said always comes back to my thoughts when reading posts.
He is always on my mind. A soul mate
Ass hole homo cooper had him killed
First thing I thought...this was not natural.
Former Skull and Bones member and CIA employee Cooper probably had a buddy or two take him out.
Yea and cooper never would have made it wout an open pie hole
This explains a lot.
Keep doing this. It's important. Thank you.
Silly me. In the beginning of the scamdemic I thought that they would leave doctors alone. As the elite would probably be traveling all over the world and would want there to be doctors available for them if they had the need. Nope. They went after everyone. Doctors, babies, the family man...everyone
They have there own Satanist doctors
I pray for their loved ones, and pray for offers to wake up speak out and find help for themselves
She died of unfathomable natural causes, ....
'Unfathomable', that's a new one.
I guess "baffling" was too antivax.
I’d give anything if I’d known my daughter-in-law back when they blackmailed her into taking it. I’m sure I could have stopped it.
It worries me to death.
Dreadful. So sorry
I hear ya, Queen. My mind can’t hold the worry I feel sometimes about my family. Only a few of us resisted.
For this list of nurses, there are 10,000 more that we just don't know about. Here's one, didn't quite make it to 60 yrs. Worked for the VA. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/patti-phillips-obituary?id=54717374
Currently it looks to be about 1,000 nurses are dying per month based on their occupation being listed in the obituary. Granted a good number are over 70 but a good majority are younger than 78.
They believed all the lies they were told. But will the next generation of nurses be any wiser? I sincerely doubt it.
Jabbed still dont understand how reasonably educated people are so dumb they listen to the government. So quit your job and you live another day dont and the consequences are written above. Allopathy big ag government all wrong
The doctors remain BAFFLED, just truly BAFFLED, I tell you.......regarding this long, fuzzily connected chain of coinkydinks....
VA forced their employees to take the covid DeathVax.
Our veterans deserve better.
We are disposable to them.
Disposable and inconvenient.
I’m so glad I left when I did.
So many VA employees are veterans.
I can't image having to make the choice between taking the covid DeathVax or being fired.
"Sophie's choice"
Is this getting even worse?!
Seems like it.
So sad!!!
Sadly this will not stop.
Agree 💯. I think it will continue as is or ramp up even more. This was a bioweapon to cull the population big time.
This dr has 11000 covid patients - zero deaths https://vimeo.com/992459727
It’s horrific. Doctors (and nurses) tend to be unbelievably brainwashed by the system. The entire Rockefeller med school education is a master class in brainwashing: impossibly long hours, high stress, sleep deprivation, etc. Memorization is rewarded, critical thinking punished. It’s no wonder so many really are true believers & cannot break free of their prison.
They have AI coming now too. Fabulous (not).
I'm very cynical. Why would AI be programmed to diagnose and treat honestly and ethically in the first place? How does Big Tech plan to protect AI from hackers and cyber criminals that might reprogram AI to harm and not heal?
But AI will recognize the correlation to the vax. Someone will have to override it. One can only hope the data will show the truth