Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

I live in LA where the disdain of the 'working class' is just revolting. They pretend otherwise but the truth slips through. My grandparents were working class - my grandmother a forward thinking union leader. CA Dem party has become the party of elites. They are like a cheap piece of furniture with a thin veneer of fake wood.

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Yes, the IKEA of humanity.

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Covid taught us something priceless


2 min ago

We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.

The current event described as a pandemic has snapped us to hard attention. Did we need that snap to remove ourselves from the stupor of subservience. Have we finally escaped Gilligans Island.

Should we be thankful. Yes.

I see it differently now, I see news anchours as news actors portraying the script. Each one designed and hand picked by focus group? This one appeals to that demographic. This one to another. Now deliver those lines, we all depend on you. Practise/deliver practise/deliver deliver your lines hit your mark sell it, sell it, sell it. Seque now, new anchour, female face female voice, moves a little differently, tremendous facial expression, really good eye contact, new demographic, same message. sell it, sell it, sell it.

I am awake now. I admit I always wondered but I was so darn comfortable.

I am awake now.

We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.


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The censorship seems to be getting worse daily, with much more attention toward blacking out events across the nation. You would think that would be harder to do than it is. It feels like things are going as planned for the global elites.

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Not necessarily

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I truly hope not, but it sure seems like it. More horrible disclosures about the vax, more tightening of media information. We also seem to have every single American effort towards making sure we save Ukraine, with the CIA, Nato, and much of the global public buying the media lies about why this is so significant. Overall, it is most disturbing because e know these shots kill and maim and they all know it, and yet they are still pushing hard for that---that's not ignorance, or even hubris--it's a symptom of a grander plan and that's what scares me.

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I never liked liver, my mother called it minute steak


15 min ago

We have small victories. we relax the opposition re organize and replot the next attack. The main point is they never stop and they have the resources to continue and are very patient.

This awakening will take years more. We have spectacular leadership albeit defacto. The pay off will be a better place for us all. That’s my vision. What is your vision.

What is the process while they are regrouping, and we are forgetting.

They are at this moment exploring ways to make the VAERS data results the fault of the virus not the vaccine. They are trying to make VAERS a system available only to those with financial interests in the data. They are trying to establish reasonable links between vaccine hesitancy and prolonged pandemic. Connecting deaths/adverse events to anything but the product.

Right now they are redefining words, and we must stop that. Right now the are attaching emotions of their choice to concepts of their making

Right now they are finding virus that isn’t treatable with generic drugs. Right now they are re-ordering drug tables eliminating some promoting others so certain drugs can’t be used against them. Right now they are rewritting history so certain things are forgotten.

Right now they are finding ways to justify demanding clinical trials for a drug(s) with 40 years of safety data.

Right now they are finding ways to have it “taken out of context”

Right now they are setting the stage to discredit inexpensive therapies/drugs as dangerous (melatonin to Vitamin C to generic)

Right now they are strategizing based on lessons learned from this current effort.

Over the next few years internet will be reorganized so it will be so easily accessible to everyone, that agrees.

I hear my niece interacting with ‘Hey Google” she asks a question the interface delivers the answer. She doesn’t even see the next potential offering.

“ on the website CNN it states………………….”

By coercion not so easy for those that disagree

!Approved websites earn points, surf 3 hours of approved websites get your weekly shopping bonus! on and on

As I have mentioned in previous posts we must do a forensic investigation of legislation that seemed innocuous at the time but has allowed dominance of the narrative by the corporate interests. The true oligarchs. Pharma companies and news providers sharing board members as an example. One promoting and protecting the other. Legislation which allows immediate criminalization of dissent, removal of funding and cancellation of your ability to function in society. As happened recently in Canada. Remember it is also being used against the Russian aggressors. An easy sell.

A modernized bill of rights for the new age is the answer.

Its all liver disguised as steak.


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Ignoring it won't work when it gets to DC.

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It's not going all the way there. Watch the video....

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What video?

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The video I posted, above.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

very inspiring! Thankyou Mark ! I l learned so much (i.e., locally here in Vermont on how to participate proactively by connecting with & following Dr Rob Williams and fight MSM - Vermont has been so hoodwinked - it makes me so sad - if they only knew they never should have listened to Gov Scott - who I believe was brainwashed! ) and these 2 young women ! AND, their Heart warming journey they're both on ... Arianna Victor & Claire Dolley ... so admirable & inspiring !

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President Earpiece W. Teleprompter said the national emergency declared against Iran by former president Bubba W. Teflonpenis on March 15, 1995 must continue in effect beyond March 15, 2022. 

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And the question really is what does the ruling strata do with the Convoy to ensure that nothing of any importance results? Biden is going to veto ending the Covid emergency. So one doubts anything less than an overthrow-which is not on the agenda after all-does much more than expressing disagreement and this will be ignored. All in on the lethal injections until we have herd death I think is how we roll.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Rolling Stone will be Rolling Alone...death from vax is the facts

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that is sadly funny

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

I REALLY enjoyed this conversation ... for one I am a new transplant to Vermont since December 2019 because of my admirarion of Bernie (he lives near by ; I do not trust any other politions and love Vermont's outlooks on so many things) ... Since relocotating here from CT - I've often thought & wished that Vermont could & would succeed from the Union ... something Rob Williams appears to be interested in (and I found many links to get involved in the possibility of helping to make that happen via Dr. Rob Williams) ... These 2 women Claire Dolley & Ariana Victor -- so inspiring -- the world is STILL a Beautiful Place .... We just need to know where to look!.

Thank you Mark Crispin Millier ... you seem to have your finger on the pulse of everything - thanks for all you do! I've been following you since the murder of Michael Connell (on Democracy Now) and also Stephen Spoonamoore (Velvet Underground) & frequently daydream of a day we can torch all the Dominion Electronic Voting Machines & get our votes counted once again. I think you & Spoonamore should hook up & convince the public for the need to revive PAPER BALLOTS, HAND COUNTED ---be interviewed by people like Glen Greenwald, Matt Tiabbi , Joe Rogan, etc... If USA citizens knew how vulnerable our elections were --- they'd all know if we don't torch EVM - Democracy is DEAD. We need verifiable PAPER BALLOTS by 2024 --- or it's the end of the world as we know it!

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Hello Mark, perhaps you already know, but your latest post on 1,000+ Pfizer side effects seems to have disappeared. I'm a subscriber so I clicked through after reading in my inbox only to get a "page not found" message. Many thanks for sharing the details.

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I took it down, because those 1,291 side effects include "adverse events" for vaccines of several kinds, not just the COVID "vaccines." But thank you for asking.

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The unfortunate truth is that many people think “we have beaten the mandates” and have won the war on Covid. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Because this *ongoing* war has precisely *nothing* to do with Covid. As mandates are being lifted, The WHO is quietly ushering in its new “pandemic treaty” and SMART health card. So, yes, the Covid crisis has been greatly successful in advancing the infrastructure of the biosecurity state (aka digital concentration camp). It was a clever bait and switch and I’m afraid that a lot of people who were just starting to wake up to the true agenda will take the bait and fall back to sleep.

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Blackout the coverage of those “Nazi” truck drivers while covertly funding and training literal neo-Nazi paramilitary forces in Ukraine. Only in the USA, where the virtue-signallers on Facebook are adorning their profile pictures with masks that read “I stand with Ukraine.”

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Well, not ONLY in the USA. Canada trained Ukraine's National Guard, and Christia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi....

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Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G)

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When I attempt to connect to the link from my email (ProtonMail), I receive the Error 404 message, that it does not exist. I must go to Like and then to Substack to connect. Is this usual? My paranoia knows no bounds these days.

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I have no idea. Anything's possible. You're a subscriber?

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Yes, I am. There is duplication in my comments because my initial comment seemed not to appear initially. Ooops.

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Your most recent piece on Pfizer’s “vaccine” side effects cannot be found on DuckDuckGo!

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That piece was inaccurate, so I took it down.

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Using Firefox and DuckDuckGo, I receive the message "Ooops...Error 404, the page you are looking for does not exist." Nor can I load your photo, etc. with ProtonMail.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Just an update on censorship from news form MarketWatch a financial news site that I follow. As somebody rightly says: "follow the money...." ;)


So here an excerpt:

"Twitter is expanding Birdwatch, its crowd-sourced fact-checking project it started as a small and -->little-publicized<-- pilot program more than a year ago. The program lets regular people flag and notate misleading tweets....This is separate from Twitter’s news verification partnerships with The Associated Press and Reuters...."

So now we know who are the Censorship criminals: AP and Reuters... my personal compliments to those neo nazi press agencies! And soon along with the neo nazi crowd!

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