You're going to have to start a whole new list for vaxxidents. Not sure if you saw the one I shared in one of your comment threads yesterday:


Mark, are you aware of the proposed amendments to South Africa’s National Health Act that would essentially institute medical apartheid?

We have less than 24 hours left to submit public comments opposing legislation that would keep South Africa in a permanent state of emergency in which they could be indefinitely quarantined, isolated, and medicated against their will.

Please see my letter along with action steps at the end detailing how people can help defend the people of South Africa:

• “Letter to the South African Government” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-south-african-government)

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Please read my post.

Thanks for that tip about South Africa.

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Oh yes, I see you covered that now—thanks for your relentless reporting on this never-seeming-to-end train crash, Mark!

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It's not supposed to end until we are all dead.

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The similiar font made it easy to miss.

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Me too, lol

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Blessed are the peacemakers... ;-)

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Not sure if your aware that the police investigating the accident have reversed their initial claim and now are stating the Congress women's car is the one that crossed the center line. Her assistant was driving.

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The occupant of the other vehicle, identified as 56-year-old Edith Schmucker, was also pronounced dead at the scene, officials said.

Edith Schmucker was a Visiting Angel - helping the elderly in their homes. I've no doubt that Edith was vaccinated.

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Nurse registries use subcontractors and cannot not mandate Covid shots (1099’s)

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They might not mandate the shots but they guilt a lot of folks into taking the shots. They tell us that we don't want to be responsible for an elderly person's death.

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Yes; coercion.

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And we are seemingly in a permanent state of emergency here in the USA, as well. Democracy ‘suspended’.

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Omg.. This is horrifying.!

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Is it just me ? I’ve never seen the phrase “medical event” or “medical episode” until this year. Have these phrases been around for awhile and I just haven’t noticed ?

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No. Also we never get details. They think we are idiots.

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This is the first time I've seen those phrases. The last new one I saw was something like person x died after battling a "short Illness". One thing is for sure, "SADS" is gone as everyone new it meant VISHADS-Vaccine Induced Sudden Healthy Adult Death Syndrome. Now they have to get creative to protect the "Safe and Effective" lie.

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It's been around about as longs as SADS, and a little less than the new definition for vaccines.

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It is all part of the "New Normal" newspeak:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/569780f1a823

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Need to get more people to realize that this WILL effect them. That that bus or car or truck could be coming at them. Or the plane they go on vacation on. We need tests done, to see the heart issues before they manifest.

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Blood and other medical tests are fallible!

and Medical training has NOT included training in Signs and Symptoms for years, and Drs are limited in the type of questions they ask the patient, as again their Rockefeller/Big Pharma Medical Training ignores this to a very large degree.

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What are your suggested solutions?

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

No problem!! Banning autopsies and burning the bodies as they mandated across the globe will get rid of this problem. Engineers live with their mistakes and doctors bury them and criminally cover up for one another and so are never held to account. That is the way it has always been and so is it any wonder we have professionals in engineering and incompetent ghouls in medicine?

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I was thinking the same thing about that head on collision...🤔

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I know accidents happen but how many times do you read about a congress person getting killed in a car accident? I used to scoff at the Arkancide as right wing kook stuff, but I don't anymore. I think it is worth consideration sort of like 911 and Pearl Harbor. You don't want to think such ill of those who lead us but once the veil is pulled away, there is no going back. Of course Biden is the gift for all of us on the fence. It is so obvious he isn't in charge, you have to be in complete denial to think otherwise.

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Don’t forget, it was Winton Churchill that called off a navy escort for the Lusitania. And yes, the British government and American bankers loaded the ship full of war munitions.

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In the past I read those things - like FDR's embargo of Japan in 39 and possible knowledge of an attack - and I would think how terrible but it is in the past. I now look at what we are doing in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO and see Biden has drawn us into war with Ukraine. We are already there. Add to it Pelosi going to Taiwan - their freedom I support - but such action is an international incident. She knows this. Is she preparing to become President? Maybe that is her angle. Isn't that the transition? VP then her? Get rid of Kamala and then she is in.

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And how many ships were really permanently destroyed in Pearl Harbor? This one surprised me.

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Remember Churchill's mother was an American. He was the greatest traitor to Great Britain that there has ever been as he handed power over to his mother country at the expense of the British people and hundreds of millions of people around the globe that have died and suffered under this truly evil US hegemony.

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Look at the list of names in The Committee of 300, (Book-John Coleman - former agent for UK & USA- FREE DOWNLOAD) a c'tee that meet in The City of London (a self governing entity in London, UK) and the " inner" Committee of 100 that QE11 draws from th C'tee of 300. Its not only USA involved, though USA seem to have done and do a lot of the " dirty work".

WHY do you think that Kissinger is SIR Henry Kissinger? Kissinger who trained Schwab - a former pupil of his Economics class.

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De Nile (denial) Is a river in Egypt, according to MSM.

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There has been an increase "in the North" of Australia concerning single-car accidents...crashing into trees, driving into rivers...

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Years back when people were succumbing in numbers to AUTO IMMUNE Disorders, an American lady went before the Courts for killing 7 people in a car accident.

The Court DISMISSED the Thyroid condition and that woman is in jail.

It was "fashionable" to give the Thyroid Diagnosis at that time, and the ignorance of Endocrinologists'/medical people etc., was well known by patients throughout the world. Many people were given a Thyroid illness as the cause of their AUTO IMMUNE Disorders/illnesses, and this lady's Legal rep put forward her Thyroid illness as the cause of why she had this accident. Many Thyroid patients have been kept ill as Thyroid is a Symptoms of a deeper problem.

The Public is focussed on the present day victims, but as Dr Judy Mikovits and others can testify too, that for decades people have been experimented on with these "Vaccines:, and parents can testify to their health born children, developing Autism etc., AFTER injections.


The glaring illnesses of heart and vascular problem, and sudden death of people of all ages, are a feature of these COVID JABS.

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Just wait until an airplane crashes!

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Maybe we simply have not been informed of a commercial plane crash.? given the cover ups by media

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I have an elder friend whose friend was killed in a car accident- head on hit by someone who passed out at the wheel driving in town.....she ( friend's friend) also was in end stages of cancer that she was being treated for- her cancer progressed further after all this COVID mess and she was vaxxed.....likely the driver that hit her was too....I don't know much more than this other than it was an elder driver, but as soon as I had heard this over a year ago, I thought.....vaxxident. And, perhaps the cancer was enhanced by the vax too. I wouldn't doubt it. It just struck me immediately then and stuck. I couldn't really speak up much to my friend about my suspicions and be heard. She had been vaxxed herself- early, despite my attempts at warning her with what I was aware of then. She stated she wanted to be able to travel. i was so shocked at the time as she had always been so skeptical. Well, shortly after her vaxxing, she developed breast cancer.

Another thing....I never used to hear so many sirens going off near my home as I do now. So many each day. It used to be so rare. It has been over the past year or so now. I really don't think I am being paranoid when I think....vax reaction or what have you. Ambulances, vaxxidents or what not. It is just never on the news.... (no shock there).

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Where are you?

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Northern Illinois suburbs.

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Cancer has been proved by EXPERT MEDICAL people. Reactivation of Cancers after years of remission now and very aggressive cancer. Not mentioned in MSM of course.

ALL illness is caused by inflammation firstly, Cancer is an inflammation and being jabbed causes inflammation as the body automatically defends itself, so WHY are ill people being treated as ONE SIZED FITS ALL??

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I had heard about the link to reactivation of cancer after the shot shortly after my friend's friend with cancer had been killed in the accident. It was very early after the shot roll out. By the time I heard of the suspected link, my friend had been diagnosed, along with another of her friends and my father had a return of skin cancer ( with a vengeance). All rapidly in succession, all after vaxxing. All along I felt it strange, from the outset how it was being recommended to administer this "experiment" to people with autoimmune disorders as one priority....I immediately felt it seemed backwards....since then I'd come to feel it was ill-advised for ANYONE. Personal choice, but, CRITICAL THINKING is key.🙄

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Especially with Psychopaths' in front and centre of things at present, they are illogical at the best of times, but because they "pepper up" their versions of events/life/narratives - with selective FACTs, it makes decent people give "situations" the benefit of the doubt.

The World has been so dumbed down for so so long, and education and all areas "infected" with this, and an explosion of information and the Internet, that CRITICAL THINKING is not a reflex action anymore - for the majority.

The mantra of all must be jabbed? with an unproven and barely trialled DNA interfering injection? Secrecy? QUESTIONS not answered? Drive by Jabs with stick it up your nasal passage into a very tender part of the head/brain area? by non trained people in Supermarket parking lots, and what is on this elongated swab?

Shows how much CRITICAL THINKING has been lost and how much people have been conditioned to never-ending scare tactics - on violent TV shows, films , MSM etc., etc., Facebooks, etc.,

The manipulation and control tactics are right across the board, and while people complained to each other and to gov't etc., a normal persons mind could not even begin to imagine such TRUE PSYCOPATHIC ways, as they used to be locked up in "Mental Hospitals", though they can never be cured as Psychopaths' think they are ALWAYS RIGHT and MUST WIN, and BLAME EVERYONE else EXCFEPT THEMSELVES.

Trouble is that Technology and obscene amount of cash are in this equation (& so much else).

SKIN CANCER- when I was regularly surfing as a child and swimming, sailing, biking, walking to many places, one NEVER heard of people with Skin Cancer, and a group of use would go ALL DAY to the beach and surf, in bikinis etc., (even had Major blisters once) SKIN CREAMS WERE NOT EVEN MADE UNTIL YEARS LATER. I never used them on my sons and none of us with skin cancer. There are also chem trails etc., in this equation.

We did use ZINC cream on our noses. Noses have survived well.

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Totally agree! Gut instincts are divine guidance in my mind. They've never steered me wrong. Just gotta listen to those and follow that inner 🧭 compass, so to speak. Hard to watch all those lemmings jumping off the cliff. Especially when near and dear.

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"Especially when near and dear" ~ Indeed.

Hardest for me when my intelligent son has been triple vaxxed and still can't see the light . . . . I worry when vaxx season starts up again in the fall about what he will choose to do, in spite of all the peer reviewed research (warnings) I've shared . . . .

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Researchers at Sloan Kettering knew in March of 2021 about the vaxx/cancer connection ~ and the vaxx-induced cancers are so aggressive now, they are calling them "turbo cancer"

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_526b35afac9a_e9a9592ddb2b_61b933dceda2

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Aptly named. Thanks for the link. Sickening as they keep pushing the shots.

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Our collective madness has reached absolutely surreal levels. Prior to "covid" we spent four years pretending that "Putin" put the orange clown in the White House rather than the criminal behavior of the DNC in denying Sanders the nomination. I am now expected to believe that we as a society apparently no longer know - "what a woman is." And "vaccines" that are killing and maiming people daily continue to be referred to, and are marketed as, "safe and effective" by corrupt pharmaceutical companies and our equally corrupt regulatory agencies and MSM. Clearly "madness" is "the new normal."

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And AMERICANS are PAYING to be killed with their taxes!

And the FOUNDATIONS and Pharma launder their money and pay very little in tax, whlie abusing the freebies.


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I'm sure fatal car crashes have increased and so have drownings. Surfing and swimming require exertion and that doesn't mix with a vaccinee who has sub clinical Myocarditis or other blood clotting occurring unbeknownst them.

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Hahahahaha! Willy Gates-of-Hell-Keeper, Tony Fausti and Klaus the nasal Swab are having a zoom call and laughing their guts out!

Klaus: 'Imagine zee poor vaxxed bus driver vith zee head in zee broken vindow of zee bus! Zzo comical! hahaha! '

Fausti: 'Now Klaus, control yourself! The plebes are catching on to the 'vaxxcidents'!!

Willy: 'Come on Toni, let our poor eugenicist have SOME fun! Our great WEF leader needs SOME comic relief - after all he used to enjoy boiling frogs alive when he was a kid! Hahaha! '

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In the land of denial, nothing is "by vaxxident" (by accident of course but never the former)... Though the horror in the Bronx was likely jab-induced, I'm not so sure in the case with Rep. Jackie Walorski and team. It may have been a takeout. Per the local news ( https://www.southbendtribune.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/03/jackie-walorski-emma-thomson-zach-potts-killed-fatal-crash-what-we-know/65391471007/ ) "Walorski was one of 147 Republicans who voted to NOT certify the Electoral College results awarding the presidency to President Joseph Biden hours after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol." My hubby read she was very outspoken. The news misreported that the OTHER driver went into Rep. Walorski's lane; now the story is that Rep. Walorski CROSSED THE LINE. She sure did. It's very easy to fix a car... or plane, as Dr. Carrie Madej recently experienced. And such fixing can be done remotely too and/or via a V2S set of directions from a passing vehicle so-assigned. So many possibilities. But of course if could have been a "plain simple" uncomplicated vaxxident like in the Bronx...such are these times.

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Remind me of the 5 African Leaders who rejected the Jabs for their African state, and in a matter of months they all were dead, the usual heart and other excuses .....

One was the African Leader who in the early days of this Covid, had a leaf and a goat tested with PCR tests and both tests showed POSITIVE.

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Seems the political parasitic class never pay for the damages they cause. Yet another reason to abolish the state.

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Its all so, so SAD! and a waste as ALL human beings have innate talents and many are trying to do their bit for the good.

Read where its many educated people who are not aware as its vital to be.

I remember telling my sons that University only gets you ahead on the starting line of life, that there is far more than an encapsulated, directed learning period in ones life. Life is never ending LEARNING.

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FWIW, I've been tracking "dangerous medical episodes" for some time now. Good to have a name for them now = "Vaxxidents"

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_cf9bc4fc2133_874968291434_b84a828a6ff2c37ebbe7b535589803fe987f69dc66f2501c5d81d728

Sadly, the preceding list is only the "medical episodes" that are dangerous to one's self *and* others. It doesn't include the pandemic of vaccine injuries and deaths that are taking other people down one-at-a-time:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c23221be5889

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Metta, can you email me? markcrispinmiller@pm.me

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Sure thing, Mark. Replying now. . . . .

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