It's high time that we pushed the 'life is sacred' narrative. This discarding of life as though it were garbage is grotesque. Every life is sacred and that includes the infirm in whatever form that infirmity presents itself as.

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Thank you, Mark. Do you have a non-TikTok link for those of us who don’t want to install Chinese spyware? ;-)

Mark, I want to make sure you saw Tess Lawrie’s heart-stabbingly powerful reading of my poem that has now been viewed by millions and is lighting the narrative on fire:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice (Video)” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a)

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This kid says it perfectly.

I cannot believe some dipshit went to the comments in tiktok to complain about him using the words ableist and retarded.

The "liberals" are murdering people, they are doing what their fanatic supporters fear the conservatives would do, but it's not the conservatives who are doing it.

As a disabled person myself, I'm sending a big fuck you to all the ideologues of the world, and all their racist, ableist and murderous statutes and mandates.

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I can see it but I'm using a VPN. He's right of course, they see him and people like him as useless eaters to be got rid of and they do all this whilst pretending to care. As someone famous once said "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

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For anyone with the time, inclination or patience, I heartily recommend paying attention to what the National Citizen's Inquiry is trying to accomplish up here in Canada. An exercise in truth-telling and healing. Some of the testimonies are heartbreaking. Others merely shocking. But all necessary.



Their hearings have been terminated from Yoo Toob. Go figure, huh?

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The one benefit of Covid was to full comprehend the evilness of Darwinian thinking. The Jacobson decision upholding police power to enforce a vax was relied upon in allowing states to do forced sterilization of undesirables. (Buck v Bell) That no media outlet discussed the disturbing timeline unveiled how bad things truly are. Instead of Eugenics to prevent undesirables from propagating, it is death after birth. Hitler didn’t create this policy. As this video shows, it was already happening in Germany. And US intellectuals and their foundations funded it. https://youtu.be/Rz8ge4aw8Ws

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I was just reading on the web about the T4 program after seeing this post. I knew the Nazis murdered old and disabled people, but I didn't know about how this program worked. This is hard to take, just as it's hard to believe most doctors have been promoting the clot shots to ALL their patients.

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I can see the video when I click the link in the article-I do not have TikTok. It’s very heartbreaking.

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Apr 2, 2023·edited Apr 2, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

Indeed, Mr. Miller!

Here's an explanation for this provided by Yale professor Ian Shapiro. In his 2003 book, 'The Moral Foundations of Politics,' the Yale professor writes: "Recall that (JS) Mill does not say that when harm occurs, the government should enact policies designed to minimize it or protect those who are most vulnerable to it, but rather government should act in 'the general interest of mankind.'" (p. 69) This aptly explains Hitler's Aktion T4 & Heindrich's Final Solution at the Wansee Conference (and Goring, who later signed the decree for the murder of countless people).

Shapiro further adds: "The accepted scientific wisdom of the day may hold that the general interest of mankind is best served by [...] eugenics policies, or worse. So long as those wielding the tortometer decide that they are acting in an area where harm of some kind can occur to someone, there is nothing in Mill's argument to stop them from pursuing these coercive policies in response to it." (p. 70)

I remember that in Thom Hartmann's book, "SCREWED" (2006, 2007), for which you penned the foreword, you said we would have to "brace [ourselves] for the necessary fight" . . . if we longed to see our nations "once again great with promise [...]." (p. XII)

I've included videos that show how bloody dictators are created and ended.





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This poor young man. His parents must also be living a nightmare. I grieve for them all. We need to give hope to those who feel hopeless. Canadians deserve better.

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I appreciate your work so much thank you. Are you aware of the NATIONAL CITIZENS INQUIRY taking place in a string of towns across Canada ?

We could use some promotion . NCI

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This is 100% being done still by our NATZI REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES .

This disabled young warrior has more guts than my boomer friends and most of their kids.

Including my nephews.

Time for nice is over.

I'll be at the front of the line of a million or more of us going to the Parliament buildings and ARRESTING these MFERS !



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So Canada is working hard to become Nazi Germany! How cute!

"Nazi eugenics would ultimately dictate who would be persecuted in a Reich-dominated Europe, how people would live, and how they would die. Nazi doctors would become the unseen generals in Hitler's war against the Jews and other Europeans deemed inferior. Doctors would create the science, devise the eugenic formulas, and even hand-select the victims for sterilization, euthanasia and mass extermination."

"Beginning in 1940, thousands of Germans taken from old age homes, mental institutions and other custodial facilities were systematically gassed. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were eventually killed."

Leon Whitney, executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society declared of Nazism, "While we were pussy-footing around…the Germans were calling a spade a spade."


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Brave kid. So glad he’s standing up for himself, his rights and for those like him. This kid is going to be okay.

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That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. - Ecclesiastes 1:9

Stunning Parallels Between COVID Measures and Nazi Germany

"Murderous medicine: Nazi doctors, human experimentation, and Typhus" by Naomi Baumslag. CDC's "Shielding Approach” - Modern Ghettoization


Following the Footsteps of the Third Reich: Canada Announces Medicalized Murder of the Mentally Ill

History Repeating: the use of weaponized psychiatry in the recent past


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He asks a question at the end...can they NOT comprehend what they are doing?

YES THEY CAN, and they don't care. You are worthless to them.

Turdeau is a full blown dark triad.

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