It takes a certain blindness NOT to see that this weird trend has everything to do with "vaccination"—a blindness that's REQUIRED of those who work for "our free press"
Yes, a few months back I posted a compilation of bizarre "altercations" that had broken out at sports events, on airliners, in fast food joints, etc. They happen daily, everywhere, it seems.
Not to take anything away from the excellent and honorable work people are doing to document the vaccine injured and killed... I just felt I had to mention something, especially for anybody who might be on here who is experiencing organized harassment on the road.
The Honda Pilot one of the models of cars I frequently see people driving who are involved in vehicle-based harassment. In my experience, besides, giving me the finger, yelling abuse out the window, and sometimes throwing things at my car while driving, I have had 4-5 vehicles coming at me head on, one after another crossing the middle line and swerving straight at my car (while being flipped the bird, also). This same thing also took place a few times when I was walking at the side of a road for exercise. They drove AT ME while I was at the side of a street. These drivers do truly stupid and dangerous things with their vehicles. They can drive very aggressively. They often change speed dramatically and abruptly while driving on an interstate highway. They are creating unsafe conditions on the roads.
I have now dealt with several years of this. During this time, I witnessed three accidents caused by those people involved in the harassment. Fortunately, no one was killed. Two only involved those individual vehicles. Both of these drivers went off the road in winter conditions. But one of the accidents was someone who had just swerved at me and flipped me the bird earlier from his car. About ten minutes after that took place, I drove past his vehicle smashed into another car in the middle of Western Avenue in Albany, NY.
I am sorry this is a bit off the subject of Covid -- but I think people should become aware that vehicles are regularly being abused as tools to intimidate and harass people in suburban and rural areas in the US now.
Your comment is a good reminder that since the covid vax, the incidents of road rage has went way up. Possible neurological damage caused by the covid vax. Accident rate way up as well. Coincidence? I think not.
This harassment happens to me and others on a daily basis. It's not a coincidence when people drive around your car and give you the finger day after day. It is deliberate behavior that is intended to harass an individual. While those participating may very well have neurological damage, they are acting in an organized manner as a group harassing one individual. They are often creating dangerous situations with their vehicles in the process.
Yeah. Just the other day some guy pulled out in front of me from a parking lot and started screaming obscenities at me. He was angry at me when he was the one in the wrong. I mean really ugly angry. Absolutely crazy in the world now and we must pay attention at all times.
In the first 7 months of 2023 in NYC, 50 riders died on motorized two-wheelers, while six more died on bicycles. In upstate NY, in my area, there have been 12 motorcycle deaths this year to date in just two counties.
I’d say it’s more probable that people are reacting violently to each other due to the lockdowns, school closures and social distancing, which screwed with our minds in ways a “vaccine” (again probably imo) wouldn’t. Everyone I know who’s gotten the shots is pretty mellow still.
I'm referring to the man who went crazy in the San Francisco fish market and started to attack people. Also the kid in Farmington NM who grabbed his gun and murdered 3 people. Both for no reasons. The trans who went postal. I doubt that they were motivated by the restrictions that were long gone when they went nuts. There's scientific evidence that the spike protein goes into the brain and causes brain damage. Look at all the accidents that have exploded.
In America they have been getting neuro toxic shots since babies were hours old. A medical staff goes into a new mother's hospital room with the hep B shot before the new Mom can think straight. Then what is in the water and food the new Mom has been consuming during gestation. Then of course the pediatrician can't wait to get his money from all the shots he gives kids as they grow.
NEUROTOXINS CAN HAVE ACCUMULATIVE EFFECT. We all don't just get these neurotoxins out of our body so easily. The brain damage starts young.
Again we are in a war. The enemy is very sneaky, and has been planning this for many years. They aren't just using one tactic.
Of course they want the remaining people who survive this war to act as zombies so they can be a good proper slave.
Not necessarily. Many of the victims of the covid vaccines were in perfect health before they dropped dead. Consider a healthy person being bitten by a mad dog, eventually they could go mad too.
I think brain damage can go either way. Their. " higher level thinking" isn't working any more. Their creativeness is "broke." What makes them sparkle is no more. They think like zombies. They can get up eat, do menial chores, brush their teeth etc... Don't ask any more from them.
So they are left with more of a primative mind. Might make some people more docile, others more angry. Think what would a cave men do.
100% I agree. People’s creativity has diminished as well as their connection to spontaneous or traditional culture, which brings their whole beings to a lower “vibration” if you will. Millions in America exposed to constant streams of violence and lies- they take it out on each other.
Thank goodness all those you know are doing well. You may want to read a bit on batch variability. Some are hot lots, some are very benign. Dr. McCollough is a good resource for this data. Understanding the immune system and how vaccines can do significant neurological damage is a bit of a learning curve.
An epidemic of wrong way drivers on my local freeways. Cleveland Ohio & vicinity. Used to be every once in a great while I’d hear of one, now it’s almost every day. I had the police scanner app open last week with some storms and in the hour I listened there was a dispatch for wrong way driver! It ended without incident this time but there are many crashes.
The “vaccinated” are now “the brain damaged among us”. I hate to say this but considering how they drive and act… it will be kind of a blessing when they assume room temperature. How about the personality changes? Is it not unreal? You know someone for years and now they are a different person. The old friend is gone and replaced by an impulsive asshole who doesn’t even seem to know you. It is totally twilight zone shit.
So I have been driving for "many" years now. I have seen more crazy shit and more accidents in the last 1 & 1/2 years than all the other years prior. These Vax Heads are like apes-behind-the-wheel on crack. They are just plain "dangerous" on the road. Always in a hurry...always doing crazy lane changes...tailgating you no matter how fast you are going...speeding down 30 MPH streets at 45 or 50 MPH. It is just incredible.
Yes, I drive all the time and people have lost (some people) care for the principles of defensive driving. It’s as if they’re making up their own rules of the road, which are dangerous and aggressive. I also encounter a lot of very, very courteous drivers. I’m sure some accidents are caused by the physiological harms that’ve been done. Scare the heck out of everyone and psychologically distress them over a non existent health threat and you’re going to get a broader picture of this long term chaos theory event called “Covid”. Our collective consciousness has been traumatized in ways we couldn’t have fathomed because we aren’t like the demonic powers orchestrating this, plus the remedies for this level of corruption and cruelty are difficult to articulate let alone redress.
Two school board members were recalled in San Francisco. The machine did sustain some pushback.
But the machine is still there. It’s overt terror subsides, but for how long?
That was a great video. I love Naomi and Ryan. I used to think of myself as a conservative. I now see myself differently, but definitely not a lefty. I dispise both the neocons as much as the lefty fascist anti-fascists.
All the unvacciated need to watch this video. We are all dealing with a friends, family, coworkers and strangers who are no longer like us. This explains why. We have a business here with clients we have had for over 8 years now. We just had one of best and longest clients go from being "the nicest guy in the world" to an asshole who no longer uses us. It is just Twilight Zone weird shit.
I see weird stuff here when Im out driving, things that make me shake my head. I keep my head on a swivel these days while driving because I never know what could happen. I am not jabbed so I feel I have the intelligence to drive safely and avoid a crash. God has kept me safe thru out my life so I feel pretty good with Him watching over me.
She was driving an electric vehicle. Control of her car was taken away from her. She was whistleblowing and was "offed" once in the so-called "ambulance"
THAT is definitely a story worth repeating and giving all the details. For instance, how she was conscious and speaking immediately after the accident and before being forced onto a gurney, stuggling all the way, and then into the ambulance. The media's lack of curiosity makes me sick.
Yes! I forgot the details, even though it's on video - everyone should see that video and should be VERY afraid. It was like something out of a horror movie, if you ask me. That poor soul. I had never seen this. I cannot believe this video still exists. I'm in shock. They have her wrapped up entirely in a body bag and strapped down as if she was dead at the scene... and you're right, she unzips herself, sits up and tries to get off the gurney - she's looks to be naked, too, so what happened to her clothes? unless she's driving naked? This is so disturbing, I have no words for it.
It is horrific to watch and then know what happens after. None of it made any sense and yet no journalist has ever tried to interview her family or any of the hospital workers or anything.
i think she's wearing a flesh coloured vest. also wasn't the car supposed to have been on fire and she was supposed to have died as a result of burn injuries? the car doesn't look like it has fire damage there as they're pulling it out of the house...also the actions of the fireman who is looking in the window, trying to open the door and then leans in the window don't look quite right to me for some reason...just a hunch
Went to a funeral last week for a 67 year old who crashed into a tree on his way home after a workout at the gym. 1 car event - just driving along and then dead 😬.
OMG yes. But the reality was that someone who is unaware and goes with the "flow" tends to be part of accidents. Even if they got saline, they are worse drivers because they have little awareness outside of what they're being told.
The matrix isn't out there, it's in people's minds who see what they're told and don't see what they're told not to see.
I remember too. It was in our Canadian news. They tried to claim that the unvaccinated took more risks when driving because refusing the Vax indicated " risky behavior ".
My aunt was killed in a head on car crash is sept of 2021 after the roll out of the vaccine - 60 miles an hour head on … the two cars collided and neither applied the brakes … was instantaneous
The driver of the vehicle who hit my aunt was sky high on fentanyl … per the autopsy… and she had a lengthy history of past drug abuse … had no insurance on her car, of course
That woman died instantly
And my aunt had a traumatic head injury… and she lasted a week in a coma
So I agree … could be the vaccines, but can also be legalized and illegal drug use that the government is allowing in this country today!
Sorry to hear this. So sad. Of course there are the usual kinds and causes of accidents, but the vax has upped the ante. Far more fatalities than I ever remember in almost 68 years.
So sad, very sorry….I have pills in a RX bag, which I’ve never opened or taken. That anyone has to live life with that sort of high, is tragic. ~~~ I’ve said before that these last months Phx area has several traffic accidents, during drive time usually…recently with multiple cars and a school bus. Terrible if the cause is result of vac’d driver.
My cousin’s 20 year old daughter became addicted to percoset during the hard lockdowns in New England… she was in and out of three rehabs… got out of the last one- bought what she thought was a percoset and it was- 100% fentanyl and it killed her.
And our government doesn’t care. They’re doing nothing. Less than nothing- they’re enabling it. And we’re losing tens of thousands of kids.
They want us all dead. It’s a hard reality to swallow… but I do think that’s the end goal.
You’re among the few, Gene. The number of people I see crossing streets or walking through parking lots head down, eyes fixed on phone, is infuriating. Does anyone still teach their kids to look both ways when crossing the street?
I walk most days as well, but rather than walking on a sidewalk, I walk in the forest next door to me. At this point I prefer to take my chances in the woods that may occasionally have a roaming bear rather than worry about the drivers on the road.
The fear and obeisance of the vaxxed makes them our enemy as they enable the cabal. They're just as dangerous as those who jabbed them and those who created the jab and let it loose on society. If you're still on Twat-X, tweet your state legislature. The vaxxed should not operate any type of motor vehicle whatsoever--not on land, sea, or in the air. Not on wheels or tracks. Nothing that moves. Make the drug companies pay to cart them around.
hey guys i have a great idea for how to fix this: let's get rid of private car ownership! i'm sure there's a UN2030 sustainable development goal for that!
not to say that any of these vaxxidents are a setup for that, of course...
VAXident stats increase for single-vehicle accidents were revealed in an interview I watched with Edward Dowd, author of "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022"
In his bio on Amazon it says Dowd worked at Blackrock as a portfolio manager for 10 years.
He is currently a Founding Partner of Phinance Technologies, an alternative investment firm.
We saw a driver taking a left where there used to be a left last week, and he turned into oncoming traffic.
To me was a telltale sign of dimentia. There used to be a left there; loss of recent memories and remembering old ones. Turning into oncoming traffic; confusion when presented with an ambiguous state of affairs.
Anti-social behavior and blunted driving skills are just two more dividends the WEF can accrue from the captured sock puppets chortling for all to be injected with this nonsense.
In my area, we do have another cause of relatively minor car crashes. The installation--at a rather frenetic pace--of "Roundabouts" has generated an abundance of mostly low impact rear-end collisions. Drivers unaccustomed to their use treat them like a stop sign, hesitate and get rear-ended either at the entrance to the circle, or mid-way. For the most part they have really sped up my commute to my office.
Correct, the rear end collision is always the fault of the "bullet" vehicle--the one doing the rear-ending.
The concept of yield is really quite simple. However, the process at a roundabout gets chaotic when people are entering a circle, and are looking to see what traffic is doing on the right with no car to the right in the circle. I see drivers do this at least once-a-day.
Good God, this Corvette owner deserves a medal for grace under pressure and his exemplary good manners while escaping near death or serious injury at the hands of a Covidian!
I noticed many bizarre acts of violence took off right after the "vaccines" came out. Neurological damage caused by the clot shots.
Yes, a few months back I posted a compilation of bizarre "altercations" that had broken out at sports events, on airliners, in fast food joints, etc. They happen daily, everywhere, it seems.
I remember well this posting. An epidemic of people going crazy after the covid vax came out
Not to take anything away from the excellent and honorable work people are doing to document the vaccine injured and killed... I just felt I had to mention something, especially for anybody who might be on here who is experiencing organized harassment on the road.
The Honda Pilot one of the models of cars I frequently see people driving who are involved in vehicle-based harassment. In my experience, besides, giving me the finger, yelling abuse out the window, and sometimes throwing things at my car while driving, I have had 4-5 vehicles coming at me head on, one after another crossing the middle line and swerving straight at my car (while being flipped the bird, also). This same thing also took place a few times when I was walking at the side of a road for exercise. They drove AT ME while I was at the side of a street. These drivers do truly stupid and dangerous things with their vehicles. They can drive very aggressively. They often change speed dramatically and abruptly while driving on an interstate highway. They are creating unsafe conditions on the roads.
I have now dealt with several years of this. During this time, I witnessed three accidents caused by those people involved in the harassment. Fortunately, no one was killed. Two only involved those individual vehicles. Both of these drivers went off the road in winter conditions. But one of the accidents was someone who had just swerved at me and flipped me the bird earlier from his car. About ten minutes after that took place, I drove past his vehicle smashed into another car in the middle of Western Avenue in Albany, NY.
I am sorry this is a bit off the subject of Covid -- but I think people should become aware that vehicles are regularly being abused as tools to intimidate and harass people in suburban and rural areas in the US now.
Your comment is a good reminder that since the covid vax, the incidents of road rage has went way up. Possible neurological damage caused by the covid vax. Accident rate way up as well. Coincidence? I think not.
This harassment happens to me and others on a daily basis. It's not a coincidence when people drive around your car and give you the finger day after day. It is deliberate behavior that is intended to harass an individual. While those participating may very well have neurological damage, they are acting in an organized manner as a group harassing one individual. They are often creating dangerous situations with their vehicles in the process.
Just practice defensive driving and ignore them
Yeah. Just the other day some guy pulled out in front of me from a parking lot and started screaming obscenities at me. He was angry at me when he was the one in the wrong. I mean really ugly angry. Absolutely crazy in the world now and we must pay attention at all times.
I hear ya. It's utter insanity out there.
I hope you have front and rear dash cams so that you can document.Truly horrible.
Honda Pilots are very popular with the whacky woo-woo woke.
It happens in other countries too. Here's a recent one from Israel:
Israel vaxxed to the max. I've heard they're becoming anti vaxxers after seeing their death toll.
In the first 7 months of 2023 in NYC, 50 riders died on motorized two-wheelers, while six more died on bicycles. In upstate NY, in my area, there have been 12 motorcycle deaths this year to date in just two counties.
Any chance of an update and repost please Mark... or just a repost.
I’d say it’s more probable that people are reacting violently to each other due to the lockdowns, school closures and social distancing, which screwed with our minds in ways a “vaccine” (again probably imo) wouldn’t. Everyone I know who’s gotten the shots is pretty mellow still.
I'm referring to the man who went crazy in the San Francisco fish market and started to attack people. Also the kid in Farmington NM who grabbed his gun and murdered 3 people. Both for no reasons. The trans who went postal. I doubt that they were motivated by the restrictions that were long gone when they went nuts. There's scientific evidence that the spike protein goes into the brain and causes brain damage. Look at all the accidents that have exploded.
In America they have been getting neuro toxic shots since babies were hours old. A medical staff goes into a new mother's hospital room with the hep B shot before the new Mom can think straight. Then what is in the water and food the new Mom has been consuming during gestation. Then of course the pediatrician can't wait to get his money from all the shots he gives kids as they grow.
NEUROTOXINS CAN HAVE ACCUMULATIVE EFFECT. We all don't just get these neurotoxins out of our body so easily. The brain damage starts young.
Again we are in a war. The enemy is very sneaky, and has been planning this for many years. They aren't just using one tactic.
Of course they want the remaining people who survive this war to act as zombies so they can be a good proper slave.
I’d imagine they all had preexisting problems though…
Not necessarily. Many of the victims of the covid vaccines were in perfect health before they dropped dead. Consider a healthy person being bitten by a mad dog, eventually they could go mad too.
I wouldn’t describe anyone as being altogether “healthy” after the lockdowns though, but I see your point.
I sailed through the lockdowns with no problem. Self employed, I continued as usual. The only concession was the face diaper for shopping
Yes, seven of my friends that got boosted at the end of 2021 are very mellow. They all died within five months of being boosted..
two friends that had strokes shortly after their first shot are very mellow, even though they have a hard time expressing with the correct words.
Wow! That’s absolutely awful. Sorry for your loss. This is happening and many aren’t making the connections. Yet…
Sorry to hear; may they RIP and my condolences.
And don’t forget MKUltra and mass psychosis setting people off!
I think brain damage can go either way. Their. " higher level thinking" isn't working any more. Their creativeness is "broke." What makes them sparkle is no more. They think like zombies. They can get up eat, do menial chores, brush their teeth etc... Don't ask any more from them.
So they are left with more of a primative mind. Might make some people more docile, others more angry. Think what would a cave men do.
100% I agree. People’s creativity has diminished as well as their connection to spontaneous or traditional culture, which brings their whole beings to a lower “vibration” if you will. Millions in America exposed to constant streams of violence and lies- they take it out on each other.
Also true yes
Thank goodness all those you know are doing well. You may want to read a bit on batch variability. Some are hot lots, some are very benign. Dr. McCollough is a good resource for this data. Understanding the immune system and how vaccines can do significant neurological damage is a bit of a learning curve.
And to think, I’ve refrained from slapping or kicking any “science followers”. Yet another benefit of being a Pureblood
An epidemic of wrong way drivers on my local freeways. Cleveland Ohio & vicinity. Used to be every once in a great while I’d hear of one, now it’s almost every day. I had the police scanner app open last week with some storms and in the hour I listened there was a dispatch for wrong way driver! It ended without incident this time but there are many crashes.
The “vaccinated” are now “the brain damaged among us”. I hate to say this but considering how they drive and act… it will be kind of a blessing when they assume room temperature. How about the personality changes? Is it not unreal? You know someone for years and now they are a different person. The old friend is gone and replaced by an impulsive asshole who doesn’t even seem to know you. It is totally twilight zone shit.
Yeah, it is the “Twilight Zone” for sure.
So I have been driving for "many" years now. I have seen more crazy shit and more accidents in the last 1 & 1/2 years than all the other years prior. These Vax Heads are like apes-behind-the-wheel on crack. They are just plain "dangerous" on the road. Always in a hurry...always doing crazy lane changes...tailgating you no matter how fast you are going...speeding down 30 MPH streets at 45 or 50 MPH. It is just incredible.
Yes, I drive all the time and people have lost (some people) care for the principles of defensive driving. It’s as if they’re making up their own rules of the road, which are dangerous and aggressive. I also encounter a lot of very, very courteous drivers. I’m sure some accidents are caused by the physiological harms that’ve been done. Scare the heck out of everyone and psychologically distress them over a non existent health threat and you’re going to get a broader picture of this long term chaos theory event called “Covid”. Our collective consciousness has been traumatized in ways we couldn’t have fathomed because we aren’t like the demonic powers orchestrating this, plus the remedies for this level of corruption and cruelty are difficult to articulate let alone redress.
Two school board members were recalled in San Francisco. The machine did sustain some pushback.
But the machine is still there. It’s overt terror subsides, but for how long?
Here is a post I did awhile back. Click on the link in the word poles. This explains another dynamic at work here.
Thanks for sharing that!
Watch this to understand what is happening to them. It is shocking
That was a great video. I love Naomi and Ryan. I used to think of myself as a conservative. I now see myself differently, but definitely not a lefty. I dispise both the neocons as much as the lefty fascist anti-fascists.
All the unvacciated need to watch this video. We are all dealing with a friends, family, coworkers and strangers who are no longer like us. This explains why. We have a business here with clients we have had for over 8 years now. We just had one of best and longest clients go from being "the nicest guy in the world" to an asshole who no longer uses us. It is just Twilight Zone weird shit.
Reiner 🌵
Yup - do we now live with a new and primitive human subspecies? And can we live together with the ones who survive?
I see weird stuff here when Im out driving, things that make me shake my head. I keep my head on a swivel these days while driving because I never know what could happen. I am not jabbed so I feel I have the intelligence to drive safely and avoid a crash. God has kept me safe thru out my life so I feel pretty good with Him watching over me.
My exact feelings 🤗
Stay alert, my friend!
This reminds me of how Anne Heche died.
She was driving an electric vehicle. Control of her car was taken away from her. She was whistleblowing and was "offed" once in the so-called "ambulance"
THAT is definitely a story worth repeating and giving all the details. For instance, how she was conscious and speaking immediately after the accident and before being forced onto a gurney, stuggling all the way, and then into the ambulance. The media's lack of curiosity makes me sick.
plus the fact they had her in a body bag which she unzipped herself and tried to escape from
Yes! I forgot the details, even though it's on video - everyone should see that video and should be VERY afraid. It was like something out of a horror movie, if you ask me. That poor soul. I had never seen this. I cannot believe this video still exists. I'm in shock. They have her wrapped up entirely in a body bag and strapped down as if she was dead at the scene... and you're right, she unzips herself, sits up and tries to get off the gurney - she's looks to be naked, too, so what happened to her clothes? unless she's driving naked? This is so disturbing, I have no words for it.
It is horrific to watch and then know what happens after. None of it made any sense and yet no journalist has ever tried to interview her family or any of the hospital workers or anything.
i think she's wearing a flesh coloured vest. also wasn't the car supposed to have been on fire and she was supposed to have died as a result of burn injuries? the car doesn't look like it has fire damage there as they're pulling it out of the house...also the actions of the fireman who is looking in the window, trying to open the door and then leans in the window don't look quite right to me for some reason...just a hunch
Didn't she made a movie on climate change and the evil forces behind it?
they say she was involved in exposing child trafficking
Went to a funeral last week for a 67 year old who crashed into a tree on his way home after a workout at the gym. 1 car event - just driving along and then dead 😬.
Remember when the globalist assholes paid off researchers here to “prove” that the unvaccinated are worse drivers? I do.
OMG yes. But the reality was that someone who is unaware and goes with the "flow" tends to be part of accidents. Even if they got saline, they are worse drivers because they have little awareness outside of what they're being told.
The matrix isn't out there, it's in people's minds who see what they're told and don't see what they're told not to see.
A prison for you mind.
I remember too. It was in our Canadian news. They tried to claim that the unvaccinated took more risks when driving because refusing the Vax indicated " risky behavior ".
Definitely upsidedown world. Talk about projection. I wonder if they believe what they are reading or being told to read?
Absolutely lol.
My aunt was killed in a head on car crash is sept of 2021 after the roll out of the vaccine - 60 miles an hour head on … the two cars collided and neither applied the brakes … was instantaneous
The driver of the vehicle who hit my aunt was sky high on fentanyl … per the autopsy… and she had a lengthy history of past drug abuse … had no insurance on her car, of course
That woman died instantly
And my aunt had a traumatic head injury… and she lasted a week in a coma
So I agree … could be the vaccines, but can also be legalized and illegal drug use that the government is allowing in this country today!
Texting while driving is also an increasing menace.
And, my teenage son’s car was hit a month ago… by someone at an intersection … and the person who hit him… just took off.
Hit and run.
There is a huge problem! Definitely.
Sorry to hear this. So sad. Of course there are the usual kinds and causes of accidents, but the vax has upped the ante. Far more fatalities than I ever remember in almost 68 years.
So sad, very sorry….I have pills in a RX bag, which I’ve never opened or taken. That anyone has to live life with that sort of high, is tragic. ~~~ I’ve said before that these last months Phx area has several traffic accidents, during drive time usually…recently with multiple cars and a school bus. Terrible if the cause is result of vac’d driver.
It is… absolutely.
My cousin’s 20 year old daughter became addicted to percoset during the hard lockdowns in New England… she was in and out of three rehabs… got out of the last one- bought what she thought was a percoset and it was- 100% fentanyl and it killed her.
And our government doesn’t care. They’re doing nothing. Less than nothing- they’re enabling it. And we’re losing tens of thousands of kids.
They want us all dead. It’s a hard reality to swallow… but I do think that’s the end goal.
There’s been no Justice… so… not well- obviously
They haven’t even prosecuted the local drug dealer… which they know who she got it from because there are text records of it all.
It’s outrageous.
So much loss during this insane time period. Sending strength to you too.
These ain’t no normal accidents. 😟
I walk every day, Always looking.
You’re among the few, Gene. The number of people I see crossing streets or walking through parking lots head down, eyes fixed on phone, is infuriating. Does anyone still teach their kids to look both ways when crossing the street?
I see the same thing every day where I live. Pedestrians completely oblivious to what's going on around them.
Yes, they should Google “car crash.” I don’t even want to drive anymore.
I walk most days as well, but rather than walking on a sidewalk, I walk in the forest next door to me. At this point I prefer to take my chances in the woods that may occasionally have a roaming bear rather than worry about the drivers on the road.
The fear and obeisance of the vaxxed makes them our enemy as they enable the cabal. They're just as dangerous as those who jabbed them and those who created the jab and let it loose on society. If you're still on Twat-X, tweet your state legislature. The vaxxed should not operate any type of motor vehicle whatsoever--not on land, sea, or in the air. Not on wheels or tracks. Nothing that moves. Make the drug companies pay to cart them around.
Definitely all need their licenses revoked.
hey guys i have a great idea for how to fix this: let's get rid of private car ownership! i'm sure there's a UN2030 sustainable development goal for that!
not to say that any of these vaxxidents are a setup for that, of course...
VAXident data can be extrapolated from statistics on single vehicle accidents (i.e. not involving collisions with other drivers).
See how higher than pre 2020 those numbers are.
This should be telling....
VAXident stats increase for single-vehicle accidents were revealed in an interview I watched with Edward Dowd, author of "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022"
In his bio on Amazon it says Dowd worked at Blackrock as a portfolio manager for 10 years.
He is currently a Founding Partner of Phinance Technologies, an alternative investment firm.
See my reply above re Ed Dowd
I’ve totally seen this in my city! Last week alone, I dodged at least three accidents. And they don’t even flinch! Just keep on driving. It’s crazy!
The zombies in their early stages of metamorphosis
We saw a driver taking a left where there used to be a left last week, and he turned into oncoming traffic.
To me was a telltale sign of dimentia. There used to be a left there; loss of recent memories and remembering old ones. Turning into oncoming traffic; confusion when presented with an ambiguous state of affairs.
Anti-social behavior and blunted driving skills are just two more dividends the WEF can accrue from the captured sock puppets chortling for all to be injected with this nonsense.
In my area, we do have another cause of relatively minor car crashes. The installation--at a rather frenetic pace--of "Roundabouts" has generated an abundance of mostly low impact rear-end collisions. Drivers unaccustomed to their use treat them like a stop sign, hesitate and get rear-ended either at the entrance to the circle, or mid-way. For the most part they have really sped up my commute to my office.
Getting rear ended is also the fault of the idiot behind them who fail to look.
It's annoying when they stop instead of go in the circle but that's better than them jumping in without even looking 😂
Europe knows how to use roundabouts because they are common there.
In the USA it's not common but seriously, how long does it take to understand what yield means?
Correct, the rear end collision is always the fault of the "bullet" vehicle--the one doing the rear-ending.
The concept of yield is really quite simple. However, the process at a roundabout gets chaotic when people are entering a circle, and are looking to see what traffic is doing on the right with no car to the right in the circle. I see drivers do this at least once-a-day.
Yes roundabouts take some concentration ;-)
They are designed to reduce t-bone accidents that kill. So, the low impact collisions are what they are angling for.
Yes, and at the current epidemic, a collision repair shop's, and personal injury attorney's gold mine.
Do you live in Florida?
I do not, but I visit my in-laws there once a year. I believe Florida was the first State I encountered a roundabout, in Palm Beach County.
Florida is my 8th and final state. Tons o' roundabouts in Sarasota County. Not a fan because so many snowturds don't know how to navigate them.
Although, if you're using Waze for directions and you put the accent on Boy Bands, they sing, "At the roundabout . . . take the second exit."
Good God, this Corvette owner deserves a medal for grace under pressure and his exemplary good manners while escaping near death or serious injury at the hands of a Covidian!