A guide to US colleges and universities for those planning to survive their education
This resource notes which schools mandate "vaccines" and boosters, and which ones don't
This excellent overview is not my handiwork, but was sent me by a subscriber.
Check columns E and F:
US Colleges Mandate Info - NoCollegeMandates.com - Google Drive
I hAve participated in the no college mandates effort. I have a son who just started LSU in baton rouge. LSU baton rouge does not mandate the C19 vax but some other locations do. The NO college mandates drive is to send certified letters to the univ presidents and chief counsels and copy the boards and as many other VPs and dept heads as possible including the medical staffs and athletic directors
i send over 70 cert letters to staff at LSU in various locations including their medical centers. It seems like in general southern and midwestern colleges are far less likely to be mandating the shot. The whole vax issue is a giant politicized mess. The CDC and its agents responsible for this vicious coercion are guilty of crimes against humanity
Go to “NO college mandates” and get their packet. If the college you are interested in is not already taken then sign up!
Thank you for this list, Mark.
Everyone should ban the universities that require mandates.....there are plenty that do not require them.
If someone suffers an adverse event from a covid "vaccine" that their college mandated, they should sue.