I hAve participated in the no college mandates effort. I have a son who just started LSU in baton rouge. LSU baton rouge does not mandate the C19 vax but some other locations do. The NO college mandates drive is to send certified letters to the univ presidents and chief counsels and copy the boards and as many other VPs and dept heads as possible including the medical staffs and athletic directors

i send over 70 cert letters to staff at LSU in various locations including their medical centers. It seems like in general southern and midwestern colleges are far less likely to be mandating the shot. The whole vax issue is a giant politicized mess. The CDC and its agents responsible for this vicious coercion are guilty of crimes against humanity

Go to “NO college mandates” and get their packet. If the college you are interested in is not already taken then sign up!

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If I were a colde blooded, self centered bastard... And I got informed mandating deathvax could get me hung....

I'd sit up, pay attn... And find out how to get out of Nuremberg dance into air...

Id get a new job, anything.

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My 18 yo son had covid as did i in aug 21. Im an MD in northern NJ. All around me docs scrambled over themselves to get themselves and their minor children injected w this experimental drug. My other son (15) did not get it.

The no college mandates effort informs the presidents and boards of the potential dangers and the fact that the shot was released and marketed fraudulently and that they are liable for damages.

I personally sent letters to many people at LSU and some northern NJ hospitals blasting them for their failure to do an independent risk assessment coercing people to take an experimental non sterilizing vaccine

The entire mainstream med community failed , is in mass formation , and is guilty of crimes against humanity

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Like the German doctors under Hitler. If there's a difference, I'd like to know what it is.

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The difference is that the Nazis had much more stylish outfits!

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That's about it...

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American doctors are more cowardly. Losing jobs and grants compared to getting shot?

I don't understand why so many complied? I cannot get this part.

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Docs are very status conscious and most of them work for large corporate not for profit hosptials

The journals we read are heavily funded by pharma. We sadly can only work at the pleasure of the state… we need a “license” to practice. Most docs who see adults take medicare and bill the last remaining 5-6 large insurance companies like aetna.

Docs have to follow state regs

If the state of NJ dept of health says we have to wear masks and is promoting or requiring vaccination and we speak out against this we risk losing patients referraals and hosp privileges

I lost my staff privilege at the valley hospital in ridgewood Nj. I had a hearing with the medical exec committee where i asked them to explain what data they used yo jsutify canning me and they had nothing other than , the CDC is insisting ( just following orders)

I had other docs threaten to stop sending me patients and other docs call me personally and tell me i was being selfish and reckless for refusing the jab.

i grew up in a religious jewish home. One of my uncles was a korean war vet. A whole polish branch of my grandparents generation was murdered in gas chambers. I attended a jewish educational program at the Fair lawn NJ jewish center for years as a youth where I grew up. The teachers / rabbis there taught us that what happened in nazi germany happened many times in history and would happen again. And they taught us to recognize the signs and they would say scary things to us like: if someone came for your mother would you be ready to protect her?

We , as 15-16 yo boys would raise our hands and swear to protect our families and the word of god.

My parents are both gone since 2019 but when those masks went on, i realizer that they might come for us again…

Mass delusional psychosis… sacrificial hysteria… scapegoating the out group. It leads to mass murder

Hopefully there are enough sane people in the West to prevent mass violence

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I appreciate your insight and bravery. I had to leave my job behind

because of a vax mandate also.

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I admire your courage in speaking out. People don't understand how hard it is to do this when your entire profession and governing board are behind the official narrative. I studied the Holocaust, Stalin, Pol Pot, Armenian Genocide and other atrocities and I am absolutely stunned that people couldn't see that our leaders were setting up the very beginnings of this type of tyrany and human rights abuses.

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That's why so few doctors will acknowledge the damage of psychiatric drugs. Even outside psychiatry.

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I am so sorry about polish grandparents. I'm obsessed with Wallenberg.

He was beyond brave. The idea of him walking into situation where Jews about to be taken away, to death, and him stopping it..

Imagining the Jews watching this? What they are feeling?

Famous pic , to me at least, of Jews walking away from train.... What the hell happened they are thinking?

Story of Jewish mother, child. Another time

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Aug 19, 2022
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Medical profession used to be just that an independent profession guarded its independence and its mission. The profession took seriously it’s oath to treat every individual with respect and dignity. Certainly there were bad actors. There were criminals and cheats and Frauds. But on the whole the western medical profession has a pretty good record. But when medicine and politics are allowed to mix, when doctors lose sight of the primary responsibility to the INDIVIDUAL divine soul in front of them, the profession gets corrupted. As it did for instance during the nazi era .

Doctors in the west have been coopted by the state. Politics has invaded medicine. Whats left is politics.

No where In the US Constitution does it say anything about medicine or healthcare or medical research. We need to have separation of medicine and state

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I don't even have a regular doctor anymore. I've been doing fine, so far, healing myself by watching what I eat, exercising regularly, etc.

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A difference is these Dr. Mengeles became their own guinea pigs. Pretty weird. I guess they had to convince themselves they weren't actually harming people.

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Crimes against humanity.

God bless you for saying it. It's so rarely said. It's he'll on earth and very few angels...

Btw, I grew up in Yorktown Hgts, NY..... Not far from NJ!

What happened to Bruce Springsteen... I thought he was cool... he became death/ murder cult member

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Im a doc in private practice and i see 30+ patients a day. Half of the adult population in NJ was brainwashed and terrorized by the propaganda . I would have conversations with people where i would question the mainstream covid narrative and people would get angry , defensive . They would get visibly upset and tell me they didnt want to talk about it.

Sometimes i would say things like: covid isnt dangerous to most people and masks dont do anything and there is no reason for any otherwise healthy person under 55 to get this shot. People’s eye would glaze over and they wouod say things to me like “ so you dont believe the science” or “ so you dont trust the CDC”

Covid is a cult . The whole episode has been basically a religious hysteria fanned by government propaganda . The dems and permament wash bureacracy needed to vanguish trump so they conducted a soviet style terror campaign .

The propaganda was thick and noxious like acid diesel smoke.

It has been like living in an insane asylum and its still going on with people wearing masks in NNJ

The unites states is done for

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Damn, I wish you were my doctor...

You sound sane, reasonable.

Closet real Dr I know... 3 hrs...

I couldn't get medical exemption. I did get religious ex...

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Why are city folk so much more vulnerable to the psy opp I wonder?

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Because city folk have much higher diagnoses of anxiety/depression. Perfect candidates for mass psychosis.

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Cities create mental illness. Specifically, narcissist traits:


39 minutes; I found it interesting to watch in full. The transition from natural environment to cities is discussed in second half.

Remark at end: a transition into a completely virtual environment (everyone living in Meta while they're impoverished in real life) will create not just narcissism, but psychopathy.

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So I'm city. But I've always liked country folk, admired them, wished I had their skills, hunting, ..

City more democratic, dependent on others, gone to "better" ie communist schools, arrogant with no reason for being so, . This might hurt me in my mayoral run

😎😎😎😎😎😎😄😃😁 I live in Commie Capital if SW usa....Austin.

Just listening to these insane people could give me Myocarditis

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I think the propaganda campaign was aimed at people in the cities. There were signs on the highways, for example, telling people to wear a mask, most of us in the cities work closely with other people and are required to wear a mask and "socially distance" from others while on public transport or at work. People in rural areas are already physically distanced from others.

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The shots are like the flag to them. They use the shots to terrorize others, it's biological political warfare. They're willing to get injured and die themselves, like the suicide bombers they are.

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Like a tribe that offers human sacrifice. Someone must die--hopefully not you--and it's for the greater good. To ward off the plague demon. If you won't put your lot in you've betrayed the whole tribe. And everyone will be killed by the god of plague.

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Aug 21, 2022
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Thanks for doing that. I'd gotten accepted into LSU at the beginning of the scamdemic but heard they were mandating the injections. I saw on their website at the time that they were mandating it for all students and staff, but now that notice is gone, probably thanks to people like yourself. This really shows that every one of us can make a difference.

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Before the no college mandates group came along and my son was interested in LSU , i called them and wrote to them and absolutely hammered them about that decision . I sent letter after letter and had phone convos with a bunch of people there . I explained that it was reckless and ignorant of them to mandate the shot.

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So wonderful that you did that. Think of all the lives you might have saved. Seriously. I know of people who were against all this but took the shot anyway 'cause they didn't want to lose their job or their chance to go to college...

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What's doubly disturbing is the CDC reversing their policies, saying to treat vaxxed and non the same. So they are saying the shot was/is pointless but universities still refuse to acknowledge this. What is their reason now? Just fearful of lawsuits for unnecessary mandates? Afraid to admit they were wrong?

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Do you know if there is any pushback against the flu shot mandates? (Or if this next incarnation of flu shots will be only mRNA / or different from previous years?) (Or more dangerous for people who have taken the covid "vaccines"?).

Many think of flu shots as no big deal, they've taken them every year for many years with no noticeable reactions. I don't trust them, never taken one, never will, but they're also being mandated.

(Asking on behalf of friend who would need a lot of information to think of the flu shots in a different light. He took the covid shots + boosters unwillingly and may push back if he's asked to yet again, and there is an abundance of information to point to in pushing back against the covid shots, much less about the flu shots.

But if these flu shots are different - or more dangerous for the already covid "vaccinated", then he may see it differently)

If it's the same flu shots as always, of course it dwarfs the covid injections in terms of risk (although forcing anyone to take an injection is wrong). But do you know if the only flu shots this fall will be very different than previously? Or if there really is any way to know?

Thank you so much ..

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Im an MD and ive not take. A flu shot in 20 years.

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I've never taken one, I'd only consider it in a very different world if the flu becomes much worse AND Dr Peter McCullough chairs the data safety monitoring boards that review a vaccine created by Dr's Bridle, Malone, and Vanden Bossche, (and everyone with blood on their hands is seriously punished and the system overhauled).

But I'm blessed that I don't have to choose between submission to injection or ability to eat.

The impression of flu shots by many is they're no big deal .. I see them as not-safe but much lower risk than covid shots. But extra skeptical of them this season ... wondering if that will be a way to get mRNA into people who may be not trusting of covid shots, or successful in fighting the covid mandates, or done with the booster wheel, but are thinking "its just a flu shot" ...

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Thank you for this list, Mark.

Everyone should ban the universities that require mandates.....there are plenty that do not require them.

If someone suffers an adverse event from a covid "vaccine" that their college mandated, they should sue.

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Any college or university with "yes" in columns E or F needs to be stripped of its accreditation and denied all public funding the moment we take power.

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Is that going to happen soon?

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I sure hope so. We just need that spark.

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Amazing list… my 21yr old niece goes to DePaul in Chicago… got her booster in January… put on heart meds in July 😡

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Sorry to hear this. 🙏

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To get into some of the prestigious colleges and universities you must fail the COVID IQ test! Some states like Florida seem to be better than others, like NY and CA.

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Sadly young adults are most brainwashed.

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I beg to differ, though it depends on what you mean by "younger."

In my experience the college-age are more receptive to the other side(s)

of the story, and don't revere the New York Times et. al the way their

elders do.

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The medical ethics dept at your univ dr miller is particularly guilty

Dr arthur caplan the head of bioethics at NYU has been out there in the media justifying mandates and all manner of coercion. This group is a clueless bunch of idiots. They faced the only real professional moral test of their lives and they FAILED. That whole dept is a joke and should be disbanded

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Ive tried to take the nuanced view. Asked myself : should i forgive them like jesus would have. Ive tried to imagine i was in their position what would i have thought or done. Maybe i would have acted the same way.

But im an MD and i had opportunities to Go in to academic medicine and research. I consciously made a decision not to pursue this kind of career because I was turned off by the politics of academic medical centers. I like the idea of being an independent practitioner in a business owner. And not being part of some giant bureaucratic institution.

The people in the medical ethics department at NYU sought out these positions. These people are presumably critical thinkers who supposedly have studied the canon of history and medical ethics and understand the evil that the befell societies when medicine and science became subservient to a dominant political orthodoxy. And yet somehow with all of this presumed knowledge and perspective these people still fell victim to fear and groupthink

And so as fair minded as I’ve tried to be, as compassionate and understanding as I am i have a really really hard time forgiving these people.

They need some harsh justice. Like having their positions stripped and their departments eliminated.

Some of them like those in top positions at NIH, CDC ,FDA should certainly serve jail time

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I read everything from Nation to National Review... But NY Times was my favorite.

Now, I know they are whores. I don't revere it😎

14 months ago, daughter and all her friends, 18, got deathvax. Maybe Dad is not the person to try to get her to stop....nobody else though.

My extended family almost all in.

14 mo waiting to get call she's dead.

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I hear you. Horrible.

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Small sample size, you have college students..


I know we were drinking, everyone jumped off tresses bridge but me... I took some heat...

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You're the man.

Real people fight covid plan from Satan

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So sorry

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God bless you

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Oh no. Terrible. Maybe she got the placebo...

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She keeps on and on. Like everyone I know... Except my mom said no more in December.

Up to then, I thought I raised her better

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Do you think she is getting this from her school? Or are her friends pressuring her to take the shots? Maybe if you can get her going out into the world without access to whatever is influencing her, perhaps take her out for walks in nature or get her out playing sports or whatever, just away from the influence of mass media, Facebook, TV, etc. I often think that people these days are addicted to their screens and if we could get people talking to each other more that could help get some people to snap out of their hypnosis.

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She is quite contented. I sent her videos, tried over and over.

I prayed... Other things. She wants it..

I would like to get her off gthese things, but she is young adult.

You are so very kind... Thank you

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Aug 19, 2022
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I can take care of her if she gets neurological disease, but I'm getting older and will die before her...

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Did your daughter experience any "side effects" after getting vaxed?

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Not yet. ( that she had told me. I think she would tell me and her mom).

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Aug 19, 2022
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TY Sage. I dig your anger. I don't know who's control opp, but you aint 😎😎😎

And if you could hear my confessions, You'd know I wasn't

Father I constantly think of burning francis, I want to kill harrari all of them...

A new priest, 2 mo old came from Cincinnati ... poor fella

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Aug 19, 2022
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You're too kind Zoe, I would love to give you respect of 2 dots over e, but I can't do Death as with TM .

Thank you... I took her to zoo all the time, risked not getting out of zoo each time

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You're too kind..

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Also I’ve noticed the older people at my church, for example, are in near constant contact with doctors. They’ve grown not only to trust them but some look at them as being their friend.

It’s probably much easier for younger people to question and reject what they’re told when they likely have limited contact with doctors. Also, not being hooked on multiple pharmaceuticals surely gives them another physiological and psychological edge.

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While I think this is generally true, in the circles my daughters travel in, there was a lot of resistance. Their whole "crowd" in college refused the vaccines, although they were all in their final years and graduated in '20 or '21. I believe the next incoming class in the fall of '21 was required to get the shots.

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It'd be fun to sit in a coffee shop near these feisty folks.

I'm too socially inept to be welcome too long anywhere... except by dogs, at dp

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My daughters would welcome anyone with a dog into their social circle! 😊😊

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Further evidence that red states will thrive while blue states will continue to decline.

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And yet the blue states—or at least NY and CA—appear to have been sent the safer batches.

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Interesting. I doubt that was accidental.

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I'm in California. I was seriously sickened and injured by one of the bad batches, Pfizer Lot EW0169, though it was only one of the "moderately" bad batches, in terms of the number of adverse reactions reported. I was unable to post my adverse reactions report to VAERS. (I tried to do so several times.) I imagine 99% of the others who were also injured were unable to post adverse reaction reports at VAERS. I asked my Kaiser PCP if she'd file a VAERS report about my injuries, and she said no. She absolutely believed that I'd been sickened and injured by the poison. In fact, she told me that Kaiser was overrrun with people suffering from vax injuries. A phlebotomist at Kaiser told me the same thing.

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Hence the heavy taxes, army of gun toting IRS agents, and green agenda for farmers.

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I just got back from a long road trip across the country. The red states suffer in a different way. Both republicans and democrats are in on this. In Florida, for example, many residents have taken the injections. I looked into moving there but was surprised to see that the company I was applying to was requiring employees to wear masks. That may have since changed, just as it has here in NY State, but the point is, the red states are pushing through the Great Reset but maybe in a different way, making it appear that the republicans are the good guys in the same way the democrats were the good guys after 9/11. (Remember, the democrats "didn't have time" to read the Patriot Act when they signed onto it...)

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Lots of boomers I know took these shots. My mom yelled at me for being silly but quit talking about it. What can you expect when Trump keeps touting his precious clot shots (Trump shots) everywhere? Even those who know these shots are horrible keep praising Trump as the only hope for America. Yammering how the next election will save us.

It will not. The Hopium is only keeping us from taking necessary measures to exist outside Their System.

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Many people are looking for someone to rescue them. I've heard some people say, "God will stop this" or some Republican politician is going to change things. I suspect that years of staring at screens--TV, computer, smart phone, etc., has made people very passive. That's what worries me. This will only stop when we, the people, make it stop. No one is going to save us!

I appreciate the lawsuits and people like RFK, Pam Popper, Naomi Wolf, etc. Really, I do. But none of that will do any good until people start getting up some courage and speaking out against all this. I don't see it happen where I live as most of the resistance comes in the form of very conservative right wingers who think a politician is going to save them. The politicians they admire are terrible people who might be against forced injections, which is good, but they also are for policies that will hurt most people. A lot of people seem to not realize that there is more to what is going on than the "vaccine" or the mask. There is a bigger agenda to take total control over all of us and our assets. And there are lots of ways to do that.

Maybe a DeSantis won't force injections on his people, but is he allowing policies that will cause many people to lose their jobs and their homes? Is he helping the WEF to cause us all to not be able to own anything so that they can own everything? Sadly, even a lot of people who say they want health freedom aren't thinking about the big picture.

I'm not sure we are going to win this war. This totalitarian takeover might just need to play itself out. I fear that many people are going to need to get to a point where they lose their jobs, their homes, and maybe their loved ones before they realize that, oh dear, something is terribly wrong...

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Once everything collapses you won't need a college degree anyhow.

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Thank you for sharing this data, Mark. Parents need to be flooding schools with emails/letters against the mandates. This needs to stop. NOW.

The Substack article below includes a link to an INCREDIBLE letter/document written by Spiro P. Pantazatos, PhD, Assistant Professor Clinical Neurobiology & Biomedical Data Science @ Columbia University Irving Medical Center against the school's vax & booster mandate.

As a public service (in collaboration with attorney Kevin M. Barry from Mermigis Law Group) Dr. Pantazatos has made it publicly available for others to use.


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A quick stroll through the list reveals a STUNNING TRUTH: There are entire states in which few to no colleges require Covid shots of any kind AND THERE HAS BEEN NO WAVE OF COVID DEATHS to set them apart from the colleges which have mandated these inadequately tested Experimental Biological Agents. In short: These mandated shots which kill and maim healthy young people accomplish virtually NOTHING. Surely some pioneering attorneys will understand that most universities -- especially the most elite private universities which all mandate shots and boosters -- sit atop massive multi-million and multi-billion dollar endowments. They are ripe for the picking and should be targeted for litigation: #1: To STOP these horrific mandates which kill and maim with NO upside for this demographic. #2: To make it hurt financially SO BADLY that these institutions will never again accept government blood money to implement mandatory medical experiments upon their vulnerable students.

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This is a super helpful resource, thank you for posting, Mark! Bookmarking it to refer back to it.

I'll add a small caveat that in blue states I mightily fear that mandates formerly dropped will be re-introduced with a vengeance once they turn the dial up on Radio Fear. And then where does that leave the unjabbed kids (be it for Covid66 or Monkeypox or SnakeOilGammaGonzo variant) -- must they then go virtual else get booted?

Some that thankfully are not requiring the jabs are...regrettably...not exactly bastions of free speech (or unwokeness). I looked up one mandate-free U and saw that the theater dept had two drag queen performances and a social justice one--BUT no Chekhov, no Shakespeare, no Jerry Herman. We'll pass. God help anyone with a kid wanting to major in Ancient Greek.

Other schools sans mandates are not meant for those seeking secular educations (regardless of faith) and then there are those whose faiths don't match up with that of an otherwise great school (er, I don't think you can be Jewish and go to Hillsdale).

Also in the thorny world of colleges now made thornier post (or are we still mid-) plandemic, some private schools offering no mandates and greater freedom of thought naturally have far more limited financial aid options which makes it harder for some of us already slammed by the plandemic whose kids would need a full ride. (Using up your savings when you are banned for 2+ years from working due to being unjabbed means there are literally no savings for higher education left).

Many homeschoolers that we know (and this affects both of my own 2 kids) are not planning on college unless things change mightily (Pie in Sky for now...) and/or something new comes on the alternate horizon (keeping our eyes on the Austin developments but egads Austin...). Then again, we with college-aged or soon-to-be college-aged kids may find that this discriminatory college mess and current educational wasteland inspires a new post-college /non-college way to gather teachers and students in new venues that might be genuinely wonderful (and not incur debt up the wazoo!).

This sure is timely for our family and even have to create such a list is indicative of the full-out mess we find ourselves in (collectively and individually).

Wishlist: since school websites are not always revealing, it would be great for someone to link this sort of mandate-related data to real-life "bytes" on the schools themselves, their strengths, philosophies, free speech (or not) allowed and other such...

Thanks again for sharin' this!

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This student left the Bryn Mawr Covidians to go to Hillsdale, she wasn't religious and told them so:


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Looks like all the Ivy Leaguers require vax plus booster.

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Yup. I call them Educated idiots. Plenty of book smarts… and not a shred of common sense.

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Great job ! No kids here but kept the list if I hear from people who want to know. Living in Georgia, quite safe !

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I was pleased, though not surprised, to see that Hillsdale College in MI has no jab mandates. The college is steeped in our Constitution and provides a rigorous. classical liberal education.

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What a great list. Thank you for sharing that important source!

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If all parents pulled out their kids and the $ from these universities, they would stop the mandates in a milisecond.

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