Wonder if he’ll vote for Fetterman next time?

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If he does he is deserves all he gets. If not, then he has awoken. That he voted that that idiot in the first place raises some questions all right!!

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I don’t think that’s the real Fetterman. Just a hunch 😉.

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Have you ever met the “real” Fetterman?

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Then by what evidence do you make your claim regarding authenticity of identity?

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So despite having never actually met the real fetterman you “intuitively” know that is not the real fetterman? And you expect to be taken seriously?

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Was my FIRST THOUGHT! You are obviously a genius.

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That’s my friend Dan Kovalik

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I wonder why he voted for Fetterman in the first place.

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I am wondering that, myself. Actually

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By the way, I loved the way you protested George Bush Jr at his ranch in Texas after your son was killed. I was especially happy about all the mainstream media coverage you got back then. I know your efforts changed Bush Jr. He won't be the same again, because of you. I don't think he'll live another day in his life without thinking about all of the young men and women that got killed because of his malfeasance. And I attribute that to your activism.

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What about the 2966 murdered by bush et al on 9/11? Do these monsters ever care?

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W. didn't kill anyone on "9/11"...

Dick CHENEY, Donald Rumsfeld, and all their PNAC/JINSA pals killed all those people on "9/11". To the extent that W. even knew anything - he certainly wasn't in charge, or trusted with any decision making authority.

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Bush was the CIC, the head honcho.

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And maybe standing before Judgement the Judge of us all will have all those he destroyed standing behind Him. With a word or 2 to say to GWB jr.

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I thought Dr. Oz was a rock solid candidate myself. Fetterman never made sense to me. But it's important to note that there are many people that did vote for Fetterman. Our country remains sadly divided, mired in the ongoing onslaught of psyop inducing propaganda presented by the media on a daily basis. I think that's the ultimate plan. To keep us divided. It makes it so much easier for the global elites to do exactly as they please.

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I heard once, that if voting really mattered, they’d make it illegal.

I tend to agree.

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It’s been posited to me, when I asked the same question, that he was fibbing.

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It's a democrat thing. You wouldn't understand.

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I admire and respect your friend for his actions.

He was civil and non-threatening. The senator revealed himself as the crime boss surrounded by thugs that he is.

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I’m from PA and still can’t figure out who voted for this beast!

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Nobody need really vote for ANYONE who gets "elected."

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100% agreed😢😡

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How do people not see this as the behavior of a crime boss and his thugs?

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I wish someone would ask the senator why he and his wife turned their backs when the balloon guy who had entertained their kids parties, freestore and political events for years and the balloon guy’s wife were tased and arrested by the cops they called 911 for help when the balloon guy and his wife were assaulted by career criminal man and wife/close personal friends of the fettermans who they are linked to through a raped, murdered infant.

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Pennsylvania cheated.

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Pennsylvania always cheats!

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Arizona cheated, too. Maybe that’s why the Phillies aren’t in the World Series, hahaha.

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But really, who cares about the World Series! Haha

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As always. They always cheat.

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Personally, at the poll, I saw a lot of angry women (with a particular agenda) as part of his "win." And a number of new non-citizens (who do not need to show ID unless noted on pollbook) with driver's licenses or utility bills to prove a residency. And unknown number of mail-in ballots from heaven knows where. He was needed as an automatic "Yea" or "Nay." But word has it he will be resigning shortly, allowing the Governor his opportunity to "select" Mrs. Fetterman for the seat. You know, out of respect for the stroke victim.

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The US electoral process is so corrupt, it would take poll monitors from Iran and Afghanistan to improve it.

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Damn, that is cold. And so true! 冷爆了!

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Would love him to resign, but certainly don’t want his wife! She’s really weird too.

If Shapiro is to pick, why would he go with her?

Unfortunately, lots of cheating went on all over PA, as usual!

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It's been in the works. They've been dragging it out until it is possible for the Gov to chose instead of a special election.

Here they were drooling over her last year: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/look-life-gisele-fetterman-woman-biden-said-would-great-lady-senate

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Thank you. Good articles. All the awful senators were mentioned!👎🏼Very scary situation!Will she wear sweats and hoodies?(Sorry. I couldn’t resist!)

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Clearly foretold decades ago by Monty Python


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this scene is (part of) one of my favourite ones. feudalism never went away.

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Probably couldn’t make sense of the question with the background noise. I’ve heard he needs complicated questions written even without the noise. Big words like humanitarian and ceasefire, with a big number like thousands, probably couldn’t understand.

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Actor, not Fetterman

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Not worth caring what Fetterman thinks (if he even does) and not worth caring about a person stupid enough to vote for him.

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I think you may have missed the point here.

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It looks like his bodyguard has the same fashion sense....maybe worse, what ever that was on his head.

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Look at Fetterman’s hands.

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Yep, illuminati symbol.

And that's Fetterman 2.0. Not the original, no way!

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That the way people in the media are taught to hold their hands when they don't know what to do with them on air. PR guy probably told him to do it. He does seem like a bit of a zombie though.

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What about that bloody handprint on the door? Am I imagining things? There were foot prints on the ground too. What is that place? Kind of weird decor.

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Isn’t that supposed to be the Illuminati sign?

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T'other one had a 666 going on too- the world's a stage!

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Well, the question was stupid, as was the person asking since he said he voted for the brain dead Fetterman, but... The idea that we can't peacefully ask our Senators a simple question without being manhandled is completely antithetical to the ideas this nation was founded under.

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You can only ask the questions that have no significance.

When it comes to war, any doubt in war is regarded as "divisive" by these psychopaths/sycophants.

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Democracy in action, at least how Democrats see it and like it.

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Come now. Both parties are a civic shambles.

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One party has an exceptional head-start down the tyranny, censorship, and overall totalitarian path.

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Which one? It's really hard to guess. The republicans (with Dubya) created "protest zones" far outside any city area to ensure the politicians are not disturbed. Patriot Act, killing of american citizens, indefinite detention...

Obama (Bush III)multiplied that by 10. Trump attacked Iran to show he is a genocidal maniac too, but otherwise he didn't live up to R/D standards. But I would not consider Trump a republican - more like a lost conman unaware that he is surrounded by serial killers.

And Biden is Obama II (aka Bush IV). Things went exponentially bad - mostly because the economy was collapsing and they had to stop pretending we are a democracy (or republic).

Overall, I don't see which party has the head start? Please enlighten me.

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I agree 100%. I was blind for some time until the current regime pulled off the blindfold. I read, or rather listened to a very enlightening book called Democracy Inc. by Sheldon Wolin, a big lefty.


The current regime has industrialized the complex built by George the first, Clinton, George the second, and Obama.

The censorship and the vax mandates done under the current fascist regime are far and away the worst that has been done to the citizens of this country to date.

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To me the most important thing is not WHO but how fast?

Since the facade of democracy cannot be maintained (due to ongoing collapse) the US will turn to repression, wars, circuses (will we see a horse senator?) etc.

Soon we will have $10trillion debt a year (2026, let's say). What will be the consequences for regular people?

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Marc, I will not disagree with you about both parties having issues, but have you ever seen a Republican legislator's security treat someone (especially a citizen who paid to attend the event) in that same manner? I have not.

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That's because this is a play. Every 8 years or so, the parties switch roles so the people don't get too bored. Of course Bush did the same (remember them attacking reporters with f**k you and kicking them out?).

Remember "Bomb Iraq", killing 500k children was worth it, "you are with us or against us" and so on? That was the repugs but now they are the good guys doncha know so they act nicer.

Here is my prediction: the oligarchs will burn Biden to the ground supporting Israel ethnic cleansing (and maybe attacking Iran?). After that a fresh new face will replace him (probably DeSantis, maybe Kennedy, both zionists btw). Of course Biden will retire and die "unexpectedly" so the actor playing him can get a break.

Whoever the new prez is, he will have to sign a shameful peace agreement with Russia BUT he will start new wars (Taiwan?) to cover that up. In the meantime, the economy will crash and burn so people will protest and DEMAND a new puppet. Rinse and repeat...

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Never ceases to amaze at how people vote for a, "NICE GUY".

Women are ignorant to vote for Daddy, Grandpa, the CREEPY UNCLE as the TREASONOUS, dementia-ridden Pedophile Avatar of OBastard or Boyfriend/Husband material.

Men are stupid to vote for the boy they'd go get a beer with.

A President is The Commander in Chief to protect and serve The Constitution of the United States, the Republic and LEGAL CITIZENS FIRST while Representative is to represent and Legislate according to 'The People' according to 'The Constitution' by the direction of a CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.

When did people in the United States become so shallow to exhibit the distasteful union of utter stupidity with immorality having totally skewed priorities resulting in NOT TEACHING THE YOUNG ABOUT U.S. CIVICS AND THE CONSTITUTION, ITSELF? So wise to spread the Godless united character traits of 'SHALLOW, STUPID AND IMMORAL' to the next generation. Oy vey!

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Blaze, I don't want to pigeonhole - but I actually know two women who supported Biden and said to me "Biden is a nice guy" when I expressed that I would not vote for him. And I also know a man who exclaimed to me they would vote for GW Bush because he was a guy you could have a beer with.

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There is a definite reason the U.S. is going down the tubes.

Wonder what these dim wits will think as they hoe food

in the fields as 'Farm Workers from South of the Border'

or dress-out animals for food or cats and dogs for faux fur

as they do in China while they're still alive, kicking and screaming when

thrown on a pile of other furless still-living carcasses suffering such horror?

Or, when they refuse and are beaten, raped and tortured or

starved and exposed to the elements without coats in winter

and AC in the humid stream of summer...Or, have their

children stolen and sold in China as livestock for Organs

to harvest...As slaves around the world NOW ARE AGAIN?

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I know this has been quoted a lot lately. (And I don't mean this specifically in relation to Trump. The reason for the disclaimer is some are bandying it about in that manner)

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. - Cicero

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If University History of Rome serves; do believe he was speaking about merely one treasonous soul. We now have MANY, MANY and though we know who they are and what they're doing; they are now fraudulently installed within powerful positions and this murder of The Constitution is only multiplied by the COURTS ALSO BEING INFESTED with enemies recruiting and funding the recruitment and travel as well as living expenses upon arrival of historically violent, hateful populations of the Earth having no cultural background with a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.

If 'The People' don't rise soon...There will be NOTHING TO RISE TO PROTECT...As the Enemies/Criminals Against America have planned since The U.S. Revolution and the resulting Constitution.

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Hey! you left out men voting for a MILF (Sarah Palin) and those women who just vote for women because...(Hilary).

I don't know how to change it. I've always looked at candidates and their positions (not that that means much these days). But I agree, many people vote for people they'd like to know. And that is so stupid and ultimately toxic to this republic/democracy.

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Can't argue with the truth of your observations.

Republic degradation into tyranny and superficiality a sign

of society/culture being spoiled, weak, lazy and soft.

People now too stupid to define their enemy

wanting to murder them...Too silly to know when

they're being patronized by their enemies for

the enemy's personal gain.

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Voted for him> No accounting for taste........

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Free speech usa. The Founding Liars are laughing in their graves - "see I told you it would be sooooo easy to dupe these idiots!!!"

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Nobody "assaulted" anyone here. Come on. Enough with the pulling out of iPhones to film each other and whine for some imagined daddy authority figure (all of whom everyone from every possible side has decried as illegitimate) to intervene. This is the world the Satanists wanted, one without God, one with all of us at each other's throats for some imagined grievance, one that believes in nothing higher than scoring meaningless points on social media. I understand the impulse for showing things like this, but it really does nothing in the end. We need to pray and turn to God.

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As soon as the idiots can be cleansed of their dog almighty brainwashing we can spend money on actual important things. All these phuckin' building sitting there for NOTHING.

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it was assault and battery, legal definition of.

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Mr. Hoodie, didn't want to reveal that even a mentally disabled senator knows that the arms industry butters his bread. industry.https://dced.pa.gov/pennsylvanias-top-industries/aerospace-defense/

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