Well, why does she have pancreatic cancer? Did she get the COVID jab.... that would explain it, Why is she driving on three wheels at 80 mph with hatch open? That is more complicated and I am not going to kick over that hornet's nest, but to say we have a mental health crisis in this county is a vast understatement.

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mental health is at an all time low- beware the solutions proffered by Govt.

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Oct 10, 2022
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Probably some overwhelm in there too.

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So agree!

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Oct 10, 2022
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Since early 2021, cancer diagnoses have spiked several thousand percent. Rare, aggressive cancers in particular have seen a sharp uptick since then, with far more cases among younger people than before this "vaccination" drive.

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Oct 10, 2022Edited
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It's a fact that in order for these parcels of code to get into cells to release the instructions the scientists had to make them look friendly to our body's permanently patrolling scouts who's job it is to search and destroy. We all have cells that are cancerous but these guys do a great job of eliminating them. The jabs throw hand grenades at them and knock them out, for how long? Noone knows for sure but def two weeks. Pfizer white coat man reported as such early on. So in this period of time all kinds of things can and seem to wrong. The two scientists who perfected this trojan horse mechanism both awarded Nobel prize! I totally agree about EMF. Russia and Eastern Europe have lots of data. Ours is old and done by companies who make all this stuff so it is not in their interest to do independent analysis. It's just like pharma with big pockets to shove under the rug.

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Oct 10, 2022
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Radiation, EMF's from the G's. Satellites in space

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Yes WI-FI is esp 5g network

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Not these sudden onset late stage cancer’s like younger aged people are being diagnosed with! This woman in this video isn’t that old!

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Oct 10, 2022Edited
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This is not the first "jab" ever deployed. "Vaccines" for adults, for children, have been wiping out immune systems for several generations. Perhaps your friend had gotten multiple injections for things like flu, shingles, pertussis, tetanus, etc.? Here is the CDC's list of "excipient" vaccine ingredients (dated 11/2021). How can these ingredients possibly be good for you or healthy? https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf

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Oct 10, 2022
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You are correct. Sadly, the list of poisons in our environment is overwhelming.

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Some observations:

1) "Chemotherapy regimens have been associated with multiple psychiatric complications, including psychosis, mania and anxiety."


*(This applies to several of the chemo drugs. Look into this if you're not familiar, and warn family members, especially those who got the jibby jab and are now more prone to cancer).

2) The jibby jab has obviously been tied to neurological problems (spike protein in the brain = prion disease, like mad cow disease). And the jibby jab is quite obviously responsible for a huge spike in sudden cancer.


3) Cancer patients are often required to take ALL childhood vaccines to "protect" their immune system. Both my brother and my neighbor were diagnosed with sudden invasive cancer after the jibby jab, and take a barrage of vaccines each visit. This is in addition to any immunotherapy shots - TDAP, Hib, Polio, HepA, HepB, Rotovirus, shingles, MMRV (Yup, both chicken pox and shingles vaccines at the same time, makes no sense, I wish an oncologist would comment on this). And of course, flu shot + every Covid booster. This will kill anyone quickly, all that aluminum & mercury at the same time, and can certainly cause neurological problems (which they both now have, in addition to the cancer).

4) I saw something similar happen right in front of me (and my kids) on the highway a few months ago. After the guy went over the guardrail, I went to render aid. He was unresponsive, but had a cotton ball + band aid on his arm. Just sayin.

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Most people who die of cancer, in truth die of the chemo.

Chemo destroys the body and the immune system. The immune system is needed to both eliminate and prevent cancer cells or to contain cancer and prevent its spread.

After the assault and battery of chemo toxic drugs on the body, cancer comes back far more aggressive and spreads, because the immune system was destroyed by the chemicals.

Chemo is one of the biggest scams of allopathic medicine. It may give the appearance that tumor has shrunk but it does NOT heal cancer, to the contrary chemo exacerbates cancer.

If we were not so brainwashed by Drug Companies, we would know a treatment that is supposed to heal you is not supposed to destroy your body, make your hair fall out, damage your liver, kidney, brain, etc

The only reason why anyone would accept such toxic “treatment” is because of programming and conditioning most of us have received to accept chemo as the only treatment for cancer.

To the person who is still programmed to believe in chemicals and Drug Company narrative as way of “healing”, please WAKE UP!

Wake up.

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Oct 10, 2022
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she also said it's "really bad". they don't tell you that on the first visit. just diagnosed could mean a month ago. either way, it serves as a warning to those of us left to deal with the wake of destruction left behind by the vax.

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All the people I know who were diagnosed with anything recently were diagnosed with advanced cases (eg stage 4 lung cancer) and did not last long. I know someone who is getting the pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and she is in full-on denial. Outwardly, though, there are signs: 2 broken down cars, recycling now collecting outside, as well as occupying a lot inside. People are going through terrible times.

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I’m constantly amused by Americans getting freaked out by any speed over 55 mph. 80 mph isn’t even 130 in proper Nordschleife units.

The missing tire and open tailgate are impressive I have to admit.

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I think the fact she was doing 80 with a missing tire and trunk open and flames going everywhere is more the issue. Not so much the 80 by itself

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It’s the one who can’t drive and just tool around town doing the standard 25mph who get freaked out. Put these poor excuses of a driver on the highway and they are overwhelmed. And show how little road awareness and road courtesy they have.

Where I live, on the highways 80 is easily the new 55. Or sometimes 90. With they way modern vehicles are built, you can do those speeds easily and not even know it.

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The trouble is that many American exits are dangerous as hell. If you're going 80-90 and exit say at 70, you could be in deep trouble. In some case, you've got around 200 feet to get down to 40 or you end up in a ditch (if lucky).

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If you exit at 70 you’re an idiot. There’s plenty of time on highways to slow down to an intelligent exit speed.

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Miss an exit and the next one is 20 miles away

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Pancreatic cancer diagnoses are through the roof since the jabs- this used to be a very rare cancer. I saw the videos and this woman had also been taking some kind of meds - bunch of pills fell out of her purse on to the driver's seat when she got out. She clearly sounded impaired with narcotics so I'm going to say that was the biggest contributing factor in her erratic driving. She was probably beyond distraught with the DX, so she might have popped a few too many. Very sad. Amazing she didn't kill anyone.

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Having been outside the USA for the past 15 months, my brother who lives in the SF East Bay says it's dangerous to drive on the freeways, or to go anywhere in Northern CA. Sort of like road rage ver 3.567 happening on steroids and people's live are crashing along with the falling economy and losing their health and immunity. People are in shock. The SF Bay Area is rapidly turning into a third world calcutta on city streets and underpasses where the poor and homeless congregate and build shanty housing made up out of scrap wood/cardboard/metal bits. The military has abandoned the SF Bay Area and the gov has sold off the property of former naval/army bases in SF and Alameda Counties. That money now goes to Camp Pendleton/San Diego Navel base and benefitted So Calif, fyi.

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Such accidents are happening throughout the country and the world, on rural roads as well as city streets. This past week they were reported all throughout the US, Mexico, Germany, Italy and Russia. It's clearly due, directly, to the "vaccination" drive.

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Every day all day in our small town. Life Star helcopters over my house daily, multiple times a day.

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Interestingly, the notification for this post popped-up, then disappeared. I had to launch the app and open the post, and even then I had to copy and paste the BitChute link into a browser in order to see the video. If I did not know any better, I would say you either deleted this post, that or someone is messing with things.

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Well, I didn't delete it.

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I use Brave browser and have no problems with links like I did with Google.

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I am trying Yandex as my default browser.

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Link would not work for me either - had to cut and paste info a browser.

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Me too, and, the video was blacked out using my laptop...only audio. Had to access through smart phone finally to see the full media: video and audio.

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Worked fine.

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Repeat after me children "You can choose the cause of all these ailments as either (1) Climate Change or (2) Putin. Either one will work until we come up with "The Next New Thing"

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That was a really good intervention, well done. This is us now, kinda falling apart. I do wonder what the benefit of going to the pharma docs who jabbed you to get such a diagnosis, for which they will benefit financially directly or indirectly. Having no doctor is better than having a death propping doctor who will not admit the jab is what did this.

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Those pills on the front seat looked like fentanyl. She was clearly drugged up in something. Thank God that man made her stop. Then in the comments of the video some guy calls that man a Karen for being mean to her. Holy shit. What is wrong with people today. That woman should not have been driving. Period. Her story about the cancer seemed bizarre.

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They "looked like fentanyl"? They also "looked like" several hundred other drugs.

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yeah- it was apparent she was oblivious ( for whatever reason)- but didn't seem to be "on the nod"

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Makes it that much more frightening

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I only mean the fentynsl pills they have been showing

H on the news lately. The 2 round pink colored had that same look.

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Every time I hear fentanyl I think china. I have issues with only blaming china for the fentanyl. Fentanyl is a joint venture and yet another way THEY are killing commoners around the world. We are and have been living a lie. The US government is collaborating with killers to kill us and lower the population. In every country (corporation) this is happening to the commoner subjects. The jab causing cancer is some sort of accelerated process. It was said, about the polio shot, that the SV40 simian virus was in the shot. It was said to cause multiple types of cancers after the polio fear campaign. Basically another psyop to trick the public into accepted poison. They have done this before. Cancer was manufactured by those who funded Sabin and Salk. None of that was real, just more genocide. This must be understood. They have done this before and cv19 is the decided upon destroyer of our biology. This will affect birth, life and death. They are killers and collaborators and if we don’t stop them, we are done like dinner.

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That woman was totally out of it...she obviously crashed her car then kept driving...but out on the freeway? A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer did not create or cause the Altered State of Consciousness she was in...did any one one ask her if she had the Jabs or boosters recently? No they did not but they should have!

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We call them "vaxxidents" for a reason: because such instances of crazy driving have become pandemic since the "vaccination" drive began. "Single-vehicle accidents," with people smashing into guardrails, parked cars, houses, restaurants, ditches, etc., now happen every single day throughout the world.

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Yes I can testify to that…I see them daily where I live in SoCA! And sometimes they are a very weird configuration as to how the two cars even collided!

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Wrong way driving on CT!

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She obviously put her tire in the back of her car so she knew it was missing off the rim, and what were those pills on her seat,. I sure hope she doesn't have cancer and just said that because she was scared of getting in trouble, either way, holy crap, have people lost their minds. I do believe the jabs are causing mental illness.

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"No one ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

(Attributed to Mencken but apocryphal.)

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The bard of Baltimore said it but with a nice long setup about the research he had done first.

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An unexaggerated example of the predominnant state of mind of the USA.

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As much as I dread flying right now (especially since so many pilots have been poisoned), I'm even more reluctant to take road trips now because of incidents such as this.

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Haha, yeah, going 80 mph is not so much the issue as the rest--on three tires, on fire, with open hatch, most would slow down a bit...

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She appears to have cognitive impairment made worse by recent diagnosis. Just diagnosed so chemo brain wouldn’t be issue yet. The shredded tire in the trunk speaks volumes. She has lost it. This is behavior you would expect from someone in their 80s. She appears to be a well off, slim, healthy looking woman who has lost her marbles. She doesn’t look like a pancreatic cancer pt. Rapid progression? The guy is not helping.

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