Our "free" press should be jailed for disseminating artificial news.

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You jest? Because I really think so too.

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A lot of people are on board with that. One can't ignore the power of satire in a time like this: https://realrawnews.com/2023/11/jag-arrests-stephen-colbert/ If you still have a sense of humor at this point, you're way ahead of most people.

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I heard they outlawed humor as a danger to our democracy

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Pal - thx for the link! 😜

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The dimwits, nitwits, & halfwits !

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Courts have ruled the press is not legally bound to tell the truth. The silence of the Left in America and the insurrection of the Centrists in the democratic party in the 1990's destroyed the once liberal media.

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I believe one of those cases was in 2000, Fox News and Monsanto. The Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment gives you the right to speak, but does not regulate what you say.

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That could be due to the fact nobody is willing to take on their corporate owners. Can't sue WaPo? Ok, sue what's his name, the owner.

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No more artificial news will be permitted, unless officially approved

UNESCO’s Insidious Plan to “Regulate Social Media” and “Control Speech Online”


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Gas stoves. You forgot gas stoves.

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There's a "study" on it that the media reported?

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I don't recall reading about any studies linking gas stoves to the current increase in excess mortality, but I've read several articles harping on the harmful effects of gas stoves on human health, and "potential" increased mortality.

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Gas connection will be banned in new buildings from 2024 in Victoria Australia

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What is it about Victorias? Same thing in Victoria, BC, Canada... back when the government could "math" they did promotions and tax rebates to get people to hook up natural gas furnaces and appliances (natural gas stoves). Last year they announced that no new buildings in Victoria would be able to use natural gas. The mid-wits on city Council want electricity as a heating source... I guess they think electricity is generated from unicorn farts?

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I predict that log combustion heating will be banned next

Also they are closing or have closed coal fired power stations here and push solar (not a lot of sun in Melbourne) and the ridiculous wind turbines

We’re also encouraged to get electric cars

2+2=5 here in Looney Land

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Last week the wind farms operated at 0.3% of capacity in Alberta, Canada. No, I didn't miscalculate 30% or 3%, it was less than 1%.

Their Premiere seems to be able to do basic math and is fighting the federal government on the net-zero 2030 targets. Of course the national broadcaster the CBC (Canadian Bullsh#t Corporation) is painting her as an evil right wing MONS-TER and alluding that she doesn't accept "the science is settled".

Meanwhile they take 1.5 BILLION in tax payer subsidies per year. I'm sure they have complete editorial control... even if they were not a den of vipers.

Imagine the millions and millions of subsidies poured into these green grifts and then these clowns in charge like Herr Justin Castro either know it's a joke and are driving us into poverty at their master's behest OR they actually are that moronic and believe that you can power a modern society around this. I flip-flop on what is worse... they are that evil OR they are f'ing stupid and in charge of a country.

Don't get me started on we are destroying the environment to save the environment by strip mining hundreds of square KM to extract rare metals for batteries. EVs? I now equate driving an EV to wearing a mask outside by yourself. Thank you for telling me I should not interact with you at all.

Regarding combustion heating here in Ca-Na-Da they are taking the soft approach... for now... basically making home insurance too expensive for fire wood furnaces or fireplaces and going 110% on regulations to cost you out of it. No bans yet. It is coming. A lot of the older houses have stone foundations. They are *literally* build rock solid (better than the modern crap) but insurance companies will not insure them anymore... and thus you can't get a mortgage.

In my ideal world I'd save enough cash to buy one of those old girls and move to a multi acre property in the middle of nowhere. I'd be able to cut my own firewood and heat my home to 30C+ in the dead of winter. I would post videos to troll the death cult environmentalists. Who knows... I may have enough years left to do just that.

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a few months ago someone in Ireland reported they have to run the wind turbines on fuel. That helps a lot indeed. We are living in Lalaworld. Save electricity, but all have to buy electric cars, which are more destructive on the environment, way more costly, and with unrecyclable batteries. When all have an electric car, we will have to go live in caves, because there won't be electricity for anything else. Away with these dumb politicians.

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they still run ads for Fortis on CBC etc...my late husband and I moved way west to Shirley and got out of Victoria in 2014...haven't been there in yrs...when I first lived there 20 yrs ago it was a nice city friendly people lots of fun stuff to do...now it's run by lefty commie lesbians and their comrades in Fernwood...the Johnson St Bridge fiasco was the last straw for me...they cut down protected trees for bike paths which screw up the traffic, and tear down houses and buildings to put up condos no one can afford, they want everyone to live near downtown and walk or bike or take the horrendous public transport buses which are always late or out of order...how many restaurants and businesses have closed? they tax everything and basically ruin your life. I feel bad for all the businesses which have failed. I don't know how anyone can afford to live there anymore. It's a real shame, I have many happy memories of doing fun stuff with my husband, eating out, concerts, going for walks, window shopping, going for drives, taking his elderly parents for ice cream at the Beacon Hill Park fast food establishment. We lived up on Topaz Ave near the Reservoir.

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I use propane for the cooktop and the downstairs fireplace and the generator...no one wants to buy electric vehicles in Canada anymore...I used to see loads of Teslas I don't see any anymore the same with Prius. People figured out electric cars are a problem when it's -30F and you also need to use the heater and the defroster. Wind turbines are filled with petrol and are filling up landfills and they are very dangerous when they stop working. And of course it's not easy to get solar if your daylight hours are short and they're covered in snow and ice.

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unicorn farts ! hahaha.

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I believe it's the same here in the US, in New York and California. Insane.

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Smart meters are compulsory here too. I’m sure it’s so they can control our energy consumption as everything will be electric

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I think my dad said something of the kind of Europe too.

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That's called "gas"lighting...

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I would rather blame twinkie cakes. I'm sure we would find funds to built a case or a lab study on that, just to eradicate the possibility it could be the C0v injections.

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Over the last three years, a new industry has been born: the lying industry. The creativity of humans has been harnessed to trick, mislead and misdirect people away from the truth. Perhaps we should have an Olympic event or a Pulitzer awarded for the most creative lying as this new immoral art form has become the cause celebrate of the new communications industry.

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You know the old saying. “If you don’t read the news you are uninformed. If you read the news you are misinformed “

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The rich and the celebrated would find another event for which to walk the red carpet ;-)

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Kissinger died today at 100! Hopefully the rest of the Gs will go quicker! This is old age!

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Yes I just now read the article…it all seems so long ago

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Yes, and never long enough! I have heard he got much worse since he left the Nixon cabinet.

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Relatedly— Liz Gunn in New Zealand just posted this video:

M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)

November 30, 2023




WINSTON SMITH: I'm a data base administrator, I've been one for 20 years. So it's just letters and numbers, I know that, it's just data. This is different. It's because we're seeing human lives being destroyed.

LIZ GUNN: And the families that are around—

WINSTON SMITH: This data is a river of tears. And I feel the pain. So I can't go on with it. There is so much pain and tears in this that it's just, it's got to end. And I'm going to prove that it is, it is the vaccine that's killing people. It's got to be, it's nothing else, there's no other reason for it. And they might claim that it could be any number of different causes, anything, they could say it's, you know, the aging population or whatever. It's not. This thing is a killer.

LIZ GUNN: And we have the statistical evidence of that thanks to you.

WINSTON SMITH: Absolutely.

LIZ GUNN: Take us, before we get into the data itself, take us to the beginning of your journey. How did this come to you?

WINSTON SMITH: Right. Well. I was involved with building the project, helped with implementing a vaccine payment system for our providers. It's called a pay per dose system. So it means that every time someone gets vaccinated they get a, they get a payment for it, there's a provider. And I helped build it, I implemented it. And when I was looking up the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies with the dates of death, people getting, people dying within a week of being vaccinated.


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WINSTON SMITH is the name of the protagonist in George Orwell's novel, 1984. Is that a real name or a "names changed to protect identity."

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Liz Gunn introduces him saying it's a nickname, "ironically" Winston Smith. I don't think he'll keep his identity secret for long, however.

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The data goes down to the individual vaccinator-- how many each vaccinator injected that then died.

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Thanks for the link, I've seen her around spreading truth.

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What happened to radon?

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It's still there. I just saw a piece about that, too, but I couldn't fit in everything...

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When the Establishment chimes in always think the opposite. There's a moral satisfaction in being an informed contrarian...and as a bonafide conspiracy theorist you'll almost always be on the side of truth.

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Don't forget "baby loungers." Yeah, that's the ticket!

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Red meat

Butter fat

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Add in some pastured, regeneratively-farmed eggs and you have three of the healthiest foods to eat, especially cooked in tallow.

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High carbohydrate intake was associated with higher risk of total mortality, whereas total fat and individual types of fat were related to lower total mortality. Total fat and types of fat were not associated with cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas saturated fat had an inverse association with stroke. Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings.


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If it's good for you. The Globalist want all of it, and you to have none.

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Yes, and all these magically came together to cause death just after the shots were administered.

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That's great news, now the science is officially settled. Further discussion is not only unnecessary,

it would be futile to pose a counter narrative.

So remember folks, the science is settled, vaccines are safe and effective and excess deaths are attributed to white bread along with the flavor of the day.

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One could, should say by now, “nothing surprises me” ….but actually everything does……Was it only maybe five years ago we assumed that a majority of our population~~~sure, the silent majority, not the rioters~~~at least had a modicum of common sense, and even some intellectual curiosity? That they had a common moral compass, and could feel when something doesn’t look right? And shockaroo, maybe even act on that feeling? Guess not!~~~Some neighbors of mine heading asap back to Canada, fear of Covid return; another friend says was recently informed that two friends each had sudden losses in their circle. ~~~ Maybe, find a book this week where on the last page it will say, “the end”….probably the only place you”ll see that, for a long long time…..amen and amen

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Actually, "vaccine" uptake is WAY down, to less than 3%. So people may be smarter than we think (or smarter than the media).

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Way-ell ! Hope hope ….,I know some of my latest conversations have also included someone telling me, “no way!” …Are they getting another shot….Yes, indeed, and another seasonal friend turned up this week, a heart scare last spring but….now they are back to their favorite very active sport….who knows…. I do hope people are really waking up after a night’s sleep. ;-) and stay waked up. LOL.

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Or too ill to take any more.

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In context, do you trust the source of that figure? I'm surrounded by folks rushing for the next stab and boasting about it. Don't know anyone who's changed their mind. 🤔

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Looks like it has gone up a bit lately (though could be propaganda).. This says 15% of adults, 5% of kids.


A “disappoiintment.” So SADS!

It was apparently hard to find for some, at first—people on my NextDoor were clamoring for it.

And if this is real, Iceland has ended the shots for now.


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Sasha Latypova did a Substack update on Iceland, after their successful conference recently.

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Excellent information, as always!!

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This time I put my beer down less I spill it with all the chortling and guffawing going on. Jasus but the gutter press / Cartoon Network never fail to inject humor into our day with their acute, witty yet strangely false take on events. ☘️

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Yep. Anything but YNW. When I engage these types and they start sprouting that nonsense I just ask, “Aren’t you overdue for your booster shot? You have to stay current to keep that protection up!”

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Crickey! So many ways to die that we just happen to be noticing now, like eating white bread!😝 (I’ve been seeing the same ridiculous articles that are obviously trying to cover up the crazy excess vax deaths.)

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