Other NON-fatals in S. America, UK: Argentine footballer Nereo Champagne quitting team ("heart problem"), Brazilian footballer Christian Bernardi quitting team (for "post-COVID treatment"), & more
GOD bless you Mark for being a true TRUTH Warrior. I just found out my neighbor, who's husband is a Delta pilot - had a seizure in the cockpit just prior to take off. I know 10+ woman who have had strokes after receiving the clot bioweapon kill shot. Several others are passing from turbo cancer. This is a true Genocide, Crimes against Humanity. GOD help us to help ourselves. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny. Thank you Mark for your dedication in revealing the TRUTH.
YES to what Susan said. I had a friend and two family connections die from the clotshot. And another family member black out on a ski slope, then totally not remembering that she fell, hard.
Daniel Geery: Were your friend's and your two relatives' post-covid-vax deaths reported to VAERS? What about your relative who blacked out on the ski slope?
Yes also to what Susan said. I have had a friend pass having had all the shots, I have second hand reports from extended family members about children dying at school. Another young mama lost her baby just after birth. Daunting indeed. Likewise thank you Mark for all these updates. It must be so daunting logging them all. It does have the effect of revealing the depth of the carnage.
He's been long dead or brain dead...they are stretching this story too far. I want to be wrong but all the pics/vids have been 'no shows' and insulting to our mental capacities!
That would be pretty crappy....not to be mean, but isn't it just weird that so many are getting cancer?, I mean really, what the heck is going on?....NO WAY is it the 'safe and effective' jab!
I have not taken and will NOT, NO MORE INJECTIONS OF ANY KIND FOR ME!
The last was a tetanus from when I got a 6 inch cut on my leg from a rusty license plate in a parking lot, 2002, was sick for 6 months on an off.
Like I have said, Celeste Solum said over 2 years ago this would happen just as she said it would, first jab, some die, second even more and over time the diseases ramp up
Same here with the Hep B. Long before Covid I read an obscure journal article that back then (early 2000's) one of the Hep B vaccines had early LNP tech in it. I wasn't able to find it again during this covid vax attack.
I learned the same from Judy Mikovitz. She exposed the Hep B info saying also I recall that the vaxes were contaminated since about that time you mention. If you listen to her videos she speaks about it. She traced the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka ME back to Hep B. And they jab babies with it! A friend had her baby die after that V and this was well over 20 yrs back. They diagnosed cause of death as SIDS of course.
Thank you for this info. I have have listened a lot to Judy Mikovitz but had not heard anything specific to Hep B. I am sorry for your friend and all of the others. It was the collapse of reason in acute care setting when they started injecting new borns with Hep B....just sick. It is more widely known now then pre covid but there was also compelling evidence in the 80's that Hep B vaccine was used to transmit AIDS. Of course they have made the literature hard to find and laid a path of supposed conspiracy theory but back then in real time it was the prevailing theory from the people who would know....the ones they were killing.
If you’re at all concerned or just want to shut your allopathic doctor up, get a tetanus titer. I get them every two years, because I do work outside in the dirt quite regularly. They show I’m totally covered 😊
dude that is harsh, vax damage rampant really, from my own personal exp as well...back in late 1960's...when it was just a few shots...now its so ridic right...sooo ridic...changes my whole lens on my life, we never want to see ourselves as damaged but we mostly all are damaged...before all this....daaang it all to 'ell.
You are so right about all of us being damaged. None of us have a clue what's been done over the years. We just know it's not good. My husband and I live as healthily as we can but don't stress about it. The ship has sailed and it's too late to change our history of damage. Live each day.
And think about all of the people with depression / fatigue / foggy thinking / emotional issues / hormonal issues / neurodegeneration .... All of this is possible according to cell biology to be an impact of inflammation in the brain.
The last vaccine I got was Swine Flu. That was another one of Dr Fauci's fake pandemics. After I got the injection, later that day, I felt extremely cold even though it was a warm day, and I had a feeling of doom, of pure hell. No way am I ever going to again shoot up any of their witch's brews.
Remember, there was Glenda the good witch too. Herbalists were called witches and burned, which is part of how we got here, to the biosecurity state, the killing off of the herbalists.
Remember, there was Glenda the good witch too. Herbalists were called witches and burned, which is part of how we got here, to the biosecurity state, the killing off of the herbalists.
Bloody nora - I just looked and the story just gets weirder and weirder. How bizarre . In my very humble opinion, that wasn't him. They must be paying his family a whole lot of money to keep schtum. ☹☹
Cheeky Pureblood: When those in your circle of acquaintances die of their turbocancers (or other cancers, for that matter) send me a link to their obituaries, and I'll write them up for MCM's In Memoriam project. (I'm part of the team working on this.) Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.
Cheeky Pureblood: Please save my email address, and if you have the time and energy to do so, send me links to any obits that seem relevant, whether or not you personally knew those who died. We don't have nearly as many volunteers working on this project as we need, so any help from you and others is welcome.
We also can't take our eyes off EMF, which have a long history of causing heart disease since WWII (as I write about below), and work in tandem with heavy metals in these injections;
I read somewhere, that under normal living conditions, & in good health, it is not uncommon, for normal cells to acquire mutations, that then may undergo "cancerous" change.
However, with an intact, functioning, & healthy immune system, special protective immune cells, will "recognize" these mutated-cells & destroy them, preventing tumor or other cancerous formation.
No, I mean how did Reagan "welcome the Frankfurt School philosophy to our kiddos"? For one thing, there was, and is, no single "Frankfurt School philosophy"; no one (as far as I know) has inflicted any of the Frankfurt theories on children; and Reagan had nothing to do with any of that: on the contrary.
The figure who DID contribute to the scourge of "woke" ideology was Herbert Marcuse; and his time at UCSD was marked by threats of violence, implicitly encouraged by Gov. Reagan and other CA rightists. (Critical Race Theory owes plenty to Marcuse, as James Lindsay demonstrates in Race Marxism.)
Rince - Repeat!!! Just for today I'm going to provide another possible cause for these afflications - I believe it's loud music being played in local bars, after 10pm, on a weekday. I can't blame climate change any more, or walking on the cracks of the pavement (Monty Python) as it's old hat. However the Sydney Morning Herald is blaming the rona itself for an increase in heart attacks, even though that's been totally disproven... but never mind.
Asking MCM audience to cite what they have for their top 4 solid scientific studies that suggest/illustrate the connection between the mRNA "vaxx" and myocarditis/pericarditis.
Dr. Paul Alexander recently had a post on his Substack where he listed about 1,000, or hundreds of links to medical articles, including many covering links between the shot and myocarditis and pericarditis. It turns out it was a list he had published earlier in 2022 but I had missed it. It is still an amazing list. I think his point was to the people who don't see-you want proof, here's proof, and he threw out what he had at the time.
How come all these took the KOOL-AID... they sould've known that Gates & his ilks (Schwab & Harari, namely) want to depopulate the Earth of only of its useless eaters.
The advent of the 'tele-vision'....programming through channels!...it is really amazing how many believe and trust what is on MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, ....when there are only 3 conglomerates that own and control mainstream media!
And that, my friend, was the whole idea....Satan, Luciferians, Kabbalists, Masons are behind it all!...and it has been ongoing since the Garden of Eden, perhaps even before that....the plan is to trans-humanize(if you will) as many 'humans' as he(Satan) can.....Jesus gave His life for HUMANS/MANKIND, the Name of God is in ever living creature in the DNA, 'YHWH" (do some research and you will find this true, confirmed by science) ....by altering the DNA, through continual mRNA injections (or for some just 1 or 2 and/or chipping the body) you become a 'trans-human'....also GMO foods/animals. The DNA is found in the Genome, the building block of life...so by altering the DNA and becoming NON HUMAN you are now Satan's minion and may net be allowed Salvation through Jesus Christ.
I am writing this off of memory so corrections accepted....
JDFarag.org did a real good sermon on this last Sunday
GOD bless you Mark for being a true TRUTH Warrior. I just found out my neighbor, who's husband is a Delta pilot - had a seizure in the cockpit just prior to take off. I know 10+ woman who have had strokes after receiving the clot bioweapon kill shot. Several others are passing from turbo cancer. This is a true Genocide, Crimes against Humanity. GOD help us to help ourselves. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny. Thank you Mark for your dedication in revealing the TRUTH.
YES to what Susan said. I had a friend and two family connections die from the clotshot. And another family member black out on a ski slope, then totally not remembering that she fell, hard.
Daniel Geery: Were your friend's and your two relatives' post-covid-vax deaths reported to VAERS? What about your relative who blacked out on the ski slope?
Yes also to what Susan said. I have had a friend pass having had all the shots, I have second hand reports from extended family members about children dying at school. Another young mama lost her baby just after birth. Daunting indeed. Likewise thank you Mark for all these updates. It must be so daunting logging them all. It does have the effect of revealing the depth of the carnage.
I wholeheartedly agree. Thank you, for writing this. Thank you, Mark.
I'm still trying to figure out if Damar Hamlin has a disfiguring case of bell's palsy or if he's deceased.
He's been long dead or brain dead...they are stretching this story too far. I want to be wrong but all the pics/vids have been 'no shows' and insulting to our mental capacities!
He is probably hanging out with Tiffany Dover.
Maybe I'm not cut out to be a celebrity, but seems to me I wouldn't go reporting my Bowel Cancer to the worldwide press.
That would be pretty crappy....not to be mean, but isn't it just weird that so many are getting cancer?, I mean really, what the heck is going on?....NO WAY is it the 'safe and effective' jab!
I have not taken and will NOT, NO MORE INJECTIONS OF ANY KIND FOR ME!
The last was a tetanus from when I got a 6 inch cut on my leg from a rusty license plate in a parking lot, 2002, was sick for 6 months on an off.
Like I have said, Celeste Solum said over 2 years ago this would happen just as she said it would, first jab, some die, second even more and over time the diseases ramp up
I missed that one with Celeste. I heard others saying it. 2-5 yr life span after boosters. I was V injured after Hep B (in my unenlightened days).
Same here with the Hep B. Long before Covid I read an obscure journal article that back then (early 2000's) one of the Hep B vaccines had early LNP tech in it. I wasn't able to find it again during this covid vax attack.
I learned the same from Judy Mikovitz. She exposed the Hep B info saying also I recall that the vaxes were contaminated since about that time you mention. If you listen to her videos she speaks about it. She traced the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka ME back to Hep B. And they jab babies with it! A friend had her baby die after that V and this was well over 20 yrs back. They diagnosed cause of death as SIDS of course.
Thank you for this info. I have have listened a lot to Judy Mikovitz but had not heard anything specific to Hep B. I am sorry for your friend and all of the others. It was the collapse of reason in acute care setting when they started injecting new borns with Hep B....just sick. It is more widely known now then pre covid but there was also compelling evidence in the 80's that Hep B vaccine was used to transmit AIDS. Of course they have made the literature hard to find and laid a path of supposed conspiracy theory but back then in real time it was the prevailing theory from the people who would know....the ones they were killing.
It was the CFS I contracted.
If you’re at all concerned or just want to shut your allopathic doctor up, get a tetanus titer. I get them every two years, because I do work outside in the dirt quite regularly. They show I’m totally covered 😊
dude that is harsh, vax damage rampant really, from my own personal exp as well...back in late 1960's...when it was just a few shots...now its so ridic right...sooo ridic...changes my whole lens on my life, we never want to see ourselves as damaged but we mostly all are damaged...before all this....daaang it all to 'ell.
You are so right about all of us being damaged. None of us have a clue what's been done over the years. We just know it's not good. My husband and I live as healthily as we can but don't stress about it. The ship has sailed and it's too late to change our history of damage. Live each day.
It's all been a terrible neverending nightmare.
And think about all of the people with depression / fatigue / foggy thinking / emotional issues / hormonal issues / neurodegeneration .... All of this is possible according to cell biology to be an impact of inflammation in the brain.
The last vaccine I got was Swine Flu. That was another one of Dr Fauci's fake pandemics. After I got the injection, later that day, I felt extremely cold even though it was a warm day, and I had a feeling of doom, of pure hell. No way am I ever going to again shoot up any of their witch's brews.
Remember, there was Glenda the good witch too. Herbalists were called witches and burned, which is part of how we got here, to the biosecurity state, the killing off of the herbalists.
Remember, there was Glenda the good witch too. Herbalists were called witches and burned, which is part of how we got here, to the biosecurity state, the killing off of the herbalists.
Mark, are you following the speculation on Twitter re: Damar Hamlin & his “appearance” at the game?
Bloody nora - I just looked and the story just gets weirder and weirder. How bizarre . In my very humble opinion, that wasn't him. They must be paying his family a whole lot of money to keep schtum. ☹☹
My list (yes I keep a list!) of my circle is up to 24 cancers, 15 of which are aggressive turbo cancers.
Cheeky Pureblood: When those in your circle of acquaintances die of their turbocancers (or other cancers, for that matter) send me a link to their obituaries, and I'll write them up for MCM's In Memoriam project. (I'm part of the team working on this.) Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.
I should have at least two of those in the next 6-12mos? The cancer ones are not the dead ones yet.
Cheeky Pureblood: Please save my email address, and if you have the time and energy to do so, send me links to any obits that seem relevant, whether or not you personally knew those who died. We don't have nearly as many volunteers working on this project as we need, so any help from you and others is welcome.
We also can't take our eyes off EMF, which have a long history of causing heart disease since WWII (as I write about below), and work in tandem with heavy metals in these injections;
I read somewhere, that under normal living conditions, & in good health, it is not uncommon, for normal cells to acquire mutations, that then may undergo "cancerous" change.
However, with an intact, functioning, & healthy immune system, special protective immune cells, will "recognize" these mutated-cells & destroy them, preventing tumor or other cancerous formation.
yup, I can fully agree with that....and Reagan was the one that released all liability to the vax makers!
and welcomed the Frankfurt School philosophy to our kiddos
How did he do that?
No, I mean how did Reagan "welcome the Frankfurt School philosophy to our kiddos"? For one thing, there was, and is, no single "Frankfurt School philosophy"; no one (as far as I know) has inflicted any of the Frankfurt theories on children; and Reagan had nothing to do with any of that: on the contrary.
The figure who DID contribute to the scourge of "woke" ideology was Herbert Marcuse; and his time at UCSD was marked by threats of violence, implicitly encouraged by Gov. Reagan and other CA rightists. (Critical Race Theory owes plenty to Marcuse, as James Lindsay demonstrates in Race Marxism.)
Rince - Repeat!!! Just for today I'm going to provide another possible cause for these afflications - I believe it's loud music being played in local bars, after 10pm, on a weekday. I can't blame climate change any more, or walking on the cracks of the pavement (Monty Python) as it's old hat. However the Sydney Morning Herald is blaming the rona itself for an increase in heart attacks, even though that's been totally disproven... but never mind.
Crowd sourcing here:
Asking MCM audience to cite what they have for their top 4 solid scientific studies that suggest/illustrate the connection between the mRNA "vaxx" and myocarditis/pericarditis.
I have several but am looking for more.
Dr. Paul Alexander recently had a post on his Substack where he listed about 1,000, or hundreds of links to medical articles, including many covering links between the shot and myocarditis and pericarditis. It turns out it was a list he had published earlier in 2022 but I had missed it. It is still an amazing list. I think his point was to the people who don't see-you want proof, here's proof, and he threw out what he had at the time.
Here it is. Sorry, I had to leave and take the kids to choir and act like everything is normal for awhile. https://palexander.substack.com/p/so-you-say-dr-alexander-you-keep?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
It says it is a 77 minute read!!
Thank you.
This book supposedly is the best "irrefutable" source with links to everything.
Other than that, I've saved hundreds of studies but Pfizer's own papers might be the most damning.
Steve Kirsch’s substack would be a good reference
Frankly I found his substack to be one of the worst for hard data.
James Cintolo/Josh Guetzkow/Naomi Wolf/LAV/Paulo Alexander so far.
But I'm all ears for seeing all actual studies for a compilation.
How come all these took the KOOL-AID... they sould've known that Gates & his ilks (Schwab & Harari, namely) want to depopulate the Earth of only of its useless eaters.
These people it seems are part of their elite.
HOW would they all have known? From all that warning coverage in the media?
The advent of the 'tele-vision'....programming through channels!...it is really amazing how many believe and trust what is on MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, ....when there are only 3 conglomerates that own and control mainstream media!
Many of us were indeed brainwashed by it.
And that, my friend, was the whole idea....Satan, Luciferians, Kabbalists, Masons are behind it all!...and it has been ongoing since the Garden of Eden, perhaps even before that....the plan is to trans-humanize(if you will) as many 'humans' as he(Satan) can.....Jesus gave His life for HUMANS/MANKIND, the Name of God is in ever living creature in the DNA, 'YHWH" (do some research and you will find this true, confirmed by science) ....by altering the DNA, through continual mRNA injections (or for some just 1 or 2 and/or chipping the body) you become a 'trans-human'....also GMO foods/animals. The DNA is found in the Genome, the building block of life...so by altering the DNA and becoming NON HUMAN you are now Satan's minion and may net be allowed Salvation through Jesus Christ.
I am writing this off of memory so corrections accepted....
JDFarag.org did a real good sermon on this last Sunday
Have you seen this?
Luc Lelievre
Wow, great info, thanks my friend
I don't know. But I'm trying to find out.
But, from all my reading, I must confess that I thought they were part of a vast conspiracy to cull the herd?!
Unfortunately more people trust than distrust
I’m sure it’s all just coinkydink.
Meanwhile they never stop pushing this garbage on the people. 😡
Man...seems like the list is getting longer and more frequent.
People need to get over their selfishness and understand that masks stop cancer and viruses.
Wear them. It just makes sense.
Thx Mark and shared.
Side note: don't forget to back up all this stuff. :)
Have you seen this?
Luc Lelievre