I had strep throat about two years ago and they gave me a covid swab that tested positive. The doctor said, "Well, you have strep throat and Covid." He prescribed Paxlovid. I didn't take it. After that visit, I received statements in the mail from the insurance company about a brain injury. Huh? I took the antibiotics and my throat healed. But the idea that I had two infections, one bacterial and one viral, at the same time, seemed implausible. Sounds like the Rod Stewart story. The PCR test is unscientific, inaccurate, and frankly, hogwash. Rod Stewart doesn't have Covid. He's got a doctor who wants another Covid kickback, that's all, and he uses the PCR test to qualify for it. It's like the guy who's healthy, but he uses crutches when he's out in public to make sure no one challenges his disability benefits.

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We need to shout down the PCR test as the fraud that it is.

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Is it my imagination or are the music industry artists being hit hardest? Or are they just in the media spotlight? It seems they are being effected more than most other industries. Very tragic. Music is so important.

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I think musicians use a lot of energy when they perform, similar to athletes (over-exerting their vax-damaged hearts).

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They are influencers hence evil. (Not all)

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Thank you Mark and team for putting these compilations together. I never thought I'd see the day when musicians caved to the fear and/or were paid to take/promote this jab, they're usually rebels and go against the system. I wonder how Elvis, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix or Jim Morrison would have reacted.

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I love how they often say how lucky they were. 🤪

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All of it used to normalise that sickness is everywhere because of climate and covid contagions instead of cabals, cons and crypt scripts for the plebes they've been harming, manipulating and culling for centuries.

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I have no compassion or very little compassion for Rod Stewart. He was hateful to Non-Vaxxers.

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Why can't his op end? Why can't he go to the Island with Koby, Prince, and Michael Jackson? Because he sucks, that's why.

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Are we going to start giving scholarships for flag-football and white-people break dancing? To me, the most subversive aspect of the Olympics was the rampant and intentional cultural appropriation of women's sports and break-dancing. To have white women who can't break-dance go out there and compete for olympic gold on TV? I can't imagine being black and watching that. I understand the point. Any good aesthetic is not allowed. Everything has to suck out loud in public. This is the age of brutalism. In sports, music, architecture, movies and theatre, and the fine arts. It's the age of the consumer art despising its audience, and flippant disrespectful insidious crap designed to piss people off.

Whatever ethic you've got that counters the globalist narrative, they will rub it in your face. If you say there's no such thing as cultural appropriation and it falls under best practices and everyone has the right to learn best practices, they will show you men beating the crap out of women in the boxing ring, and white girls in a jump suit breakdancing in Olympic competition. If you say all lives matter, they will show you a bunch of people on trank and fentanol whose lives don't matter. That's brutalism for you.

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I went back and deleted the part that was relevant to the post, but its better like this.

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Regarding John Tothill: so doctors are no longer baffled, just puzzled.

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