Another floater down the toilet. Good riddance.

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Jab yourself again please

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The worst part is he thinks we care. Lol

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He’s been knighted, so that’s a hint as to who he’s been serving all these years.

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I'm kinda sick of these "entertainers/jesters" using their fame to propagandize. If I can barely listen to the bullshit from so-called experts, why would I wanna listen to these fools spew forth their idiocy. This one is no exception.

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More evidence of 20th century rebels acting like 21st century conformists.

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Elton is a Perv. Good riddance.

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I don't know if I trust Musk, but I love his retorts!

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"It didn't HURT, " should be "It didn't WORK."

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Why does anyone in the gay community trust Fauci??

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"I love your music. Hope you come back. Is there any misinformation in particular that you're concerned about?" I asked the same question to Neil Young, Steve Stills, Graham Nash and Joni Mitchell and local radio dude Jodi Denberg regarding the Rogan/Malone affair. Crickets! "Crickets" is the sound of their latest release.

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We hear this public and passionate disdain for "misinformation", but we never hear specifics. What, exactly, bothers these people about this "misinformation"? Haven't we always lived in a world where people said things, and some of them sound crazy, and maybe they are, but what's the harm?

There are even people claiming astronauts went to the moon and back. Who's it hurting?

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Interesting. This may be a good way to reveal exactly who is so aghast at free speech. (!)

We should include that on the running list/report card of collusion.

I love how "misinformation" is so alarming. From citizens. Not from captured agencies, philanthropaths, and profit driven mega-corporations, mind you. But regular little people are so terrifying.

I don't support lying, but it is still free speech. Unless you are under oath, or entrusted with an unusual amount of power. Hmmmmmm.... That's where professional ethics comes in. Too bad there aren't ethics for singers.

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Elton John's WIg is Misinformation

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Thank goodness we can still respect Van and Clapton.

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What happened to the Left? How did they take such a turn and go off in the wrong direction? The only possible answer: the brainwashing, the propaganda has been so insidious, and so effective, that these so-called liberals bought into everything thrown at them. Swallowed everything fed to them. Are they stupid? Blind? No. I don't think so. It's just the power of propaganda that can shockingly turn a thinking person, be it a liberal or conservative, into a sleep-walking zombie. Possibly it started with the liberals being captured after 9/11 and all the propaganda surrounding that narrative. And it was capped off with the final blow, the coup de grace of the Covid vaccine propaganda. This is the invasion of the body-snatchers, plain and simple. The only way out is to pull down the curtain on the lies, and expose the propaganda for what it is.

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