My best friend was a liver transplant recipient of 23 years..doing phenomenal until ontario health told him he had to get jabbed or no more meds....he died suddenly June 21 st of this year with lungs full of cancer. Because of the jab

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Dear God. Same as my ex. Cancer filled his lungs. I Am sorry.

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My father same, died of lung cancer that spread to brain because of the jab!

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It's incredible that hospitals and medical centers are getting away with forcing patients with serious medical issues to get the jab or cut off from treatment. This is also happening in the US. I was just talking to someone who is in recovering from a serious health problem, is on medication that is working, and is on a list for a lung transplant. He said if he doesn't keep up to date with the jab and take all the boosters they will cut him off from treatment and take him off the list!

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If you watch the video with Naomi Wolf and Dr James Thorp you can see why:


You can also put a doctor's name or medical facilities into this website to search for whether or not they received government money:


So, the person you were talking to wants a new lung but will die of the jabs anyway. None of this makes sense. What they are doing is totally illegal too. Insanity.

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Answer is in compensation, if one can pinpoint how much compensation those hospitas get for every jab. Unfortunately i can't manage to find a gov site in my own country like you have, where you can put in a dr's name.or university/school hospital that makes it transparrent how much they make

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If they got a penny, that's TOO much and a bribe.

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The open payments site keeps freezing on me.

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Aug 27, 2023
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zowie ! it was huge!

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It's incredible hospitals and medical centers have pretzeled science in such a manner that now they consider chicken wire fencing adequate to stop a mosquito infestation.

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"The $$$cience" has treated them well!

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Conflict of interest written all over the place!!! Or just outright bribery! But that’s just the name of the game now! From the White House down to the doctors! They suck!

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It’s the globalist blueprint.

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They are simultaneously running a game of making meds unavailable via “supply chain” problems, and by means of inexplicably cutting people off from health care, especially the elderly and especially especially the disabled elderly.

Ironically, if one pays hundreds and thousands of dollars “out of pocket,” those medications miraculously find their way onto pharmacy shelves.

Many of these meds are being replaced by new technology - read between the lines.

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I believe there are some hospitals in the US that don’t require this.

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My MIL has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. 83 years old and she hasn't smoked in 50 years. She has always been healthy and active...never had surgery, never on any longterm prescription meds.

Also had a friend die of stomach cancer -- diagnosed and gone within a year of her jabs. She was only 55. There was no family history of cancer...she caused me to wonder about the jabs causing cancer, within a few months of the roll out.

My doctor actually advised me not to get them shortly after they rolled out but before doctors were being threatened for giving their honest opinions. I have not gone back because I have been worried he'd 'change his mind' with no reason. The jabs have proved to be ineffective, since then, and certainly not 'safe.'

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My friend's husband is recipient of a donated liver, maybe 4 years ago. Because of meds taken to prevent rejection, he is not showing any antibody response so, what do they do with such people? They keep on giving more and more! I think he's already had 5 or 6. Another friend and partner with other med issues are on no. 5. Both of them have worse health now. We are from UK.

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Very sorry to hear of your friends demise.. yet sharing will help more and more to realise just how bad the system has got... it’s unfit for purpose .. unless killing large swathes is indeed the plan.

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I am so sorry. Devastating

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I'm so sorry for your loss. My partner took the shots in Aug '21 despite my begging and laying out Dr. Tenpenny's potential mechanisms of injury. Cough started exactly 3 months later and diagnosed Jan '22 with stage 4 small cell lung cancer.

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Im so sorry.

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I’m soooo sorry.

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Similar story here, but regards a different "cancer" that my friend had ... in remission or so called "cured" for 20 years; had the jab, felt bad after a month and his cancer had suddenly returned and went what is now known into "turbo" mode. He died in the early Autumn last year, 2 (3 months max) after having the jab... think the losses of friends and family have hit double figures now (This does not include those with adverse effects; from losing their rational and concentration, to cancer, strokes, heart attacks and strangely 2 with sudden epilepsy fits... one had to have some sort of brain instrument fitted ... both the epilepsy sufferers are my nieces and under 25.

What gets me is the morons around me, cannot connect the dots. PS Sorry about your best mate, my condolences.

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so sorry for your loss, its criminal what is going on, I have lost people too.

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Not sure if the right place; but knowledge IS POWER...

Not sure if the right place; but knowledge IS POWER... https://www.globalresearch.ca/social-media-influencers-turbo-cancers/5829642

PS Just 1 tip of 1 iceberg !.

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I am so glad you reached out.

Once I'm in a position to help out I will. Having lost my job over the jab, I'm now scraping the barrel's bottom. (Wish me luck, though, as I'm working on something!)

Thank you for your effort and that of the other volunteers.



Hola, Mark.

After someone suggested that I could help editorially, an intuitive process suggested that that would be a great idea, despite my perception of having lots to do. So, I'm not sure what you have in mind or if you current are looking for that kind of help. Please add me as a volunteer of some kind. Gracias.

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Maybe you can help his editorial team!

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I thought of that. I didn't offer because at this time I'm not keeping up with my own writing and projects.

However, I have an intuitive process which has overridden what would on the surface been a *logical* no due to time constraints.

And so I'll extend that offer. Thank you for prompting me, otherwise I would not have done an intuitive check. Namaste.

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Good luck. Too many are in the same situation.

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Gracias. It has worked out perfectly, actually. A great slap in the face to begin the deep wake up, the full apocalypse, so to speak. :-) Now I am able to engage with events with appropriate eccentric action, instead of bumbling around ineffectively like a blind person mistaking the elephant's leg for a tree trunk. All good.

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I'll be tracking these along with my town's recent deployment of 5G infrastructure. New wires, new variants...what a coincidence!


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Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments on "Bill Gates Dictates: No “Normalcy” Until All Submit to Experimental Shots, “You Don’t Have a Choice”

"...I recognised that these injections were designed to injure, maim and kill before any had emergency use authorization."


IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative


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The problem you’re up against is most who are injured don’t put the obvious two plus two together. Neither do family and friends of those harmed and killed. I knew someone personally who died four days after partaking and not one of her family and friends entertained the slightest possibility that the magic medicine contributed to her very early and very sudden death. Such is the indoctrination, the psychosis.

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But some DO wake up. We know this for a fact. Beware defeatism.

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Exactly. I’m going to start some conversation testing out in the wild. Lol.

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I don't actually believe the brainwashing is that strong, or that people are that stupid. I believe it is almost entirely about social conformity / fear of social ostracism.

The people who don't question the narrative are surrounded by people who don't question the narrative. They are all in lockstep, like freeway traffic. To question the narrative is as unthinkable as doing a U-Turn in six lanes of fast moving traffic.

Some people can still wake up on their own, and a few still are. But the majority will remain in mass formation, which means if they do turn around they will do it in unison. It may only take a few celebrities, experts and other high profile figures to achieve this. Some kind of threshold and like starlings they will all change direction.

It's comparable to the spread of disruptive technology (CD's, home computers, mp3 platers, smartphones etc). You have the bleeding edge, the early adopters and then the masses who wait for the new technology to reach a threshold of popularity and integration .... and then they all switch together.

There will (presumably) come a point where to the only way to offset a mass awakening will be to distract everyone with a constant barrage of new crisis events and associated drama and distraction.

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Per the Asch Conformity experiment 67% of humans will go along with something they know is wrong just to remain in good standing with the group. Only people of integrity, those willing to suffer personally rather than participate in nonsense, foolishness, or evil, will wake humanity up from its nightmare.

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The final solution would fix everything... put Bill the Kill Gates behind bars..shut down the FDA and the CDC ... and restrict big pharma... make them responsible for what injuries they cause whilst conducting mass experimentation on healthy people... nothing else seems to be offered by way of fixing this huge mess.

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Behind bars? Nah ... give ol' Billy boy about 50 of these poison shots, and watch him sweat until it's all over...

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I can think of a few other people who should join him.

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There also is a doctor from Canada I believe , doc William makis, I recall, doing similar work who has a substack and is on globalresearch.ca , also

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Dr David Cartland in the UK - he's fighting this too and lost his job. He was interviewed by the wonderful Dr Tess Lawrie.

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He has his own substack and is certainly worth listening to. A very brave Dr. who fights for what he believes in.

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Some on Twitter too, such as Vance Murphy

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I don’t believe for a minute, that any of those people like Fauci and Gates, actually received the mRNA jabs. Saline?? But certainly not the tocsin that people lined up for or were forced to take.

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None of the predators did, all theater. Saline or fake syringes ..

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Agreed. Not with the evidence of worse batches than others and the Pfizer execs admitting that they made a special batch for their employees.

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U.S. President Joe Biden said Friday he plans to request more money from Congress to develop a fresh coronavirus vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they have been previously vaccinated or not.


Better know where you stand.

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Even Sam Harris said he isn't taking any more boosters. He's lately looking like shit and had enough already.

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Let’s hope. Cause if we roll over again next push will be for the passports, climate lockdowns, digital money … wash, rinse, repeat more jabs. Response needs to be from all Americans.

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There was a clip of Sam Harris doing the rounds about two weeks ago. He was talking about the possibility of a really bad strain of 'the virus' and how everyone will need to take the shot, there won't be any excuses and the police banging down doors and force vaxxing people would be OK by him.

Like Jordan "get your damn vaccine" Peterson, these 'alternative' thinkers all conform to the narrative when push comes to shove. If they still promote virology as a bona fide science which means they are either not 'thinkers' at all, or they are part of the scam.

Dr Lanka (ex virologist) has successfully isolated SARS COV2 (and many other 'viruses') using the standard virology techniques and equipment/ software. What makes his experiments significant is that he does not include any sample from a sick person, proving virology is pseudo science (it is non-falsifiable). The standard virology techniques themselves will always allow you to find any 'virus' in anything. He mapped the SARS COV2 genome from a sample of yeast using the standard genome assembly software.

It's all bollocks.

Ask yourself why his control experiments never get reported by the mainstream (or 'alternative') media, while the lab leak/ GoF nonsense is spread everywhere.

The answer is the lab leak/ GoF narrative folds skeptics back into the viral paradigm and justifies more vaccines. As long as the public believes in unicorns it doesn't matter if they believe in natural unicorns or artificially created unicorns.

Only when the public stop believing in unicorns will this nightmare end.

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I know jp took it but don't recall him saying anything about anyone else taking it, but i could have missed it. Regardless, he seems under the gun now. Canada is fucked.

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OK so I've dug out the 5 minute clip (it includes a link to the full video).


What's striking is that he accepts the claim of a health crisis (and specifically a 'viral pandemic') without question. He does this while simultaneously acknowledging the potential for such emergencies to be used by those seeking power and profit. At the end of the clip he even suggests that submitting to the lockdowns, masks and vaccines might be the way to 'beat' infectious diseases and therefore limit the potential for them to be used to impose medical tyranny.

This is such astounding doublethink and failure of logic that it should win some sort of award. Even feminists can't achieve such pretzel logic, which is saying something.

I thought the beginning of philosophy was supposed to be about calling things by their proper name.... ie being very clear with definitions.

Even within the paradigm of 'germ theory' there is no evidence lockdowns or masks work, and studies of vaxxed vs unvaxxed show far worse health outcomes for the vaxxed (asthma, allergies, ear infections, colds, blood disorders etc).

And all of the diseases that vaccines were supposed to have 'beaten' were already 95% - 99% eradicated by the time a vaccine was developed for them.

There is zero scientific evidence to back up the theory of contagion. Even during the Spanish Flu they could not 'infect' healthy people by exposing them to sick people. They rubbed them with snot fro sick people, got them to cough into their faces and sprayed their throats with lung fluid... but nobody got sick.

Nothing about the covid narrative (or the AIDS narrative) has any scientific credibility, and that's before we even get into the pseudo science that is virology itself (as per my previous comment)

JP can be very insightful - brilliant at times - but (like so many clever people) he accepted the covid narrative without question. I remember years ago he even gave a brilliant lecture about the the connection between an obsession with 'purity' and 'hygiene' and fascism, and how Hitler was obsessed with bathing several times a day, and scrubbing Germany's factories until they glistened.

It's like he forgot everything he ever warned us about ... at the exact moment it all became super relevant. I don't know if that was a conscious decision (self censoring) of if he really got put under a spell and forgot how to think.

It's frustrating because he can be so level headed on other topics.....

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This is around June '21, where he 'suspends judgement" and "I'm wearing the masks when I am required to" so I think he was a late thinker. He got the vaccine and "get the damn vaccine and lets get this over with" he was wrong. Not as bad as Chris Hedges or so many of those who remained silent. JP got bamboozled for a good 18 months before he woke up!

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" so I think he was a late thinker. "

He has made millions of dollars presenting himself as a thinker. When the moment came to apply thinking in real life he failed spectacularly.

See also his other drug addiction.

"JP got bamboozled for a good 18 months before he woke up!"

He has not woken up. Waking up means understanding virology is a pseudo science, contagion theory has never been demonstrated. in the real world, viruses do not exist as described, all vaccines are damaging to health and germ theory is a hugely profitable misconception.

All of this has been known - and demonstrated - for decades by people who are better thinkers then JP........ and a lot less obsessed with their hairline, suits, ego and status in the dominance hierarchy.

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It's a good reminder that no one is infallible.

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If you think Fraudci actually took the real vaccine (aka Sacred Miracle Elixir), I have a beautiful oceanfront property to sell you in Kansas.

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This Instagram account has been diligently compiling deaths from the V for quite a while now, with almost no attention. It's a great resource.


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Just donated $50. Hope I can do some more later/regularly. This work is so important! Thanks to you and your whole team, Mark!

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I have no idea how all of you are able to do this heartbreaking work. Each time I read the posts I am heartbroken. I am more than happy to donate. Where do we send the donation?

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Can you not do it through GiveSendGo?

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Hope you can get the money you need for this Mark. You've done excellent work. It's got to be overwhelming. Thank you.

Here's the full video of that piece of you know what with the other piece of you know what: Bill Gates: Global Innovation Is The Key To Achieving A Return To Normal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNiuaKKEPu8&t=0s

Funny how in the video gates said, "We should have practiced" - Hmmmm......Event 201 in October 2019. I think ya did.

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I think the newspapers are captured.. they are not “allowed” to connect deaths to vaccines... in fact they are not allowed to say what they think anymore because everything is an extension of management/government... welcome to communism.

Now the pathologists are captured too .. they can finally do autopsies as long as they do not blame what they see in the microscope.. spike protein damage ... this would stop the stupid idea that you can vaccinate a fast mutating cold .. they have been trying since 1966 and still stuck in first gear... research the common cold research unit Salisbury... look up Dr David Tyrell .. join the dots... it is not about flus virus or anything but control...the only people who could warn us... stop talking decades ago.

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The newspapers in some countries are worse than in others. The press in Israel and Canada is just as bad as China's, and Australia and NZ are comparable. There are some few exceptions in certain other countries, but overall the press IS "captured."

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I haven't watched TV "news" or read a "newspaper" in over 3 1/2 years, its all propaganda in Canada.

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I turned off the same time you did. Saved my sanity and maybe my life also.

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I haven't seen anyone reading a newspaper in over a decade. cnn's daily viewer count is probably considerably less than Jimmy Dore's youtube channel.

They effectively "captured" a long abandoned island in the middle of nowhere

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Sharing! . thankyou dear Mark!

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