Why didn’t we (anti vaxxers) have heart attacks from the stress of being shamed and alienated by the vaxxers then? That was stressful for 2 years...

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Exactly! Being shamed, and ostracized, and losing your job... that didn't cause any stress.

My GOD, they will resort to anything to avoid the truth!

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Can’t fix stupid!

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But we can put them out of OUR misery!

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Unfortunately, they're putting themselves out of misery by getting them. Over one million children have now died from them. Many millions of adults have now died, with many more on the way...

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Feb 17, 2024
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A "wife Beater"??? Fortunately, I don't "beat" anything other than when I'm making scrambled eggs:)

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More like, they will resort to anything to turn the zombies against us.

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Totally laughable

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Also funny to see a comment on a comment from 18 months ago.

History in the making.

Best wishes to you MM.

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No kidding. People were treated as pariahs, their jobs and livelihoods taken away, called murderers, and so forth.

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Vaccine Jim Crow. See how easy.

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The only thing we're trying to murder is their Communist ideology.

Without freedom we're just slaves.

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I'm fine with the fascism lovers becoming slaves. They traded OUR freedom for their (perceived) safety. They'll get neither. Serves them right.

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There Is no communism. When you have money, market, wage work, banks, you have capitalism by definition. You should refer to the fascist, authoritarian phase of our imperialistic capitalism instead. Stalin, a fascist himself, didnt lead a communist state, but an imperialistic state capitalism, and killed all soviet communist one by one.

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Capitalism requires a sound currency. A system using fractional reserve banking and debt based currency cannot be called capitalism because the aforementioned things are not capital.

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The banks don’t really care if you have capitalism or whatever, as long as they create the money

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They call it communist though. And it never turns out like the people running it say it will. My cousin works for Coca Cola. Since 2020, he's been bragging how his corporation will bring in Communism once they smash "the system."

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I'll be your cousin got the JAB...

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Sounds like he got more than one

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It’s not over for some of us. California healthcare workers are still living under “emergency” masking and they are still pushing the shots.

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Probably not over for any of us.

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You got that right! They didn't come this far to drop the ball now!

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until they drop With the ball !

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From your lips, to God's ears! May HE look down upon us and smack that ball right out of their greedy hands.

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SHE doesn't work that way. GOD IS LOVE.

only the human is vindictive

divine justice is Truth

which always sets us free

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It'll be hard to hold the ball when their hands are in the fire.

I'm not a fan of Sharia law, but sometimes it has the "edge".

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More people are waking up. But, it's gonna' take a lot of us to turn the tide.

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Psychopaths never drop the ball. They never give up. There's only one way to win with a psychopath...don't comply. Walkaway... Don't play their game because it's designed for you to lose. I've dealt with two of them, within family. They never gave up...they kept at it until their deaths. I won:)

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I've dealt with one, too. Within family, by marriage. I had to sever ties because, as you say, they never give up. So, the only way to "beat" them is to shut them out, and go on with your life. He's still bitter and angry (I have heard through the grapevine). I rarely think about him.

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Losing is not part of their agenda...that's supposed to be yours. Walking away, permanently, is the ONLY way you'll be able to save yourself.

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I hear you, I also have relatives that so quickly got the shot because God forbid they couldn't travel! I think people lake discernment, under normal circumstances you want to believe that vaccine should be more safe than not, but with not enough testing and proper due diligence, it was crazy for me to just rush in and get this shot, then sure enough word got around about the side effects and people dying, not to mention the the Bs mainstream media was spouting, to me it was obvious something was not right! I also cant believe how people thought not getting this shot was somehow going to affect them when they got this so called cure! We live in an upside down world now, according to prophesy, in the end common sense would bend" right is wrong ,wrong is right....ie blinded and or lack of discernment!

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BC Canada is working on legislation to make covid jabs permanent fixtures for all health workers. We already know the jabs will be permanent...like flu jabs. Good luck anyone wanting to work in that field.

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Yep. Am out.

Trying to exit Canada as well. Can't deal with Turdeau et al, and can't tolerate Alberta winters, so yeah.

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️

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My wife's cousin was vile, evil, venal, corrupt (SNC Lavalin, WE scandals, etc) Trudeau's nanny; we used to be friends with his health minister, until she went over to the dark side (won't use her name out of respect, but has since left). Also friends with Mila Mulroney's personal assistant, and close friend with the head of the Privy Council, top unelected civil servant in Canada). So, we used to be connected a bit... but have been in the People's Socialist Republik of Venezuellinois since the late 90s now...

Lived also for years in Vancouver, Nanaimo, and Edmonton (also briefly in Aylmer PQ, then Ottawa); wife is Toronto. But here's the thing: Calgary is NOT that bad, if you can't get out of Trudeau's WEF hellhole. (Yes, Chrystia Freeland's granddad was a Nazi https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation Can't blame her for her granddad... but I DO blame her, herself, for being a Nazi. OF course, fascist, as originally defined by Mussolini, is simply the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz, like Amazon, Google etc.

Anyhow, IF you can't get out, Edmonton, where I lived, is probably too cold (altho the last winter I lived there, every day in Feb. except the last was above freezing... while all of Dec. was - 45C), how about Calgary? It's up and down a lot, survivable. Smith looks very good. Also, if you really hate the winter, take your vacations in Dec. or Jan! Learn winter sports - you might actually get to like it. I once took my wife out at -35C one night in Ottawa - she thought I was nuts - but she actually got to hot. X-C skiing is cheap, can do anwhere, and suppposedly exercises every muscle in your body except one.

Anyhow, don't write off Alberta. Calgary is OK with temps, albeit it still can get cold. If you dress for winter, learn sports, and take your vacation in the winter, it might be survivable. Besides, what's the alternative? The death shot?

Kind regards, Blaise

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Thoughts on Trudeau possibly being the son of Fidel Castro?

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You know, I have never really looked into that. A LOT of people I respect say he is. My wife's cousin who was his nanny I have never met, and my wife wasn't that close to her. Heck, vile Justin himself may not know. But as you know, Margaret was very flighty, and I remember once the disgusting Jane Fonda, who now has cancer (I don't wish her ill, or anyone; nevetheless, she has been instrumental in destroying this nation, along with her fellow leftists) saying that she wished she had slept with him... or maybe was the even more evil Che Guevara. Same diff, I guess. Point being that that was the zeitgeist going around back then....

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I don't want to proffer an opinon on something I'm not qualified to.

Best for Thanksgiving to you and yours. - Jim aka "Blaise"

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Pierre Trudeau--who raised him as his son--admired Castro. Even without the heredity, Justin was brought up in an elitist environment.

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There were 3 boys produced for the role that Justin has now. My husbands' father who lived in Jamaica knew the Prime minister of Jamaica and Cuba. He has passed away but revealed that Castro wanted to produce children for the future. Three boys were born. Justin was chosen and the other 2 ( just happened to drown in the Canadian winter). You can't make this stuff up. It was on the internet up to 2 years ago...so do some research!

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I have a friend in Calgary and he thinks it’s going to be like Florida for Canada. I am talking with him about moving there. We used to live in St.Albert (before we moved to Libya) and it was beautiful! I may even go back there…but it’s really cold

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Yeah... I lived in Edmonton for a number of years... St. Albert is nice

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Chrystia Freeland is a graduate of Klaus Schwab's WEF Young Global Leaders program. Her Global agenda is the WEF's baby... In fact, Canada has a number of Klaus Schwab's trainees operating in your govt. The WEF has infiltrated every crack and crevice throughout the world, since the early 1970's. That SWAMP is deep and thick...

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Mom grew up in S Sask, Mom’s siblings were in Edmonton, and I have extended family in BC Love the prairies, not in winter

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You are in Venezuela...or did I miss your humor?

Maybe you said Illinois....and used Vene. as your commie backdrop.

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Sorry, Guy.... I'm a linguist my training. It was meant as a portmanteau - blend of words - poking fun at the vile, evil, leftist hellhole of Illinois, which is fast becoming Venezuela.

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Venezuellinois is my slur on the state of Illinois... which I hope to leave soon. I am a dual US/Canadian citizen, and enough socialism already!

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Please stay. We need to have as many decent Albertans as possible to work for separation. Please join the AIP.

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Alberta. The only province with testicles right now...but a WEF jackboot has them targeted.

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Sad that only a woman has testicles these days... but cowards abound.

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The war against normal sexuality is just part of the overall war against what it means to be human. Which the WEF has made zero bones about, merging us with machines.


I cannot tell you the number of people I know who claim to be liberty oriented, or family oriented, or conservative and/or Christians who think about these culture wars that they just "can sit this one out" or "it's too stressful to think about" or "it's too messy," and hope it will all just go away ("personal peace and prosperity" Francis Schaeffer called it). The current fasco-Marxists, as with their Nazi forbears (and to be sure, the Deep State is fascist, per the definitive 1932 Mussolini work The Doctrine of Fascism; long story short, fascism is the merger of the state with big biz) demand that you submit in toto, or you are off to the camps (concentration or gulag, National Socialists or Union of Soviet Socialist, either flavour will do); here in US/Canada, it will be a virtual, economic and cultural camp with a "We care" smiley face printed on the bottom of the jackboot stomping your face.

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LOL …tragic and criminal that kids are caught up in this sickness~~~ Who will they be years from now, homeless, on medications, and suicidal, far far from their early dreams….

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What's a woman?

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What options are you considering?

I would love to exit...I firmly believe that window may well shut permanently this winter. If the new improved WHO control of demacracies gets fully passed 8n the new year...my guess is a 100% chance...then trudy will implement new legislation...fully backed by singsong and the greenies and kebek. That will shut the exit door...and it will be bolted shut...only to begin the process of further mandates. Trudy is probably masturbating at this moment over the prospect...or maybe he found a partner or something as an accomplice in his eJagulation.

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Join the Alberta Independence Party. Get in touch with the local board in your riding or help form one if there isn’t one already . We are growing fast and would welcome people with vision and energy. It is inevitable that Albertans will leave Canada. It is just a question of how bad it has to get and how much effort we make to get the good news of freedom out.

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it is highly unlikely Alta will ever leave Canada. In the end you will only have a small gathering. Wish it were true. Alberta is chalk full of jabbed normies to the brim.

Sad...but true.

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Don't think of new countries as much as new support systems. New friends and neighbors for many.

I've given up on saving America. Instead, I'll concentrate on saving individual people.

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God has given over America to its filth, and as a result... delusions. “Because they loved not the Truth, God sent them a great delusion...”. I’ve tried saving individuals too, yet no matter what imperial stats or peer reviewed papers I’ve shown them, they still believe the Faux-chi “science” and that the goal of depopulation isn’t real. It made me realize that unless they have the Truth who is Jesus, it will be impossible to convince them. God is the one who deluded them because they didn’t love the Truth who is His Son. My family is chock full of fake Christians. They believe Jesus is the Son of God like they believe any other fact, like Washington was the first President. But nothing more. No true repentance or respecting who God is. They use His name in vain as a cuss word all the time and then apologize to ME because they know I hate it. They’re not getting the fact they should apologize to Him! There are all these lying “prophets” who say we will have a great revival in the US! Fools. We are already seeing the judgement of God because we are a filthy and blasphemous nation who’s kicked Him out of our schools, government and even churches, replacing Him with the liberal gospel of “love everyone” no matter how much what they’re doing is a slap in the face of our Creator.

So I’m sorry. Like my family, we won’t be able to get anyone to see the lies of our government, the media or the WEF’ers. They’re a lost cause until they truly receive Jesus. That’s what happened to me. I was one of those lost liberal sheep. But I repented and asked for Jesus to be my King and then everything became slowly clear.

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One new idiot at a time.

Slow going eh?

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I have the same concerns my friend, and have had those concerns since lockdowns began, first in Italy, where most of my family is, then spread worldwide.

I saw it coming.

Turdy takes the stand this morning. The Rouleau Commission won't make a ruling for months.

Meanwhile: Rumblings from the south.

I have a half-baked plan ("But if I tell you? I'm gonna have to kill you." 😉😂🤣😃😁)

The Opera Isn't Over Until Justin & Sophie Sing.


No one ever told him he's tone deaf? So that's why he's so full of hubris. Surrounded by sycophants and "yes men" his entire life, how would he know?

(His WIFE should have been honest!)



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I wonder if Trudeau realizes he has been set up to be the fall guy. That the WEF's plan is for him to look not just like a tyrant but a bungling idiot. The idea is to make every nation's people despise their governmental leaders as incompetent. This is grooming for their NWO. Especially the brainwashed idiots who refuse to see reality and believe whatever MSM tells them to.

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I have lived in Alta. on many, many occasions. Currently in NS after departing Lotusland. Politically very similar places. Both want lots of gubment speak into their lives.

NS is more beautiful though. That will rile up the Lotusites.

Would love to connect off this forum. Am willing to send a starter email then move to a better one.

This province is utterly sold out to the narrative. No chance of recovery. Too bad. Nice people generally...just very greased by handouts and promises...and television bs.

As is Canada.

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I think the technocrats want to collapse the medical system.

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What, after all the Canadian doctors they've assassinated?!

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flu 💉= poison!!

That propaganda programming paved the way for the current lie

all the little Hoomans lined up for their flu shots

" Available now at your friendly CVS . And don't forget your pneumococcal pneumonia shot while you're at it and how about an HPV vaccine for your children? Step right up, Folks!"

💉💉💉Wasn't much of a stretch to herd them into the death corral, was it?

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Don’t forget your RSV shot!🤪

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Yeah. i'll get right on it! 😜

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Law just passed unfortunately. I don't think they read what they vote for.

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I live in BC , on unpaid leave firvrefusingvtheurvusekess jabs! They were fine with us working at our jobs in 2020 and part of 2021!!! Never got Covid, not even sick !! Now all the jabbed are repeatedly sick , even Covid !!! Biggest Fraud ever!!!

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Sorry for the typos

Meant for refusing their useless jabs

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Are they out of their minds? Is it not clear that the vaccinated are inured and many died while unvaccinated are alive?

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they will eventually have no workers, you have to believe that at some point even Canada will see the light, America will be the last because they are the main perpetrators of these jabs!

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As a Canadian, I do not know how we slipped down such a slope. If they want to make Covid jabs permanent this is Lucifarian. BC is also providing books and demonstrations of sexual practices to young children. Asking them to masturbate or try sexual practices with each other.

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Well, that will mean a permanent listing for new hires for those companies, and little time to train for their replacement… a couple of years later. I do declare, the blind leading the blind. Never seen a population so deliberately ignorant and arrogant. A two year old, No mommy, I do it! Okay, no hands ! Unbe-leeevable

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As are Canadian healthcare workers.

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Until Californians rise up and INSIST on Voter ID and the end of Ballot Harvesting, electronic voting machines, Motor-Voter Registration at the DMV, etc everyone will continue to live under the totalitarianism of the literal marxist Left that runs the state and major metropolitan areas. The GOP is supine and will not lead this fight. There is no one coming to save Californians but themselves.

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Same in MI

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Fascist guv

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You would have to be dumb enough to take an experimental gene altering injection to protect you from a flu like disease, to believe this load of steaming horse shit.

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Some wonderful comments and thoughts here, wouldn’t it be fabulous to have tables set out in one huge gym and we all sit down together, and yak for a few hours

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Indeed. I recall being chased around stores (for either not wearing a mask, or wearing it "incorrectly") while being angrily bullied & verbally assaulted by the very lowest level clerks feeling newly drunk with power (providing new insights into how all those regular Germans went a long with Hitler's plans), and/or self-righteous and vicious fellow customers. Oddly, none of the harridan bully clerks seem to work at those stores any longer. Apparently our misinformation did them in. . . .

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Lol! That happened to me and my heart never pounded so hard! I was in the grocery store and without a mask in Maryland. Well I had three employees yelling at me, one was wearing a gas mask (not even kidding) and then the customers started gathering to watch the show I became the center of. I refused and continued to shop but then a minute later checked myself out and got the heck outta there! The one employee yelled (after I questioned why I needed a mask) “DONT YOU KNOW THERES A PANDEMIC!”

They were crazed! It was tough to be brave. And I see it’s all happening again now with the newest scary “variant”. Give me a break. And idiots who have no critical thinking skills and certainly do NOT have Jesus will be masking up and demanding we all follow suit.

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I did some research. Those black, cloth face coverings so many fashionable people wear are used in occult rituals. Been sold on a site called "Luciferian Apothecary" long before the scamdemic was declared. No wonder they'd been giving me an uneasy feeling. Participating in that stuff--even unknowingly--can do things. I wish people would practice more discernment.

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You’re absolutely right! It’s a sign of submission (clearly) and when you see those rituals in movies, they’re always wearing masks of some sort. It covers our faces and we are made in the image of God. I see it as a way those Luciferians use to, in a sense, cover the glory of God’s prized creation. Also research cults... they always have some type of clothing associated with them. Remember the white Nikes the Hale Bop comet cultists wore when they offed themselves? There was a video about cults and that was a sign. Also the Mormons with their special temple underwear.

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Around where I live, a certain percentage of people seem to enjoy the "safe" feeling they get by outwardly displaying signs of subservience to abusive "authority." It is dismaying, because this empowers the abusers to continue.

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Wait till this happens...

Have you seen it and is it not terrifying?!


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Good for you Annie !

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Disgusting faceless monsters. That's all those creatures are.

Wonder why they quit.

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I used to hide out in our laundry room, lights out, doing laundry, with only my iPad light, and hope that security would float past in their golf cart and not notice, or come in and harass me for no mask. Tried to keep low profile and no comments Wondering however I made it.

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Debra, sorry to hear that - it sounds very similar to my experience in NY state.

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Oh, that logic. No, this is not a logic-driven crowd that would hound you to the ends of the Earth and deny your dying relative an organ transplant due to vaccination status.

Logic didn't make it. Logic won't unmake it.

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Great point. We have been targeted by neighbors, friends, family, our personal physicians and staff, the President, + 24/7 narrative news blaming us for their ills. We are the ones under such stress and duress many probably have had heart attacks and died from that pressure. Let's not forget we were the ones denied medical attention. Accepting the possibility of verbal and/or physical assault every blessed time we enter public settings for not wearing their beloved masks, or making a comment they don't want to hear. I know suicide has been on the rise - who is taking that road?

The injected are victims, that's a certainty - but not because we are the constant reminder they made a big mistake. Maybe more like they know there's no going back.

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I cannot imagine finding out that you have allowed the “authorities” to inject you with poison that has a really good chance of killing you within the next couple years. Do you just hope that “you will be fine”? And when everyone around you dies? People are going to lose their minds.

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I think they (our dear leaders) will be moving us quickly on to the next big thing: https://youtu.be/WDSDMBPjPDM

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That’s precisely the reason that they won’t believe any evidence presented showing the jabs are assisted suicide in themselves. They can’t admit to themselves they are dying sooner than God had planned for them.

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#1 They have been brainwashed by a mass psychosis machine #2 They don’t want to admit they were wrong about something so important #3 There is evidence now that the injection causes a loss in higher brain functions. So many will continue to thank the vaccine as they die from the vaccine. It has become a kind of death cult. I call them the Cult of Covid members. We can’t help them. They are the walking soon to be dead.

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It’s stunning and yes, I see below comments about suicides…..OMG

The losses some families must have had these past three years !!!

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Some of us believe all the suicides are caused by the clot shots.

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TimTruth on Bitchute etc. covered the VAERS reports about people post vax getting nightmares and other hallucinations. So there are people suffering mentally, and now Canada is offering assisted suicide (called MAiD) to get rid of them.

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Knowing in my book is doing.

Not doing is not knowing.

Not only is there a way back, there is also a way forward.

On other words there is hope.

Going forward with hope, may create faith. With hope and faith and doing can come knowing.

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According to their narrative we should all be dead from Covid by now.

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According to them, we should have been dead since the rollout. Funny thing now the liberal Wash Post says most covid deaths are in the vaxxed.

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And they are not “Covid deaths” they are deaths from the quackccine. They tacitly admit to a smaller crime to cover for a far larger murder regimen.

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And all the people they killed in hospitals

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Even if we did, it wouldn't be worth the effort to study the "antisocial subhumans"

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Hey how about being stressed for the past 32 months?

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Having Friends, colleagues and family members turn on you is pretty stressful.

Having elected politicians with Presidential ambitions say you should be jailed? Very stressful.

Blatant censorship by ALL Mainstream Media, tech leaders, and elected officials? An affront to our ancestors who fought and died for our Bill of Rights.

Medical personnel openly threatening to withhold medical care and laugh while you suffer if you should get in a car accident, etc. Illuminating.

Having your President scold and threaten you on TV? Offensively stressful.

Job loss?

Constant threats?

Attending funerals? Horrifying.

The promise of more to come from sneering Gates and Faucele? (gag noise)

Oh wait, that was for the non-vaxxed!

So the vax pushers, cloaked in their absolute comfort of certainty? What stress did they have? Oh yes, the truth seeping in despite their best efforts. Sad, but true.

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The vaxxed had a walk in the park until the side effects start to pop up….

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All predicted by those who knew.

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Exactly! I’m convinced that 2021 took years off my life.

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Common! We are tuff skullheads; nothing phases us as it does our sensitive safespace needing compatriots!

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Excellent, excellent point

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Excellent, and a good trip to boot. Now. Order "Cause Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022," by Edward Dowd and his associates. You will see the accumulated/analyzed and conclusive evidence that you've already seen piecemeal, about the genocide perpetuated by Pfizer and their government lapdogs. I'm on page 81, and am looking forward to "Appendices Five, The Malone Doctrine." (Buy it new: The book's technicals: type size, paper quality, ink density and editing --- are perfect, a rating I can justify giving out very, very seldomly.)

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This article is so childish I refuse to comment on it.

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The child is the father to the man

come back when you're all grown down.

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This whole “misinformation” thing will go down in history as the biggest embarrassment to our species. You know when you see one of those old timey ads with a pregnant women smoking a cigarette with a message of health and freedom? Like that. All those who do not see the sheer obviousness of it all will place their palms to their brows and think “HOW.... how could I not have seen?!” We aren’t there yet but this will end.... not in time to save billions of lives, but it will end. Eventually we wake up.

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BR, this ends when Jesus comes back and sits on the throne of King David. History is moving forward like a fully loaded accelerating freight train towards its enevitable goal of a cashless global police state, eu-genocide for the weak and poor and finally a loyalty oath towards a single global leader pretending he is god. the scriptures prophecy it will come to pass. Do not take the mark of the beast as the bible warns us of.

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I respect that this is what you believe. However I do not. I will not be fooled by the trappings of religion any more than I will by the pseudo religion of "science". My body IS science. All vaccine research and development was created to emulate what we already are and what we already have. We are science, we are god and I do not believe humanity needs saving, we save ourselves. I do not exist in either polarity. And while I do know full well that toxic capitalism has infected our global community I have faith in US, the human race to overcome this just like humanity has done time and time again. So I will not take this mark of the beast because to me it is no more real to me than "Safe and effective" ever was.

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Yes, I understand, BR. With two graduate degrees from major institutions (U. of Illinois, U. of British Columbia), I am well aware, and have worked with non-believers. So, I get it, and I respect that you are with the freedom lovers. Nevertheless, as every single philosopher that exists has observed, the ethics you profess - so admirably! - cannot, ipso facto, have any other origin than that of God. As Dostoyevski wrote, if there is no God... *everything* is permissible (see original source/quote here: https://planetpdf.com/planetpdf/pdfs/free_ebooks/The_Brothers_Karamazov_T.pdf Worse, as philosophers such as Os Guiness, Francis Shaeffer wrote, science *could* not develop in any other than a rational, Judeo-Christian world view. That is why, e.g., Isaac Newton wrote more pages on theology than physics, and why, e.g. Dr. John Lennox, professor emeritus of math at Oxford, noted that ~2/3rds of Nobel Prize winners last century were theists. In fact, (very!) arguably the greatest philosophers of the 20th C. Anthony Flew and CEM Joad, whom I have read, both left atheism for theism.

To be sure, Greeks did a lot, so did Romans, so did Chinese... but it never ended up going anywhere, and that is indisputable, as there are no ancient Greek computers, no Roman 100 story sky scrapers, no Chinese ballistic missiles.

I would respectfully argue that the greatest argument for "original sin," (no, it is NOT sex, not even close; please don't go there, as that illustrates a woeful lack of not reading the original text) is human history. In fact, The Black Book of Communism, Courtois, et al, Harvard U. press says communism murdered 100mm last century, and the late Dr. RJ Rummel, U. of Hawaii (tough job, but SOMEONE had to do it, n'est pas?) puts it as high as 170 MILLION... all murdered by government, last century. In contrast, the one government that has done better - **DEFINITELY*** NOT PERFECT, we all get it - is the government put together by the US founders (yes, we all get it about Indians, which actually is a very complex question, blacks, which thankfully we stopped, then had continual improvements, etc.)

Although this is a bit self-serving, it is not meant as such; rather, it is just illustrating a point: During a conversation with one of my profs at U. of Illinois during my grad work, it came up that I was a Christian. "That's too bad" said my befuddled prof... "all my best students seem to be Christians."

I submit again that there is zero logical of philosophical basis for anything, freedom, value of human life, heck, even life over suicide, outside of the fact that we indeed made in the image of God.

Kind regards, and best for Thanksgiving.

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Bravo. VenezIllinois.

By the way. I lived in the real Venezuela for three year...in Territory Amazonas. One year in Puerto Ayacucho...two in the jungle. Illinois, a state I have travelled through on occasion as I lived in Ontario several times...does not remind me of Vene. Well...maybe in some ways.

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Wait til Trudeau is done with the country... even Ford with his handling of the freedom truckers...

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I can respect your choice, no problem.

But know this, it takes more faith to believe that we defied the law of entropy and evolved from amino acids and protein chains than it does to accept that a significantly more advanced race of beings capable of rapid terraforming and creating sentient life created us in their image.

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Can be true if not the TRUTH ( I think and FEEL it is!!!) Hard but it MUST be the truth otherwise how can we explain all the misanderstanding from the majority who didn´t see what was in play. I really know so many very, very,very intelligent person and still did took the poison without questioning a thing about it. I think it is a matter of spiritual level. So sad.

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Yes, the famed trilemma. Very good

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“Non believers”? I believe in Jesus, wholeheartedly.

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Absolutely! And to be clear I do not believe humankind came to be separate from consciousness. Not at all. But organized religion is not the only other option. Jesus is not the only option. Jesus is AN answer. But to assert that our salvation as a species lays in the acceptance of ONE narrative is WAY to familiar. I mean honestly... isn’t this part of how we ended up here? Being told there was only one way through and that was “science”. I mean exchange Jesus for science ..... 🤯 Food for thought.

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With all due respect, science is NOT possible without a rational God. Worse, if you believe in traditional evolution, answer me this: If your consciousness is merely a result of a random interaction of atoms ****why on earth, and on what basis, should you trust it???*** Dont answer me... just ask yourself.

Meanwhile, Dr. John Lennox is a mathematician, bioethicist and Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University.

23 January 2019

How Many Nobel Prize Winners Believed In God? Dr. John Lennox

How Many Nobel Prize Winners Believed In God? Dr. John Lennox (Short answer: about 2 out of 3; Religious Forums says 65.4%, and here are 25 famous scientists who believed in some kinds of God, some Christian, some not )

If you listen to some commentators today, you get the impression that science has replaced religion as the only credible way of learning about the world, and that few academics now believe in God. So what then do we make of Prof John Lennox’s claim, made in a recent Radio 4 interview, that over 65% of Nobel prize winners between 1901 and 2000 believed in God? Could such a surprising statement really be true, given what we know of the culture around us?

The statistics were taken from Baruch Shalev’s 100 Years of Nobel Prizes (Los Angeles, 2005)1 and, far from being over–stated, the number of theists may even have been higher still, as the he records that just over 65% of the overall winners identified as Christian,2 whilst over 20% were Jewish and just under 1% were Muslim.3 Although the author’s methodology is not explained in detail, it is certainly significant if the Nobel Laureates identified as such, even though some may have been associating themselves with a religion in more of a nominal or cultural sense. The Jewish figure is particularly striking, as they only represented about 0.02% of the world’s population, whereas, by contrast, Muslims made up around 20%. Just under 11% of the winners had no belief in God (e.g. atheists and agnostics), although, interestingly, far more of them were in the field of literature (around 35% of winners), than in scientific disciplines (7% of winners in chemistry, 9% in medicine and 5% in physics).

Indeed, one of the fascinating features of the research is some of the differences across the subjects. Rather than being less represented in the scientific disciplines, Christians made up just under two–thirds of those receiving the physics and medicine awards (64% and 65% respectively), whilst the figure was even higher for chemistry, as they accounted for nearly three–quarters of the winners (74%). As for the peace prize, if you exclude those going to organisations, 78% of them went to Christians, 11% to Jews, 4% to non–believers, 2% to Buddhists, 2% to Muslims, 1% to Quakers and 1% to those holding Shinto beliefs.4

The study certainly raises all kinds of interesting questions about how we account for the differences, as it is important to acknowledge, for example, the way in which the prize is awarded, how people identify themselves, as well as factors like the age and location of the recipients. Nevertheless, although the findings do not include the past two decades, they do at least support John Lennox’s contention that science and religion are not considered to be opposed to one another, and that, up until very recently, many of the world’s most eminent academics believed in God.

one estimate made by Weijia Zhang from Arizona State University and Robert G. Fuller from University of Nebraska–Lincoln, between 1901 and 1990, 60% of Physics Nobel prize winners had Christian backgrounds.[2] In an estimate by Baruch Shalev, between 1901 and 2000, about 65.3% of Physics Nobel prize winners were either Christians or had a Christian background.[1]

Note: Note: Einstein is a big of an enigma, stating "I believe in Spinoza’s God" but not a personal God. He stated "I am not an atheist" then also called himself an agnostic or a "religious nonbeliever." On the other hand, Nobels weren’t around then, but November 23, 1654: French scientist and mathematician Blaise Pascal experiences a mystical vision and converts to Christianity. The creator of the first wristwatch, the first bus route, the first workable calculating machine, and other inventions then turned his life to theology


1: See B. Shalev, 100 Years of Nobel Prizes, 3rd edn (Los Angeles, 2005), pp. 57–61.

2: Those included were those who identified as Anglicans, Baptists, Calvinists, Catholics, Christians, Congregationalists, Dutch–Mennonites, Dutch–Reformed, Eastern Orthodox, Episcopalian, Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterians, Protestants and Unitarians.

3: 5 of the 654 recipients were Muslims, whilst Buddhists and Hindus numbered only 7 and 3 respectively.

4: These and other figures are rounded to the nearest percent

For the geeks, here’s the list in full List of Christian Nobel laureates - Wikipedia (not that I trust Wikipedia further than I could throw them…) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_Nobel_laureates

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God does not equal Jesus exclusively. I believe in god, I just call it by another name. I won’t get pedantic. You are never going to convince me that any Abrahamic faith represents pure truth any more than I will ever convince you away from your faith. So how about we don’t try?

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That is fine. Jesus never forced anyone to listen to Him. However, you appealed to logic, and I am simply responding to your comment relative to logic. It is very, very clear that people have an a priori commitment to not believe (I used to be one of them), and as CS Lewis noted, the door to Hell is locked from the inside. I will, and cannot, open that kind of door, so clearly your choice, I get it. . However, you are also in a public venue, and insofar as you appeal to "logic" to defend your unbelief, in that vein only I respond. God is very clear that He cannot, and will not, force anyone to accept the freedom and grace He offers, so yes, no more to be said relative to that to you. As noted, however, I will respond to others who have not said "you will *never* convince," as this is a public forum, and others have the right to weigh the objective evidence I have submitted publicly.

* How one "proves" a negative is a puzzle to all philosophers, but whatever....

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Lots of non-Christians are theists.

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Yep the x roads isn’t Jesus/ science. It’s looking outside for answers/taking personal responsibility

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👏🏼 Thank you from an ex believer! This cult thinking is the downfall of everything.

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YES!!!!! And, why they have to insert themselves into every freakin' conversation! Maddening. I wish substack had an "ignore" or block feature.

From another ex-believer

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Funny.... an an ex-unbeliever. And what, mon ami, exactly did you stop believing, and why?

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Amen. Maranatha.

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Looks like this is a fulfillment of Revelation 13.

I used to be a-millennial. The camp that believes all those prophecies except the actual Return are metaphors or historical.

Then the world events of 2021 changed my mind.

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Carl jung talked about this. The victim vs victimizer vs savior complex. There is a way to graduate that cycle.

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doctors and dentists with smoking cigarettes... a while ago I watched Who pays the Ferryman, I think from the late 70s or so, great story, but I noticed how many of the actors smoked almost constantly. I wonder if even they got paid off by the cigarette industry !

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Just go to youtube and search for, e.g., "more doctors smoke Camel cigarettes than any others."

Same Bernays-like propaganda back in play with this, AGW, (anthropogenic global warming) ad nauseam

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Nicotine was not addictive until after they put a chemical in. For taste aka. After all people use nicotine gum patches to get unaddicted

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That was a great TV programme. Watched it as a kid. It all seems rather like a Golden Age now, doesn't it?

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i think we grew up in good times. I feel sorry for the children now. Did this all result from the internet? I don't think so. How did it get so out of hand though? It looks like people lost their innocence somewhere.

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I think they called it product placement...

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1,000 years counts as "eventually."

We have a thousand years of slavery in front of us if we can't stop these people RIGHT NOW.

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Even if it's only 3 or 4, I cannot go along with them in good conscience. This whole thing is blasphemous. Unclean. Evil.

Anti-human. Anti-God.

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I'm afraid that I must agree with you on the communist color revolution being run in USA right now.

The hope of FREEDOM from the USA is the BEACON OF HOPE the rest of the Human Race needs to fight this global tyranny.

Remember the US Flag waving and singing of the US National Anthem in the streets of Hong Kong just before the CCP came in and shackled Hong Kong forever.

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The Americans won't fight any more than we Euroweenies will. At least not until someone tries to take our Tiktok and iPhones from our cold dead hands. The Brazilians are currently showing us how it's done.

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If we are not now living out the letter John penned on the Isle of Patmos...we are in for untold generations of hell on earth.

1984 streaming live....24/7/365.

The neccesity to defend our freedom is way more urgent should Jesus tarry.

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As a kid, my family doctor had a huge glass ashtray on his desk, always full of butts, his index and middle fingers were yellow, and he chain smoked during our exams...

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In the 1980's-1990's when working as a critical care nurse, I noticed that there seemed to be a higher percentage of smokers among the cardiovascular surgeons and respiratory therapists - than the other health care professionals. Which amazed me, because these two groups daily saw the results of what smoking did to people.

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I hope you're right but am not convinced they will. However, I fear that the deception is too deeply imbedded in their minds. As Mark Twain said: “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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Agreed. I had the misfortune to catch the MSM news while I was in a restaurant the other day. I haven't watched mainstream TV for about 30 years and was horrified by what I saw. If this is what normies get every day, then we are in big trouble. It wasn't just the obvious bias, but also what WASN'T covered. No word at all about some of the biggest demonstrations of all time happening in Brazil over voter fraud, nothing about the ever increasing number of vax deaths, nothing about the appalling fate awaiting Ukraine. Just some green cr*p about geothermal engineering and how evil Trump is.

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The level of absurdity 'they' are forced to is a good sign that the message is getting out.

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Given Free Speech as a GOD GIVEN RIGHT, there is no such thing as "misinformation". Reference the "Spiderman" truism "With great power comes great responsibility."

You might think I mean the writer or speaker should be responsible for what is said. But what I mean is:

If you cherish Free Speech you MUST be your own "fact checker". How many times have those in the MSM shouted mis/disinformation when they were the ones with the bad stuff????

People are too fallible to trust every word that come out of their mouth.

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Unless our present understand shifts radicallly, which it could given all the unknowns regarding the ingredients and workings of the mRNA meds, the toll will likely wind up being several, or several tens of, millions. Even with radical shift, the worst case is hundreds of millions. (So billions, no.) The final toll will depend on how we count lives shorterned by only a few years, or the babies which might have been born which weren't.

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A life shortened by a single day is still murder, when the victim gets nothing in return, except that shortened life.

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If anything goes "down in history" the white wash of info will be programmed into the minds of survivors by the ministry of truth. Only one version is allowed of: FED, CFR, wars, great depression, communism, holocaust, JFK, Waco, 911, shock and awe, ISIS, elections, Spanish flu. False accounts of all those have been inshrined in history. Covid will be no different.

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that is usually as it goes. We only hear one side of the story. All the rest is covered with the mantle of corruption

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No, we won't wake up this time. Its like a cork. One can take a cork and push it down under several inches of water and it will pop back up to the surface. But push that cork down into the water far enough and it does not float back up.

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Well put.

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Seriously. Huzzah!!

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Well, those who survive have a chance to wake up.

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One would hope at this point, people would finally realize that if this is what they are blaming heart attacks on (shaming from the unvaxxed??!!), that they think we are all stupid and we will believe anything and everything they say, without question. This is absolutely insulting.

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Or die :)

I'm 68 and have a photograph of my mother nursing me at a dinner party with a cigarette in one hand and glass of wine in the other and I turned out just fine 🤪

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Sheep will be sheep. There is nothing to be done about that.

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I have no words.

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I have plenty of words. Many of them have four letters.

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That was my comment.

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Where were all the heart attacks during their scare campaign??

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That was "helpful unbiased information", which couldn't possibly harm anyone. Pro-vaxxers "inform" people, but the unvaxxed "scare" people. Or something like that.

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I liked the little bit of sarcasm at the end.

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i think several parents are now doubting all the jabs, which is a good thing. Everyone should see the vaxxed film with all the harmed and dead children.

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waiting on the side to grab them LOL

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Historians will look back on this time with awe at the blatant lies, stupidity, and gullibility of this generation. That this appears in a medical journal is all the evidence we need to see that the corruption in the medical establishment runs deep. From reporting systems (such as VAERS to EudraVigilance) to hundreds of thousands of testimonies and videos, to the warnings of experts around the globe — the evidence is all around us. It' ain't rocket science. But this is exactly what a propaganda war looks like, and the West is making the USSR's propaganda look like kindergarten.

As nancylee says below, many of us have done what we can to raise the alarm because we care; because we cried; because we saw the damage and death in our communities. Conspiracy yes, but not theory. But now, people are going to have to lie in the bed they've made. If they want to be part of this experiment, if they want to worship at the altar of fear, then they have to be ready to pay the consequences, including being injured for life, or worse.

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Believe it or not. I have friends who are absolutely unaware of all that information you mentioned. And anything I mention is instantly ckmated by msm and fact checkers. Not my job to disillusion them

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I have tried, and tried, and tried for 3 years. We have all tried. It is precisely what has been described as a "mass hypnosis", a "mass formation psychosis", or what St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 calls a "strong delusion" (or at least, the beginning of it). We are all beyond frustrated. Just one example... it says on the side of many surgical mask boxes: "Does not prevent COVID-19" or "respiratory viruses." And yet, doctors with degrees apparently can't read. This is what we're up against.

Nonetheless, we are called to a profound patience and charity because I believe, soon enough, we will see mass die-offs, and the last thing these poor folks need is schandenfreude.

Stay strong!

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Yep. agreed. and the last thing I need is to play my (assigned) role in the abuser/victim/rescuer game. I withdraw, not in pleasure at their plight, but in recognition that we all need to drop that experience, self empower, take personal responsibility and right the imbalance.

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Yes, this is after 1 am, months later….indeed, over past months I wanted to rush around, print copies of doctor interviews, their evidence, and their courage~~~”save your family, look! “ and read of other countries making discoveries that would save their population, but, I mean…yes one has to detach after a while.~~~They avoid me after I have said something that clicked~~ fine. Plan some sort of care with alternative? ~~~~ I started “yah, sure!” long ago, but they dropped out. Like flicking your arm after an insect lands on it. I thought most folks are questioning and skeptical, and have dignity in their doubting, but guess not. It’s like viewing a crowd picture on tv and one by one the humans are picked off and disappear. And the empty space they leave is getting wider around the ones who are left. Different intellectual energies. I feel like an imposter, my neighbors making plans to exist much longer than I sense they will. Dreading the summer, some procedures will be catching up with them

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A number have sort of wakened. But they struggle to believe people could be so evil for no good reason. It's simply that all the money and power in the world has been concentrated in the hands of the most depraved individuals. People know guys like Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer exist. But they can't believe respected billionaire CEOs or philanthropists could act like serial killers while convincing all the governments to do likewise.

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sadly, I've gone beyond sympathy for any who fall for this utter nonsense. adios, farethewell, better luck next time.

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My son didn't fall for the nonsense but he succumbed to pressure.

Cannot write him off. 😭

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Be prepared to help him.

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For detoxification, FLCCC Dr. Pieere Kory https://covid19criticalcare.com/

Dr.Mark Trozzi https://drtrozzi.org/2023/07/21/covid-vaccines-detox-series/


There are others if you look for them.

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Un-be-lieve-able! The crumbling of these foundations is on as they cast about for defenses and excuses. The people of this mindset are indeed like naughty preschoolers who got caught.

Stay strong and Happy Thanksgiving!

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I am just reading A Midwestern Doctor's long article on Substack What is the Third Party. Very interesting. About how PR is used to propaganda all kinds of crap. Well just look athe the american heart foundation and their stamp on all junk food - how healthy that is for your heart.

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AMD is a great doctor, writer, and humanitarian.

Wish all doctors were as aware of their Hippocratic Oath as he/she is.

I'd trust them.

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“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

– Edward Bernays, 1891 – 1994, nephew of Sigmund Freud, pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, and referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations" and also of propaganda. Bernays was named one of the 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century by Life. Authored the seminal book Propaganda in 1928. Good overview here https://theconversation.com/the-manipulation-of-the-american-mind-edward-bernays-and-the-birth-of-public-relations-44393

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The smell of desperation hangs heavy over the landscape…

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Well, at least this article does acknowledge that there are sudden deaths among the vaxxed. Another lilliputian step towards the Truth. Happy Thanksgiving!

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omg they must have forgotten about that adder under the grass. It will be like that meme where first the jabs are safe and effective, then a little less... and then nothing but damage

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First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they attack you, then you win.

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So we're in the 'attack' stage, just before we win then.

I think Gandhi said this. It does ring true in so many situations if you look back in history.

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love this sentence ! I was just thinking of Wegener, who in the 30s proposed the drifting of continents, got ridiculed, and now everyone says yes of course, the continents drift is real. Just needed to watch the map and see how they all fit together. But oh my. I hope Wegener lived to see his conspiracy theory come true.

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The Published article is a clear indication that “they” know that “we” know. The vaxxed can no longer deny what they see and hear concerning vax injuries in their own lives and social circles.

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Excellent observation

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We have reached peak It’snotthevax.

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This infantile assertion is so assinine, like everyone else, I have no words for it.

It is about as bad as saying athletes are collapsing because of hearing referees' whistles.

Wow! Just wow.

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at every accident there is an ambulance so it múst be the ambulances causing the accident. totally warped logic.

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It was not a vaxxident. He crashed the car from stress. Not for being triple jabbed.

He lost his job because of stress I put on him.

I'm sorry.

Tis all my fault that I had this dream I was getting injected, but not in real life.

So blame me ,sure.

No news there, I was born in Russia and have gotten blamed for America's problems all of which I personally caus d ever since.

So the demise of democracy to full throttle fascism is totally and unequivocally my fault.

And all that happened while I was in jail, for being honest. I mean, why am I still in jail? That is San Francisco killafornia, ttotal jail forever.

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A native Russian in California.


You can "check out" any time you want...but you can never leave.

I knew a Russian when I lived in BC.

He reminded me of Brad Pitt, except this guy was smart and good looking. Those were the biggest differences. Great guy.

BC is Canada's version of Cali.

In other words. A farkin mess.

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Morons will be morons. You can’t fix stupid just stay away and shun them. Pain may be the only thing to save them.

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It has become the age of madness. The madder you are the more authority you are given.

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This is another reason:

"Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty"

- Hannah Arendt

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"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right" ....."here I am, stuck in the middle with you."

Clowns and jokers (jesters) were traditionally used throughout history to distract the masses from what would have otherwise been obvious problems. (Don't look over there, look here...)

Now the clowns and jokers are promoted to running the Circus and Gotham city...

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To quote an old Judy Collins song. " Send in the clowns. Don't bother, they're here."

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