Why would anyone try to hide evidence of dehydration?

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Or being overjoyed with a straight A report card?

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Or the stress of deniers of dehydration as the root cause.

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How will we continue learning the dangers of sleep?

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A thirst for censorship?

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We learned yesterday the U.S. Government formed a committee sometime in 2021 to meet with Facebook, You Tube, and Twitter to flag sites they wanted to remove for "misinformation:". I made that list.

If this dam breaks, and truth spreads, we will see a worldwide panic disorder like we have never seen.

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Remember when everyone went ape-shit when it came to light that the Obama Administration used the IRS to bludgeon TEA Party/Patriot groups, or when the BATF facilitated gun-running to the Mexican cartels? Yeah, me neither.

They’ve (the government AND the Corporations) been removing “problematic content” since around 2015, if not long before. If *anything* actually happens, it’ll be to take power away from the Feds to give to the Globalist cabal.

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Well said, Recynd!

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I don't know what globalist cabal means? One world order?

We haven't seen corruption until that happens.

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Please don't take the time to admit you don't know what is going on, instead get researching like crazy. rumble.com the Cabal

Please realize it appears you have years of catching up to do.


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What? what, are you sleeping? #OMFG Either wake up or go back to sleep fozzy bear

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Dec 8, 2022
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THIS IS INFURIATING, and yes I am yelling!

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Nothing will be done again. Did you see anything yet happen about the Stolen 2020 and 2022 Elections? I hate that word misinformation. Call it what it is...LIES....

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Double like!

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Thank YOU :-)

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Apart from Arizona, anything else on 2022?

Read this:


f.nazar at gmail

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Yes, I think so. It's horrible finding out you're not only wrong but

terrible things happened, maybe to your own family.

What an awful wake up. Believe they're watching, know us very well.

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I don't know about that any more, regarding people realizing what has been done and getting retribution. That is what I thought and then I asked my 16 year old who knows the whole story of what is going on and is wiser and has more common sense then most the idiot adults these days. He said " I don't think people will care that much, they will not think that much about it." So he said, the majority will just take it lying down.

Just like Snowden's worst nightmare from when he first " escaped " from the US.

This is both confounding and alarming...

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Think that's bad? I don't think most people even have a clue how bad, and for how long this and much worse has been going on. Read this sometime if you dare. Helps to be old enough to realize the importance. https://sciencefair.bioenergeticspectrum.com/electrogravityconspiracy.html

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Bring it on. Enough already!!!

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Can you Please provide us with your LIST? Thank You....

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Could you provide that list? Grazie

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Dec 8, 2022Edited
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Should we extrapolate that to mean undermine faith in all governments. Well, that happened for me a while ago, but has not been a mass movement.

Am in Adern Archipelago and no doubt she will be off to 'greener' joke, pastures next election and her uniparty ' opposition ' will have the job of wrecking the economy etc.

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Double like, BF!

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Dec 8, 2022
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Yes, I may have the record. Three channels removed in five years.

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Well spill. What wrongthink were you guilty of?

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Too much truth. The first two were in the early cancellation phase - 2017 and 18. I was un-woke.

The final cancellation was on You Tube earlier this year. I received one warning for vaccine truth. Then another. On the third I though I would go down swinging. I looked at the camera, pointed my finger, and spoke to the line workers and decision-makers at You Tube and said they were guilty of manslaughter by arbitrarily keeping potentially life-saving information, that was scientifically verified from viewers that they should know is potentially life-saving. They left that video alone but went back in time and found another video I did about the 2021 election that contained some speculation and removed that one for misinformation and cancelled my channel permanently. I landed a good left hook on the way out.

I might be able to be included in a class action suit against Google and Biden. Please let me know if you hear anything about that.

Thanks for asking.

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I've been cancelled by Linkedin (loosing all biz contacts, since they don't allow you to download the db before, loosing all groups even with thousands of members). I know many in the same situation. Any class action on that?

Also, google cancels emails they don't like and don't tell you about not reaching destination: another class action?

f. nazar at gmail


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Get rid of your Gmail addresses. This is where we need coordination among nationalist, conservative, liberty, and awake liberal leaders. A global boycott of Google would have some teeth.

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Not a good omen for a Digital Currency 😉

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Dec 8, 2022
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Yes, someone's train ap didn't work yesterday. What if it was under his skin.

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The Substack platform is on the fritz today.

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You're having trouble, too?

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Yep. It's been out of whack since this morning.

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Good to know. My comment on Sage Hana kept getting pushed to the bottom, almost like a shadow ban. Weird.

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Hopefully it is not our social scores kicking in!

As long as we make negative integers most popular and sought after, we will have them beat.

Free drinks and food everywhere for the highest negatives! Or all the negative integers, why not.

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That was happening repeatedly to me on Sage's 'stack a couple of days ago, too. Really weird stuff going on.

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They've just got the comments rejiggering themselves in realtime now. It's just the same old ranking by number of likes (a pernicious practice, but well established convention, thanks to Reddit who got it from slashdot back in the day... but I digress!)

Having it happen while you're trying to read the page or write a comment is truly obnoxious UX, but I don't see evidence of foul play. Just growing pains.

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Dec 8, 2022
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Underground 5G also being installed…workers denied it….and chuckled.

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Dec 8, 2022
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I’ve seen a couple 502’s but can’t remember when and where exactly

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Me too

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Substack has been having bad gateway errors etc today. I looked at Twitter and a couple of other people have complained. My view count for this morning's post was way off earlier today when I checked it, but it looks more normal now and I assume the email had gone out...

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Yes — was getting 502 gateway errors earlier

Also substack reports about statistics delays — could be some of the problems while they were fixing

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I was just fixing to post that. Substack has been glitchy today.

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This should be the top comment. To hell with the numbers game... this needs to go first. We need to start with this info... all else is just commentary on other examples of censorship.

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Substack Engineer, 32, suddenly collapsed on his way to work, Dec 7, 2022

Jk, jk. I mean, I might be right, but I'm just joking.

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Beast thrashes about, beware the tail; it intercepts our chain email, into the machines of doom to maintain a silver spoon, we folk woven into a digital room.

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Substack is clearly being stressed by anti-vaxx propaganda. Hope it doesn't have a 'sudden illness' and drive into a tree.

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Guess I won't bother trying to post.

Must be on target, good work.

The message is, break the lamestream media.

The message is the mediyummy

The message is, end the Harmacide scamdemic injextions.

I saw a stop sign today with the sticker to read ...

Stop vaxxxports

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I had trouble accessing articles on Substack this afternoon.

I kept getting "502 Bad Getaway."

My first thought...censorship is happening.

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Your first thought should be "a server is broken"


you can get more paranoid from there

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The time frame from conspiracy theory to truth keeps getting shorter and shorter.

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The more they deflect and coverup, the more convincing it is that the jab is poison.

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Has Jim Baker found new employment, that quickly?

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My cousin, a Nurse in CT, was just rushed to the hospital, got an emergency C section at 29 weeks, and lost the baby due to brain swelling and hemorrhaging. She was mandated to receive the shot and be boosted.

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How awful. I am so sorry for your family’s loss.

Their were so many doctors encouraging noncompliance to these mandates. If they resisted in mass we would have had a way different outcome.

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I don’t know whether to be furious or sad, I guess both work. So unnecessary. Such pain.

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Do Not Comply!

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You are a courageous guy, Mark Miller. I have had my disagreements with you over peripheral issues, but my admiration for what you do knows no bounds. I pray that the situation will be corrected. Gina Schrank

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From Vermont: Joshua Young, 32, died unexpectedly 11/26;

Richard Rounds, 74, died unexpectedly 12/1; Peter Fleury, 73, died unexpectedly 12/1; Justin LaHart, 31, passed away 11/28 after a brief un-named illness.

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Reading the obits you’d see a young person (30-60) die once every 6 months. Now there can be multiple “unexpecteds” each day.

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Rod Stewart’s 11 year old son had a heart attack.

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Just a panic attack, nothing to see here, let's all move along...

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Which they are attempting to say was dehydration. SMH.

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Until I heard of your propaganda course I never gave it a second thought. Since becoming aware and not even taking the course......I now look at things differently for example the popular shoe of they day are stupid and impractical now in my world. Applying that to media and I am in a good place😁

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