So if you're jabbed and you have a cut, stay out of the water due to a compromised immune system. I just spoke with someone who told me they got double jabbed to go to a hockey game coming up, I said, "you risked your health to buy hockey tickets"??? He said, I know everything out there they're saying is BS" and he has proof the jabs are safe. I told him they're lying to him, he then told me if he wants to travel he will be taking more jabs. You simply cannot fix stupid.
That is the clearly emerging conclusion, Aylios. Just as all dedicated smokers and drug addicts eventually quit their addiction, so does "stupid" purge its way out of the gene pool, except for the fact that there is too much current supply available.
dad got 5 jabs so far (in Belgium), never been sick for years, but in the last year had 2 times 6 weeks of a 'cold' and now started to have it again, this time it hurts between his ribs... I hold my breath. He is 89. Everyone will blame his age but I know better.
You may be correct in this particular instance and area, however, people need to be aware that 5G cannot be blamed as the cause of illnesses countrywide or globally or even state wide here in the US because it simply isn't even remotely everywhere and in many places it never will be. That's not to negate the effects of all electrification and radio signals because that certainly has had and will continue to have serious deleterious effects on all life. There are multiple reasons why people get ill, even seemingly with the "same" symptoms. There isn't one or two or even just three causes. This is the thinking the narrative is trying to achieve but it just isn't true.
Yes, only quality control issue batches and bad handling/logistics. Thank God Big Harma is so incompetent in manufacturing and the medical industrial complex employs people who don't know what they're doing. As the shotted say "it could have been worse!"
Yet others say there were, and they were recorded by batch number on You can't have drug trials without even one placebo. Even dirtbags can't get away with that. BUT, believe your own sources as you wish. Not here to convince or be convinced.
I know many who got jabbed because they wanted to travel. Of course, many of them have been sick on and off for the last 2 years so they haven’t been able to travel much anyway.
I have a friend who came down with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (a type of myocarditis) after getting jabbed. He still insists they’re safe, and also maintains they were never meant to stop transmission; that’s a Republican canard.
Videos you watched a few weeks ago. They're gone now. Censored! Over two and a half years after the big needle rollout. About 18 months since there have been any mandates to do anything.
Rutgers University in NJ is telling students to "unenroll" if they aren't "up to date" with all the jabs. Rutgers gets major funding from big pharma so.....
I thought he meant those who are too stupey to roll with the survival of the smartest, because let's face it: If one is not smart, they are not fit [to thrive]. Biology!
Anyone basing this on The Science needs to be getting boosters at least 3 times a year since it only works 2-4 months. Anything less shows the requirement is based solely on what they think they can get away with.
I would estimate that for my demographic in the US, which is over 60 white is well over 90% for the first shots. Level of education may not have lowered that percentage either. Second booster is probably down to 50% which in itself infers that they did not like the product. They had 6 months between boosters to reassess the efficacy. Efficacy was negative for all the shots, but when I would tell them that they didn't seem to understand what I was saying...
That is insane! Where do you live? I'm over 65 and I've NEVER had the flu or a flu shot. What the hell happened to my generation? So fearful and godless. My mom used to say the rosary every day but was petrified of dying. I digress. That is just nuts! Thanks for weighing in!
Actually, if you have a cut, just stay out of the water - in general. No jab required. Especially coastal waters. Since you're Pureblood you should just go for it
It's so true, I sent information to people very early about how ivermectin worked and there was no need to take the experimental shot but they said what I sent them did not prove ivermectin worked and from what they read the shot was amazing and safe. It starts to make you feel very alone, like highly intelligent people do not have basic observational or rationalization skills. Now so many people I know are getting weird cancers, heart attacks, miscarriages, but I doubt they will suspect anything.
Ivermectin is toxic and since there is no "covid" there is no need for toxic meds. When one is ill with any symptoms you certainly don't want to make it worse by taking more toxins. This way of thinking is why everyone has been so easily duped into this entire thing and it's starting again. As has been said, "When a physician gives his patient a drug the patient must recover twice. Once from the illness and once from the drug."
Residents of Florida need to be extremely vigilant. The elites are prepared to manufacture untold pestilence and plagues upon them as punishment for rejecting the globalist utopia they are building.
Check Substack Dr. Ana Mihalcea...Doing GROUNDBREAKING WORK AND IDENTIFYING BOTH INGREDIENTS DARPA/U.K.'s WELLCOME TRUST DESIGNED INTO THE WEAPONS as well as the cure and health maintenance.
Clue: Cure is as for Heavy Metal Poisoning, I.V. EDTA CHELATION THERAPY with Enteric Oral EDTA Chelation for maintenance since the poisons are geo-engineered into the air, water, food, animal medications and are SPREAD VIA THOSE weaponized with injections as well as animals.
Indeed, we're taking Quercetin as well. The Protein Spikes are NOT about mRNA...They're about infestation of the Quantum Dots building Blue Tooth Technology in your body now contaminating your blood. Must remove the heavy metals and Quantum Dots to end the cycle of the Spike Proteins and resulting injuries. All blood now displays the same contamination and it isn't about mRNA or Spike Proteins resulting from contamination.
Find Dr. Ana Mihalcea's Substack and read her work on a Post by Post basis.
That's wonderful. Since it's so effective for you; perhaps you could drop Dr. Ana Mihalcea a line as she's seriously seeking all kinds of info to promote healing from this travesty of murder perpetrated by the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.
Not me (although i've been using it for a few days and i'm starting to love this vine) but I've read a few reports of Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) having miraculous effects for people who got seriously sick from the jabs, it seems to clear the blood of anything that doesn't belong there, and it repairs DNA .. Will try to send her a message about it directly if i find a way.
I agree and have a theory that mercury poisoning is making people insane - trauma can cause also mercury in the body as well as outside toxins. There is lead poisoning as well. And aluminum poisoning from the skies.
So how come they elicit a strong antibody response (that was the fakery they used to justify 'efficacy')? Further, the newly jabbed have up to trillions of spikes floating in their unfortunate bloodstreams. Of course, there is mRNA, and a lot of it, in these shots:
The Spikes are Quantum Dots as reported by Dr. Ana Mihalcea...Requiring removal by Treatment for Heavy Metals. They are inside of Lipid-nanoparticles to enter the body and after infecting tissue; spikes are the result which is removed when the Quantum Dots are removed...As they are made of Heavy Metals inundated with the proteins of incandescent algae prompted by Radiation Frequencies to illume and stimulate the metals also within lipid-nanoparticles to self-assemble into Blue Tooth Technology to parallel the human Central Nervous System. Human Neurons are also stimulated by the blue light of these algae proteins.
Our whole family used the Supplementation inclusive of Quercetin, Vit. D, Vit. C, Chelated Zinc, and NAC. We each displayed contaminated blood. Went for I.V. EDTA Chelation and have now added this to our usual regimen. We're doing MUCH better and have returned to normal without the sluggishness and lack of motivation.
The Dr. Ana Mihalcea Substack provides Enteric EDTA Chelation to purchase. There are also outlets others in her 'Comments' section have provided. Ebay allows it to be easily found and it originates in various places in the world. We have purchased BULK AMT.
Never know when the System will completely become dysfunctional.
Research epitopes. They are specific parts of the antigen protein to which the antibody responds to. Though if any endogenous proteins contain similar sequences, they will also respond to those, hence autoimmune disease.
Antibodies usually become (never created as) nonspecific if there are way too many of them. I'm not sure this ever happens in a human body, but can happen in test assays when they overload the antibodies used.
Autoimmune disease is a misnomer and nonexistent. Just another label used for profit. Symptoms can be from many different causes and in fact almost always are. Diagnoses are just a convenient way of labeling and categorizing for profit and have no useful place in returning to health.
Check out his website lots of free info here, his information is incredible, helped me overcome IBS, I have celery juice every morning and never even get a sniffle:
Yes. The number of deaths from v.v. (the flesh-eating bacteria) in 2019 was 100, and in 2022 was well under this figure (i think 62) . So, these stories may relate to fear, but decidedly not to the vaccine.
Perhaps you can graciously quote your count sources seeing it contradicts "patently fake" MSN media as quoted in this article and guess what, its happening everywhere. Any right thinking person can simply connect the dots. It's obvious they're on the rise. So either your count is dubious or time will tell.
Brevard county, again? It was the locus of MSM attention for being the centre of American leprosy resurgence! Because of ... armadillos, of course, likely heating up in the climate change.
This was explored thoroughly and very humorously by Jeff Childers and Pegg Hall. For the curious, see below.
Corporate media exploded with news of a leprosy outbreak in Florida. But doctors are baffled. I'll give you one guess what connection I found. And tough talk from the Chinese about our recent record.
It has long been known; diseases recorded in the 'The Holy Bible' and European History as well as the orient to STILL EXIST in the soil, marshlands, fields, waterways...EVERYWHERE ON EARTH.
What this article isn't reporting is the fact of numbers of people every year having these diseases; like Leprosy in the Southwest U.S....As it lives in the soil and Leprosy in particular is partially spread through Armadillos carrying it as reported in a Documentary watched years ago.
DISEASE HAS NEVER LEFT EARTH AND NEVER WILL. We learn to live with it and to treat and cure it.
Keep screaming the facts to get through the walls of a spoiled society, too accustomed to convenience, as they're unimaginably diabolical.
Unlike many people, faced true evil in profession with the Criminally Insane. THIS...What we in history now confront; or don't confront is beyond imagination or Earth. It is clearly, something NOT of this Earth and could only originate in the mind of evil spirits from hell now infesting human beings...By their choice.
Yes all here in a very long article, well worth the read to see the history of the medical cartel, Rockerfella tried to get rid of homeopathics while having a homeopathic doctor himself, apparently never took "medicine" he was pushing on others.
I may be mistaken, but I remember when Trump was mocked for talking about this… I think he meant to say chlorine dioxide and he said the wrong thing and of course Fauci and company wouldn’t clarify, they just made him look crazy. I hadn’t voted for Trump but I defended him on this — I was trying to tell people that he was talking about something that is true, but no one would believe me because I’m a crazy anti vaxxer 🙄
The truth is that many of these bacteria are already inside you.
Yet we aren't sick.
Bacteria multiply when there's an excess of dead cells lingering around.
If your liver and kidney are slowed down by toxins (like from a 💉), the normal waste is backed up and then you get bacteria which try to help and end up in infections, sores, etc.
If it were germ theory propaganda, it would not be scattered here and there in marginal outlets, but in our faces everywhere non-stop.
On the other hand, your claim itself has the quality of propaganda---what we might call "terrain theory propaganda." Surely there _are_ pathogens that _do_ cause illnesses, and that are hard for ruined immune systems to fight off. To dismiss that possibility as "propaganda" is less scientific than propagandistic
It is propaganda. Every time there's a new explanation for the issues people experience, by pointing the finger at a new bug... While ignoring the toxic cause.
The issue science is going to have to determine is whether pathogens are the cause or the result of disease. But until then, it's gonna be misdiagnosis propaganda.
Rob, just because a few folks have popularised this terrain / germ theory in recent times all thanks to Covid lies shouldn't stop us from opening our minds to think that perhaps the people propagating these theories may not have all the answers.
The hallmark of an intelligent mind is to take in information n ruminate over it without necessarily accepting it or casting it down.
One thing is certain, a lot of info has been hidden from us all over the ages.
Good point. Bacteria, fungus create toxins as part of their metabolic waste.
This was the likely cause of smallpox as Leicester and Cleveland had low numbers after they introduced sanitation and clean water. The vaccinated cities did much worse.
The Spanish flu was primarily from overdosed aspirin and war causing lower nutrition. Oddly enough, despite it being a "worldwide pandemic", Sasha Latypova read the Russian travel advisories to ports etc and there was no mention of the Spanish flu at all...
How will society go on with this polarization and the seeming inability the 'trust the science' types have to come to terms with the fact they're completely fooled ? I'm in deep blue NYC and no matter how much I say never voted for any Party as I support neither Republicans, RINOs, delusional MAGAs nor Pedo-Joe, the Squad and Pelosi, Schumer Demonrats caste, I get called names. Lately I've been saying, preemptively, that I'm a 'Nazi' (F it and F them). Tired
Me neither, in general, but sometimes still get caught up discussing things, if infrequently with the few close family members and friends. My experience is almost nobody's changed their views even a bit
"Immune-compromising conditions, weakened immune systems"...Now, why might we be seeing more of that these days? Especially when so many people have taken the precaution to get an injection, likely multiple injections, that are supposed to *immunize* them. Perplexing!
Unfortunately the elephant in the room got bored of not being noticed, but not soon enough, and he was eaten by flesh-eating bacteria, which were on a holiday trip, traveling from Peru to Florida.
if you do not believe this fairy tale they will come up with another. But do not mention THAT, it is all but that! ( just read a couple more pilots succumbed to That)
Growing up in the south & going to the gulf, never did you worry about going into the water with a cut, because the salt water helped in the healing of it. Decades later, you could die from doing that! Those who have made our oceans & rivers deadly, hope they’re proud of their contributions to this Earth. Not long ago, I stopped at the site on the Tennessee River where we used to swim…people can’t even fish there anymore, much less swim.
The thing is, this could all be reversed over time, if the power of benevolence could replace the malevolence that controls society now.
So if you're jabbed and you have a cut, stay out of the water due to a compromised immune system. I just spoke with someone who told me they got double jabbed to go to a hockey game coming up, I said, "you risked your health to buy hockey tickets"??? He said, I know everything out there they're saying is BS" and he has proof the jabs are safe. I told him they're lying to him, he then told me if he wants to travel he will be taking more jabs. You simply cannot fix stupid.
"You simply cannot fix stupid." Well I dunno, sounds like stupid fixes itself these days, just need to give it more time.
That is the clearly emerging conclusion, Aylios. Just as all dedicated smokers and drug addicts eventually quit their addiction, so does "stupid" purge its way out of the gene pool, except for the fact that there is too much current supply available.
If he gets the inert solution he will think he has it all figured out
dad got 5 jabs so far (in Belgium), never been sick for years, but in the last year had 2 times 6 weeks of a 'cold' and now started to have it again, this time it hurts between his ribs... I hold my breath. He is 89. Everyone will blame his age but I know better.
"Everyone will blame his age but I know better"
It's obviously the 5G
You may be correct in this particular instance and area, however, people need to be aware that 5G cannot be blamed as the cause of illnesses countrywide or globally or even state wide here in the US because it simply isn't even remotely everywhere and in many places it never will be. That's not to negate the effects of all electrification and radio signals because that certainly has had and will continue to have serious deleterious effects on all life. There are multiple reasons why people get ill, even seemingly with the "same" symptoms. There isn't one or two or even just three causes. This is the thinking the narrative is trying to achieve but it just isn't true.
Pain may be from coughing.
Early treatment is absolutely nesacary. Zinc...cough drops. Multi symptom cough medicine.
Don't let coughing weaken him.
Best wishes. Quercetin for vax injuries 250mg
Here's hoping he got a placebo.
There were no placebos.
Yes, only quality control issue batches and bad handling/logistics. Thank God Big Harma is so incompetent in manufacturing and the medical industrial complex employs people who don't know what they're doing. As the shotted say "it could have been worse!"
4 kinds of jabs, placebos, severe ones people died instantly, people who died after 5/6 months, people with major injuries.
Yet others say there were, and they were recorded by batch number on You can't have drug trials without even one placebo. Even dirtbags can't get away with that. BUT, believe your own sources as you wish. Not here to convince or be convinced.
But placebos, as I understand it from Turtles, are not inert, saline, solutions--just some 'other' form of the concoction.
Uh, yes, even dirtbags can and do get by without using placebos in trials. Read the studies VERY carefully and you'll see what they use for a placebo.
I know many who got jabbed because they wanted to travel. Of course, many of them have been sick on and off for the last 2 years so they haven’t been able to travel much anyway.
Yes. Many of them. How many of them, Judy? Number and percent please. Just ballpark ...
I have a friend who came down with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (a type of myocarditis) after getting jabbed. He still insists they’re safe, and also maintains they were never meant to stop transmission; that’s a Republican canard.
There are video clips on youtube edited to show a bunch of Democrat talking heads promising that the needles would stop transmission.
I tried to find the one I watched a few weeks ago but the search censorship is real.
Videos you watched a few weeks ago. They're gone now. Censored! Over two and a half years after the big needle rollout. About 18 months since there have been any mandates to do anything.
Videos recently got disappeared by the censors.
Fauci says if you are vaxxed, you are a "dead end" for the virus
He's not wrong.
Aren't we all dead ends, ultimately?
This is impossible in 2023. Where are they still requiring evidence of getting covid shots to attend a hockey game?
Rutgers University in NJ is telling students to "unenroll" if they aren't "up to date" with all the jabs. Rutgers gets major funding from big pharma so.....
everyone unenroll and go to another school. Attention because over 100 still require jabs. And that has to teach our children !
Let darwinism run it's course
Darwinism... soup theory?
Ummm... has ANYTHING EVER developed from stagnant water other than disease? 🤣
This is the biggest test of that THEORY... man does NOT have the answers... it makes a mess...🤣
I thought he meant those who are too stupey to roll with the survival of the smartest, because let's face it: If one is not smart, they are not fit [to thrive]. Biology!
Is Darwinism more like Hinduism or Catholicism? Or Mysticism or Sufism?
They all sound pretty cool to me.
What about Buddhism?
How do they define up to date?
Anyone basing this on The Science needs to be getting boosters at least 3 times a year since it only works 2-4 months. Anything less shows the requirement is based solely on what they think they can get away with.
J&J is adjacent to the main campus.
He took them last year knowing he was buying season tickets. He has drank the cool aid as he said he will take more in the future.
PS That you can even try to reason with stupid is admirable. I salute you!
I wonder how many Americans have actually drunk the Kool-Aid. Does anyone know where we might get a mostly accurate sans-fake-news estimate? Thx.
I would estimate that for my demographic in the US, which is over 60 white is well over 90% for the first shots. Level of education may not have lowered that percentage either. Second booster is probably down to 50% which in itself infers that they did not like the product. They had 6 months between boosters to reassess the efficacy. Efficacy was negative for all the shots, but when I would tell them that they didn't seem to understand what I was saying...
That is insane! Where do you live? I'm over 65 and I've NEVER had the flu or a flu shot. What the hell happened to my generation? So fearful and godless. My mom used to say the rosary every day but was petrified of dying. I digress. That is just nuts! Thanks for weighing in!
He's one of a kind, a true champion.
they're everywhere, ms H...
=Text in image=
I wonder what his 'proof' is. Some authority maybe, like the garden gnome? I wish you had asked him.
Actually, if you have a cut, just stay out of the water - in general. No jab required. Especially coastal waters. Since you're Pureblood you should just go for it
Whenever a doc stitches you up, he says 'keep the suture clean and dry for xx days'. Not even bathing.
Even small cuts keep me out of bathtub temp. Florida waters now.
What the doctir says? Who cares when they are all bought and paid for?
Sutured wounds keep clean and dry for 24-hours - 48 sometimes. I wouldn't submerge in the vibrio-juice for a week.
Last weekend my husband golfed w/friend who got double jabbed & THREE boosters. He told my husband that Covid cases were on the rise again.
Five times vaxxed? Who knew dead people golfed?
It's so true, I sent information to people very early about how ivermectin worked and there was no need to take the experimental shot but they said what I sent them did not prove ivermectin worked and from what they read the shot was amazing and safe. It starts to make you feel very alone, like highly intelligent people do not have basic observational or rationalization skills. Now so many people I know are getting weird cancers, heart attacks, miscarriages, but I doubt they will suspect anything.
Ivermectin is toxic and since there is no "covid" there is no need for toxic meds. When one is ill with any symptoms you certainly don't want to make it worse by taking more toxins. This way of thinking is why everyone has been so easily duped into this entire thing and it's starting again. As has been said, "When a physician gives his patient a drug the patient must recover twice. Once from the illness and once from the drug."
Residents of Florida need to be extremely vigilant. The elites are prepared to manufacture untold pestilence and plagues upon them as punishment for rejecting the globalist utopia they are building.
More likely punishment is that they squeeze them into poverty with property insurance price hikes.
Gain of function weaponised?
You can't put it past them.
In this world I would not doubt it for a second.
mRNA "Vaccines"... No end of surprises, all of them nasty.
No mRNA in the Ai/Bioweapon Injections...
Check Substack Dr. Ana Mihalcea...Doing GROUNDBREAKING WORK AND IDENTIFYING BOTH INGREDIENTS DARPA/U.K.'s WELLCOME TRUST DESIGNED INTO THE WEAPONS as well as the cure and health maintenance.
Clue: Cure is as for Heavy Metal Poisoning, I.V. EDTA CHELATION THERAPY with Enteric Oral EDTA Chelation for maintenance since the poisons are geo-engineered into the air, water, food, animal medications and are SPREAD VIA THOSE weaponized with injections as well as animals.
Data has indicated for some time that these vaccine bottles
don't all contain the same thing. I am taking 250mg of quercetin to deal with protein spike injuries, even though I refused the vaccine.
Indeed, we're taking Quercetin as well. The Protein Spikes are NOT about mRNA...They're about infestation of the Quantum Dots building Blue Tooth Technology in your body now contaminating your blood. Must remove the heavy metals and Quantum Dots to end the cycle of the Spike Proteins and resulting injuries. All blood now displays the same contamination and it isn't about mRNA or Spike Proteins resulting from contamination.
Find Dr. Ana Mihalcea's Substack and read her work on a Post by Post basis.
It's all about detoxing metals, that's why Cat's Claw seems to be really efficient to heal from this tech.
That's wonderful. Since it's so effective for you; perhaps you could drop Dr. Ana Mihalcea a line as she's seriously seeking all kinds of info to promote healing from this travesty of murder perpetrated by the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits.
Not me (although i've been using it for a few days and i'm starting to love this vine) but I've read a few reports of Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) having miraculous effects for people who got seriously sick from the jabs, it seems to clear the blood of anything that doesn't belong there, and it repairs DNA .. Will try to send her a message about it directly if i find a way.
What happened to you?
I agree and have a theory that mercury poisoning is making people insane - trauma can cause also mercury in the body as well as outside toxins. There is lead poisoning as well. And aluminum poisoning from the skies.
Yes...Heavy Metals are highly toxic and inundates our environment.
The Mad Hatter, in Alice and Wonderland--as hatters used mercury in the preparation of hats, England
Indeed. Mercury can cause leg numbness, insanity and much more.
So how come they elicit a strong antibody response (that was the fakery they used to justify 'efficacy')? Further, the newly jabbed have up to trillions of spikes floating in their unfortunate bloodstreams. Of course, there is mRNA, and a lot of it, in these shots:
The Spikes are Quantum Dots as reported by Dr. Ana Mihalcea...Requiring removal by Treatment for Heavy Metals. They are inside of Lipid-nanoparticles to enter the body and after infecting tissue; spikes are the result which is removed when the Quantum Dots are removed...As they are made of Heavy Metals inundated with the proteins of incandescent algae prompted by Radiation Frequencies to illume and stimulate the metals also within lipid-nanoparticles to self-assemble into Blue Tooth Technology to parallel the human Central Nervous System. Human Neurons are also stimulated by the blue light of these algae proteins.
Our whole family used the Supplementation inclusive of Quercetin, Vit. D, Vit. C, Chelated Zinc, and NAC. We each displayed contaminated blood. Went for I.V. EDTA Chelation and have now added this to our usual regimen. We're doing MUCH better and have returned to normal without the sluggishness and lack of motivation.
The ELITES use chelation to clean their blood. Absolutely.
You will find out its massively expensive or not available in the US.
The Dr. Ana Mihalcea Substack provides Enteric EDTA Chelation to purchase. There are also outlets others in her 'Comments' section have provided. Ebay allows it to be easily found and it originates in various places in the world. We have purchased BULK AMT.
Never know when the System will completely become dysfunctional.
Here is a Link to her Substack from today:
Research antibodies. They are non specific and have no bearing whatsoever on any disease or anything else.
Research epitopes. They are specific parts of the antigen protein to which the antibody responds to. Though if any endogenous proteins contain similar sequences, they will also respond to those, hence autoimmune disease.
Antibodies usually become (never created as) nonspecific if there are way too many of them. I'm not sure this ever happens in a human body, but can happen in test assays when they overload the antibodies used.
Autoimmune disease is a misnomer and nonexistent. Just another label used for profit. Symptoms can be from many different causes and in fact almost always are. Diagnoses are just a convenient way of labeling and categorizing for profit and have no useful place in returning to health.
In that case I guess... "Medical Science"... No end of surprises, all of them nasty.
Also Anthony William the medical medium has a fantastic heavy metal detox protocol.
Never heard of Anthony William...But, will search to find out what he has to provide towards health alternatives. THX.
Check out his website lots of free info here, his information is incredible, helped me overcome IBS, I have celery juice every morning and never even get a sniffle:
Thanks...Will watch a bit more tomorrow.
Animals eat early and chores don't wait.
It's almost like the shots are causing people to acquire an immunodeficiency syndrome.
What should we call it?
VAIDS Vaccine-induced Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome.
flesh eating vaxteria
The "only" flesh eating bacteria we need to worry about are the sadistic greedy megalomaniac ruling elite ghouls who detest humanity.
Yes. The number of deaths from v.v. (the flesh-eating bacteria) in 2019 was 100, and in 2022 was well under this figure (i think 62) . So, these stories may relate to fear, but decidedly not to the vaccine.
Perhaps you can graciously quote your count sources seeing it contradicts "patently fake" MSN media as quoted in this article and guess what, its happening everywhere. Any right thinking person can simply connect the dots. It's obvious they're on the rise. So either your count is dubious or time will tell.
Brevard county, again? It was the locus of MSM attention for being the centre of American leprosy resurgence! Because of ... armadillos, of course, likely heating up in the climate change.
This was explored thoroughly and very humorously by Jeff Childers and Pegg Hall. For the curious, see below.
Covid injection and the onset of leprosy
☕️ HANSEN’S PSYOP ☙ Saturday, August 5, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Corporate media exploded with news of a leprosy outbreak in Florida. But doctors are baffled. I'll give you one guess what connection I found. And tough talk from the Chinese about our recent record.
5 AUG 2023
COVID-19 vaccination and leprosy–A UK hospital-based retrospective cohort study
PDF on PC and drive with same name.
And The Healthy AmericanPeggy Hall on the leprosy media fear mongering blitz
REAL Cause of LEPROSY OUTBREAK in Florida?
NIH Study linking injections with leprosy
They are even baffled as to what is causing healthy people to drop dead of heart/stroke/clots etc. So this one is way above their paygrade.
It has long been known; diseases recorded in the 'The Holy Bible' and European History as well as the orient to STILL EXIST in the soil, marshlands, fields, waterways...EVERYWHERE ON EARTH.
What this article isn't reporting is the fact of numbers of people every year having these diseases; like Leprosy in the Southwest U.S....As it lives in the soil and Leprosy in particular is partially spread through Armadillos carrying it as reported in a Documentary watched years ago.
DISEASE HAS NEVER LEFT EARTH AND NEVER WILL. We learn to live with it and to treat and cure it.
Spot on. Can't even blame you for writing in all caps.
God...I know. I apologize.
Keep screaming the facts to get through the walls of a spoiled society, too accustomed to convenience, as they're unimaginably diabolical.
Unlike many people, faced true evil in profession with the Criminally Insane. THIS...What we in history now confront; or don't confront is beyond imagination or Earth. It is clearly, something NOT of this Earth and could only originate in the mind of evil spirits from hell now infesting human beings...By their choice.
Yes all here in a very long article, well worth the read to see the history of the medical cartel, Rockerfella tried to get rid of homeopathics while having a homeopathic doctor himself, apparently never took "medicine" he was pushing on others.
I may be mistaken, but I remember when Trump was mocked for talking about this… I think he meant to say chlorine dioxide and he said the wrong thing and of course Fauci and company wouldn’t clarify, they just made him look crazy. I hadn’t voted for Trump but I defended him on this — I was trying to tell people that he was talking about something that is true, but no one would believe me because I’m a crazy anti vaxxer 🙄
topical iodine kills all microbes, leave it on for 90 seconds.
Isn't iodine what they have used in history?
I don't know, but why not? it makes sense.
Tea tree solution works well to kill all bacteria.
Gee whiz, I sure hope Big Harma can come up with a vax, stat.
Flesh eating bacteria are cultivated in hospital sterile areas.
More germ theory propaganda.
The truth is that many of these bacteria are already inside you.
Yet we aren't sick.
Bacteria multiply when there's an excess of dead cells lingering around.
If your liver and kidney are slowed down by toxins (like from a 💉), the normal waste is backed up and then you get bacteria which try to help and end up in infections, sores, etc.
If it were germ theory propaganda, it would not be scattered here and there in marginal outlets, but in our faces everywhere non-stop.
On the other hand, your claim itself has the quality of propaganda---what we might call "terrain theory propaganda." Surely there _are_ pathogens that _do_ cause illnesses, and that are hard for ruined immune systems to fight off. To dismiss that possibility as "propaganda" is less scientific than propagandistic
It is propaganda. Every time there's a new explanation for the issues people experience, by pointing the finger at a new bug... While ignoring the toxic cause.
The issue science is going to have to determine is whether pathogens are the cause or the result of disease. But until then, it's gonna be misdiagnosis propaganda.
Rob, just because a few folks have popularised this terrain / germ theory in recent times all thanks to Covid lies shouldn't stop us from opening our minds to think that perhaps the people propagating these theories may not have all the answers.
The hallmark of an intelligent mind is to take in information n ruminate over it without necessarily accepting it or casting it down.
One thing is certain, a lot of info has been hidden from us all over the ages.
Good point. Bacteria, fungus create toxins as part of their metabolic waste.
This was the likely cause of smallpox as Leicester and Cleveland had low numbers after they introduced sanitation and clean water. The vaccinated cities did much worse.
The Spanish flu was primarily from overdosed aspirin and war causing lower nutrition. Oddly enough, despite it being a "worldwide pandemic", Sasha Latypova read the Russian travel advisories to ports etc and there was no mention of the Spanish flu at all...
How will society go on with this polarization and the seeming inability the 'trust the science' types have to come to terms with the fact they're completely fooled ? I'm in deep blue NYC and no matter how much I say never voted for any Party as I support neither Republicans, RINOs, delusional MAGAs nor Pedo-Joe, the Squad and Pelosi, Schumer Demonrats caste, I get called names. Lately I've been saying, preemptively, that I'm a 'Nazi' (F it and F them). Tired
Also in NY (state). So many damaged and broken people here, unable to think for themselves. I have zero empathy left for them.
Me neither, in general, but sometimes still get caught up discussing things, if infrequently with the few close family members and friends. My experience is almost nobody's changed their views even a bit
"Immune-compromising conditions, weakened immune systems"...Now, why might we be seeing more of that these days? Especially when so many people have taken the precaution to get an injection, likely multiple injections, that are supposed to *immunize* them. Perplexing!
Unfortunately the elephant in the room got bored of not being noticed, but not soon enough, and he was eaten by flesh-eating bacteria, which were on a holiday trip, traveling from Peru to Florida.
wonder if billy idol took the jab. Flesh!
if you do not believe this fairy tale they will come up with another. But do not mention THAT, it is all but that! ( just read a couple more pilots succumbed to That)
Growing up in the south & going to the gulf, never did you worry about going into the water with a cut, because the salt water helped in the healing of it. Decades later, you could die from doing that! Those who have made our oceans & rivers deadly, hope they’re proud of their contributions to this Earth. Not long ago, I stopped at the site on the Tennessee River where we used to swim…people can’t even fish there anymore, much less swim.
The thing is, this could all be reversed over time, if the power of benevolence could replace the malevolence that controls society now.