All zookeepers who "vaccinate" their animals should be the ones locked up and jabbed, the animals set free (where they'll be safe)
Let's all share addresses of the zoos engaging in that twisted practice, so we can tell them—warn them—that they'd better knock it off, or there'll be hell to pay
Celia Farber on the sudden death of baby chimp Kucheza—one of all too many animals injected with the COVID toxin since last year:
and all the vets that try to jab your pets as many times as possible ! Lucky for mine we found a non-jab-happy vet a few towns over, who first checks the antibodies for the one obligatory rabies jab, and last year wrote us an exemption. I hope we can keep it there ! (he also had no face diapers, nothing but a table between the cashier and the clients) and he did not distance at all. I held the dog while he examined her and cut her nails
Oh, and let’s not forget that those creatures took the experimental injections. Voluntarily. So there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind of the signal of virtue here.
Guess what, signaller: animals do a number of things Voluntarily, such as eating, pooping and, well, you know what it takes to procreate.
Providing informed consent to their physician is not on the list.