and all the vets that try to jab your pets as many times as possible ! Lucky for mine we found a non-jab-happy vet a few towns over, who first checks the antibodies for the one obligatory rabies jab, and last year wrote us an exemption. I hope we can keep it there ! (he also had no face diapers, nothing but a table between the cashier and the clients) and he did not distance at all. I held the dog while he examined her and cut her nails

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Just say no to pet vaccines. It’s easy to say no.. 

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Vets can be a scam. Can be, not always, but the obsession with vaxxing is crazy.

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It’s like the dentist or the doctor........vets promote yearly vaccinations as make work for money. Here is the sweet puzzle for me. Dogs don’t get the flu or colds. Left along with love and good food they are healthy and happy. Just as we are. God made dogs to help humans be good humans. Keeping them safe from vets is part of our responsibility.

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There's no money in telling you that your pet doesn't need most of those jabs.

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Only one the dog gets is rabies, because it is obligatory here, and lots of wildlife around. Cats get nothing. Dog gets tested before jab. Unfortunately at first I had no idea and the vet jabbed her plenty times. Then I found this gold clump vet !

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Oh, and let’s not forget that those creatures took the experimental injections. Voluntarily. So there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind of the signal of virtue here.

Guess what, signaller: animals do a number of things Voluntarily, such as eating, pooping and, well, you know what it takes to procreate.

Providing informed consent to their physician is not on the list.

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Dec 24, 2022
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I’m positive my dogs that died of strange diseases died of Vaxes.

I stopped all vaxes on my pets.

Dr Mercola and others have natural resources.

Even flea collars are deadly

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There is a veterinarian in my area that specialized in the use of homeopathic preparations instead of pharmaceutical vaccines. She was very successful with this and had the statistics to prove it.

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https://thetruthaboutpetcancer.com/ I found this quite informative. Passing along, if interested.

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Dec 24, 2022
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We just got a new puppy and i make his food. He eats cleaner than I do and it shows. He’s so beautiful and healthy. I intend to keep him that way so no vaccines.

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Look at dr Mercola for natural dog supplements and fle protection

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I will!

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It’s heartbreaking isn’t it.

We thought we were taking care of them…

What set me to wondering, at a vax clinic, I asked what size dose my chihuahua received.

The helper said all dogs get the same dose, so a Rotti and a chihuahua get the same amount?


Then I thought about growing up.

Dogs only received a Rabis shot.

Lived long lives, no tumors, no diabetes, no cushings disease, no congestive heart failure, nothing….

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Yes fresh and prepared food is crucial for pet good health. I buy hearts and liver cheaper than dry dog food. I make a pate with parsley pumpkin and give some fresh like apples pieces everyday for digestion.😁

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Catinfo.org for all the information you'll ever need for cat nutrition and recipes to make your own food if you want to. We've been doing it for 11 years and in fact will make a batch today!

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Thank you!

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https://thetruthaboutpetcancer.com/ I found this a wealth of information. Passing along, if interested.

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Thank you.

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now you know, BF... truthaboutpetfood.com/?s=Rendered+Waste+Ingredients+

[Search Result for 'Rendered Waste Ingredients ']

''4D materials”.

“4D” is industry language for ‘Dead, Diseased, Dying, and Disabled animals’.

(kibble, canned, dehydrated, and so on)


It’s Not Pet Food, It’s a Waste Disposal System

June 3, 2018 in Pet Food Ingredients

Susan Thixton

Association for Truth in Pet Food

...The FDA openly admits these types of animal feed/pet feed ingredients are illegal – remain illegal. But the agency makes it clear they are CHOOSING not to enforce law. The agency is CHOOSING to allow pets to consume diseased animal material, CHOOSING to allow pets to consume decomposing, dead, non-slaughtered animal material.

The agency is CHOOSING to allow the pet feed industry to profit from the sale of illegal ingredients. And significantly – illegal ingredients are allowed by FDA with no disclosure on the pet food label. No warning to any consumer.

...FDA’s own testing found dog foods to contain pentobarbital – a drug used to euthanize animals (can’t get more toxic than that).


Horrifying – Laboratory Animals rendered into Pet Food

The rendering of laboratory test animals into pet food ingredients is simply unacceptable. Untested drugs, euthanasia drugs, and various species of test animals, all to possibly become part of a family pet’s food, is inexcusable.

The carcasses of these test animals and the drugs and chemicals within them should never become rendered into pet food.

Please look at the label of your pet’s food and treats for the ingredients ‘animal fat’, ‘by-product meal’, ‘meat and bone meal’, ‘meat meal’ (not ‘chicken meal’ or ‘turkey meal’ or any other specific named meat meal), and ‘Animal Digest’;

feeding your pet a food or treat with these ingredients could mean you are feeding the remains of a laboratory test animal and the drugs within that animal.

Unfortunately, many Rx pet foods

designed to treat a pet illness contain some of these ingredients.

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Yep, no more vaccines for our cats.

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Easy! You need no proof that your animal is alive, no death certificate is needed! Just write on the state proof of vaccination no longer alive, or with me & send it in! And that’s , that.

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In my town, several years ago, Animal Control went door to door knocking on doors to listen for barking dogs at addresses who did not have licensed dogs... Then they fined those people who did not have licensed pets.

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No. Just find the right vet. You might have to travel a bit but if your dog is healthy you won’t have to visit often. My vet totally supports my no vaccine/no spaying philosophy. I not only research for my health I also do a ton of research to keep my dog healthy. People would be surprised if they knew how much they were shortening the life of their pet by shooting them up with vaccines and feeding the garbage from a bag/can. In TN the only vaccine that is required by law for pets is rabies. But when our own government doesn’t follow the law why should we? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right??

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There are holistic vets.

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Yes but they are very few and far between. I found a regular vet that has respect for my wishes on how I care for MY dog. He puts no pressure and in fact agrees that our pets are way over vaccinated but people who want them he gives them and for folks like me who do not believe in vaccines for humans or animals he is fine with it and puts no pressure on me nor does he deny me care. He is a great guy.

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My cat had his kitten vaxxes plus the minimum that was required when I had to board him twice. He lived until age 21, much longer than all the other cats I had when I was following the recommendations of vax-happy vets. I have no idea if any are required by my state, but the one time I had to take him to the vet for illness, when she brought up vax, I said, he’s an indoor cat and doesn’t need them. She didn’t like it, but didn’t push back.

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Easy peasy. Don’t register or license them.

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https://thetruthaboutpetcancer.com/ I found this quite informative, passing along, if interested.

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I'm conservative, Catholic. I love nature, animals. I just think climate warming is a commie fraud.

Why are conservatives mourning these noble animals? It's tearing me up.

Freaken, these people are possessed by demons

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Bergoglio must be removed .

Latin Mass brought back

The Catholic Churches

Protestant Church

Synagogues all have been infiltrated.

Get Bergoglio out before he destroys your religion.

Get back to prior to Vat 2 tradition

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There's15 at our monthly mass... border to Ft Hood! People come.

Priest, out of state. We're a mission!.think of that. Austin TX is 11th biggest city, San Antonio in top ten

We are extremely hip to infiltration.

I'm smiling because we couldn't be found by nwo, enemies of Holy Mother Church. We have one church in texas. Stafford, tx

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You have a church nearby that you go to once a month for Latin Mass, is that what you are saying?

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We go to hotel. People from border, San Antonio, Austin, Ft Hood.

Priest from Cincinnati area.

Not in union with Francis. Once a month.

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Catholic faith is more than Latin Mass.

It's submission to pope, and resistance to false pope.

I reject Indult , FSSP, SSPX as non Catholic. Because they don't have a clue on papacy

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We have not changed one thing from Oct 1958.

We reject hierarchy as false on perennial Catholic teaching.

I like it. Sad about world, but Catholic Church has been attacked since beginning, ignored and despised. The world is now going without Catholic Church ((except a tiny one, that took me DECADES to find, and I was looking).


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Praise God!!!

This gives me hope hearing about your congregation.

I sensed immediately Bergoglio was a Faux Evil, insult, Taking the name Francis , complete antithesis of how St Francis lived.

Your church will keep true Catholicism alive. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Great apostasy. 100k to 200k of us.

God bless.

You are highly perceptive of all of this. You have my admiration. I've talked to many, many. I rarely praise. As I'm disgusted by vast number

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So, 1.2 billion people thinking they are Catholic must realize a non Catholic can't become pope. That when they are saying he's pope, their in catch 22 of heresy or schism.

Catholic Church is the best clergy and laity ever. It's very tiny.

I'm getting comfortable with status quo.

I talk to people in false Vatican II church, I tell them truth and logic... And when they inevitably call me crazy, it's absolutely serenity.

They don't need to come! Fine!

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Pets too. Remember these psychopaths want all







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Happy Christmas. Mr.Miller.

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In my opinion the veterinarian in charge (we all know who I am talking about) needs to be in a cage where he belongs.

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Yes the Greek Vet 😡

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Damn them all the HELL. F&*^ing morons. Sorry so crass on Christmas Eve, but the "vax cult" burns my ass.

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Absolutely terrible these POS vaxxed poor defenceless animals.

May Karma knock at their door 🚪

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absolutely Sally - thinking of these poor animals breaks my heart. I'm not religious but I really hope that Karma comes for them. This is beyond madness.

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I've read that Karma is God's way of giving mankind a chance to see their wrongdoing and become a better person.. But first they need to feel the pain that they've inflicted on people.. Animals..

They know who they are... Karma is coming for them.

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I do NOT think tis ethical to use animals for experiments nor hacksxxxines.

Big Harma Harmacide wants all life.

Let's stop this culling and killing our hearts and world. Save Womanity. End the Harmacide scamdemic injextions 2023.

The only resolution...



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Mandated vaccinations of citizens is bad enough, but now "they" are vaccinating zoo animals! On what basis? Have there been any studies of the effects of the jab on zoo animals? I doubt it.

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The death signal has been surpassed; no study need be done. The truth is out.

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I do not believe in vaccines for humans I surely wouldn’t recommend them for my beloved pets. My female dog is vaccine free, she is not spayed and I make all of her food. No commercial dog food. They are all garbage. In fact real garbage would be more preferable than what most people fee their dog. I believe when you take on the job of caring for a pet you should give them every opportunity for a long and healthy life just as I would do for a child or myself. My little girl (4 lb. yorkie) is a very healthy, bright eyed, happy dog. My current vet told me straight up that we way over vaccine our animals and he told me vets push vaccines for the same reason doctors push vaccines for humans....MONEY.

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The world has lost its collective mind

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There are big plans ahoof to vaccinate cattle ~

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They want all life gone and replaced with silicon.

Good luck to all living beings.

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There are also the stories of zoo animals breaking out suddenly. A bear in one zoo the chimps in the Swedish zoo.

The death of that baby broke my heart.

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Agree. Where's PITA?

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Unfortunately, PETA is now a money laundering scam like the majority of so called helping organizations

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