The new G8, of Russia, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Mexico, approaching 50% of the world’s population. This is called to replace the old, tired, narrow, US-manipulated G7, which represents scarcely 10% of the world’s population. And even the new G8 may yet be doubled to become a G16 to include other vital large countries, like Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Egypt, Vietnam and DR Congo. This would include 60% of the world’s population.
What about the reports from Ukranians and others that Ukraine factions are killing their own people??? And if the Ukraines are so well armed and trained....why is it that we have to send them so much money. We all know Ukraine is the most corrupt country overseas and it is my belief they will launder a lot of that money back to the US (Clinton Foundation, Bidens, Zelensky himself). Our US Congress both R and D are all corrupt. They all know what is going on and they do not care what we say or think. If they did they wouldn't need us to beg them to stop this insanity. Why aren't they coming out and telling Americans the truth? Because EVERY member of Congress is corrupt.
They gave the Taliban a $100B in weapons that they could have sent to Ukraine in advance of any Russian attack whereupon the weapons would have their greatest value. Obviously this whole conflict has been staged by the Davos psychos to meet their grandiose World dictatorship agenda.
They left the weapons, because they were obsolete and as such, unsellable.
The event also demonstrated how much the US taxpayer's money (owed as a loan with an interest to the private bank that has been issuing the USD in the form of loans to the taxpayer since 1913) is respected by the "elected government." They don't even bother to follow the Constitution, when they go to war; a presidential decree is enough, although, theoretically, only Congress can declare war.
Not that it matters; Congress has shown it several times that they do not serve the electorate...
Because the evil cockroaches that profit from war are trying to scrape some big bucks before the entire Western/Murkan dollar/banking system falls into utter economic collapse. They don't realize that we can figure out who they are (we already know who they are), and we can TAKE BACK all that money when things go into Riot Mode.
This WILL happen, almost certainly, this Riot Mode, because when millions and millions of people realize they've been TRICKED and maybe murdered in the future from these jabs, and their children are sterilized, and so forth, the Peeps will be Pissed Off. Historically, what happens to tyrants and villains? Well, they go down, quite violently, usually. I think we should put them in cold little cells to think about how much we don't like them, but... the mobs will do what the mobs will do. Meanwhile, our food supply has been deliberately destroyed. It's gonna be a hard rain, coming soon. These psychopath oligarchs will pay the price for doing this to us, on a global scale, but WE the Peeps will suffer much. Stock up and grow some food.
I still think Russia will be the first to use their nukes. They have been openly threatening to use them! I don’t see any good guys on the World stage right now. The Brandon administration is both a joke and a horror story.
That's how the sleazoids in the West ALWAYS do it. Provoke the other side into escalation. As they did in this case, suckering Putin into invading Ukraine. And if provocations don't work they will use False Flags and blame them on the other side.
Brandon & gang are a joke but their owners, the Gnomes of Davos, are devious and evil.
I do believe the ethnically-Russian people in Ukraine INVITED Putin to come in and save them from their own government. Otherwise, I agree with what you're saying, totally.
They've invited him in since 2014 and he wouldn't. Russia wanted the Minsk agreement to be honored which gave some autonomy for the majority Russian areas. His hand was forced when the West set Ukraine up for a massive assault on the Russian independent areas and even Crimea, and promoted NATA membership.
What forced Putin to invade immediately was Zelensky's speech Feb. 19 at the Munich Security Conference (in the presence of Kamala Harris) about Ukraine getting nukes.
That would not be wise. Putin is not a genocidal idiot like some leaders we both know and don't know. Putin is well aware that whoever launches first begins a response and counter response that will go on and on until we're all toast. Most likely, that. If not that, then something close.
What's needed is for Americans, Britons, and Europeans to wake the hell up and stop this psychopath cabal that are the cause of all our problems. That would be WISE. We have to wonder just what it will take to open the eyes of the zombified. Hopefully, that thing will not be death itself.
Russia has a policy of escalate to deescalate. Use small tactical nukes essentially to play a game of chicken with the West. Their doctrine is the West will back down under that circumstance. Make no mistake if Russia is forced they will use tactical nukes or maybe bioweapons since the West has already released those. Should Ukraine/NATO attack Crimea I think that is a red line which will over a tactical nuke response.
That is not the case, according to copious sources, including the guy in the video, Gonzalo Lira. Russia has promised NEVER to be the first strike with nukes. It's the USA that has never promised not to do that, and the USA (leadership) that has caused a LOT of the trouble we're in today, along with allies UK, Australia, Canada, all the Anglo-Saxon currently Highly Fascist Eugenicist Hegemonic Psychopath-led Fucktard Squad...
Ukraine is losing, the US cabal is losing, WE the PEOPLE sit around online and playing video games and listening the bald-faced LIES of the MSM... We're about to have our asses handed to us, and we'll have to eat them, because our "leaders" have destroyed our food supply. Coming to a theater of war near you.
Fact: Truman's gang was going to 1st strike Russia targeting 208 population centers right after WW2 ended...estimated 285 to 435million deaths. US has been advocating 'low-yield' battlefield nukes usage for 2 decades!
No hurry. Genocide it is and it will happen in its good time.
The reason why I am sure is because it turns out, everybody is in it, Russians, North-Koreans, the "EU," the "Chinese, and the US.
Okay, they might sacrifice some troops as collateral damage, but that's not going to be a significant factor of the genocide, because the perpetrators will still need enforcers in their own countries...
My best guess is that during the upcoming food riots, lots of people will take care of each other, and theoretically, they won't even be able to "blame the government."
This evil is smart and goes a lot further that a decent human being could ever imagine...
Exactly. It's all about saber-rattling and fear-mongering, and of course selling high-priced weapon systems which don't work so well. The last thing these clowns want is an actual hot war with Russia, which they know they would lose.
WAR has traditionally been the means of stirring the economy. Except this time there's not much economy to stir. They've actually destroyed our monetary system, shit that it was after they undid the gold standard with Nixon.
Nothing "traditional" here, except the criminals are making the condemned pay for the rope they are hanged with.
War is definitely a form of genocide and it will be used sparingly, because the ultimate objective has so many other ways to reach and plausible deniability must be maintained.
The montary system was already compromised with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and, indeed, the next significant step was the US stepping down from the fold standard and switching to the fiat petro-dollar that is now diminishing in value. Yet after all these years, the whole provess seems to be the result of long-term planning by the same parties who are running the show right now.
The final undoing of America started in 2020 and nothing, except a new souvereign currency can save the the people. After that, the criminals could be even dragged to court.
Plausible deniability? I think that evaporated long ago, whether the majority of Murkans actually understand that or not. Our pathetic, sleepy-headed, consumerist jabees are hardly in any position to understand the meaning of plausible deniability, much less make judgments about it. The point being, there are plenty of other people and countries who can.
But the undoing of America started during and after WWII, in earnest. It actually started before the US even was a country, with England holding on like an eagle clutching its prey... No, we cannot allow America to be a real democracy (the UK never did relinquish their colonies, they still have their claws in many, many places, including the US, big time), said the City of London, who runs the entire Western world, from behind the curtain. They've done such damage to so many peoples and places it's mind-boggling. And most of those places are STILL recovering, if not still just suffering.
As for the petro dollar, it NEVER HAD value. Unless you count the paper it was printed on, it was a coup d'etat from the instant the gold was taken, and the gold was taken again, and again, the most recent being 9/11 and then Covid, and a lot of thievery and fuckery going on in-between. We have no middle class, boom. There's the haves, and the have-nots, and still some think-they-haves-but-not-for-longs...
What we now have is an empty shell of an economy, a fake chocolate (probably Nestles) Easter egg, hollow as hell, and with all the colorful candy flowers on the outside now eaten off, waiting for just a gentle breeze to crush it utterly, and all this supply chain bs and food shortage bs and oil prices bs and alllll the rest of it, is to cover up the fact that the Insane Cabal of Parasites that have robbed this country and everybody in it, attempted to kill most of us off, tried to convince us that it was Nature that was out to kill us and not themselves, is setting us at each other in the form of demonic Divide and Conquer strategies and trying to mindfuck and FUCK our children right into their own disgusting embrace, set men and women against each other, black and brown against white, rich against poor, children against themselves (you're not a boy or a girl, but we can scramble your brain and cut up your little body before you're old enough to understand our game, and then SELL YOU to some parasite pedophilic satanic cult). They want to buy up all our farmland and feed us poisons, killing off a bunch more of us, and so forth... I could go on, but... shit.
I'm not so sure the money being destroyed was actually part of the plan... I think it was initiated by insanely greedy guys, who maybe didn't really think it through. I suspect that while they could see what was happening over the decades, they just kept grabbing what they could grab, until recently, when finally they realized they were not going to die before their stupidity and greed became apparent, and so... partly why this Covid shit is going on is because they had to act sooner than they'd planned.
No one is "blowing off" this possibility. It is nonetheless clear that Western warmongers, as idiotic and dangerous as they may be, realize that direct confrontation with Russia is a really Bad Idea. The Russians know this and are proceeding calmly and methodically to achieve their aims in Ukraine. This is not a prediction, simply an observation.
I would never have thought, when I was a young 'un, that WE would turn out to be the Bad Guys. And WE the Peeps seem utterly bored with life, and say/do nothing... Well, we the Peeps generally speaking. So lame.
I talk with a lot of people on the street and in stores, and I have yet to find anyone who is on board with spending billions on Ukraine. They are very upset about inflation and I can't see how wag the dog would work this time.
By now, we both know that we are looking for the truth and no matter what we declare here, we are more than willing to change, depending on new info coming in!
Jaan, as you know, you are in my prayers! :)
Other than that, the global destruction has been planned and emulated for at least 20-25 years. There are even probable other means that normal people like us couldn't even imagine! :)
You're in mine, too, brother. Love ya. I like to argue when people are just talking, and not getting all angry and slamming down the ... thing. lol I have strong opinions, but I'm always open to changing them.
I agree, I think there's stuff going on that even MCM doesn't know about! HA. I love that guy, too... You, MCM! You rock.
I hope we all make through this hell, it's gonna get gnarly, and I hope we can maintain some decency!! Anyway, it would be so great, if after we get past the part about the Psycho Genocidal Maniac Freaks trying to take over the world (they make Pinky and the Brain look like a cartoon!!!! Oh, yeah, it IS a cartoon...), that maybe all us "Truthies" can get together somewhere and have campfires and roast marshmallows and sing songs about how we kicked ass... xo xo
And how upset they would be, if only they realized that this inflation is intentional on the road towards full control through a central-bank-issued digital piece of crap...
The video by Gonzalo Lira says that the Ukraine War was promoted by the Biden Administration in order to cover up the epidemic govt.-induced economic damage in the USA. We’ve been played. Well, that theory is not unique. But what Lira is really worried about is that America will initiate nuclear weapons against Russia. And then we’re all done.
His Wikipedia page reads like a hit piece. He may be over-rating the threat, but that does not seem bad to me. I do not think the occupant in the White House has much to do with my safety from nuclear war. It is the advisors, who are war mongerers and can’t wait to push the button. Certainly a bomb falling on Washington, DC will make the Jan. 6 hearings irrelevant, or more obviously so.
I do find a lot of errors there. I find it useful in increasingly fewer ways. I got a good technical overview of instant messenger yesterday, just what I wanted.
President Brandon just spoke eloquently about how he is in favor of “Gum Control” after Uvalde, yet he is pouring $ into buying advanced “gums” (as Brandon woukd say) and bombs to kill Russians and Ukrainians.
Has anyone noticed that the weapons that are over there from the USASSHoles are from the 50s I heard on Dane Wigington and looked it up this is just another lie this whole thing is a lying Scamdemic. This cow thing and all the food supply burning up all done on purpose.
They have been lying for a long time I don’t believe one thing they say PERIOD
Or The Corbett report which they kicked off of YouTube
They want us all dead that’s the whole plan. Plus this stupid monkey pox thing more lies another way to lock us down. I’m so sick of STUPID Brainwashed Brain DEAD KARENS. WAKE up.
Nuclear war? What for? Even a few dirty bombs or even a "limited nuclear event" might do the trick after people believed that two large drones (planes with no windows) and an office fire brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7. The source of these is the same and the same sources designed and tested the lethal injections in secret labs worldwide in the last few decades. Of course, they have a few more tricks up their sleeves, like famine, catastrophic weather, or an alien attack.
The worst thing that can happen is WW3 on TV. The Russians, the Chinese, the US, and the Ukranians are all in it. After all, Eurasia and Oceania must be in constant war in order to maintain a "state of emergency."
I'm very suspicious they are going to vaporize a city in Ukraine, and then clamor for a total nuclear energy ban (they hate nuclear weapons because it allows some tinpot country like North Korea to defend itself against the International gang of Psychopaths. And more than nuclear weapons they hate nuclear power because it blows away their Malthusian poverty-for-the-masses agenda based on a low energy society.
There are some unproven rumors that explosives have been planted under a few large cities in the US. After 9/11, nothing would surprise me... Chances are, there will be "limited" nuclear events, but probably in the legacy of Operation Gladio...
As far as I can see, false flag attacks are usually good for tightening the noose around people's necks, irrespective of their locations. North Korea, for that matter, seems to have joined the worldwide ruse...
NOT explosives. Some kind of laser, maybe. Check out this book by Dr. Judy D. Wood... very interesting, I saw a movie about this. I want to read this book, too...
No. It was a Dustifying Event... trying out their new toys (weapons) to cover up stealing a few trillion dollars... For psychopaths, human life means nothing at all, life in general means nothing at all, unless it's their own miserable lives.
Yes, to that last sentence. Not so sure about the first sentence. If the money tanks because it's based on nothing but PAPER-- they call it "candy wrappers," then what is there to BORROW? We're looking at an economic collapse WAAAAY worse than the Depression of the 30's. I'm saying this after listening to economists who know stuff, lol. Not just my thinking. Try Ed Dowd, for instance, or Catherine Austin-Fitts, among others.
This sounds crazy, but it's very likely Nuclear weapons are all fake. (Nuclear power and radioactivity are real.) I recommend reading "Death Object- Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax" and "Fake Aliens and the Phony Nuke World Order". If true, then the reason the entire world, including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, go along with this is because the globalists already control the world i.e. we already have a One World Government. (The US was taken over back in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve) The globalists now want to make it official with the Great Reset.
Has any war ever been fought on moral or ethical tenants, not in modern history I think.
What do we know, or think we know;
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Mr. Putin isn’t a nice man,ok maybe,I dont have personal knowledge. He did make director of the KGB/FSB I believe its called. Those of us old enough to remember the spy movies of the 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s will know that the KGB was the super evil villain of the world. Maybe you remember agents of this villainous enforcement arm of commie authority always pestering the citizens of commie Russia with the time hounered phase “where are your papers”(how do you write an accent) Does a nice man rise to the top of an agency that is designed to oppress ?
What do we know, or think we know;
The west doesn’t have a KGB we are far to free and to comfy wrapped in our flags. WE do have the CIA/CSIS they are much nicer to deal with. Provided you agree with the policy agenda of world dominance by corporate control and governmental enforcement. The CIA/CSIS weren’t allowed to ask for your papers,,,, at least not until we let them. I refer to the pesky little thing ‘Vaccine Passport’ and what will follow. The Vaccine Passport didn’t start with COVID it started with the Patriot Act, one of the must oppressive documents ever written. Interesting to know who wrote the Act. Naturally its not a concern because in the west only nice people rise to the top.
What do we know, or think we know;
We know that the president of Ukraine the young, square jawed, muscled, perfect specimen of a man that doesn’t need a ride is the perfect face to have in a time of war. Jauntily moving from one pile of war rubble to another, reaching out to the world to help them in their struggle against the evil Putin. If I was gonna have a war I would want him as leader. I am certain his media perfect square jawed face would inspire countless sacrifices.
Additionally he makes things so much easier for our war correspondents While they lounge in war safe media centres he and his liaisons feed the news of the day which is then infused with culture specific triggers and feed to us. Oh so nice.
Time for a new phrase: What do we know, or think we know.
We know an agreement was entered into by the presidents Gorbachev and Bush Sr. That agreement stated that Gorbachev would allow the bordering states to Russia the freedom to have independence if the choose it. In return NATO would not approach the border states to join NATO. This agreement was hounored by Bush/Clinton and broken by Bush Jr. Cheney and has continued to be dishonored since.
We know the Ukraine is home to several BIO labs funded and controlled by the American military CIA and other interested parties. We know if Russia did that to us we would be tripping over the launch codes.
We know by open plebiscite the people of Crimea wanted to stay attached to the Russian Federation, although the wests media spun it up counter clockwise.
We know agreements were signed to protect the people/culture of Ludansk and surrounding areas who are primarily Russian. We know those agreements were not hounored by the Ukraine/USA.
We know 5-6 months ago we pulled out of a 30 yr war over oil because oil doesn’t matter anymore.
We know, we have a new/old enemy, Russia. Not under the guise of communism this time though.
this posting is getting to long so I will end here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,almost.
I was asked if I supported the troops, I said no. Really a more accurate question would have been.
Will you sacrifice your childs life so my child can live. The answer is no.
I guess I am a bad person
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The above phrase is often attributed to Frederic Bastiat. This Frenchman is well known in libertarian and classical liberal circles. Outside, he is a complete unknown writer.
Many moons ago, Ron Paul had the audacity of recommending the short book "The Law" by Bastiat, during a Republican Presidential Primaries debate. Historians speculate that that was the last time a book written by a republican was recommended during a Republican debate...
Bastiat lived during very interesting years: the first half of the 19th century.
He was a member (1 of 750) of the National Assembly of the French Second Republic between April or May of 1848 until his untimely death by the end of 1850. He published a number of pamphlets that are quite entertaining to read. A vigorous style.
Bastiat had an exchange with the very famous Proudhon, who did in writing to Bastiat what Marx had done to Proudhon in one of his books. Curiously enough, Bastiat was probably the least antisemitic french legislator of his time, and this can be attributed due to his origins and to his liberal and transnational ideology. Interesting years.
It's either oil or death. It's commerce or war. It's freedom of speech and of the press, or concentration camps. This either-or situation that nobody likes is, I believe, the result of the extreme division among the governed class of these last six years. Why do we get in dire situations like this? Because if we did things right, then the State would lose power.
So far, the European States and the Anlgo-American Empire seem to have lost much in economic terms. A great self-inflicted wound, it seems. But they have won more power, which is what they wanted. Russia seems to have won some money, and is expected to win even more. Is China the paper tiger some believe or is it now a true Empire?
If China invades Taiwan, it is possible that the US is forced into isolation, and has to begin to manufacture everything that people consume instead of relaying on imports. Which implies "stealing IP" from other countries as would say that orange-tanned Statesman, who loves mRNA non-vaccines and could have pardoned Ross Ulbricht and Julian Assange, but chose not to. Yeah, that guy.
This possible, but unlikely, turn of events may be a setback for many CIA programs in many countries, including Chile, Peru, and Venezuela. Which could mean war. Maybe a nuclear one. And tsunamis. And an actual man-made climate change, and a very motherfucking cold and long and dark winter.
So, yes, commerce is better than wars, just like knowledge is better than ignorance or youth is better than old-age.
Real libertarians and classical liberals worry about war because it tends to be bad for humans in the short, mid and long terms. Good for the State, bad for everyone else. But the fake libertarians worry about the feelings of snowflakes and what gender they say are sporting this week. It is really that simple of a difference.
Now, let's talk about the infamous Koch Industries.
They refine petrol. You know, for planes and stuff.
Hydrocarbon molecules need to be transformed. We wouldn't have those beautiful masks and face shields and rapid tests that have totally saved us from absolutely nothing if we did not have plastic polymers, such as polyethylene, polyvinyl, polyestyrene, and many, many, many, many others. Also many medications come from refined petrol, as foretold by one mathematician known as Bishop Berkeley.
So far, it seems that microbes have a hard time chewing up all that garbage. They say that in a few million years all the micro-plastics may be digested by new species of bacteria and fungi. Maybe humans will not be around to verify that.
Fake libertarians are supported by organizations associated (somehow) with Koch Industries. Of course the fake libertarians are in favor of tests, lock-downs, masks, respirators, separations, face shields, hand gunk that causes dermatitis and fake vaccines that go directly to the gonads of children, as Professor Bridle suggested more than one year ago. It is the job of fake libertarians and fake classical liberals to support any anti-human idiocy that expands the business operation of their masters. They are as corrupt as it gets.
On the other hand, real libertarians do not have masters. They are in favor of humanity. In defense of the individual, the smallest minority on the planet, mind you. Real libertarians don't wear masks, they just have handy one copy of the "Discours de la servitude volontaire" in the original Accadian language, and read from it to anyone who sneezes in their presence. Diluted Iodine also works.
Self-reliance is important. It is one of the things that allows humans to survive tyranny.
The Libertarian Party is now very different. Not that it matters much, but we are in a time for changes. If libertarians begin to talk back to the State, maybe the leftists remember they are supposed to attack corporations, and maybe the conservatives remember that they are supposed to say that sex is only for reproductive purposes, and never for fun. Alcohol and cocaine are for fun. And the Sun is the best disinfectant. Then, maybe, we see school teachers actually teaching something to students, instead of insulting and stupefying them with fascist propaganda as they do today. And in this incredible world maybe the artists and the universities remember they are meant to go against the Church, whatever the Church may be at the moment.
On this far away world, maybe the CIA resumes their Rock and Roll and Jazz mind control programs and we get to enjoy some OK music, for a change. And maybe we have great movies again, such as "The Killing" by Kubrick.
Inflation like one hundred years ago means that the American Federal Government admits it has created a gigantic fraud. From there, two way are open: take the loss, or create a big war. The alternative to war is only the worst option for politicians. But war is the worst option for anyone else.
Please do not choose war. Just declare bankruptcy and start over. Sacrifice politicians to calm the gods of destruction. That is the correct move.
Anyone who thinks supporting the war in Ukraine is supporting the Ukrainian people is a genocidal fool.
A pro-democidal fool…
Gullible for sure, because the Russians, the Chinese, and the Ukranians are in the same pool for the WEF with the US...
The new G8, of Russia, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Mexico, approaching 50% of the world’s population. This is called to replace the old, tired, narrow, US-manipulated G7, which represents scarcely 10% of the world’s population. And even the new G8 may yet be doubled to become a G16 to include other vital large countries, like Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Egypt, Vietnam and DR Congo. This would include 60% of the world’s population.
What about the reports from Ukranians and others that Ukraine factions are killing their own people??? And if the Ukraines are so well armed and trained....why is it that we have to send them so much money. We all know Ukraine is the most corrupt country overseas and it is my belief they will launder a lot of that money back to the US (Clinton Foundation, Bidens, Zelensky himself). Our US Congress both R and D are all corrupt. They all know what is going on and they do not care what we say or think. If they did they wouldn't need us to beg them to stop this insanity. Why aren't they coming out and telling Americans the truth? Because EVERY member of Congress is corrupt.
They gave the Taliban a $100B in weapons that they could have sent to Ukraine in advance of any Russian attack whereupon the weapons would have their greatest value. Obviously this whole conflict has been staged by the Davos psychos to meet their grandiose World dictatorship agenda.
They left the weapons, because they were obsolete and as such, unsellable.
The event also demonstrated how much the US taxpayer's money (owed as a loan with an interest to the private bank that has been issuing the USD in the form of loans to the taxpayer since 1913) is respected by the "elected government." They don't even bother to follow the Constitution, when they go to war; a presidential decree is enough, although, theoretically, only Congress can declare war.
Not that it matters; Congress has shown it several times that they do not serve the electorate...
Because the evil cockroaches that profit from war are trying to scrape some big bucks before the entire Western/Murkan dollar/banking system falls into utter economic collapse. They don't realize that we can figure out who they are (we already know who they are), and we can TAKE BACK all that money when things go into Riot Mode.
This WILL happen, almost certainly, this Riot Mode, because when millions and millions of people realize they've been TRICKED and maybe murdered in the future from these jabs, and their children are sterilized, and so forth, the Peeps will be Pissed Off. Historically, what happens to tyrants and villains? Well, they go down, quite violently, usually. I think we should put them in cold little cells to think about how much we don't like them, but... the mobs will do what the mobs will do. Meanwhile, our food supply has been deliberately destroyed. It's gonna be a hard rain, coming soon. These psychopath oligarchs will pay the price for doing this to us, on a global scale, but WE the Peeps will suffer much. Stock up and grow some food.
The heavier weapons first supplied by the U.S. are already for sale in The Balkans. $40 billion will turn to $4 billion in US/Ukr deals.
Why it's important not to let selfish, moronic jerks to have power over anything.
And every member of congress already sold us out, every traitorous member and presidents!
About Russia and Ukraine…
I still think Russia will be the first to use their nukes. They have been openly threatening to use them! I don’t see any good guys on the World stage right now. The Brandon administration is both a joke and a horror story.
That's how the sleazoids in the West ALWAYS do it. Provoke the other side into escalation. As they did in this case, suckering Putin into invading Ukraine. And if provocations don't work they will use False Flags and blame them on the other side.
Brandon & gang are a joke but their owners, the Gnomes of Davos, are devious and evil.
I do believe the ethnically-Russian people in Ukraine INVITED Putin to come in and save them from their own government. Otherwise, I agree with what you're saying, totally.
They've invited him in since 2014 and he wouldn't. Russia wanted the Minsk agreement to be honored which gave some autonomy for the majority Russian areas. His hand was forced when the West set Ukraine up for a massive assault on the Russian independent areas and even Crimea, and promoted NATA membership.
What forced Putin to invade immediately was Zelensky's speech Feb. 19 at the Munich Security Conference (in the presence of Kamala Harris) about Ukraine getting nukes.
They invited them in to stop their genocide as ordered by Obama.
That would not be wise. Putin is not a genocidal idiot like some leaders we both know and don't know. Putin is well aware that whoever launches first begins a response and counter response that will go on and on until we're all toast. Most likely, that. If not that, then something close.
What's needed is for Americans, Britons, and Europeans to wake the hell up and stop this psychopath cabal that are the cause of all our problems. That would be WISE. We have to wonder just what it will take to open the eyes of the zombified. Hopefully, that thing will not be death itself.
U.S. govt showed does not listen to populace when attacked Iraq despite massive preattack protests and good evidence that no WMD in Iraq.
Russia has a policy of escalate to deescalate. Use small tactical nukes essentially to play a game of chicken with the West. Their doctrine is the West will back down under that circumstance. Make no mistake if Russia is forced they will use tactical nukes or maybe bioweapons since the West has already released those. Should Ukraine/NATO attack Crimea I think that is a red line which will over a tactical nuke response.
That is not the case, according to copious sources, including the guy in the video, Gonzalo Lira. Russia has promised NEVER to be the first strike with nukes. It's the USA that has never promised not to do that, and the USA (leadership) that has caused a LOT of the trouble we're in today, along with allies UK, Australia, Canada, all the Anglo-Saxon currently Highly Fascist Eugenicist Hegemonic Psychopath-led Fucktard Squad...
Ukraine is losing, the US cabal is losing, WE the PEOPLE sit around online and playing video games and listening the bald-faced LIES of the MSM... We're about to have our asses handed to us, and we'll have to eat them, because our "leaders" have destroyed our food supply. Coming to a theater of war near you.
Fact: Truman's gang was going to 1st strike Russia targeting 208 population centers right after WW2 ended...estimated 285 to 435million deaths. US has been advocating 'low-yield' battlefield nukes usage for 2 decades!
And they say there's no Nazis in Ukraine... There's no Nazis in the USA, either. (insert a loud Bronx cheer here)
Nobody is going to use nukes, except on TV. Kinda like the plandemic if you can catch my drift...
How can you be so sure? There IS a genocide factor, after all...
No hurry. Genocide it is and it will happen in its good time.
The reason why I am sure is because it turns out, everybody is in it, Russians, North-Koreans, the "EU," the "Chinese, and the US.
Okay, they might sacrifice some troops as collateral damage, but that's not going to be a significant factor of the genocide, because the perpetrators will still need enforcers in their own countries...
My best guess is that during the upcoming food riots, lots of people will take care of each other, and theoretically, they won't even be able to "blame the government."
This evil is smart and goes a lot further that a decent human being could ever imagine...
Exactly. It's all about saber-rattling and fear-mongering, and of course selling high-priced weapon systems which don't work so well. The last thing these clowns want is an actual hot war with Russia, which they know they would lose.
Everybody, including Russia, is in it. Why would they have war, unless on TV, after which they can tighten their control over everyone?
Money is being destroyed in order to introduce a central-bank-isssued digital currency that will ensure total control over the masses.
WAR has traditionally been the means of stirring the economy. Except this time there's not much economy to stir. They've actually destroyed our monetary system, shit that it was after they undid the gold standard with Nixon.
Nothing "traditional" here, except the criminals are making the condemned pay for the rope they are hanged with.
War is definitely a form of genocide and it will be used sparingly, because the ultimate objective has so many other ways to reach and plausible deniability must be maintained.
The montary system was already compromised with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and, indeed, the next significant step was the US stepping down from the fold standard and switching to the fiat petro-dollar that is now diminishing in value. Yet after all these years, the whole provess seems to be the result of long-term planning by the same parties who are running the show right now.
The final undoing of America started in 2020 and nothing, except a new souvereign currency can save the the people. After that, the criminals could be even dragged to court.
Why can start a new USD?
Plausible deniability? I think that evaporated long ago, whether the majority of Murkans actually understand that or not. Our pathetic, sleepy-headed, consumerist jabees are hardly in any position to understand the meaning of plausible deniability, much less make judgments about it. The point being, there are plenty of other people and countries who can.
But the undoing of America started during and after WWII, in earnest. It actually started before the US even was a country, with England holding on like an eagle clutching its prey... No, we cannot allow America to be a real democracy (the UK never did relinquish their colonies, they still have their claws in many, many places, including the US, big time), said the City of London, who runs the entire Western world, from behind the curtain. They've done such damage to so many peoples and places it's mind-boggling. And most of those places are STILL recovering, if not still just suffering.
As for the petro dollar, it NEVER HAD value. Unless you count the paper it was printed on, it was a coup d'etat from the instant the gold was taken, and the gold was taken again, and again, the most recent being 9/11 and then Covid, and a lot of thievery and fuckery going on in-between. We have no middle class, boom. There's the haves, and the have-nots, and still some think-they-haves-but-not-for-longs...
What we now have is an empty shell of an economy, a fake chocolate (probably Nestles) Easter egg, hollow as hell, and with all the colorful candy flowers on the outside now eaten off, waiting for just a gentle breeze to crush it utterly, and all this supply chain bs and food shortage bs and oil prices bs and alllll the rest of it, is to cover up the fact that the Insane Cabal of Parasites that have robbed this country and everybody in it, attempted to kill most of us off, tried to convince us that it was Nature that was out to kill us and not themselves, is setting us at each other in the form of demonic Divide and Conquer strategies and trying to mindfuck and FUCK our children right into their own disgusting embrace, set men and women against each other, black and brown against white, rich against poor, children against themselves (you're not a boy or a girl, but we can scramble your brain and cut up your little body before you're old enough to understand our game, and then SELL YOU to some parasite pedophilic satanic cult). They want to buy up all our farmland and feed us poisons, killing off a bunch more of us, and so forth... I could go on, but... shit.
I'm not so sure the money being destroyed was actually part of the plan... I think it was initiated by insanely greedy guys, who maybe didn't really think it through. I suspect that while they could see what was happening over the decades, they just kept grabbing what they could grab, until recently, when finally they realized they were not going to die before their stupidity and greed became apparent, and so... partly why this Covid shit is going on is because they had to act sooner than they'd planned.
If any party is pushed to the wall, you can be sure they will. Blowing off the risk is the attitude of fools. No offense.
No one is "blowing off" this possibility. It is nonetheless clear that Western warmongers, as idiotic and dangerous as they may be, realize that direct confrontation with Russia is a really Bad Idea. The Russians know this and are proceeding calmly and methodically to achieve their aims in Ukraine. This is not a prediction, simply an observation.
Russia doesn't need to use nukes. Conventional weapons are more than adequate for the task at hand in Ukraine.
I do believe they are talking about when it expands beyond Ukraine because of stupid leaders making stupid moves.
That would be mostly WESTERN leaders... :P
I would never have thought, when I was a young 'un, that WE would turn out to be the Bad Guys. And WE the Peeps seem utterly bored with life, and say/do nothing... Well, we the Peeps generally speaking. So lame.
I talk with a lot of people on the street and in stores, and I have yet to find anyone who is on board with spending billions on Ukraine. They are very upset about inflation and I can't see how wag the dog would work this time.
Inflation is not going to be the end of this.
Definitely not. The "law-abiding citizens" are going to kill each other for a bowl of soup first...
Yeah, and also there's all the rest of the culling, the land grabbing, the chipping, the owning nothing and being hopped up on metaverse, etc
So nice to see you around again!
By now, we both know that we are looking for the truth and no matter what we declare here, we are more than willing to change, depending on new info coming in!
Jaan, as you know, you are in my prayers! :)
Other than that, the global destruction has been planned and emulated for at least 20-25 years. There are even probable other means that normal people like us couldn't even imagine! :)
You're in mine, too, brother. Love ya. I like to argue when people are just talking, and not getting all angry and slamming down the ... thing. lol I have strong opinions, but I'm always open to changing them.
I agree, I think there's stuff going on that even MCM doesn't know about! HA. I love that guy, too... You, MCM! You rock.
I hope we all make through this hell, it's gonna get gnarly, and I hope we can maintain some decency!! Anyway, it would be so great, if after we get past the part about the Psycho Genocidal Maniac Freaks trying to take over the world (they make Pinky and the Brain look like a cartoon!!!! Oh, yeah, it IS a cartoon...), that maybe all us "Truthies" can get together somewhere and have campfires and roast marshmallows and sing songs about how we kicked ass... xo xo
Jaan, at this point, I am not convinced that humanity deserves another day in court. :)
I'll leave it up to God to decide!
And how upset they would be, if only they realized that this inflation is intentional on the road towards full control through a central-bank-issued digital piece of crap...
The video by Gonzalo Lira says that the Ukraine War was promoted by the Biden Administration in order to cover up the epidemic govt.-induced economic damage in the USA. We’ve been played. Well, that theory is not unique. But what Lira is really worried about is that America will initiate nuclear weapons against Russia. And then we’re all done.
His Wikipedia page reads like a hit piece. He may be over-rating the threat, but that does not seem bad to me. I do not think the occupant in the White House has much to do with my safety from nuclear war. It is the advisors, who are war mongerers and can’t wait to push the button. Certainly a bomb falling on Washington, DC will make the Jan. 6 hearings irrelevant, or more obviously so.
All the best people have Wikipedia pages like that. My page was rewritten last year, to make it even snarkier.
Wonder what they'd write about me....
How does one "overplay" the threat of nuclear war?
Anyone who begins a nuclear war is INSANE, period.
And that WOULD de-populate the planet, which is part of the Psycho Parasite Cabal agenda.
I do find a lot of errors there. I find it useful in increasingly fewer ways. I got a good technical overview of instant messenger yesterday, just what I wanted.
Mark, DIRECTLY related:
Watch soon in case it gets deleted.
President Brandon just spoke eloquently about how he is in favor of “Gum Control” after Uvalde, yet he is pouring $ into buying advanced “gums” (as Brandon woukd say) and bombs to kill Russians and Ukrainians.
Has anyone noticed that the weapons that are over there from the USASSHoles are from the 50s I heard on Dane Wigington and looked it up this is just another lie this whole thing is a lying Scamdemic. This cow thing and all the food supply burning up all done on purpose.
They have been lying for a long time I don’t believe one thing they say PERIOD
Look up Dane Wigington at
Or The Corbett report which they kicked off of YouTube
They want us all dead that’s the whole plan. Plus this stupid monkey pox thing more lies another way to lock us down. I’m so sick of STUPID Brainwashed Brain DEAD KARENS. WAKE up.
Yep. You got it.
There's a lot of fuckery going on in Ukraine. I think this doth protest a little too much though.
Nuclear war? What for? Even a few dirty bombs or even a "limited nuclear event" might do the trick after people believed that two large drones (planes with no windows) and an office fire brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7. The source of these is the same and the same sources designed and tested the lethal injections in secret labs worldwide in the last few decades. Of course, they have a few more tricks up their sleeves, like famine, catastrophic weather, or an alien attack.
The worst thing that can happen is WW3 on TV. The Russians, the Chinese, the US, and the Ukranians are all in it. After all, Eurasia and Oceania must be in constant war in order to maintain a "state of emergency."
I'm very suspicious they are going to vaporize a city in Ukraine, and then clamor for a total nuclear energy ban (they hate nuclear weapons because it allows some tinpot country like North Korea to defend itself against the International gang of Psychopaths. And more than nuclear weapons they hate nuclear power because it blows away their Malthusian poverty-for-the-masses agenda based on a low energy society.
There are some unproven rumors that explosives have been planted under a few large cities in the US. After 9/11, nothing would surprise me... Chances are, there will be "limited" nuclear events, but probably in the legacy of Operation Gladio...
As far as I can see, false flag attacks are usually good for tightening the noose around people's necks, irrespective of their locations. North Korea, for that matter, seems to have joined the worldwide ruse...
Was 9/11 a nuclear event?
They used high-grade explosives to melt the steel for the controlled demolition, and the site was glowing until next morning.
The evidence was cleaned up quickly.
NOT explosives. Some kind of laser, maybe. Check out this book by Dr. Judy D. Wood... very interesting, I saw a movie about this. I want to read this book, too...
It may have been activated with a DEW, but the explosives had to be planted first.
No. It was a Dustifying Event... trying out their new toys (weapons) to cover up stealing a few trillion dollars... For psychopaths, human life means nothing at all, life in general means nothing at all, unless it's their own miserable lives.
They can have all the money in the world by the taxpayer "borrowing" it from the Fed at an interest and they can distribute it among themselves.
This is ALL about control and genocide...
Yes, to that last sentence. Not so sure about the first sentence. If the money tanks because it's based on nothing but PAPER-- they call it "candy wrappers," then what is there to BORROW? We're looking at an economic collapse WAAAAY worse than the Depression of the 30's. I'm saying this after listening to economists who know stuff, lol. Not just my thinking. Try Ed Dowd, for instance, or Catherine Austin-Fitts, among others.
Oh, yeah, and ... Hey, Ray. xo ^_^
"They" ? As in, the Russians? Or NATO, otherwise known as the Black Nobs' Army? Or the USA, otherwise known as the Psycho Parasite's Army? Or... ?
This sounds crazy, but it's very likely Nuclear weapons are all fake. (Nuclear power and radioactivity are real.) I recommend reading "Death Object- Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax" and "Fake Aliens and the Phony Nuke World Order". If true, then the reason the entire world, including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, go along with this is because the globalists already control the world i.e. we already have a One World Government. (The US was taken over back in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve) The globalists now want to make it official with the Great Reset.
If history rhymes, i.e. Operation Paperclip, prepare for the Ukrainian Nazi evacuations to a city near you.
Well isn't that just a ray of sunshine. But 100% correct.
I was asked if I support the Ukraine War
I answered no
Jul 10
Has any war ever been fought on moral or ethical tenants, not in modern history I think.
What do we know, or think we know;
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Mr. Putin isn’t a nice man,ok maybe,I dont have personal knowledge. He did make director of the KGB/FSB I believe its called. Those of us old enough to remember the spy movies of the 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s will know that the KGB was the super evil villain of the world. Maybe you remember agents of this villainous enforcement arm of commie authority always pestering the citizens of commie Russia with the time hounered phase “where are your papers”(how do you write an accent) Does a nice man rise to the top of an agency that is designed to oppress ?
What do we know, or think we know;
The west doesn’t have a KGB we are far to free and to comfy wrapped in our flags. WE do have the CIA/CSIS they are much nicer to deal with. Provided you agree with the policy agenda of world dominance by corporate control and governmental enforcement. The CIA/CSIS weren’t allowed to ask for your papers,,,, at least not until we let them. I refer to the pesky little thing ‘Vaccine Passport’ and what will follow. The Vaccine Passport didn’t start with COVID it started with the Patriot Act, one of the must oppressive documents ever written. Interesting to know who wrote the Act. Naturally its not a concern because in the west only nice people rise to the top.
What do we know, or think we know;
We know that the president of Ukraine the young, square jawed, muscled, perfect specimen of a man that doesn’t need a ride is the perfect face to have in a time of war. Jauntily moving from one pile of war rubble to another, reaching out to the world to help them in their struggle against the evil Putin. If I was gonna have a war I would want him as leader. I am certain his media perfect square jawed face would inspire countless sacrifices.
Additionally he makes things so much easier for our war correspondents While they lounge in war safe media centres he and his liaisons feed the news of the day which is then infused with culture specific triggers and feed to us. Oh so nice.
Time for a new phrase: What do we know, or think we know.
We know an agreement was entered into by the presidents Gorbachev and Bush Sr. That agreement stated that Gorbachev would allow the bordering states to Russia the freedom to have independence if the choose it. In return NATO would not approach the border states to join NATO. This agreement was hounored by Bush/Clinton and broken by Bush Jr. Cheney and has continued to be dishonored since.
We know the Ukraine is home to several BIO labs funded and controlled by the American military CIA and other interested parties. We know if Russia did that to us we would be tripping over the launch codes.
We know by open plebiscite the people of Crimea wanted to stay attached to the Russian Federation, although the wests media spun it up counter clockwise.
We know agreements were signed to protect the people/culture of Ludansk and surrounding areas who are primarily Russian. We know those agreements were not hounored by the Ukraine/USA.
We know 5-6 months ago we pulled out of a 30 yr war over oil because oil doesn’t matter anymore.
We know, we have a new/old enemy, Russia. Not under the guise of communism this time though.
this posting is getting to long so I will end here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,almost.
I was asked if I supported the troops, I said no. Really a more accurate question would have been.
Will you sacrifice your childs life so my child can live. The answer is no.
I guess I am a bad person
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"When goods don’t cross borders, Soldiers will".
The above phrase is often attributed to Frederic Bastiat. This Frenchman is well known in libertarian and classical liberal circles. Outside, he is a complete unknown writer.
Many moons ago, Ron Paul had the audacity of recommending the short book "The Law" by Bastiat, during a Republican Presidential Primaries debate. Historians speculate that that was the last time a book written by a republican was recommended during a Republican debate...
Bastiat lived during very interesting years: the first half of the 19th century.
He was a member (1 of 750) of the National Assembly of the French Second Republic between April or May of 1848 until his untimely death by the end of 1850. He published a number of pamphlets that are quite entertaining to read. A vigorous style.
Bastiat had an exchange with the very famous Proudhon, who did in writing to Bastiat what Marx had done to Proudhon in one of his books. Curiously enough, Bastiat was probably the least antisemitic french legislator of his time, and this can be attributed due to his origins and to his liberal and transnational ideology. Interesting years.
It's either oil or death. It's commerce or war. It's freedom of speech and of the press, or concentration camps. This either-or situation that nobody likes is, I believe, the result of the extreme division among the governed class of these last six years. Why do we get in dire situations like this? Because if we did things right, then the State would lose power.
So far, the European States and the Anlgo-American Empire seem to have lost much in economic terms. A great self-inflicted wound, it seems. But they have won more power, which is what they wanted. Russia seems to have won some money, and is expected to win even more. Is China the paper tiger some believe or is it now a true Empire?
If China invades Taiwan, it is possible that the US is forced into isolation, and has to begin to manufacture everything that people consume instead of relaying on imports. Which implies "stealing IP" from other countries as would say that orange-tanned Statesman, who loves mRNA non-vaccines and could have pardoned Ross Ulbricht and Julian Assange, but chose not to. Yeah, that guy.
This possible, but unlikely, turn of events may be a setback for many CIA programs in many countries, including Chile, Peru, and Venezuela. Which could mean war. Maybe a nuclear one. And tsunamis. And an actual man-made climate change, and a very motherfucking cold and long and dark winter.
So, yes, commerce is better than wars, just like knowledge is better than ignorance or youth is better than old-age.
Real libertarians and classical liberals worry about war because it tends to be bad for humans in the short, mid and long terms. Good for the State, bad for everyone else. But the fake libertarians worry about the feelings of snowflakes and what gender they say are sporting this week. It is really that simple of a difference.
Now, let's talk about the infamous Koch Industries.
They refine petrol. You know, for planes and stuff.
Hydrocarbon molecules need to be transformed. We wouldn't have those beautiful masks and face shields and rapid tests that have totally saved us from absolutely nothing if we did not have plastic polymers, such as polyethylene, polyvinyl, polyestyrene, and many, many, many, many others. Also many medications come from refined petrol, as foretold by one mathematician known as Bishop Berkeley.
So far, it seems that microbes have a hard time chewing up all that garbage. They say that in a few million years all the micro-plastics may be digested by new species of bacteria and fungi. Maybe humans will not be around to verify that.
Fake libertarians are supported by organizations associated (somehow) with Koch Industries. Of course the fake libertarians are in favor of tests, lock-downs, masks, respirators, separations, face shields, hand gunk that causes dermatitis and fake vaccines that go directly to the gonads of children, as Professor Bridle suggested more than one year ago. It is the job of fake libertarians and fake classical liberals to support any anti-human idiocy that expands the business operation of their masters. They are as corrupt as it gets.
On the other hand, real libertarians do not have masters. They are in favor of humanity. In defense of the individual, the smallest minority on the planet, mind you. Real libertarians don't wear masks, they just have handy one copy of the "Discours de la servitude volontaire" in the original Accadian language, and read from it to anyone who sneezes in their presence. Diluted Iodine also works.
Self-reliance is important. It is one of the things that allows humans to survive tyranny.
The Libertarian Party is now very different. Not that it matters much, but we are in a time for changes. If libertarians begin to talk back to the State, maybe the leftists remember they are supposed to attack corporations, and maybe the conservatives remember that they are supposed to say that sex is only for reproductive purposes, and never for fun. Alcohol and cocaine are for fun. And the Sun is the best disinfectant. Then, maybe, we see school teachers actually teaching something to students, instead of insulting and stupefying them with fascist propaganda as they do today. And in this incredible world maybe the artists and the universities remember they are meant to go against the Church, whatever the Church may be at the moment.
On this far away world, maybe the CIA resumes their Rock and Roll and Jazz mind control programs and we get to enjoy some OK music, for a change. And maybe we have great movies again, such as "The Killing" by Kubrick.
Inflation like one hundred years ago means that the American Federal Government admits it has created a gigantic fraud. From there, two way are open: take the loss, or create a big war. The alternative to war is only the worst option for politicians. But war is the worst option for anyone else.
Please do not choose war. Just declare bankruptcy and start over. Sacrifice politicians to calm the gods of destruction. That is the correct move.
On second thought...