Even if one is the natural father and the other is the step parent, the odds of those two men having the same last name are quite low.

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Oh, yeah. Duh....

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I understand in that part of Texas, Garza is very common similar to Garcia.

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May 29, 2022
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Yes, the second father with the beard is referred to as "Alfred Garza the Third" by the NBC News Today "journalist."

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It seems so. I also spotted this same story come up on Gonzalo Lira's twitter the other day (https://mobile.twitter.com/GonzaloLira1968/status/1530794502234972160?cxt=HHwWgICxnajfvL4qAAAA) a few of GL's commentators joined the dots that the network journalists should have done prior to this story going out to the public.

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Good possibility, thanks for bringing that up, definitely something to look into.

The man in the glasses didn't seem genuine to me, his crying seemed fake, although it's very hard to know how people will respond to tragedy.

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It was very awkward. It's also awkward to interview the stepdad when the father was clearly still part of her life.

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May 29, 2022
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Yeah, that Lena Wen video is another one. She doesn't seem genuine and the words she saying doesn't match her emotional tone.

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Yeah, I am familiar with the issues with the stories of the Boston bombing and subway shooting. Angel Garza does feel phony, but I still need more info on Uvalde.

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May 30, 2022
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So you "saw many amputees"? Interesting, since, if I remember right, just one person was said to have lost his legs in that explosion.

In any case, those two brothers were innocent. Look into it. Knowing someone who knew someone who lived next door to those who were ALLEGEDLY "the perpetrators" means.... what, exactly?

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I remember people with torn clothes but no blood being pushed in wheelchairs, some military dude being interviewed and accidentally saying it was an exercise gone live, and the FBI being linked to the alleged bombers.

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They are saying Angel is the stepfather. Weird that they have the same name.

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Gosh, RICKYRANTS, they obviously are brothers.

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Could it be that he is both a step father and uncle?

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I guess lol

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Dear Bela, actually, in that part of Texas (Tejas), Garza is a VERY common name.

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The sad fact is that we have a government that lies all the time, lies about lying while accusing those that actually tell the truth of lying. When that happens even if in an odd tragic case they actually do tell truth we have no reason to believe anything they say. Kind of like the boy who cries wolf too many times.

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CIA sloppiness? A lot of obvious mistakes on 911 hoax also. Then I saw the blurb about the school being closed - ala Sandy Hook. Not again!

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Also the 180-page manifesto by the "brilliant 18-year-old white supremacist" in Buffalo, complete with photos of himself that don't nearly match with those of the "extremist" taken into custody.

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Entirely possible. Nothing is off limits, precisely because the government has so much to lose. Notice how quickly the ministry of truth was withdrawn? They're grasping at everything and everyone now to stay afloat.

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Can you share that here?

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I tried to. It is an image and would not post. Go to the twitter link and scroll down. it is on that page

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I also saw the image which I cannot find now. More Psch Op.. cops stand out side for 40 mins.....

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It is in the replies to the initial post. The replies are hidden until you click on them.

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May 30, 2022
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Interesting. That video doesn't look real. Most victims went down face first in an identical fashion. A one shot kill for every victim, no blood, entry/exit holes or gore. After watching footage of real conflict in Ukraine I have to admit that did not seem real. Several commentators have pointed out it almost seems like a video game GTA or something.

There is impact with the shells being used. Bullet holes in the window and damage to the grocery goods.

If it is real then the shooter must be using magic rounds or have extraordinary luck not hitting any arteries.

The manifesto shows a different person than the alleged shooter. The race issue was not bourne out in the number of white victims. (Also "I hope to see you in Valhalla" Srsly?)

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May 30, 2022
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I'm not entirely sure that this was a faked incident. It looks fake. That doesn't mean that it wasn't a real shooting with some of the preconditions I mentioned.

I think that there is more plausablity in the establishment using tragic incidents to their advantage and their hidden goals. I can cite a few examples where this has occurred.

Machiavallianism would suggest mixing truth with lies. That would be unthinkable for most people who have a conscience. I suspect that this is more likely than every single incident being staged with crisis actors (although sometimes they do stage these incidents)

The presentation of the obviously fake manifesto enables the media to label the shooter a "white supremacist". From his indiscriminate shooting I would say that the conclusion he was targeting Black people is not provable and therefore the media have misled the public to suit their agenda. Red Voice Media provided the name of the pictured person in the alleged manifesto as Sam Hyde.

Either way, real or not, this situation is being used to the advantage of the narrative of the press in pushing society down a particular path.

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May 31, 2022
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The manifesto seems to me to be written by similar intellegencia that are running the insurgency in Ukraine. I recognize the memes and bizarre nazi ideology.

Obviously fake with incorrect photos claimed to be "Payton Gendron" (I'm not entirely sure that the shooters identity is real. Has any character witnesses come forward who know him?)

Quite how a question and answer session (who is asking the questions? Does the author have a fan club?) allows the reader to understand the motives for such an unbelievable story is beyond me.

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Both of them look very fake to me. The fake tears and the dialogue is very contrived. My husband and I would not be able to speak if one of our children or grandchildren died.

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Sounds like they got the certificate from Robbie Parker's crisis actor academy.


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May 29, 2022
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It also shows how the media do not properly put the men through a vetting process.

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or else they don't bother to vet their acting credentials

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I think the absurdity and mass of contradictions is intentional. Conspiracy candy. Reality: Everything about this story is a fabrication, flash mob cosplay. Don’t believe a single word, a single image, even if it supports your views. They just want to hook you in, steal your mental energy.

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I mean really, why believe it until they prove it? Why the fk should we believe any damn thing they put out as reality.

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What I cannot explain or fathom is how some vulture-like reporters seem to get off on the victims of crimes from violent occurrences they may use to drive political ends yet tragic events of centennial magnitude which serve the opposite are totally beyond them.

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Don't fall for it. This has been done many times w/ many 'school shootings' and even with other major 'terrorist attacks' both domestic (09/11/2001, The Boston Marathon Bombing, Sandy Hook Elementary School and others) and foreign (UK 07/07/2005, the Syria Chemical attacks (perpetrator The White Helmets rescue team who used the same child actors over and over). You can't believe it at first because of the sheer criminal cynicism the concept implies.

Certain elements change: some involve real victims and are real attacks that blame the wrong perpetrator, some involve real and fake victims, some involve only fake victims like Sandy Hook. Parents, husbands, wifes who sob and play the bereaved family member are 'crises' actors (recruited by adverts in the press, believe it or not, and it has been proved beyond question), acting the part fairly convincingly. The make-up, scenario, props etc. are usually pretty good and staged by professional companies. The drowned boy, Adnan, (European refugee crisis) washed up on a Mediterranean beach, was staged to a certain extent (moved from where he was found and placed at seashore edge) just for the anguishing heart-string-pulling big Front-Page photo. The fact he was indeed dead cannot be said of other incidents like this. Everyone is either in it for money or political reasons, and all I suppose sign binding NDAs. In any event if you doubt something about it, see something strange, you dismiss it automatically because of the seriousness of the event.

Until, that is, you see 2 children with the same photo used in different 'attacks'. Then when you see it again and again, presented to you by a totally credible, outraged researcher who is then pilloried as a disgusting Conspiracy Theorist devoid of morals (note the cynicism). Then you cotton on and understand what these FAKE incidents are. It destroys your vision of the world and you Wake the F Up for once and for all. However, once seen, the world never goes back to where you were before, innocently believing the media and your politicians. You are irrevocably changed for ever.

Why do they do so many school shootings and others? A) Case in point: Because 'they' really REALLY want to change the gun laws, in case you turn the guns on THEM. B) 'They' really REALLY want to start a war, or continue it, on false pretences.

Gives new meaning to False Flag attack. Sorry to be the harbinger of Bad News.

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Very well put.

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I am curious to know what you thought about my 2 postings (May 21) on the 'In memory of ... of those who "died suddenly" in Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Greece, May 10-16' That you posted 19 May. Did you read them?

Thanks for all your fantastic substacks —really thought-provoking reading. As an ex-Political Philosophy student many blue moons ago I wallow in opportunities to comment and be a pest!

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I saw that the school was closed.....no one is revealing the truth.

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Someone posted this link in the comments of the tweet- one man might be the stepfather.


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he covers up his face to hide his dry eyes. the shirt he is using to wipe his nose didn't come away wet either.

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Funny...Canada won't let me see it....of course not.....says VIDEO UNAVAILABLE....

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My God-vernment is just protecting me from all the mis/disinformation out there....you don't have a caring entity protecting you...well, I am sorry to hear that......my PM Trudeau ( isn't he handsome with his lovely locks...I get lost in his "words" when he talks AT me)...cares and is keeping himself, I mean keeping me safe from the evil fringe minority that is out there.....stop hurling insults at my PM and his soul-brother, Jagmeet Singh...they are on tour promoting the WEF agenda and all this free speech is dampening the mood....I mean, Justin had to cancel $1,000 dinner event in Surrey, BC the other day because of....(fill in the blank) so he had to attend via ZOOM....anyway, I am glad that I just sit back, scroll my life away while watching MSM and Netflix and this beautiful soul is doing everything for me...you know, Daddy Schwab is right....I will own nothing, not even my thoughts and I will be braindead and happy because you know lobotomies work.....because $cience.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r17h5Mu2Rlg

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May 29, 2022
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you could tell your congressmen that you're on to their false flag as they use it to pass their gun grab legislation. as for telling davos, you don't need to, they are already listening.

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May 29, 2022
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you're part of the core following of true believers in cnn and npr. you hate hate hate people that question authority.

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Thank you Mark Crispin Miller for questioning everything and having the guts to speak out about all of this and the tyranny we find ourselves under.

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I have experience in social work, and fostered 3 children from Mexico. At this time I don't see any red flags with the families.

The fathers' Facebook profiles (which go back several years) seem to indicate the thinner man is step father and the larger man is biological father. Common scenario. Same last name is also not uncommon. Not only is it a popular surname (47th most popular in Mexico, on par with Roberts, Mitchell, Campbell, Nelson, etc in the USA), but also, if they immigrated, then immigrants often change their last names to conform with family members to simplify paperwork.

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Thank you

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Dr Miller, thank YOU for all you do. The gaslighting from media & friends/family has been overwhelming. I taught propaganda at university for 2 yrs, yet I would never have predicted that many of us would lose so many friends & family in these dystopian times - first, to the death jab, and second, to the propaganda. I come from a big family, but we're down to just ONE family member who will even speak with us (I don't even talk politics or push the issue, just the fact that me & my children are unjabbed lepers). At work, I'm a scholar in residence (department of 5), and the only unjabbed. ALL FOUR of my coworkers now suddenly have health issues that sound suspiciously vaccine-related (a-fib, neurological issues, possible blood clots), yet still I get ostracized. But one extraordinary bright spot over the past couple years has been your online presence & constant diligence. Every day I look forward to the NFU in my inbox (not kidding in the slightest, that 8pm email has often provided me with a desperately needed ray of hope), & your interviews/podcasts provide not just edification but also preservation of sanity for those of us who are surrounded by Orwellian absurdities.

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The first 'dad' is a terrible actor.

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so is the second dad.

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One news source says that Angel Garza is the STEP father; while Alfred Garza looks like Amerie is the biological. Maybe the producers for CNN just do not care about little details of Brown people. Garza is a common name in that part of Texas.

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How do you say "crisis actors" in Spanish?

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Step dad and dad is how it is being explained, same last name though which is weird. Honestly I believe everything and nothing these days. The press is desperate to get stories out and I think they pass off stock photos ALL THE TIME. Doesn’t mean stories are not real but who can blame us for wondering what the hell is going on

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May 30, 2022Edited
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Ha! I sometimes go by SatanSheets 👻

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A little bit off topic but this is an angle on mass shootings which is worthy of note (again, a GL retweet https://mobile.twitter.com/nduley/status/1530870880649240577?cxt=HHwWgoCz4Y-9374qAAAA) Is antidepressant use linked to psychotic breaks and mass shootings in young men? IMO the connection between these two issues is something that deserves greater scrutiny.

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Research into the names of the psychiatrists/psychologists usually treating the 'disturbed youngster' has come up with one that repeats. Uses the same drug, whatever. I think it is totally plausible that they are hypnotised deliberately to produce a 'sleeper' shooter who is later activated. Difficult to prove until there is a clear correspondence of names or drugs. Elements of these cases resemble MK-Ultra victims.

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