Everything we have been told about Covid and the vaccines were lies. Everything.

And Fauci is the Grand Poobah of liars with Pfizer being his primary potion maker.

They lied about Covid’s origin.

They lied about little Tony Fauci’s role in unleashing Covid.

They lied about how high the mortality rate for Covid was going to be.

They lied about the true death count by Covid vs other causes.

They lied about masks.

They lied about lockdowns.

They lied about social distancing.

They lied about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

They lied about Remdesivir. And ventilators.

They lied about the vaccines’ effectiveness in preventing Covid.

They lied about the vaccine preventing re-transmission of Covid.

They lied about the vaccine preventing reinfection from Covid.

They lied about the booster protecting from Covid variants.

They lied about the hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries from the jab.

And the lie that is likely the greatest crime committed against humanity in history continues to this day, in a conspiracy between Big Pharma, government, corporations, academia, the healthcare profession and the media.

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And they've been lying about ALL vaccines for over 100 years, and especially since Reagan (who I voted for twice; I love the guy) signed the bill that gave Big Pharma cover/protection from being sued for their evil products.

Unfortunately, we vaccinated our 4 kids; fortunately, that was 30 years ago, and there were fewer vaccines on the schedule than now. But I still feel terrible for letting doctors pump that poison into my kids' bodies. (My oldest daughter is now Type 1 Diabetic, and our older son is on the low end of the ADHD spectrum...but he IS a great drummer!)

My two daughters are married and have kids (7 grandkids total); they started doing the vaccinations on the older ones, but have backed way off, and I've been encouraging them to stop completely (which they're leaning toward). Our oldest grandson, who was 5 weeks premature (and I'm sure received some vaccines before he should have) shows some signs of mild autism - and it just kills me to think we did this to him!

I'm a minister/Christian/man of God, so I won't say "F*ck all these b*st*rd doctors and pharma people!" Oops...

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I'll swear for you Reverand. They can all eat shit every day and then excrete it and have it for dessert!

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Or to quote Steve Martin's cheer "Die you gravy sucking pigs"

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They have been lying about vaccines for over 200 years. The lying began with the smallpox vaccine.

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....we just heard you not saying that

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I understand completely. How absurd is it that pharmaceutical commercials recite a string of serious side effects, including death? To the point we laugh hearing the injuries we risk to treat a malady. Why are vaccines any different? They may well prevent the targeted disease but at what risk? Why no listed side effects? Why is it not conceivable they too have side effects? Yet to suggest that, like RFK, Jr., and you become a pariah. I have three kids, 35, 33, and 28, all vaccinated, including COVID which they got to keep their jobs. I truly worry about all of them, especially my two boys. I got two Pfizer jabs, against my better judgment, mostly because by wife, sister and her husband desperately wanted them so I went along. I am convinced my end date, whenever it is, has been negatively affected by the poison jabs. The greatest crime committed against humanity in history. My youngest son is a great guitarist.

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and yet - strangely - in the US, where these ads - which easily spend 50% of airtime listing "side" effects - boost sales dramatically.

Ask your doctor if these effects are right for you.

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And yet no side effects warnings were offered. Those of us who do our own research beyond what the establishment spoon feeds us, immediately started hearing reports of (or seeing first hand), friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors, athletes and celebrities dying and becoming stricken by horrifying injuries and death. Unacknowledged to this day.

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No, THAT one was safe and effective. X-P

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Rev Mike - You may be interested in this 1889 booklet, "Vaccination Proved Useless and Dangerous: From Forty-Five Years of Registration Statistics." "To the Members of Parliament and Others."


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They even defiled Sesame Street.

Sesame Street's Rosita gets her first Covid-19 vaccine dose

"Characters from Sesame Street talk to CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill about the children's Covid-19 vaccine. For more tune into The ABC's of Covid Vaccines: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Families hosted by CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill along with Sesame Street's Big Bird, Elmo and Friends. Saturday, November 6 [2021] at 8:30am ET on CNN."



MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: Oh, does Rosita have a boo boo?

ROSITA [green furry puppet]: Oh oh, no I [inaudible] this is from my covid vaccine. My mami and my papi took me to get it this morning. Hmm hmmm.

MUPPET WITH ORANGE HAIR, RED FACE, YELLOW NOSE: [laughs and nods delightedly]

ERICA HILL: Rosita, that's great! Getting the covid vaccine is a great way to stay healthy.

ROSITA: Sí, my mami and my papi said that it will help keep me, my friends, my neighbors, my abuela, all healthy.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA: Your parents are absolutely right. You know, covid vaccines are now available for children 5 years and older. And the more people who get them, the better we're going to be able to help stop the spread of covid and keep everyone healthy.



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Criminal liars!

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I bought the 1960s episodes for sesame st and mr rogers for my non verbal 7 year old grandson ( brain danaged at birth) to teach him reading spelling and math as well as self love. And to avoid all the woke crap

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Thank you Transcriber B, please forgive that I cannot possibly push the like button on that nasty propaganda!

I saw a stat that says 84% of 6-16 in Australia are now jabbed. They think nothing of it!

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On the other hand, they're telling us the truth in the stories now circulating about the reverse engineering of UFOs. 😊

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But are they really? I've heard it suggested that will be the next 'terror' building device used for yet more control. Apparently the military's ability with holograms is mind numbing.

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There is no such thing as 'aliens' from other planets. There ARE demons walking the earth in some fleshly form; but they are NOT from other planets; they are from hell.

I too believe that 'they' will use the threat of an 'alien attack' through holograms or some such thing to scare people half to death so that they can control us further.

They are trying to back us all into a corner; knees knocking; terrified of one boogie man or another; wave after wave of terror; until we are so broken in our minds and our hearts that we will GLADLY ALLOW them to have TOTAL control over us; ALL in the name of 'safety'. Sigh.

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My comment was ironic.


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Don't worry...then ole Gates will jump up with a chip to connect to your brain so that he can program you. How crazy is that?!?!...Transhumanism...good grief!..smh

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Oh yeah; Billy is chomping at the bit to hook us all up to 'the internet of things'; so we can all REALLY belong to the ULTIMATE 'hive mind'. SICK, TWISTED PEOPLE are running this country. Probably every country.

I have a feeling that at some point; everyone who believes that 'Transhumanism' is a great thing are going to find that the reality of it is a much bigger nightmare than they could have imagined....if their imagination would have allowed them to think that far ahead to begin with.

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Keep praying...and as Gen. Flynn says: Get involved!

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and we believe them? nah....

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You're scaring me, Mary.


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hahaha...I just keep waiting to wake up from this....

oh..wait! that's my problem, I did wake up!! ;0)

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They lied about coronavirus having pandemic potential.. no matter what GoF experiments they do they cannot change nature only make a vat of DNA clones to infect a small area but Mother Nature controls transmission & RNA virus do not have the fidelity to pandemic.

Check out Dr Jay Couey for the biology details for that... only media made illusions are deadly to everyone! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1848583453?filter=all&sort=time

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EVERYTHING about this Evil CoNVid charade has been a LIE, scripted theater...

Dr. Michael Yeadon: I Decline Most Interview Requests These Days. I’ve Nothing New To Say

" I could be taken at any moment. So be it. I’m not afraid. We’re all going to die anyway. That’s always been true. Choice is only how you live this life."


The Olympic Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation


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Regards the Mike Yeadon quote you reference ie - " I could be taken at any moment. So be it. I’m not afraid. We’re all going to die anyway. That’s always been true. Choice is only how you live this life." ... well strangely enough I have the same mentality as do A FEW (not many) people I know.

Everyone is different, but when I took this stance (of no longer being afraid or suckered in to their BS); I took a step back and ... whether right or wrong; I believe "I can see" plus as "my mate, Mike states" (LOL, long story !!) I am not afraid in any shape or form (mentally or physically). I will die standing, fighting and holding my beliefs and they can all literally FO... because they do not worry or scare me at all... I have made my peace.

Funny old thing what many of us are going through... unfortunately our beloved think we need to go to a nut house; ah - well !.

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We lived in NH for 10+ years - the State motto is 'Live FREE or die' - I do not fear death, for I will go down swinging but remaining true to self & our Lord - our Creator lives in the TRUTH & the Light of Truth will come to pass. I too have made my peace ...

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We shall join then .. as will millions or even billions of others. Keep the faith and pecker up (or whatever you girls have nowadays that is PC and woke.

LOL, you need to read this - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/article-12278639/JULIE-BINDEL-says-womens-health-charity-guilty-short-misogyny-again.html


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The sheer breadth of the corruption is astounding.

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Thanks for this report. Dr. Scott Jensen has been raining truth on the con and fighting for medical freedom for a long while now. A transcript from early 2022:

Gee whiz, what have we done?

Dr. Scott Jensen @DrScottJensen

Jan 3, 2022


Gettr post text:

"WHAT HAVE WE DONE? Imprisoned patients, frantic families, subpar vaccines, failed CDC narratives, and compromised doctor-patient relationships! Bureaucrats threw mud on the wall but nothing stuck…. And we’ve all gotten soiled."


DR. SCOTT JENSEN: I'm Dr. Scott Jensen. What have we done? I just finished a house call, a patient was in his mid-eighties. He didn't have anything he was supposed to do. He got vaccinated with two shots in the spring of the year. He got his booster in the fall of the year. I saw him in the office, what, three or four weeks ago and his antibodies for the spike protein were greater than 800. He's got covid now. His wife had covid last week. He's not doing so well. And I didn't feel comfortable having him come in the office, and the emergency rooms are overwhelmed, so it's easier for me to go to him. So we put him on some medications and we'll watch him closely.

Yesterday I did a house call on a 50 year-old woman who was furious with the fact that the doctors and staff that she would have expected to help her weren't there for her. So it was easier for me to go to her house because she wanted to stay out of the ER.

I have had legislators and nurses calling me for the last 72 hours begging me to get involved with hospitals and their policies around the state of Minnesota. Many times patients have felt imprisoned in a hospital. Families have felt like they couldn't get their loved ones out of the hospital and they were frantic because in the hospital, if you will, the menu of options for patients was so limited. Patients are just frantic.

Doctors have not been there for them. The patient-doctor relationship has not stood the test of time during this covid pandemic.

Last night I dealt with a patient whose 23 year-old nephew hung himself a few weeks ago. And two of that 23 year old nephew's buddies had killed themselves in the preceding two months.

We're seeing the CDC narrative fall apart. We're seeing the, we're seeing the isolation period reduced to 5 days instead of 10, based on what science? We're seeing NFL players going back and playing if they're not symptomatic. We're seeing if you're exposed to someone, you don't have to not go to work if you're asymptomatic on the fifth day, but you should wear a mask for another five days.

Isn't it time just to step back and say, gee whiz, what have we done? Were we measured and thoughtful? Did we really let doctors and patients do the best they could? Didn't we go just a little hell-bent crazy, allowing the bureaucrats to just pick and choose throw mud on the wall to see what would stick?

This patient I just got done seeing has powerful antibodies, powerful antibodies, and yet, less than 2 months after he got his booster, he's got covid. We've got to get back to the basics, and that's a patient-doctor relationship. And we've got to be there to serve our patients. What have we done?


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One more Jensen transcript, also from 2022:

Dr. Scott Jensen


March 31, 2022




DR. SCOTT JANSEN: Dr. Scott Jansen and I'm running to be next governor of Minnesota and I need your help. I need you to write down or go directly to DrScottJenson.com/join. What does that mean? I'm asking you, please join our email list because that's the one way we can assure that we can communicate with you.

[spells out the URL].

Why am I asking you this? I'm asking you this because on our FaceBook reach we are having the same super high levels of engagement from people watching our FaceBook videos and our content, but our reach has absolutely been flattened for the last 6 - 8 weeks, and that's never happened before. So some way or another we're being throttled.

Same thing is happening on our Twitter account. It's flat. Typically we can predict growth, but we've not been able to the last six weeks. Something's happening.

Today YouTube notified me that they were pulling down a video whereby I had a FaceBook live conversation with a 10 year-old boy who had some perspectives on various aspects of what's been going on recently, and that was pulled down.

Do you get the message?

I've had trouble with TikTok, too.

I think it's all over, what we're seeing is, Big Tech is willing to flex their muscles, and they will censor. And we've seen that.

So I'm asking you, does the increased censorship as we approach elections concern you? Because it does me. And that's why I'm asking you, please, take an action for us, join our email list so that we know we can communicate with you [spells out the URL again]. Thank you so much.



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I did vote for Dr Jensen and wish more people had!!!

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Elections are stolen. More People probably DID vote for the Dr

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Transcriber B - thank you for ALL you do, I deeply appreciate your work. I believe our Creator holds you in the Palm of His/Her Hand ...

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Thank you for reading, and thank you for your kind words. I believe this is true for all of us.

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This "news" from Brownstone Institute seems to be making headlines in every Substack over the past few days. It shouldn't surprise anyone of us who've been skeptical of this whole even from the day we learned about new flu virus that soon became a prime opportunity for WHO and governments around the world to push this fraud through mountains of propaganda unleased on the world. We were told this pandemic was "deadly" (it wasn't -- most of the deaths were from comorbidities WITH C19); stay home/lockdowns were for just two weeks to "flatten the curve" (it didn't and two weeks turned into nearly two years for some); mask mandates were to stop the spread (it didn't and people began turning on the the maskless became uncaring, asymptomic spreaders of disease).

Finally, Big Pharma announced our salvation in a syringe. Just line up with hundreds of others at the nearest sports stadium parking lot, roll down your window and stick your arm out and "thou shalt be saved." You weren't. You weren't saved from the patented, human manipulated virus (see the numerous patents for the virus filed from 2006 onward on the patent search site Justia) because they knew what they had made -- every one of those whose names appear on the patents. You might not die from C19, but the likelihood that you would die from one of the more than 1,000 "Adverse Events of Special Interest" listed in Pfizer's Post-marketing Report ordered released by a Federal judge in April 2022. Maybe you won't die but the adverse events may have disabled you, and maybe to the point where some people were committing suicide to find relief from the pain and misery.

Even in death, the fraud and the lies continue, as we're finding out. Those who are colluding in this fraud will at some point be held accountable. Maybe. We can only hope.

I've been told that whenever people point their fingers at others, they are pointing at themselves. They know the "disinformation" because they are spreading it themselves. They -- the pharma companies, the doctors, the government officials, the FDA, NIH, CDC, et al -- are in this too deep now. They cannot admit the fraud they perpetrated on the world because then they are liable for misery and death of millions. So the lies go on until "death do us part." Even then, they cannot speak the truth. Why?

They don't care!

That's the saddest part of all! THEY DON'T CARE!

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Devil is in the detail, but you state "new flu virus "... WHAT VIRUS ?; there are no VIRUSES. Never in the history of mankind has a virus been isolated NOR proved to be transmittable....

THAT IS WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND; then the excrement hits the fan.

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Then explain to my why anti viral meds work.

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Which ones ?.

So just looked the crapupand found this:

"What are antivirals?

Antivirals are medications that help your body fight off certain viruses that can cause disease. Antiviral drugs are also preventive. They can protect you from getting viral infections or spreading a virus to others."


It states "Antiviral drugs are also preventive. They can protect you from getting viral infections or spreading a virus to others.""... look into my eyes, look into my eyes... you will be healthy... SO YOU DID NOT GET A BUG. We all get ill.. because of our lifestyle and environment .... shoveyour head down the sewer and I am sure you will start puking...

BUT go on holiday in say Florida, Spain, where the sun shines and you eatwell, get fit; go back to your office in Antartica where afew people have the cold or flu virus... AAND YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING.

Viral meds... LOL... always meds hey ? ... try using your loaf and stay off the meds.

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True, Bob, and that's why they've never been able to isolate or sequence a "Covid-19" virus and why the jab is NOT built on a Covid-19 "virus", which is a patented manipulation of an older "virus" from a bat or pangolin or something from nature but the C-19 "virus" is not from nature -- which is why it can be patented. Nothing from nature can be patented -- it has to have some input or manipulation by humans to make it patentable. The jab is built using other types of cells such as SV 40 etc. We have to use the language that people understand. Just telling people there's no such thing as a "virus" just makes them resist the conversation. If we want them to listen to us and understand what's really going on, we must use the language they relate to. I usually, send people actual science and medical studies -- I've downloaded about 250 of those over the past 2 years. That adds credibility to what I have to say -- and they tend to accept it better when they read an actual study or report.

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Ithink I must be polite and go to bed now... just past midnight over here.

BUT FIRST AND WITH ALL DUE RESPECT ... You lot are not getting it are you ?

You state - "which is a patented manipulation of an older "virus" from a bat or pangolin or something from nature but the C-19 "virus" is not from nature" .... WHAT TF are are you talking about ?.


We have been played; simple ... like everything else; lied to, so individuals and corporations can make money from us and control us.

I can not tell you this, you need "for yourself" to understand and research this... (no offence); but a 2 minute video may help on 1 ... and only aspect of this.

After watching the vid if you do- STEP BACK, LOOK AND THINK.


PS THEY TELL US EVERYTHING IF YOU LOOK AND ARE AWARE; we need to be volunteers ... and then in my view... weare easy to manipulate and control. Just my view.

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Good video -- I've seen a much longer one that tells basically the same history of the takeover of natural medicine and replacing it with allopathic medicine. Obviously behind all of this -- the "virus" and the "vaccine" (of which neither are real and have no purpose except to reduce the population) as well as the whole "climate change" fear propaganda in which New York City will be under water in a few years (predicted two decades ago -- we're still waiting) and the earth will suddenly light afire due to too much use of fossil fuel -- are all part and parcel of the same goals of the power elite: depopulation. There's a third leg of this stool as well, but I'll not discuss it in this thread.

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Yes, I also saw the longer video... over an hour or so -from memory ??!!; but for the life of me I cannot find it now. If you come across it, please pop it across as our sites in the UK and EU are going quickly.

Depopulation, but more importantly FEAR .. that is their number 1 weapon (Confusion = Number 2.) and the masses or the sheeple just go along and fall into their trap.... CONTROL, POWER, MONEY ... etc. The depopulation comes in our future generations... maybe a few hundred million dead now, to distract us from the drop in fertilisation rates AAND actual sterility in our kids... it really is heartbreaking to see. JUST MY VIEW AND I AM OFTEN WRONG ... WELL USUALLY.

Again ... devil in the detail. NO VIRUS.

“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

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Hi, Bob - Try Rumble -- that's where I saw the video History of Viruses. You are right about the fear factor -- it was a "FEAR Pandemic" -- not of any disease. Depopulation is already happening -- most countries aren't even reaching their replacement rate. The US began planning for reduced population in 1969 with the Jaffe(?) plan. The C19 jab is reducing fertility in both men (low sperm counts, motility - sperm donor centers reporting they need more unvax'd men to donate good sperm although men generally have fewer sperm than they did 50 years ago), high miscarriage rates in women. I also hear Dr. Fuellmich's comment, which I found to be true It is common in Big Pharma to invent a "treatment" then find or "invent" the disease, as they did with C19, which has patents as far back as 2006. True with the mRNA jab - they've been looking for a good disease to trial this on for a couple of decades. C19 was the best opportunity for this.

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Another sign that tide of covert war is turning will be pharmacies that refuse to take delivery of DoD biochemical weapons and pharmacists who refuse to use them on targets.


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The $$$ dried up for them so they are no longer interested. If the incentives are put back on they will go back to their vile ways in a heartbeat.

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The original narrative was safe and effective, but that narrative is no longer believed, so the fallback narrative is that pharma is in charge and just doing it for profits.

That narrative will also fail because the truth is pharma is being directed by the DoD, which in turn is directed by banking oligarchs and the BIS.

You didn't read bailiwick news.

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You are correct that the prime contract holder is the department of defence. The Brook Jackson case shows me that Pfizer will get away with fraud because the DoD took delivery knowing about the fraud.

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The DoD initiated the fraud.

It controls it from start to finish.

All under the direction of the BIS.

Because the U.S. government is captured and infiltrated.

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Yep. And whoever controls them.

People talk about "regulatory capture" when 99% of the government is bought and paid for whores. They are owned property.

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Another one bites the dust....

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In case anyone wishes to know more background to the systemic current fraud we are living through, listen to the old audio recording or Dr Richard Day from 1988. "day tapes: new order of barbarians" Its on youtube, its 4 hours long, and explains the "what and why" but not the "who" is doing all this evil we're living through. Regards and good luck! (spoiler: its all about deliberate depopulation)

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Indeed. (And that includes transgenderism, too.)

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Don't know if there are any transgender folk on this substack, but a shout out to you. I know a few transgender people ; good people with a great deal of courage.

I do not confuse you, and other transgenders, with the insane, disruptive, divisive agenda that is being foisted and propogated in the news media these days by everyone BUT transgenders.

There's a great deal of propoganda.

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Most are narcissists with mental issues. Even the 'good' one have mental issues, body dymorphia is a mental issue. It is no braver having trans as a mental issue than it is to have anorexia, addiction or any other dysmorpia as a mental issue. We need to cut out the 'brave and stunning' treatment. It fuels the social contagion and discourages people for seeking real help for their mental issues.

Just as one would not give an anorexic a lap band surgery, or amputate thelimbs of the 'transabled', we should be addressing why people are having issues with their healthy bodies not matching manufactured gender stereotypes.

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PS the gender shite is astroturf, funded by billionaires and spread by chinese owned social media like tik tok. And transgenders are spreading the bollocks too. Have you heard of the Degenderettes and the display of weapons inthe SF library? Paris Lees? Paris Greeen? Andrea "blank eyes' Long Chu? Sinthia China Blast? The incarceration of male rapists in peisons due to claimed female gender?

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The "disinformation/misinformation" slur is the last refuge of scoundrels.

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Minnesota is but only the 50th state to report these CDC alterations.


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Canada's Legal System Revealed.

National Citizens Inquiry: Hosted by Shawn Buckley

With Bruce Pardy

Leighton Grey KC

James Kitchen

NCI Live - National Citizen's Inquiry - Canada's Response To Covid-19 (nationalcitizensinquiry.ca)

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Thank you Mark for being a true TRUTH Warrior ...

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Code red for Satan.

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Anyone that gets kicked out of Heaven can't be all bad.

"Milton's Satan is one of the most dynamic and complicated characters in all of literature. While he possesses an unhealthy thirst for vengeance and havoc like the little red dude with a pitchfork you're used to seeing, Satan is also the most likeable character in the poem. OK, maybe likeable is going a bit too far, but nearly every reader of the poem has found it difficult to avoid sympathizing with him to some degree, if not completely. For many years readers of the poem have been divided over the question of whose side Milton was on: Satan's or God's."


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Paradise Lost demonstrates our fallenness by giving us a hero with epic virtues, that we enjoy as readers always had enjoyed Homer, Virgil et al. But this is a _Christian_ epic. The real hero is Christ; but we're unable to appreciate his heroism, because the Fall has admiring "Study of revenge, immortal hate, / And courage never to submit or yield."

Reading the whole poem should, by the end, reveal all this to us.

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I like Ulysses, Achilles, and the fearsome Athena better than Jesus.

They are all equally mythological.

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the cleverest stories are those where the audience can sympathise with the villain.

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Satan = the adversary.

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But was she vaxx'd? Probably so if she traveled. The death laws need to be changed, arduous process no doubt.

"The details of her death are unclear. The obituary states only that she died unexpectedly. Copies of death certificates in Virginia are available only to family members for the first 25 years after death.

Stuart Siegel accused his assistant of stealing from him. Then she died suddenly after a visit from the FBI.


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I'm jealous of the dead. I really am.

They are watching this shit-show from a safe distance. Or having a dirt nap.

I'm green with envy that the dead are not experiencing this.

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Can we be sure they’re not? That they’re not embroiled in this spiritual as well as material struggle as much as we are? And that they have as much at stake and are suffering too?

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