By blowing up the pipeline, the U.S. may have started WWIII.

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It's surprisingly unfringe to think the Americans blew up the Nordstream pipelines, so I'm wondering how many of these protestors will come to this conclusion? And perhaps feel as Gonzalo Lira does, that this was an act of war by the United States against Europe?

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Of course they'll call them "fascists" because they don't look in the mirror.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

The US NEVER wanted Nord Stream 2 to go online. Cheap gas from Russia to Germany? Before long they would figure out they didnt need NATO or the US dollar anymore. The best part is Nord stream 2 bypasses all other eastern European countries. Russia could effectively shut off any country that got too cozy with NATO. Anyone here that thinks the US didnt do this, probably got multiple jabs.

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They’ll try then punt to global climate change or is that global warming they keep changing the damn name why don’t they just blame HRC or Biden or Kamala or just WEF fuckery of fuckery with energy and food manufacturing shortages

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I rather doubt that Russia would destroy their own pipelines to win this war. However a few suspects come to mind, particularly since Germany has been under pressure to negotiate with Russia for oil.

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Mark...They (whatever we call them)... already started ww3 yesterday. Nordstream. My guess is U.S,...us...and it was done at behest of THEY.

As far as I can figure....in every 5 eyes country...our elected reps haven't been calling the shots since 2020...and when you l9ok at either political party...one side is all for a one world govt and attendant ensllavment of their populations..and the opposition dare not speak up,,,,because their families will be killed. Obviously all of our deep states have decided they will run the show. For and at the behest of the fine Italian hand of the They Mafia pulling the strings.

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Politicians have lost course. Europe united is a disaster, partially the cause of why I did not mind leaving - prices after the Euro almost doubled. Very few people protested that, to my surprise. My German friend wanted to buy something in the store and thought they had not changed from DM to Euro, but they had - the price was double... 2 DM was one Euro. And now it seems that the countries have hardly anything to say in their own land. Awful.

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The Ugandan demonstrators will either self identify as white and therefore be white supremacists, OR they will have been brainwashed by whites and therefore be white supremacists. Possibly some other convoluted, insane, lie.

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The u.s. will feed Europe to the totalitarian fascist lions first apparently. They see it. There will be unrest long before the predator's algorithms imagined. It's why binary computer data they count on is always outwitted by human intelligence and the humanity they can only dream of.

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Woke is irrelevant. It's the Ruling Class Empire that's behind calling Canada truckers fascists and all the other attacks on workers and middle class citizens

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

Not saying I agree with this statement, just saying that Russia and other countries would be wise to support these movements, in their own interests.

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Sep 28, 2022·edited Sep 28, 2022

who are they going to blame ??

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Well, they did call Larry Elder a white supremacist.

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That's a good post from Truth Barrier. Thank you for sharing Mark. I was living in Greece in 1989, doing post grad studies paid for by the Greek government, when the wall came down in Berlin.

I thought that was big but this is bigger . The Greek government invited students back then from Northern Europe and Canada and Australia and the USA to try to get them interested in supporting Greece's acceptance into the EU. I thought it was a bad idea back then because I could see they were going to give up their sovereignty. Fast forward 33 years and Greeks are penalized with their "guaranteed basic income" (i.e. pension) if they're over the age of 60 and don't take these toxic experimental injections. And now all of Europe will be suffering ongoing economic pain as the WEF attempts their totalitarian takeover. It's very sad and I hope people continue to fight back. I was so excited to hear are about the new prime minister just elected in Italy. Well spoken. Brilliant, and gorgeous to boot. The whole package. Hopefully that's a good start to get people in Europe to wake up. But many are still brainwashed. I just met a girl from Italy here in Boston today who can't stand the new prime minister Italy just elected.

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The US and those that manipulate it behind the scenes had their chance to leave the world stage peacefully. That time has gone.

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