And any country that accepts this lunacy—despite the overwhelming SCIENTIFIC evidence that MASKS DON'T WORK, and even MAKE YOU SICK—is only fit for slaves
It's all about compliance. Government controls schools more than other areas of life, so they assert their authority in schools, even though kids aren't at risk from covid.
smells like a beta test to see how a largely black population responds. even the cdc admits that a significant proportion (I think a majority) of american blacks didn't take the kill shot
wonder how much $$$ it took to get the administration to inflict this kind of pain on the campus
One of my favorite parts about the mandates was listening to media explain how it's understandable that black people were hesitant about the shot because of Tuskegee. But the rest of us aren't supposed to learn anything at all from that knowledge and are expected to line up for the jab..........
1000% agree! PS: there’s a specific reason why schools are the greatest area of government control. Going to be posting an excerpt from my book on that topic here shortly.
Regarding the masks, I saw the masks mandates coming back and I just shook my head.
Here’s an article from June 2020 about what masks WONT work. This was back in 2020!
You see the exact same thing in airports, which government also controls. It's not a coincidence people had to mask while flying far longer than masking for any other reason. And there's a reason the administration sued to be able to keep people in masks on planes -- they want to do it again.
I heard on the No Agenda show a note written by someone at an airport mentioning the planned roll out and starting with the employees then making everyone participate in the dark ritual.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire
This is to produce a populace through the schools that will commit atrocities. Impose forced (or coerced) sterilizations (gender-affirming care) and euthanasia (preserving human dignity) of undesirables and dissidents - and believe they are doing a collective good for society. Or other atrocities we haven't conceived of yet. Or have. But rejected as a darkness we don't wish to give our manifesting energies to.
They are at risk for lack of oxygen to 5heir brains, bacterial infections from inhaling their garbage being expelled, and sheeple award for being led down a dangerous road. Do NOT comply. Our kids brains will turn to mush!
awful. truly awful. I hope all these young people pick up their stuff and go home for 2 weeks. Destroy the school by boycotting it. Might not be easy to get in somewhere else, but if my kid would go there, that is what I would do. Homeschool if need be!
I will say a little prayer that people and their youngsters get smart, give up on the big names, and go for a decent education at a smaller, less prestigious school, where children and their parents are respected!
It depends on the policies of the college. My husband (recently retired) taught at a small liberal arts college where there was a tapering refund policy depending on when the student dropped out. I don't know what the policy is at that "institution" of "higher" learning.
unfortunately, most of my higher education friends ran to the jab place and several are still convinced they did the right thing, and that, if people like me had all been jabbed, the sickness would be long conquered. Some people believe in Santa till they die of old age...
Yes, amazing. The narrative continually changes; one shot, you don’t get sick, you don’t transmit. Ok, two shots. Whoops; 3; ok four and you do transmit. Ok five and it just helps you die slower. They literally never catch on.
College students don't home school. They should be on their own if they drop out. But only 240 students in this place, so maybe these are hand-picked, non-rebel types who have no chance of leaving over this. (that temperature check alone each day would be enough to make me run for the hills--screw college learning and all learning other than my own)
those of us who did not go to college mostly thought the better of these jabs! None of those I know who did not get jabbed, except for 2, are non college educated. May be college fills heads with cotton balls so they can no longer think !
It's about money. Through the CARES Act and other legislation passed during COVID, the schools were given HUGE amounts of money if they complied. Look at the ESSR distributions by state. Illinois schools, from K-college, received $5 billion. That's just one state!
I worked at a community college at the time, and they couldn't wait to implement COVID measures to get their hands on this money. They were practically salivating over it. I lost all respect for my colleagues in "higher education" that seemed to forget about human rights and the Constitution. Otherwise smart people lined up like lemmings for the jabs and couldn't wait to mask up.
I was one of the few there who didn't comply. I was still battling for my religious exemption (and refusing to be tested!) when my unemployed husband got a new job. So we switched places, I came home and homeschooled the kids. We're now on year 4 of homeschool. No jabs here, everyone healthy! I lost touch with my co workers and have no clue how their health is these days, but we've lost other friends who were jabbed.
Same here... people who actually sat at the dinner table with a mask on until it was time to eat and then took it off. The cognitive dissonance was amazing. After pointing it out about five times, my friend finally took off her mask and we could see her nice face. It's all about separating people.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that all the ads during covid stressed how important it was to be able to get together -- while they were actively keeping us apart. "Take our drug so we can go back to normal." or "Buy or phone plan so you feel normal."
Yep. The incentives have been twisted to reward more idiotic covid rules, so the hospitals and schools have evolved to extract maximum payment from government (which is really from us).
Wherever private equity operates, they are incredibly skilled at exploiting government programs. Their takeover of hospital systems and then covid hitting is a match made in heaven for them and hell for everyone else.
I would be curious how schools are navigating the covid payout scams. Are Pfizer trained consultants reaching out to school administrators to train them how to get their hands on all the "free money" out there?
From what I know of this (I have a friend who works in the higher education system), government has employees who tell the school workers where the money is, then the school employs people (full-time!) to fill out the paperwork to get the government money. My friend says this is a super stressful job because the school relies on getting that money, but a dumb paperwork error could screw everything up.
Honestly, with a child who is extremely intelligent, we were lucky enough to have him in a small school district where they taught them to think for themselves. He doesn't go along with much of the narrative. I still have hope for the future.
The purpose of public fool systems since John Dewey have been to create good citizens, not intelligent persons capable of reasoning and governing themselves.
Before we get too crazy, not that it won't start elsewhere, Morris Brown College is an almost-defunct unaccredited school w/68 students. They did get a 2.9 million dollar lifeline grant earlier this year, probably from the feds, secured by their democrat US senator from Georgia Jon Ossoff, and now, seemingly, have to tow some kind of regime line as repayment.
They went from 2700 students to 70 when they lost their accreditation due to financial mismanagement. You have to really wonder about the 70 who remained at an unaccredited school. Doesn’t that make it so credits won’t transfer to accredited schools? An employer might care, too. I honestly don’t know. It’s possible (likely?) that accreditation is a government scam. New rabbit hole to explore...
It's more of a money laundering operation. The 70 remainers are taking a small cut for being on the books. They're also there to intimidate anyone from snooping into their business
OK, I'll play the Court Jester. A ridiculous situation like the return of masking demands ridicule: so I'm dusting off this old video from the last masking mandate:
Perhaps this move is to separate the slaves (despite the overwhelming SCIENTIFIC evidence that MASKS DON'T WORK, and even MAKE YOU SICK—is only fit for slaves) from the non-slaves ... to incite the slaves to commit to their slavery and to punish the non-slaves. To ulitmately separate the non-slaves into detention camps, ultimately.
Financial system may need to crash first and loss of personal property rights to terrify the slaves into calling for the punishment of the non-slaves.
I need more than God's help to get through this. It's freaking depressing as all hell. I'm eeting with my state senator in Massachusetts next month, with his colleague who has been trying to get a "no COVID-19 vaccination for entry" bill passed for the last couple years. My senator is for the whole narrative, hook line and sinker. I really don't want to attend this meeting but at the same time I feel like I can't just stay home and be complacent. However, if he requires a mask for me to attend the meeting in his office, that's a deal breaker.
Totally understandable ... no doubt an easy way for your senator to end the meeting is to require a mask and wins. As horrible as it may be to put a mask on - personally I've resisted it everywhere but my dentist! - give it your best shot.
My first meeting with him, in July of 2020 on zoom, I had over 200 of his constituents. I had Health Rights MA do a presentation about how the "warp speed jabs", that Trump had already announced should not be mandated. Dr. Richard Moskowitz, who wrote a book about vaccines, attended and spoke eloquently. At the end of the meeting, after so many terrific speakers, my senator looked into the camera and said he would "never support a bill that allowed for bodily autonomy." My senator then got to work on a bill with his colleagues, while we were under our governor's dictatorial emergency orders, to lower the age of consent for an abortion from 18 to 16. And he's third in line to the speaker.
There you have your answer ... "never support a bill that allowed for bodily autonomy." I may be naive however, isn't he perjuring himself by revealing his one stand? Isn't it against his job i.e. derelict of duty - to represent in good faith all of his constituents.
I feel like at the very least, I need to go to the meeting next month with a smile on my face (and hopefully no mask to hide it!), so I can gently mock him in person. None of his freedom loving constituents will agree to meet with me with him anymore. Several started screaming at him at the end of the July 2020 meeting. They've created humiliating mems of him on social media, which I actually shared with him recently. I told him all this is indicative that there's a serious problem with his office. That he took an oath to protect our constitutional rights, not to allow the majority of his constituents, who are fearful like him, to take our constitutional and civil rights away. I do think the constant pressure we have all kept on him the last few years, are making some difference. In June, he announced on his blog that he's queer, even though he's been married to a woman for 38 years, and has three daughters (one of whom I taught in public school), and two grandchildren. He then took me aside at another event I attended at the state house for health choice in June, and told me that now that he's in a minority group (my assumption is he was referring to the queer declaration he made?) that he has more empathy for me (I'm vaccine injured). I asked him two years ago if he wanted a copy of Bobby's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and he only read the first section, and then wrote a blog entry mocking the book.
I'm going to try that if we're required to wear them next month. 2 weeks before Joe's planned end of the COVID emergency in May, I finally had the nerve to walk into my doctor's office (Harvard affiliated) without one. The woman who checked me was wearing one, but said nothing. Right as I finished paying, her co-worker said "don't forget to wear your mask.". I simply stated I'm not able to wear one, for health reasons. Interestingly, that shut her up. I was there for a dermatology appointment. The medical assistant that checked me in after that asked me to wear one, and I stated the same, and she said okay. I was willing to wear one for my dermatologist, but she just waved me off and said it was okay if I didn't wear one. Though she was wearing one, and told me she thought it was the reason why she had avoided getting COVID.
I wonder how much those universities get paid for reinstating this idiotic policy and who pays them? Next the quackzine mandates will follow. But we can boycott these universities, restaurants, stores, etc.
The college was probably instructed to do this to gauge public reactions. The idea of lock downs is being floated around a little bit too. The viability of these initiatives depends almost entirely on the size of the self compliant cohort. I'd like to think the collective mind set of the "western" countries is a very different now from pre-pandemic but this is difficult to gauge, and the engineers have so many levers at their disposal.
Alex Jones was right. He even has two videos of Gayle King and Lester Holt yacking it up with the new CDC director from last week about what we're in for this fall. 🤨🧐😷. Mandy says they're going to give us a perfect shot for the new variant in mid October, and Gail King wants to know why she has to wait 🤕😣🤡
My daughters get mad at me (they are great daughters and on their OWN decided against the jabs) but I loved walking into places with masked people and calling out "you look like sheep, masks don't work, they just want compliance! Remember Obama's birthday party? Newsome at the French Laundry? They think of you as pawns. You're the frightened masses. They control you with fear. The media works for them". I would always get kicked out but I tried. I'm 6 foot 2, but if I was handsome my tactics would work better. Please all you good looking people, do not comply. The sheep will - more often - want to be like you. Do not submit, if possible. I get it, we all need to get things done, but they're running this crap up the flag pole again to see what the reaction is. Be strong. Im preaching to the choir, I know, but this is a pep talk! I'm bombarding the college with calls as well.
Everyone at these schools should wear a Darth Vader full head-and- face helmet-style mask or a clear trashcan over their heads and faces just to mock the rule. If I was a college student, I would have so much fun with that. A hazmat suit might also be fun.
It's all about compliance. Government controls schools more than other areas of life, so they assert their authority in schools, even though kids aren't at risk from covid.
smells like a beta test to see how a largely black population responds. even the cdc admits that a significant proportion (I think a majority) of american blacks didn't take the kill shot
wonder how much $$$ it took to get the administration to inflict this kind of pain on the campus
One of my favorite parts about the mandates was listening to media explain how it's understandable that black people were hesitant about the shot because of Tuskegee. But the rest of us aren't supposed to learn anything at all from that knowledge and are expected to line up for the jab..........
seems to me that reparations are the carrot to lure the black population into line
Get paid for something you weren’t a part of by people who weren’t a part of it. It’s high time for an IRS tax strike.
Sounds good, but taxes I'll pay or they'll get from me involuntarily. They'll just take penalties.
that's why it's so stupid to put groups of people in boxes, to be ticked off, without any room for individual variation..
I think the 2.9 million federal funds that Sen Ossoff secured for them in January swayed them some. Hmmm...
1000% agree! PS: there’s a specific reason why schools are the greatest area of government control. Going to be posting an excerpt from my book on that topic here shortly.
Regarding the masks, I saw the masks mandates coming back and I just shook my head.
Here’s an article from June 2020 about what masks WONT work. This was back in 2020!
You see the exact same thing in airports, which government also controls. It's not a coincidence people had to mask while flying far longer than masking for any other reason. And there's a reason the administration sued to be able to keep people in masks on planes -- they want to do it again.
I heard on the No Agenda show a note written by someone at an airport mentioning the planned roll out and starting with the employees then making everyone participate in the dark ritual.
Yep. Again, not a coincidence. Government control = government rules.
Alex Jones said last week the airport employees got the memo. They'll be wearing the masks in September, and passengers in October 🥵
How can that be when a judge already ruled against that mandate for airlines?
Courts struck down mask mandates on planes!
Yes; airports in most of europe, in most East Asian countries are still “democratic”;
you just walk through, don’t take off your shoes, etc
Ohh, if it was only to create slaves.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire
This is to produce a populace through the schools that will commit atrocities. Impose forced (or coerced) sterilizations (gender-affirming care) and euthanasia (preserving human dignity) of undesirables and dissidents - and believe they are doing a collective good for society. Or other atrocities we haven't conceived of yet. Or have. But rejected as a darkness we don't wish to give our manifesting energies to.
the Milgram experiment -
Remember when they canceled Gina Carano for saying that a couple years ago -- proving her point?
They are at risk for lack of oxygen to 5heir brains, bacterial infections from inhaling their garbage being expelled, and sheeple award for being led down a dangerous road. Do NOT comply. Our kids brains will turn to mush!
Yes, once they mandated any vaccines for school, schools became a game of control
awful. truly awful. I hope all these young people pick up their stuff and go home for 2 weeks. Destroy the school by boycotting it. Might not be easy to get in somewhere else, but if my kid would go there, that is what I would do. Homeschool if need be!
There are many other small colleges that are struggling (and don't have face rag mandates) and would be happy to have more students.
I will say a little prayer that people and their youngsters get smart, give up on the big names, and go for a decent education at a smaller, less prestigious school, where children and their parents are respected!
But the current school will keep at least one semester’s worth of overpriced tuition.
It depends on the policies of the college. My husband (recently retired) taught at a small liberal arts college where there was a tapering refund policy depending on when the student dropped out. I don't know what the policy is at that "institution" of "higher" learning.
You're right. When I taught at a liberal-arts engineering college, the refund depended a lot on, for example, whether the semester had started.
With almost three years of suddenly and unexpectedly excess deaths data, any kid that can't see the danger should not be attending college!
unfortunately, most of my higher education friends ran to the jab place and several are still convinced they did the right thing, and that, if people like me had all been jabbed, the sickness would be long conquered. Some people believe in Santa till they die of old age...
It's been disappointing to learn how much propaganda lies stick to people no matter what comes out to the contrary.
Yes, amazing. The narrative continually changes; one shot, you don’t get sick, you don’t transmit. Ok, two shots. Whoops; 3; ok four and you do transmit. Ok five and it just helps you die slower. They literally never catch on.
Well, they’re obviously very good at learning.
Not so much at reasoning, though.
They are learning how to not reason.
College students don't home school. They should be on their own if they drop out. But only 240 students in this place, so maybe these are hand-picked, non-rebel types who have no chance of leaving over this. (that temperature check alone each day would be enough to make me run for the hills--screw college learning and all learning other than my own)
those of us who did not go to college mostly thought the better of these jabs! None of those I know who did not get jabbed, except for 2, are non college educated. May be college fills heads with cotton balls so they can no longer think !
It's about money. Through the CARES Act and other legislation passed during COVID, the schools were given HUGE amounts of money if they complied. Look at the ESSR distributions by state. Illinois schools, from K-college, received $5 billion. That's just one state!
I worked at a community college at the time, and they couldn't wait to implement COVID measures to get their hands on this money. They were practically salivating over it. I lost all respect for my colleagues in "higher education" that seemed to forget about human rights and the Constitution. Otherwise smart people lined up like lemmings for the jabs and couldn't wait to mask up.
I was one of the few there who didn't comply. I was still battling for my religious exemption (and refusing to be tested!) when my unemployed husband got a new job. So we switched places, I came home and homeschooled the kids. We're now on year 4 of homeschool. No jabs here, everyone healthy! I lost touch with my co workers and have no clue how their health is these days, but we've lost other friends who were jabbed.
Same here... people who actually sat at the dinner table with a mask on until it was time to eat and then took it off. The cognitive dissonance was amazing. After pointing it out about five times, my friend finally took off her mask and we could see her nice face. It's all about separating people.
"It's all about separating people."
I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that all the ads during covid stressed how important it was to be able to get together -- while they were actively keeping us apart. "Take our drug so we can go back to normal." or "Buy or phone plan so you feel normal."
Omg. Wear mask when entering but take it off when you sit down.
Yep. The incentives have been twisted to reward more idiotic covid rules, so the hospitals and schools have evolved to extract maximum payment from government (which is really from us).
Wherever private equity operates, they are incredibly skilled at exploiting government programs. Their takeover of hospital systems and then covid hitting is a match made in heaven for them and hell for everyone else.
I would be curious how schools are navigating the covid payout scams. Are Pfizer trained consultants reaching out to school administrators to train them how to get their hands on all the "free money" out there?
From what I know of this (I have a friend who works in the higher education system), government has employees who tell the school workers where the money is, then the school employs people (full-time!) to fill out the paperwork to get the government money. My friend says this is a super stressful job because the school relies on getting that money, but a dumb paperwork error could screw everything up.
Administrators worried more about paperwork errors than the risk of kids dying suddenly and unexpectedly on the soccer field. What a mess.
Hey, couldn’t they sub-contract that work out to IBM?
They have a long track record with this kind of thing.
Why do you think they named it the HAL9000?
Good for you. We may not constitute a majority of humanity, but it may well be that we constitute the majority of critical thinking of humanity.
Honestly, with a child who is extremely intelligent, we were lucky enough to have him in a small school district where they taught them to think for themselves. He doesn't go along with much of the narrative. I still have hope for the future.
Agreed, indeed:
Some good’uns on that stack. “I left my cart...” 😂
"In Honor of Tony Bennett's Passing A homeless person sings, I left my cart in San Francisco."
^^^ Thank you, FH, one of my favorites as well, subversively clever while inconsolably sad.
Meanwhile in Germany, CJ Hopkins gets sentenced to fine or jail:
An absolute travesty.
Criminals running the place.
The purpose of public fool systems since John Dewey have been to create good citizens, not intelligent persons capable of reasoning and governing themselves.
Good Citizens who won’t bother to read the historical documents behind it all...
Good citizens are like Good Germans were during the Third Reich.
Before we get too crazy, not that it won't start elsewhere, Morris Brown College is an almost-defunct unaccredited school w/68 students. They did get a 2.9 million dollar lifeline grant earlier this year, probably from the feds, secured by their democrat US senator from Georgia Jon Ossoff, and now, seemingly, have to tow some kind of regime line as repayment.
Wow. It's all paid to play. But they want us all under their thumb, and people need to know it's fight back time again.
They went from 2700 students to 70 when they lost their accreditation due to financial mismanagement. You have to really wonder about the 70 who remained at an unaccredited school. Doesn’t that make it so credits won’t transfer to accredited schools? An employer might care, too. I honestly don’t know. It’s possible (likely?) that accreditation is a government scam. New rabbit hole to explore...
It's more of a money laundering operation. The 70 remainers are taking a small cut for being on the books. They're also there to intimidate anyone from snooping into their business
Thank you. That info would change it from shock and awe to comedy material, if it didn't have tragic consequences for some.
Who would wear a mask to go to an unaccredited school with 68 students? Maybe they will have a fast track to be WEF young global leaders.
So we are really back to "two weeks to flatten the curve" again? Truly remarkable.
It won't. Hospitals are already sending emails to employees that masks will be required and NO visitors policy in force.
Coming soon! Sept-October.
TSA employees too already getting the emails about same.
Wearing a mask is a sign of compliance by that person, plus it shows how stupid they are when there are 150 papers on how masks are dangerous.
I've tried to argue with these people, but they produce papers, no doubt funded by some very deep pocketed people, that prove masks do work 🤡
I have family like that, total morons.
We need a COURT JESTER to tell them the truth about masks, and to laugh at them for their stupidity. HIGHER EDUCATION - MY ARSE!!!!
OK, I'll play the Court Jester. A ridiculous situation like the return of masking demands ridicule: so I'm dusting off this old video from the last masking mandate:
Masking rules for public places are confusing. This is a sub-minute silly skit about wearing a mask to the bank.
Underpants are now called arse masks.
Perhaps this move is to separate the slaves (despite the overwhelming SCIENTIFIC evidence that MASKS DON'T WORK, and even MAKE YOU SICK—is only fit for slaves) from the non-slaves ... to incite the slaves to commit to their slavery and to punish the non-slaves. To ulitmately separate the non-slaves into detention camps, ultimately.
Financial system may need to crash first and loss of personal property rights to terrify the slaves into calling for the punishment of the non-slaves.
I need more than God's help to get through this. It's freaking depressing as all hell. I'm eeting with my state senator in Massachusetts next month, with his colleague who has been trying to get a "no COVID-19 vaccination for entry" bill passed for the last couple years. My senator is for the whole narrative, hook line and sinker. I really don't want to attend this meeting but at the same time I feel like I can't just stay home and be complacent. However, if he requires a mask for me to attend the meeting in his office, that's a deal breaker.
Totally understandable ... no doubt an easy way for your senator to end the meeting is to require a mask and wins. As horrible as it may be to put a mask on - personally I've resisted it everywhere but my dentist! - give it your best shot.
My first meeting with him, in July of 2020 on zoom, I had over 200 of his constituents. I had Health Rights MA do a presentation about how the "warp speed jabs", that Trump had already announced should not be mandated. Dr. Richard Moskowitz, who wrote a book about vaccines, attended and spoke eloquently. At the end of the meeting, after so many terrific speakers, my senator looked into the camera and said he would "never support a bill that allowed for bodily autonomy." My senator then got to work on a bill with his colleagues, while we were under our governor's dictatorial emergency orders, to lower the age of consent for an abortion from 18 to 16. And he's third in line to the speaker.
There you have your answer ... "never support a bill that allowed for bodily autonomy." I may be naive however, isn't he perjuring himself by revealing his one stand? Isn't it against his job i.e. derelict of duty - to represent in good faith all of his constituents.
It's interesting you mentioned he may be perjuring himself because he went to Harvard law School!
I feel like at the very least, I need to go to the meeting next month with a smile on my face (and hopefully no mask to hide it!), so I can gently mock him in person. None of his freedom loving constituents will agree to meet with me with him anymore. Several started screaming at him at the end of the July 2020 meeting. They've created humiliating mems of him on social media, which I actually shared with him recently. I told him all this is indicative that there's a serious problem with his office. That he took an oath to protect our constitutional rights, not to allow the majority of his constituents, who are fearful like him, to take our constitutional and civil rights away. I do think the constant pressure we have all kept on him the last few years, are making some difference. In June, he announced on his blog that he's queer, even though he's been married to a woman for 38 years, and has three daughters (one of whom I taught in public school), and two grandchildren. He then took me aside at another event I attended at the state house for health choice in June, and told me that now that he's in a minority group (my assumption is he was referring to the queer declaration he made?) that he has more empathy for me (I'm vaccine injured). I asked him two years ago if he wanted a copy of Bobby's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and he only read the first section, and then wrote a blog entry mocking the book.
you could politely decline wearing it. my shtick is that I get a severe allergic reaction (got away with that several times). civil disobedience!
I'm going to try that if we're required to wear them next month. 2 weeks before Joe's planned end of the COVID emergency in May, I finally had the nerve to walk into my doctor's office (Harvard affiliated) without one. The woman who checked me was wearing one, but said nothing. Right as I finished paying, her co-worker said "don't forget to wear your mask.". I simply stated I'm not able to wear one, for health reasons. Interestingly, that shut her up. I was there for a dermatology appointment. The medical assistant that checked me in after that asked me to wear one, and I stated the same, and she said okay. I was willing to wear one for my dermatologist, but she just waved me off and said it was okay if I didn't wear one. Though she was wearing one, and told me she thought it was the reason why she had avoided getting COVID.
hah, there you go :-))
I wonder how much those universities get paid for reinstating this idiotic policy and who pays them? Next the quackzine mandates will follow. But we can boycott these universities, restaurants, stores, etc.
The college was probably instructed to do this to gauge public reactions. The idea of lock downs is being floated around a little bit too. The viability of these initiatives depends almost entirely on the size of the self compliant cohort. I'd like to think the collective mind set of the "western" countries is a very different now from pre-pandemic but this is difficult to gauge, and the engineers have so many levers at their disposal.
Alex Jones was right. He even has two videos of Gayle King and Lester Holt yacking it up with the new CDC director from last week about what we're in for this fall. 🤨🧐😷. Mandy says they're going to give us a perfect shot for the new variant in mid October, and Gail King wants to know why she has to wait 🤕😣🤡
every 'new variant' is the next up-date of the current computer model.
Ads already gearing up to sell the new bio weapons to the masses of sheeple who unfortunately will line up.
It's starting just in time for the 2024 elections.
They're trying to kill two birds with one stone. They want to kill our economy, and they want to kill us.
My daughters get mad at me (they are great daughters and on their OWN decided against the jabs) but I loved walking into places with masked people and calling out "you look like sheep, masks don't work, they just want compliance! Remember Obama's birthday party? Newsome at the French Laundry? They think of you as pawns. You're the frightened masses. They control you with fear. The media works for them". I would always get kicked out but I tried. I'm 6 foot 2, but if I was handsome my tactics would work better. Please all you good looking people, do not comply. The sheep will - more often - want to be like you. Do not submit, if possible. I get it, we all need to get things done, but they're running this crap up the flag pole again to see what the reaction is. Be strong. Im preaching to the choir, I know, but this is a pep talk! I'm bombarding the college with calls as well.
Everyone at these schools should wear a Darth Vader full head-and- face helmet-style mask or a clear trashcan over their heads and faces just to mock the rule. If I was a college student, I would have so much fun with that. A hazmat suit might also be fun.