Warning Warning Warning.

The federal government wants you dead.

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DUH! No doubt!

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

LOL testing how well the channels for brainwashing work.

a colonial brand of rolling tobacco in Indonesia was called WARNING (now in a collectable tin box) - https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OKmG1-EH2RQ/SS6p7QBRPWI/AAAAAAAAACo/pkfbBwlZdwg/s400/Shag+Ndodok.JPG

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Danger Will Robinson

DANGER! . . . . .

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Be afraid, be very afraid 😨. Nothing is for our benefit.

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Had my phone off.

I don't want to hear or see WORD ONE from the government.

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Same here. Laptop, too. Was at work, so no TV or radio.

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They have a lot of weaknesses which are overlooked and that is by their design, through The Mighty Wurlitzer, i.e. their propaganda apparatus.

We are like a seagull I once saw that landed on a glass balcony. It couldn't get out because it kept trying to fly through the glass railing, instead of over it, which it could have easily done if it was aware of that option. Very frustrating to watch.

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Oct 5, 2023·edited Oct 5, 2023

EXCELLENT analogy!

Yes. I don't claim to have the answers but I KNOW we are on the wrong trajectory. Frustrating indeed!

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This gov't? ...from 2 days ago..... Rep Massie trying to stop Edible mRNA Vaccine Research... https://rumble.com/v3mcm7l-edible-mrna-vaccines.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Censored+Important+Videos&ep=2

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Massie is usually good on nutrition as he owns his own farm, yet he still was supporting the Ukraine (or so I read, which probably was a lie)!

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Just saying …. What if all the concern and alt warnings elicited the expected responses, and the back up broadcast on the 11th is the real deal ### gigahertz blast when all of us settle into “it was nothing… meh… I trust Todd Callendar’s suspicions and analysis… idk… I trust nothing anymore…

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Then they can f*ck themselves.

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That damn alert woke up both my kids from their naps. Bastards

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Have you seen some of the information on cancer treatments that are getting some traction? Even for the infamous turbo cancers? Dr Makis has been reporting on some of it with others:


and everyone's favourite horse de-wormer (yes that stuff again LOL)


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I would LOVE it if the drug they maligned turned out to be the drug that cured the world. That would be poetic and perfect. L.

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Heard he was on Redacted’s channel on rumble today

I gotta check it out later tonight

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"To me, there is an emergency: a seeming overriding desire to escape from constitutional norms, standard discourse and democratic processes. That’s what we need to send an alert about."

Indeed, Mr. Husseini.

Now who shall I complain to that I received this "National" alert after I had already turned off ALL Government alerts? Apple? AT&T?

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How did you get it, then?

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No clue. I've had my alerts turned off for at least 2 years now.

I only hear or learn about warnings after the fact. We had a tornado warning over the summer. Had no clue. I learned about it after I went outside and took my walk under creepy grey skies and got stuck in pouring rain.

I had no clue about Canadian fires until I went out for a walk and smelled the smoke and saw weirdos wearing masks because of it.

I was told we received phone alerts in both these instances.

I double-checked my phone today to make sure my Government and AMBER alerts were still off. They were.

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Same here.

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Sounds like you needed to do more research on this. Even a turned off phone can be turned on if they want to. Guess they couldn't turn one on that had a dead battery :)

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Was really not interested in doing research.

Received all I needed yesterday in 1 second.

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Took more than turning things off. Took unplug from all electricity including my wireless router. As an added measure I ran my phone down to a dead battery. I-pad, [2], kindle fire, 2 desktop computers, phone and 2 smart TV's never said a word. What a quiet, enjoyable afternoon I experienced.

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I never had to do that before.

Glad to know that “Government” alerts still come through despite turning off the button.

Thanks, Joe!

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The FEMA alert today reminded me of the old movie THE TIME MACHINE where the Eloys were mind controlled to obey emergency sirens even unto self-destruction, overriding all natural instincts of self preservation. Going docilely underground to become food for the Morlocks.

Welcome to 2023.

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The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. ~ Camus

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as is the ad nauseam 'a threat to our demócracy'

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This government and the financial terrorists that are holding it hostage will bring the emergency and always has. From 911 to covid and every financial destabilization going back further than the great depression. Evil scum has these countries/corporations by the balls and all of the commoners in them. They will most likely create an event and make it look like an act of GOD. It will be an act of their god Lucifer. The communist manifesto has been made legal. Nearly everyone in government is a collaborator and care nothing of anything outside of them and what they need.

America is and has always been a lie and we are seeing the culmination of the lie now. If this upsets you or if you think it is wrong or inaccurate, YOU are part of the problem. Fix your Stockholm syndrome and get your mind right. In their system, we are enemy combatants and commoner scum.

The financial terrorists that control this bloodline run collaborative enterprise have no issue pulling the rug out from under all of us. They have made your neighbor and your family your enemy. Most are mentally ill controllable programmable animals. They will be chanting USA USA as their throats are being cut. These vampires need a stake through the heart.

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America has not "always been a lie." That's what they want you to think (which is why their "woke" shock troops push a version of your claim).

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Yes. It is a very weak version of my claim. It means nothing that nearly all of the US presidents are related to All the King's of England. If that is not the biggest red flag head turner I do not know what is. America comes down to one thing Professor. That one thing is that the lie we are being fed that a bullshit technology has saved the world is enough for me. 100 years ago they lied about the Spanish flu, exactly what they have done with covid. They lied about HIV / AIDS and used the DNA terminator drug AZT as a remedy just like Remdesivir.

You are one of the shining lights in this devastation. Lets not rearrange deckchairs on the Titanic. I have been aware that they were going to do this 20 years ago. 20 years ago if I was one of your students and told you they were working on creating a pandemic to enslave humanity, you would have sent me to the front office. We believe the stories that are littered with lies. Government is now and has always been The Conspiracy and ALL constitutions are masonic creations.

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It has been since November 1963

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A case can be made that the establishment of the USA was a lie from the beginning. All of the top players were Freemasons, whose members today continue to be recruited from to be footsoldiers for higher, and more secret, secret societies.

Recently discovered (for me) fun fact:

John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died the same day, July 4th, 1826.

James Madison died precisely 5 years later, July 4th, 1831.

All three are Founding Fathers and ex-Presidents.


Those secret societies like the number three, steganographically, to flaunt and mock right in our collectively unsuspecting faces.

Why wasn't this taught in any schools I went too?

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Here is an audio book that may interest you from someone who nearly covered every aspect of what has brought us all to where we currently are.


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Here is another audio book.

Triumphant Plutocracy by Senator Richard Pettigrew.

1870 - 1920 Public Life in America


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Here is an audio book that may interest you from someone who nearly covered every aspect of what has brought us all to where we currently are.


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" will bring the emergency and always has."

They will if you want it. Seems like you do.

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Why would I want any of this shit. Check you Stockholm syndrome. I have been aware of these monsters for 20 years. You probably just came around to the reality that we are lab rats over the last 2 years.

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Nope. Since 1990.

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Alright. Just cool it with me wanting/wishing bad things to happen. WTF is that shite?

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I keep telling those that will listen or not, this is not our American government of, by and for the people, it is a for profit foreign governmental services federal subcontractor, the States of the Union are sovereign nation-states and are the creators of the federal subcontractors to provide service for the States by way of Constitutions which are debt contracts. These usurpers are in gross breach of contract and committing criminal acts of inland piracy, personage, barratry, Crimes of State, fraud, etc., etc. up to and including murder/genocide. There are only three (3) types of courts operating in this country for over 100 years, they are: Admiralty (military), Maritime (contracts) and Administrative (corporate tribunals) and you wonder why everyone is taking it in the shorts when you go into their fake courts, which btw are also incorporated franchises in the business of pillaging & plundering your hard earned assets, literally! Research folks, this is public info and a quick search on the internet will show you what you are dealing with, also look up any CORPS NAME on D&B. Would you bow down to the CEO of, say, BURGER KING INT’L or THE HOME DEPOT INC, if you were pressed by that entity? Well, this is no different with these bozos, their jurisdiction is in commercial contracts or military tribunals which we are not subject to. The US is not America, it is defined as the District of Columbia by their own US SUPREME COURT, look it up…

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Is anyone asking why you need a NATIONAL emergency system? In Australia we have had cell phone based alarm systems since the 2009 black Saturday bush fires. They have been used ever since with bushfire emergencies so they do have a legitimate purpose, for LOCAL emergencies. But simultaneous NATIONAL emergency? What the heck could that be for?

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how about since Nov 22 1963

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Well, that was a bit different, since they did not declare a fake emergency, but created a real one (that they blamed on a lone "Marxist"/"misfit"). Although the murder had horrendous consequences (we wouldn't be here now if not for that and the other major killings back then), it was in a category separate from the one including 9/11 and "COVID."

Your point is well-taken, though, since, in several ways, the nightmare started then. It is worth adding that, by 1966, a clear majority of the American people didn't buy the official story, which "our free press" maintained, and STILL maintains.

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The Press is protected from the Gov. by the First Amendment, however what protects it from GREED INC. ?

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What criteria do you use to categorize 9/11 and "COVID" as together, and 11/22/63 as separate from that category?

The CIA introducing the term "conspiracy theorist" through the Warren Commission hearings, and relentlessly reinforced since, neutered those pesky dissidents. The term is invoked more powerfully and ubiquitously today than ever. It's become a reflexive national pastime to use it to ridicule and dismiss anything anyone doesn't want to think or talk about.

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Thanks for the article link. Weren't there meetings similar in content if not name heading into the 2020 election (with some bogus "election integrity" slogan in the title)? Maybe this could be a focus of an "alert," again.

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