Yes this is VERY real. There was an injury forum on FB that got deleted multiple times (!!) but a common thread was that personalities changed, many times dramatically. Comments of neighbors and spouses and family members who lost empathy, lost the part of the brain with love and compassion. As for myself, my dear friend, my closest friend, flew into rage and hysteria immediately after the 2nd Moderna shot. This is in BC Canada. She seemed to recover over a few months but now a year later bad as ever. She gets angry over anything, even when I brought up lyrics to a love song. I said why are you so angry about love lyrics? She said yes I know, I am angry all the time now and I don't know why, and my friends say the same thing. She was already moody so there was a weakness that the injection exploited and made far worse. I see this in customers who call, the other day I had a lady with an Asian accent (almost always highly injected) start out using very angry confrontational tones and there was no calming her down. I see it everywhere among random people. At least I can take solace that they're fools, injected and poisoned, like zombies, I forgive them for the outbursts and keep a distance. Dr Seneff (?) and Lee Merritt have explained the mechanism, likely due to misfolded proteins -- not sure what the cause is precisely but it's VERY real. Thank you for writing about it.

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Thanks for this great comment.

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Decreasing empathy and compassion prepares people to report their neighbors to "authorities" for "violations" and to not care how the "offenders" are treated.

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True… I do think what we’ve all lived through has created a very isolated population that is worried about survival. No one else matters and hence empathy declines. I’ve seen it in the hospitals I work at. It’s terrifying.

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“... a very isolated population that is worried about survival. No one else matters and hence empathy declines.”

A spot-on summation of our situation. Hadn’t thought of it this way. Thank you!

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Seems like it’s triggering … Fight or flight response

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This is it, in my opinion. I don't see it as much a product of COVID vaccines as it is the general climate of fear that has been cultivated since 9/11.

I tend to agree with Mattias Desmet that the convergence of internet technology, specifically social media, with traditional media as a method to drive general fear, compliance, and manipulation has created a climate of PTSD that has resulted in the lack of empathy as well as other societal manifestations of mental illness that you talk about.

It started with daily doses of fear of terrorism and color codes and now it's fear of viruses and climate change. The common denominator is the same types of people who fall for it, time after time. They went from COVID, to Ukraine, to climate fear, and gun control. (They've added an orange square to their social media profiles to symbolize their support for gun control, alongside the ubiquitous Ukraine flag, pro-abortion ribbon, and other virtue signals).

Everything that we have experienced particularly in the last twenty years goes against the basic feature of people as social animals and how human societies have been created since the dawn of humanity. I think of the line from Office Space about the abnormality of people working in cubicles. That's just one example. The tragedy is that humanity cannot cope with technology as it continues to advance exponentially.

The mental illness is particularly evident in the eyes of those who insist on wearing masks and are still under the influence of the COVID narrative. I still tend to regard these people as zombies as they have been lobotomized effectively.

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I discovered a bizarre subculture on TikTok of people who are all injected / boosted to the max & they are living in fear of Covid. They all wear masks and do curbside. They home school kids to ‘keep them safe’ and congratulate each other for sharing stories of being the only maskers in gatherings. They blame their poor health on non-masking. Their messiah is ‘laughterinlight’ a PhD who brags about her education and stokes constant fear & promotes boosters. See homeschoolrockdad on TikTok & those who comment on his videos. Very Jim Jones.

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Nice to know they'll stay scattered and weak so they won't pose a threat as things worsen.

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"Very Jim Jones."

This, particularly when it comes to the highly inoculated among us. It's a very tribal support group and driven by their need for reassurance that they are good people and were right all along, regardless of what evolving evidence might show about efficacy and adverse reactions.

I had the misfortune of running across a hyper-liberal influencer on Twitter named @Jonathan who includes the hashtags #WearAMask #Resist in his signature. It has been apparent since Spring 2020, particularly in the wake of the George Floyd riots, that mask-wearing is an exercise in virtue signalling and fealty to the authoritarian narrative and has little or nothing to do with public health.

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There is a bifocation occuring where the underdeveloped souls will degrade and those on a higher path with witness it. Rudolf Steiner and the study of Anthroposophy explains this time with clarity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMTyXQALPLM

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Interesting - thanks for this info and insight

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Gigi Young does well with Steiner's Anthroposophy with a more modern twist.

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To be honest I have less empathy for the jabbed now. They don't show any wakening, only one of the jabbed former friends woke up. The rest lives on as if nothing happened. They still say they love me but the love is a no show, and I have given up on them as well. I wonder if the isolation, as mentioned, might be the cause, because the ones I stayed friends with did not isolate or could not (one has a business and the other a very active social life). Did we lose our way of communicating? I only feel close to animals right now. Trying my best to befriend a few new people.

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Being with non injected friends is very refreshing and uplifting. We still have a spark and bright eyes, love and creativity

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I wonder if that zombie-like attitude might be because deep down they know what they did, what they have in their bodies. A few seem to be lively, but most seem almost depressed, and only considering about themselves. Might just be my impression.

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Treating every human being you meet as nothing but a plague carrier is a great way to mess up your heart.

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This crap went on before the shots rolled out during Lockdown. No empathy or compassion shown among the Covidians. Just empty virtue signalling.

How many of the neighbors they snitched on or threatened will care if they develop myocarditis or lose the ability to walk?

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That is a genius interpretation, I did not consider that.

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I’m angry a lot too. As are most of us most likely. B/c we are aware of what’s happening when most are not. Hard having small talk for me these days. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

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Ditto on the small talk. So many people are quite happy to keep everything so superficial, while inside I am screaming...."Wake up you fools....I want to talk about stuff that really matters"...it's enough to drive one also crazy! Mostly I am sad that so many gave into fear, and had no trust in themselves. They gave all of that away to others.

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I feel exactly the same way. Sometimes I think I am crazy for worrying about what is happening but then I read the comments from so many people who feel the same and confirm this is all really happening.

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Totally agree! Engaging in small talk seems so trivial and frustrating when we face so many critical issues that are really impacting our lives. This meme I shared on Twitter conveys it perfectly.👇Am I right?? 😂


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So good...I am not on Twitter, but I took a screen shot so I could share it around...thank you!

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Could they have been conditioned to it? Over years?

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Yes.....our society, primarily in the rich, urban Western cities, has done a superb job of indoctrinating the masses, and stunting their natural mental growth, starting now in kindergarten. As an educator of primary aged children for over 25 years, I have observed a remarkable drop in critical thinking, curiosity, ( so sad) and general intelligence. It's very rare today that children even get my sarcastic jokes...they used to, but I still try. Sigh.

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I used to avoid all small talk. I've changed. Now it's safe, pleasant, even since the likelihood of agreeing 👍, is small.

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I also know someone in my family who turned into a complete jerk after the shots. He's now always so angry and short-tempered. We just have to stay our distance, which seems to be what he wants, anyway. He had PTSD from military combat before this, but had always been a fun guy to be around.

I think it's astute to mention that the Asian lady was already moody. It's the same thing with psych drugs - the school shooters and, much more commonly, people who commit suicide on them already had severe problems, and the drugs suppressed something that had been holding them back.

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Mark has this video in this article and it is really worth watching to the end. You will be shocked. What is happening is horrible. REINER FUELLMICH - SUDDENLY CHANGED? PERSONALITY-CHANGES AFTER MRNA-INJECTION


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After 'Covid', and jabs and boosters, people drew away, weren't friendly (not obviously hostile, either). We just went our way but noticed how it had become antisocial. No wonder Trudeau wants to mandate them again. He's indicated how he hates Canadians (don't know why), so those can

Kill Canadians

Disable Canadians

Drive Canadians apart, giving him control. The 'slaves' can still

get him more money.

Won't be well remembered, I suspect.

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A number of the morons who supported Trudeau's tyranny will wind up dead for their loyalty. Scary how willing the globalists are to murder their staunchest allies.

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Wow, I'm sorry for what you both of your are going through.

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I don’t think it’s just the product itself, but the dehumanization that resulted from the Covid psyop.

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Maybe take a quick peek at the VAERS data, those studies, the interview with Drs. Breggin and Bakhdi...?

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Speaking of Dr. Breggin, these shots have "side effects" similar to psychiatric drugs. Damage to the autoimmune and neural system. Both lauded as "safe and effective." Both add to the welfare state by causing longterm disability.

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Yes, a conversation between Drs Breggin, (Naomi) Wolf and Reiner Fullmich (sp?) keeps coming to mind. Sometimes I wonder if I'm looking for intellectual decline, let's say, because such experts say it's likely. So, even trying to place myself within confirmation bias framing, I really notice something seriously lacking in almost everyone. Last week I met up with someone on a business matter, and within minutes we were laughing and connecting. Perfectly normal in previous times, but rare now. A few minutes later, she paused and said "I'm unvaccinated."

We hugged, and somewhat tearfully recognized the difference in day to day life.

Anger is culturally inappropriate where I am, although there are signs in public places saying it (aggression) won't be tolerated, so there must be some episodes.

What I'm noticing might be referred to as cognitive fragmentation. Maybe that's what brain fog is. From the outside, it looks disassociative, but that's wild speculation. There is certainly a shutdown of circuitry. which might only be apparent to those as yet un-dulled.

We each have a soul, whether we recognize it or not. The conscious mind can be fooled and remain self-fooling, but the soul knows, and struggles, and sometimes kicks back when it has been abused. That's my thesis on much of this, including the anger. The soul is rattling the cage.

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Go to www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com and she has proof of Nano Technologies in the Covid "Vaccines". MAC addresses are being found in Meats, Dairy, and Cemetery bodies. Free MAC detrctor software is found on the internet.....

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Well, not "like," exactly....

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The welfare state, or how to live with a bull's eye in your back.

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I didn’t write that clearly. I meant to say I don’t think it’s only the product itself (I do believe that it has a variety of neurological/ cognitive effects).

I just witnessed people lose their humanity and wish death and injury on people before they were “fully” vaccinated. There was such a strong fear based programming that coincided with people being physically poisoned.

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I thought you got your point across quite nicely, Coastbound.

If you map the various stress disorders originating from traumatic events, there's quite a bit of support for your hypothesis of blended harms.

When we consider the duration of the "existential threat" being beaten into the consciousness of the masses every day, there are valid comparisons to soldiers and civilians in harms way during periods of military conflict. That the intensity level was comparatively lower makes a matter of degree, but the lasting effects operate similarly.

A clinical psychologist once described anxiety and panic attacks to me as "having one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator, but no ability to pick just one." He went on to describe the "fight or flight" physiological response.

So here we had millions of people dumping cortisol into their metabolic processes as a physical threat response, but being prevented from depleting that load with positive vigorous physical action. This situation went on and on and on.

I was saddened and dismayed at the burning, looting and murdering that went on during that period, but not really surprised.

It is not farfetched of you to posit that we're experiencing an extended aftermath. Once induced, anxiety and panic disorders make permanent changes that are very difficult to reverse. Just ask anyone diagnosed with PTSD.

And for those poor souls that joined the mass human trials, there is the additional layer of the experimental substance with which they were injected and its lasting side effects, both known and as-yet unknown.

As an "essential worker," I was spared the "caged" feeling, but I could feel the pressure of terror all 'round as I drove to work through eerily empty streets. The post-apocalyptic sense of it was oppressive enough, but at least I avoided the worst of that "madness of futility and meaninglessness" to which so many others were subjected.

Along with our outrage over the criminal futility of it all, we have to avoid losing our ability to feel compassion for those who used to have at least some tenuous grip on their negative emotions.

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Thank you Ted,

This is a well hashed out comment.

I witnessed so much fear and lack of rational thought from neighbors and friends long before the jabs were available.

It continued and escalated when the jabs became available with the media messaging that the unjabbed were killing people and deserved punishment in a variety of forms including death.

I’ve seen a ton of physical ramifications from the jab. I’ve seen more blood clots in patients in 1 year than I had in my prior 14 yrs as a physical therapist. Lots of frozen shoulders, lots of patients with new onset of rare autoimmune diseases. It’s disturbing.

The physical consequences were preceded and accompanied by the psychological harassment.

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Crime in the Tampa Bay and Sarasota County areas, especially in North Port, is increasing in number and in violent, cruel, senseless intensity. I wondered if the bioweapon could be having that effect. That you raise the possibility makes me feel not out of line. And driving around Sarasota County, one has to be laser focused and defensive. I keep tweeting the governor, surgeon general, and GOP majority in Tallahassee to revoke operating privileges from the jabbed. They're a menace on land, on the sea, and in the air. Every time a plane flies overhead . . . shudder . . .

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I understand your point, the increase in unusual acts of violence and "crazy" things is probably caused by the injectable military countermeasures. This is important information because we focus on the major problem of the mass death and mass illness, but we cannot forget this is also a consequence of the crime.

But there may be more.

And please don't take this as a correction but as a supplementary comment, for those who need this nuanced explanation.

The issue is that a lot of people are trained to think in a biased materialistic way, that reduces all the actions to chemical events in the brain, caused necessarily by an external chemical agent.

That is wrong.

This is Denis Rancourt's territory. He insists in this under-explored area of real physical damage caused by propaganda. One obstacle is that people are ashamed by this possibility.

Even the people who are hardcore chemical reductionists and mind-equals-brain believers, have to admit that chemical agents coming from the exterior are sufficient but not necessary, because our own emotions and the processing of sense-acquired information (images, sounds, temperature) change the chemistry of the brain endogenously.

So psychological abuse can be also a sufficient cause for real damage, sometimes. I think this is evident from the history of documented scientific psychological experiments.

I think this is important because probably we could find unvaccinated people that have also worsened their mental health significantly over these years. If we make the error of emphasizing the necessary and sufficient condition of this problem by the vaccines, then the enemy simply needs to "disprove" the claim by showing unvaccinated "crazy" people, thus confounding many people and winning more time.

Also, this talk about self-spreading vaccines and shedding who knows what to the unvaccinated is also wrong. They repeat the false assumption of the necessity external chemical agent. The problem spans wider, in my view. Let's not miss the other effects due to a wrong assumption.

Last, no one needs to go to the spiritualist extremes of some people who argue on this topic that "all is in the mind" and "diseases in general do not exist as caused by something external, it's all caused by the reaction of the soul and how that affects the body". That is way too much. More simply, brain chemistry can be affected for good or bad in many ways.

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Several potential biological mechanisms for neurological damage, including the simple fact that it crosses the blood brain barrier.

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I think whether you were injected with the spike protein or you naturally acquired covid and were exposed to the spike protein

… if you had a leaky BBB to begin with… the behavioral, mood and personality changes could be extreme

I had two friends… both struggled with mental health issues before covid hit… neither were vaccinated but they both went utterly crazy during the pandemic. One person disappeared… still don’t know where she is… and the other one had a profound personality change- was completely unrecognizable… and just mean and angry and no empathy!! I’ve had to end that friendship.

And those were unvaccinated people but likely exposed to covid naturally- as everyone was.

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We all respond in different ways... wish I had read your comment properly before posting above. Just bear with me here ... WE KNOW that these jabs cause cancer and other dreadful diseases to some how hit us .. but not in the normal way; but they both intensify and speed up the process. FACT.

For me, I believe in healthy body, healthy mind (he -me ... says smoking and drinking)... but my point is that if some "aggressive so and so" has got the shot, relatively fit bodily wise - well hopefully you get the point.

I am not discounting the dehumanisation part - because you are indeed spot on; but IN MY VIEW and remember my personal view only... Ithink that may be a different subject to counter... whilst at the the same time being important - SOmething has changed in the jabbed (or at least some / most of them). No offence, my view only.

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I've not taken the bioweapon shots, of course, but am still rather pissed off myself now a LOT more than I used to be. The anger I've felt towards (former) friends and family about swallowing the entire Stupid 19 Psyop hook, line, sinker has put me over the edge more than I care to admit. Coupled with the fact that my trying to save them brought me only derision and the usual vitriol from know-nothings, the tired "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer" tags, which I could barely stomach from people I cared nothing about, has really put me on edge. I have to pray all the time to still feel empathy rather than anger for them because they took themselves out of the game, they killed my friends and family by suiciding themselves, and the impostors left in their places are most decidedly NOT the same people they were before the shots, but neither am I, given that I spend most of my time trying to feel empathy for their unbelievable stupidity and gullibility. Help me, Jesus, I know what I am, a broken believer who needs help, a LOT of help, all the time, to find my way out of this maze of s*** that we've all been thrown.

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I can relate to that but the propaganda was very strong. I was lucky enough to be able to travel by car through the former CCCP in the 1980s as a college kid at a European university with a German classmate who had a decent Nissan van. We went through INTOURIST the official agency, paid for petrol vouchers and hotels in advance, and off we went. It was Epic; and unbelievably poor and destitute there but people really believed they were living a great life despite being packed into tiny apartments with shoddy construction, no food, endless lines to buy sewing supplies, butter, etc. Just misery there no smiles, all sadness; yet as soon as we crossed from Vyborg into Helsinki it was wealthy, friendly, shelves stocked, market economy. So I always felt that, on a grand scale, huge populations can be completely convinced to believe in anything using propaganda.

So that's what happened with the mRNA shots which killed a lot of people already and causing rapid aging, cancers, etc. There is profit to be made and some dark hand involved I can't pinpoint.

But my friend, take a look at an old episode of "Forensic Files" and follow cops as they spend months, and years, pursuing justice for the murder of just one person. And now people drop dead constantly, in fact I think one fire dept in MA lost like 3 people in a week recently, and there's no outrage, no investigations, no rigorous autopsies. It blows my mind how such a radical increase in sudden deaths is whitewashed. And what about cancer centers across the nation, are they not seeing big increases? Why is the data not being shared? Are they without ethics, at cancer research centers?

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And yet we saw through it.

I refuse to make excuses for their willful stupidity. Anyone willing to fall for such outrageous lies has something morally wrong with them. Lovers of lies is what they are.

TV messages are stupid and wicked. So is everyone who chose to believe their horrible lies.

If I know someone is lying repeatedly and yet venerate the liar and turn against everyone else because the lying scumbag told me to, that makes me a horrible person for choosing to trust a lying scumbag and having no love or loyalty.

Mass formation my foot. Being hypnotized is always voluntary. The fools can rot.

Their own fault if they drop dead. They chose to worship and trust sociopaths.

What kind of person venerates sociopaths, hates truth, and loves falsehood? An evil person.

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For me I saw interviews with Bhakdi March 2020 then prof Wittkowski early April then the 2 Calif doctors got censored late April among other things. Most people paid no attention and the rest is history.

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I agree, but not to forget that we as a society, have many humans who have grown up in trauma filled places. And as the Asch and Milgram experiments showed us decades ago, a very high majority of the population is gullible, and groupthink bound. Society, in all its facets, has helped subdue the individual, and glorify the collective. I agree with you that far too many humans are weak, and they have no idea what it means to be brave, and think for themselves..the shock!! We have become far too comfortable, and with that, comes sadly apathy. My answer to your last question is: A lost person, someone with no anchor. Someone without God.

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...by the way, my family of origin bought the false narrative, and all are happily jabbed. 23 humans, 3 un-jabbed! My two adult children and I refused all of the nonsense. My take on why I stood out? I grew up with an abusive father, and was the only one ( 5 siblings and a Mom who made excuses) brave enough to call him out, and fight back. The rest put up with it, and/or tried to cover it up. Enter Covid. Same playbook for me. I saw right through the deception, and fought back. Trauma effects people differently.

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I'm a psychiatric survivor. This helps me smell medical propaganda from a million miles away.

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I also grew up in an abusive household- raised by two alcoholics and one a covert narcissist. For whatever reason, I was the child that called my parents out for their behavior and treatment of my brother and me. I was always the black sheep- and as a result I saw through the "pandemic" lies pretty quickly and did not participate in any of the charade.

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A tango with a prior narcissist was good training to see through these covid lies … been there… done that. Not falling for that BS again!! Very similar tactics!!!!! The people running this covid pandemic show are ALL Narcs!

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I feel for you Eileen. My mom and four of my five siblings took at least two bioweapon jabs. My mom is now dead and one of my sisters has turbo cancer the "oncologists" are using to finish her off. Of nearly two dozen school friends in my same class with whom I was tight, only 1 in a group of 8 guys I used to golf with weekly avoided the jabs, as he listened to me. Count me heartbroken but unbent. I stand for Jesus Christ as my Savior and know that God is watching me as I sin or as I do what's right. Lord help us all, Jesus. Selah!

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I hear you, my friend, but the bible says judge not lest ye be judged. I'm talking to myself here. I feel the same way you do. We're all wicked in some way(s), so we gotta keep praying for the jabbed and for love to blossom in ourselves rather than judgment against others or ourselves. xo Friend. Hang in there.

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Intelligence is not consistent among people. Some people are smarter than other people…

you needed common sense … and a baseline distrust of the government and vaccines to hold out on this propaganda campaign

You could call is street smarts… and a bullshit detector to be able to see through the thick propaganda

Ruler Followers had little hope of saying no- given the strong arming of the government

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The Covid PsyOp has made me re-think my concept of intelligence, as nearly all of the most wealthy, financially successful people I know took the poison shots. There's some deeper quality than intelligence. I think Christians would call it discernment. I'm an over-educated person myself, taught 20 years in universities around the country, but I've never thought of myself or my colleagues as "smart" or "intelligent." I taught English but damned if I can find a word for it. I LOVE GOD. Thank you< Jesus Christ for showing me the light and I'm sorry for my sins of pride, lust, greed. I'm a wicked sinner but I'm a believer nonetheless. If this BS has taught me anything it is that I am NOTHING, none of us are, without God putting his hand on our shoulder. God bless you.

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My mom died suddenly about a year after taking the second bioweapon injection. She was fine prior but had high blood pressure, swollen ankles and quickly failed mentally post shots. They said a tumor on her adrenal gland in her abdomen burst. She was 90, but was Perfectly Healthy prior, took ZERO Rx Meds and looked like a 40 year old if you saw her moving down the street. 5'3" 115 lbs. Two of my Libtard sisters talked her into taking the poison jabs. Now one of those sisters has the turbo cancer, metasticized in lungs, lymph, breasts, everywhere. She is taking all the chemo, had full masectomy, now taking radiation, and how does this get better for her. She was completely healthy one week, had a full checkup and all was good, and then a week later felt a lump on the breast and cancer was everywhere. Lord, help us Jesus. I love my sister and have to watch this. She won't do any holistic therapies I mention, like Fentenzabol (phonetic spelling) which a vet friend says cured his horse of cancer and a neighbor who took it and was cured of stage 4 cancer as he had nothing to lose. Even the oncologist quack told the guy he was going to die and should just go home.

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So sorry. Worried about my family. All conservatives but they trust Trump and our local doctors who urge us to get these shots. My mom is getting horribly sick. As if everything wrong is exacerbated. I feel like I can't trust anyone. They're either deceived or deceivers. They call me a paranoid conspiracy nut.

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Most certainly yes!

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I feel exactly the same way...there is only one way out of this mess...Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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I pray so much - I am convinced that this is all a spiritual conflict. Stay strong and live your life locally and purely. Support local businesses and local farmers and local ranchers. Stay Simple.

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Amen, JLK.

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I think of that scripture? Work out...your OWN Salvation...then it says ...'with fear and trembling'. We've no time or energy for others,

UNLESS they're searching, in some kind of one accord.

I changed my mind on Bill Maher who said the 3 most important words in any relationship were 'Let it go'. My God, what wisdom!!

When will I learn? Blessings on your journey, nevertheless.

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MCM, serendipitous that you post this today.

In my moderate sized midwestern city, we had THREE schools go into lockdown today for student threats. One of them just miles from my house. All unrelated, all different circumstances. One resulted in an arrest, one resulted in psych evaluation.

I'm old enough to remember when something like this would make national news, now they barely make local news (I wouldn't even know about the neighborhood except for seeing the police cars & later reading on FB neighborhood watch).

On the Covid jab specifically, yes, I've got several friends & relatives with sudden neurological issues including severe dementia.

My brother has severe dementia after the jab. Relatively young guy, first job out of college was managing a $500M mutual fund. Now he can barely articulate a complete sentence. Babbles like Rainman. And mood changes - he rages, he cries, he's suicidal. And of course doctors are baffled.

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🥺 I’m sorry

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My grandmother too… dementia set in after vaccine, no memory left at all.

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It's like they 'dare not' connect the dots.

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TQ for sharing, be well

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Have witnessed it in driving behaviour, people are driving like pyschos!

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noticed this too.

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Everything's becoming privatized; everyone's staring at screens. So no one knows how to do social life anymore, so that every discomfort around others is a provocation, and every outing is worrisome and anxiety provoking... over-reaction is becoming the norm (as on "social" media)

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Everybody's been staring at screens for going on 20 years. While it's certainly degraded social life, and coarsened interactions, it can't explain this recent boom in batshit-crazy brawls and beatings.

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2-3 years of intense isolation could.

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It’s a bioweapon

It’s working as intended

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Good point on easily provoked.

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Yes, they do:

FRIGHTENING: Psychosis Following COVID-19 Vaccination


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Yes, the Covid Vaxxes actually are damaging brain regions associated with psychoses. Take a look at this https://miriambelknap.substack.com/p/raging-triple-threat-activism-as

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Here’s a substack about a newly pre-published study at bioRxiv, as well as a link to the preprint showing that covid injection spike protein persist in brain tissue, potentially causing long term brain damage: (1) https://open.substack.com/pub/lionessofjudah/p/shock-study-covid-jab-spike-proteins?r=1pr13u&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post (2) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.04.04.535604v1

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated.

You’re Cooked. You Might As Well Have

Shoved A Microwave Oven Up Your Ass

And Pushed The Button: DESTROY ME.

Or Any Of The Settings. Because DESTROY ME

Is The Master Function For All Of The Buttons

Whether They Say Myocarditis, Heart Attack, Auto Immune Deficiency … You Name It.


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As it happens I went to a gas station during the late afternoon today, where I know some of the employees. I was talking to the guy behind the payment counter with whom I have been having conversations for at least the last year, when I heard someone banging on the door behind me. That door leads to the area where mechanics work on cars. The guy behind the counter said, "since his vaccination he bangs on the door like that, yells and talks to himself." This guy he was talking about is a new employee, and very young, so it must be his final injection that brought this on. I didn't have time to ask a lot of questions and find out more about the chronology, I am simply reporting what my friend said. "He's had them all," I was told, in other words, the yelling employee had taken all five COVID injections.

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Thank God, I am not the only one to see it. For me it is not just the crazy bit, but many of the jabbed I know... do not seem to be "compos mentis" anymore...they have no concentration, no focus, easily side tracked and have become right dumb f'cks. The aggressive side, I have only seen once in a teenager..but I am more worried about what I state above... oh aye; it concerns my wife - 2 x jabs against my wishes ... and I cannot adequately explain how mush she has changed; it is bizarre and frghtenening... one of my kids has also has 2 x (she allegedly had to, as a trainee doctor ... well probably nurse...but no diverse symptoms yet).

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I know several older people, devoted vaxxers, who have become angry, aggressive broadcasters of MSNBC propaganda that they spout at odd, inappropriate times, pretty much all the time. Before the shots, they were run-of-the-mill Democrats who hated Trump, but now it seems like hate for its own sake, just pure lashing out. I do think the jabs cause disinhibition, and that the lashing out is a necessary release of knots in the brain.

For people to believe the lies and control being forced on them requires that they have mental illness. The ability to organize and reason, once a crown jewel of the human race, is now not much better than that of a group of zombies. I wonder if destroying the executive functions was deliberate.

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I'm curious how their hatred of Trump makes them militant vaxxers. Trump is pro vaccine and kept saying, "Get your Trump shot. I got mine."

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I guess he wasn't pro-mandate. The Dems at first were not, but once they were, the scolds could now FORCE people to things, which was their fantasy, and their full sadism came out.

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These jabs ALLEGIDLY cannot only speed up PHYSICAL ADVERSE EFFECTS but make them more severe, well as stated I believe in healthy body, healthy mind and vice versa... basically your whole body works as one.

SO could a crazy or aggressive person -become more crazy and agressive ?, a passive person become more passive.... NOT disinhibition (which I had to look up), but the exaggeration, or promotion ?.


Regards your specific comment - I sort of agree, but more weak than mental illness in my view; docile, nodding donkeys, complient, unwilling to question etc.

Again, regards the zombies and the "crown jewels"... I am still tuck on that in that something doe not sit right with me .. do they wnt zombified cloned worker bees or do they want those that have progressed ? - Illuminate = basically "Illuminated" or are they just genocidal scum ?.

PS Republicans = Democrats, are the same as our Tories vs Labour ... 2 cheeks of the same rse = Globalist parasitical puppets INCLUDING TRUMP (no offence).

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Three years of this shit, "vax" or no is enough to drive anyone nuts.

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Yes! Especially if you’re working in healthcare

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Or forced to stay home and lose your job/business/family

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...so spot on..it's enough to seriously consider living with animals instead. Not hard to know what they're thinking....they're very transparent. Need now, don't need at all....simple. Now, it's like we're all wearing coke glasses, covered in mud, and no one has any idea what to prepare for. Oh, to be invisible, and watch this all unnoticed. At least, we'd be safe. Try to stay out of harm, you beautiful people. :-)

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Just as the disassociated, psychotic actions of random gun shootings show anti social behavior, so it is with C-19 vaccines. SSRI's are not talked about in the news when reporting about shootings (because Pharma owns the media content via their advertising). Anti depressants and chemical cocktails contribute to the suicidal homicidal behavior.

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Did you know that O.J. was on Prozac?

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No, I did not. It makes sense though.

So many of the young shooters have had the entire CDC recommended vaccine schedule which is over 72 shots, plus are on anti depressants and Adderall or combinations of other drugs.

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Kids are screwed. As are we b/c they’re meant to be productive working ppl.

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....as are we because we're meant to protect and guide them.

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Recently know someone with severe mood changes on vyvanse

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Only time in my entire life that I felt suicidal I was taking Retin A to try to get rid of acne as a college student. Horrible time! Not long after I got out of college, a young person flew his plane into a building on purpose. He also was taking Retin A - supposedly the side effects are horrible in the extreme, including more suicides. I look back on that time with horror. I am a happy person generally and that was simply the opposite of my personality.

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Psychiatric experts have gone on record attributing rising mass shootings to lack of people being "medicated" with the very drugs causing bizarre mental states found in mass shooters. Lie to the public. Deliberately confuse cause and effect. Call for more of what's causing the problem. Blame failure on the lack of compliance. Call for legislation to impose compliance after offering legal bribes through lobbyists to politicians.

Mental health offered a blueprint.

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Children have thrown away parents and grandparents who refused the jab. Families are being divided. There has never been so much hate.

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The vaccine is an idol to many.

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It would seem. Given the very recently published study showing spike protein in the brain it seems plausible. Or society has fallen off a cliff of decency and morality.

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The WHO is undertaking the sexual education of children beginning in kindergarten - I agree on the decency part.

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I'll say it in the easiest terms, no virus or mRNA needed..

If you take something known to cause blood clots, like toxic LNPs and jam them in your system, you're gonna have many issues around circulation.

Just so happens that the brain is more sensitive to clots and gets damaged.

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