Holy holy shit! I have been seeing a lot of this type of thing, and am continually posting "this is what vaccine injury looks like" but I had no idea it was this widespread! Wow. Well, that certainly explains what I've been feeling about the people (long time friends) that were ready to hang me when I refused the jab!

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Great post, Mark. Really shreds the apologist non-excuses for what we are seeing.

There was an article yesterday flagging similar trends, though fewer data points.

A thought popped up while reading it, and this one.

It isn't just the accelerated neuro-degeneration from prions and other vaxx-trash shredding the BBB. And taking with it impulse control and other essential foundational aspects of being a functional human.

It is the psychosocial grand Milgram experiment manifesting. We've been rats in a cage now for nearly 3.5 years, being shocked daily, with no actual enemy (always kept in the dark/confused about that part).

Per Desmet, the free-floating anxiety they have forced upon us seeks an outlet as it simultaneously drives us insane.

And we see irrational, spontaneous murderous events flashing into existence. Crimes going from 0-100 in seconds. Complain about a fast food order? Receive a 9*19mm round in the torso in reply. Park in the wrong spot? Standby for sword combat, unarmed against a maniac with a kitchen knife.

There are layers, obviously. Psychiatric meds. Mockingbird brainwashing. Isolation from insane policies.

This is everything happening all at once.

And like safe treatments, this terrible effect of the state policies isn't getting any airtime.

Like all cause mortality, they are not just whistling past the graveyard but now also the insane asylum.

Hard to see it as anything but part of their plan. As violence goes up other reactions occur which make their Agenda easier to implement. 'Looks like you need some Authoritarianism to deal with that lawlessness'.

Minds aren't rebooting.

We believed people would wake, in sufficient numbers to make a difference.

It now appears that won't be happening. The masses have been taken off the board, rendered into NPCs after the most intense psychological operation in history.

We're going to have to do this ourselves.

And the odds will not be in our favour.


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It has been reported on several channels that the "jabbed" and the associated graphene oxide that enters the brain are encountering 'disruptions/deletion of genome IP-36; The "disruption/deletion" is said to be caused by certain EMF's that "activate" the graphene oxide;

IP-36 is the frontal cortex of the Brain and is responsible for rational, rather than emotive thought processes; To all intent, IP-36 is the governing-control between thinking and acting/lashing out;

Disruption to or deleting of genome IP-36 is akin to having a frontal lobotomy;

Those of us that resisted the "narrative" are going to be in for a very, very bumpy ride as the injected brains deteriorate over the next few months/years;

If the numbers of those jabbed is true, then No, the odds are Not in our favour.

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Well-written, Mark.

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I wonder if some of these establishments that the fights occur in have 5G, exacerbating peoples' agitation.

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It's best practise not to assume but i say there is a big chance that 5G was/is installed in those areas;

If we take the time to sit up and notice, there is very little, if any, of this violence being reported from rural areas

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Good perception....its everything...and I agree, the masses have been taken off the board....and I cannot help but think it was part of the plan......

and you are right about people's governers...the part of them that puts the brakes on acting on what the brain/emotions do. Like dementia patients.... I see it in kids who are unjabbed...they cannot control themselves..whatever comes into their brains comes out the mouth...I mean they are literally talking to themselves out loud all the time......Maybe it was from the isolation during their critical young years when we closed the schools and then re-opened them, severely restricting interaction with others.......the damage is subtle...and its not just one thing, but it is pervasive....

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Hi Duchess. I hope you've been well.

Worrying stuff. The more interactions I have out there in the world the more concerned I become. Memory issues, not just spontaneous rage and impulse control, are everywhere.

It has been a dark couple of months. The code switching. Shedding, something I experienced first hand. The lack of any real progress on any front. The Juggernaut Juggernauting on without pause or care. Our food supply now centered in the crosshairs.

I won't be giving up, ever, but I no longer believe we're going to win. That we can win.

The Black Hat preparations took generations. They were compelled to act now, yes, but they had set the conditions for it. Their string of success for batsh!t crazy Plandemic policies speaks to their control over levers of Power. Not the kind of control anyone in history has ever given up without a fight. But The Monster had to show itself to do that, had to pull back the curtain a little.

Perhaps I'll rediscover that faith. Before, during, or after the flash (Solar Micronova) to come in 10-20 years. Their control grid (prison) won't survive that. Nothing digital will. At that point, our numbers might start to tilt things in our favour. Living to see the flash is enough of a goal for now.

Irony is, we should be uniting to prepare for this cataclysmic event that is coming. To improve the odds for the survivors. It is literally written in the rocks, if not the precise date then the window of time in which it will occur. Or recur. The window is open, now. Instead, we have the Plandemonium and the ongoing cull.


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Thank you for making me feel less alone...i am good although like you i am losing hope. I see everyday the monster tightening his grip on everything..and food is critical..the hordes that will soon pour over our borders..our hopelessly political justice system..and of course the cbdc...it is so strange to see what is happenung but the bulk of humanity is oblivious...hope you are well too. Hang in there..we are all gonna need each other more...prayers for 7s all

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If you give up on Hope then you are already defeated; There are many ways to overcome this Evil that is being distributed all over this earth and we MUST investigate those ways;

I may read far fetched, but think about John Connor and his band of dissidents in the Terminator movie; Look at what they had to do to beat the Cyborgs;

If man can make it, man can undo it ;-)

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You have to remember that most kids have been "jabbed" with multiple "vaccines" from the moment they are born;

I can recall in the 70's that it was very rare to meet ANYONE with a "mental health" condition; Throughout my entire schooling, i can only recall meeting 2 such kids; There were many of us who were misbehaving, but that is part of growing up and gaining wisdom; How do you know what is right if ya don't know what is wrong?;

Most who were "intellectually disabled" were the "Down Syndrome" babies, now well known to be caused by "vaccines";

It has been reported by many that the level of "intellectual disability" in young people has increased by over 30% in the last 20 years!

I have read somewhere that an American child has up to 15 injections BEFORE they get to school age;

Drugs, Drugs, and more Drugs are prescribed by Psychiatrists to "control" the behaviour of children as young as 3 years old and you wonder why kids are acting out; They go from a Drug induced "happy medium" to full on out of control as soon as the Psycho-Active Drugs start wearing off;

As a former taker of "anti-depression" medication, i am all too familiar with coming down off of those drugs; My moods were all over the place; Happy one minute, Angry the next; Wide awake to totally drained in a heartbeat; It was a scary period of my life but i learned to recognise when my moods were beginning to change; Coming down off of that medication took the better part of 6 months;

I was 45 years of age so had the ability to recognise the changes in my thinking and take action to avoid the mood swings; If i NEEDED to be alone, i would make myself alone; If i NEEDED to rest, i would rest;

Kids don't have that same ability; The brain hasn't acquired enough knowledge of itself to react positively to negative thoughts;

Then weigh in the fact that they (kids) have been injected with only God knows what since birth, ingested many "preservatives and additives" contained in foodstuffs and the indoctrination being instilled by "education" these days, is it any wonder that the young can only act on impulse?

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Great comment but we’ve been rats in a cage for decades if not longer. 🙏🌎

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I do not believe this violence and anti social behavior is solely because of the MRNA spike protein. I don’t know. But I do know when people are forced in lockdowns for three years and are bullied and harassed on a subliminal level, rage pushed down eventually erupts in moments of violence over feeling exploited or bullied or some perceived injustice. This is multifaceted and complex. We are animals not computer programs. We have body rhythms and a brain that responds to actual and/or imagined threats. This is the fault of several factors: economic uncertainty, physical threat and anger due to the pharmaceutical exploitation, the loss of community and a breakdown in the fabric of society. We were headed in this direction for decades and the authoritarian people in power found the perfect opportunity in Covid 19 to exploit and expand the long term effects of slamming humans with the

loss of all we had and cared for.

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Great analysis

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Thanks much....

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I think this is spot on. Something did start changing even before the jabs. The isolation and fear of being around others seemed to be too much to bear for the way humans are supposed to work.

Even those of us who managed to avoid the jabs, the relentless pressure from peers, family, friends, along with threats from government has taken it's toll.

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This seems very true. And my question always is: if a technology exists, will it be used to commodify, control or enslave? So we can't be sure what exists, save to know what there are patents for, and many of those may be hidden. Then there is the repressed rage in a sort of psychological kinetic sink, waiting, of those who lost everything during the pandemic, or to the mandates, or who lost relatives and friends and now know they were murdered in a hospital or denied treatment etc. Plus the fact that the controlled demolition of every institution, and the attack on every level of being, accelerates and continues, and that beyond RFK jr, there is no leadership, no mourning, no national move to address these issues. Instead there is cultivation and perpetuation of puppet show warring cults. And there is no one yet presenting a unified field theory of what is going on as it is so shock and awe on so many levels at once. People who might do this are forced into silence as they know putting their heads above the parapet will result in destruction. So everyone tries to absorb what is going on, metabolizing fragments of information that are often subtlely skewed. But at a very deep level, beyond AI, beyond whatever control technologies they are deploying, we are all attuned to one another, and feel what is out there on "the wind" coming at us like a wave.

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Brilliant....thank you

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You need to watch all of this:



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I did listen Lawrence, but it does not cause me to change my remarks about the many psychological and environmental effects working to create out of control, crazy behavior or its opposite: passive reactions ... the extremely deleterious effects of trauma are clearly at work in this as well...yes the shot itself is screwing with people's biology in very detrimental ways....why wouldn't it affect the brain? A deadly soup that it is too late for most people to alter. We are in a war and the weapon used was created by men and women, ignorant at best and evil at the very worst..It's too late for those who received the jab imo...if it is in fact designed to make people go crazy, then what can we do? I prefer to believe behavior can be improved by compassion and love shown to the mentally and physically ill. But maybe my own DNA was altered in some way to believe this through personal experiences...there is no simple solution to making a safe world, especially now, is there?

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Yes there is a multitude of factors that are affecting the vaccinated right now. But when you have the "actual" destruction of brain cells (from the immune response of attacking the spike proteins) and the loss of both IQ and higher brain functions, you have the trigger mechanism for brutish/emotional, animalistic behaviors that are becoming common in our world. The combination of this and the reverse transcription of the injection of man made RNA into DNA means the vaccinated are no longer truly human. They are something else. And if the ones who are survive turn into a new "human animal", we will most likely have to separate them from us. This sounds horrible... but I am just calling this like I see it.

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Oy it's like Hitler and the Nazis are back and winning....very frightening...

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Yes - but you don’t kill the people you have successfully brainwashed. This makes even Stalin look like an amateur. This is a mass extinction event. They have injected 260 million Americans with this poison. The deaths are just beginning.

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The end of civilization as we have known it, replaced by whom and what?

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Also car crashes. Motorists driving like maniacs.

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Indeed. "Vaxxidents" worldwide.

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Vaxxidents are in my fictional film “UNJABBED” ... becoming more non-fiction every day it seems. https://youtu.be/Ba7bzWPpKe4

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Yes, this is the beginning of what we have thought of as "the worst".

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Yes. There is YouTube channel I watch called Dash Cam Owners Australia, which is compilation of dash cam clips of accidents and near misses. It's interesting to go back to pre-covid times and see the difference in the nature of the clips from then compared to today. Today there are way more "zombie" accidents where the driver just loses control for no reason and crashes.

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Yup. The old dash cam videos made sense. Many of the recent ones are cars crashing into things in daylight, with clear visibility and no obstruction, just plowing headlong into trucks, buildings etc.

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Since 2021 there have been 16 " strikes" to overpasses by truckers in British Columbia.

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May 10, 2023
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Yup. The increasing stats on vehicular collisions with pedestrians and cyclists here in Indianapolis have been on the rise in the last 2 years. It’s been making headlines. Road rage too.

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I've had some disturbing incidents as a pedestrian. For instance one of them was when I was crossing a street with my elderly mother. She is slow, so we weren't moving fast, but we did start when the street was clear. Suddenly some guy came around the corner and started driving straight at us at high speed and then swerved at the last moment. That was a truly frightening moment. There was no need for it.

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Yup. I see it nearly every day.

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I am certain vaccine injury, possibly unknown to the injured, is responsible for at least some of the violent behaviors. I had a friend (and vaccine enthusiast) of nearly 50 years go off on me last year and we haven’t communicated since. It was merely a verbal confrontation but she seemed to be unraveling in the months prior.

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Same here; It seems rational thought has left the building;

Believe it or not, i can tell when i am speaking with someone whether they have been jabbed or not;

Maybe it's my 3rd eye working but i seem to be able to read the faces of those jabbed; The eyes look distant and any smile i do happen to see appears to be forced; It also appears that the jabbed don't really listen to what is being said to them, regardless of the topic; They (jabbed) seem distracted by other thoughts;

I (now) avoid any topic surrounding the "jabs" so i know it is Not an innate defense mechanism being a barrier to conversation;

"People" have changed; Negativity seems to be at the front of mind in most i encounter.

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There's a guy called Tau Braun, well informed on the topic .. he says that the spike protein acts as a tranquilizer on the jabbed (theory being that by acting on the nicotinic receptors, it has a calming effect). Yes, they've changed, that was their goal wasn't it, as Clown Schwab said, "it changes you" ..

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I agree with your sentiment. There’s a clear barrier. You can interact but it feels false somehow. But also want to note the unjabbed can also indulge. Finding the middle ground of reason where you refuse to hate is an even smaller number.

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Yes, the "unjabbed" can and do also indulge; There have Always been pretenders among us, even before ConVid1984; Arseholes and Plastic people have and will always exist;

No time for "hate"; That emotion only gives those you care not about/for Free Rent in your head;

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Agree its seems to be unknown to the newly brain injured - and its getting worse and becoming more aggressive and frequent. Have noticed some who suddenly became obsessive compulsives are just growing worse and more hectic in their flurry. Some of the newly brain injured are in high govt employee positions too and making decisions that affect other people.

Had some complete stranger come up to me and start ranting and raving right at me and saying disgusting stuff. I just quietly sat there at the cafe in the middle of nowhere South Island NZ. She was kicking gravel and throwing hot coffee at me. An absolute nutcase looking for a straightjacket. I stood up after the coffee part and as I stood there I Was amazed at how BIG I felt - and really calm too. It was time to get this evil one back into the vehicle she arrived in and get her driver to driver her away.

cafe owner came over to support me - took photos.

Idiot woman was backing away from me now as I began to give her deliverance from her obvious demons - Eventually she walked backwards to the carpark area. Biz owner tells them theyre trespassed and never come back.

Biz owner dials 111 and hands me the phone to report the incident to NZ Police - coz even the driver shouldnt have been driving coz he could hardly stand up and couldnt talk either.

Anyway they needed to be taken off the road and drug tested and psychiatricly investigated by the Mental Health Crisis Team - but only if the MHCT havent been vaxxed unto stupid too.

Its a weird old world out there today.

God bless you.

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My co-worker does this...you cannot have a rational discussion with her...she escalates very quickly and resorts to name calling...

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It’s alarming as we’re only a couple of years into the side effects. What will they be like in 10 years?

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Our dementia riddled President said once "In twenty years the hospitals will be filled with Alzheimers patients" In dementia veritas...

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That was long… 🤔 lots of anguish all around whether the cause is injections/infections or flat out worldwide infiltration of our healthcare system with gaslighting injuries and MSM. Most probably have undiagnosed PTSD and are lashing out. As well as brain swelling from Wi-Fi. They want civil war so they’re creating it on more levels than we can imagine.

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To gain a deeper understanding of the current COVID crisis, you may find it useful to watch the video that is attached. It seems that the global elite has been carrying out different agendas, like Agenda 21 from the Rio Summit in 1992, and the 2030 and 2050 agendas, since March 2020. This has resulted in a situation where the globalist dictatorship is gaining more power, particularly with the implementation of the WHO Pandemic Treaty (also attached). Unfortunately, this treaty allows the corrupt institution to override the constitutions and sovereignty of so-called "democratic" states.




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I’m very aware of the global scheme. I’ve been indoctrinated since fall 2021… had an inclination when it all started. Trying to scale back my consumption as I may be losing my mind 🥺

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You're not alone! Hang in there.

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Agenda 21 and signed (not "ratified") by 156 countries in Rio de Janeiro June 1992.


Redefined biodiversity as GENETIC CODES.


The genetic takeover of life on planet earth.

These two young environmental journalists were horrified enough to write a book about it at the time, which is no longer in print.


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What a lot of work you have done to document this! Kudos and thank you.

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A few unvaxxed friends and I have discussed this very subject in recent months and we're of the strong consensus that the Vax has been harming the impulse control in people's brains. Of course, the high-potency marijuana that young people are now smoking definitely isn't helping either.

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Dope, unless it is laced w/something usually doesn't make people violent, agitated, or irritable.

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Too much of it is making some young folks psychotic.

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Very small percentage if they have predetermined issues it might trigger but that is rare.

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Exactly. It's called STONED for a reason!

Also, in my experience with Mary for decades, this story about "high-potency" weed is BS, myth and propaganda, trying to discourage toking by claiming the "new stuff" is dangerous "high potency"

It's just more govt lies for control.

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I've heard it's much stronger than it used to be.

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If it is and probably is stronger it is because it is chemical grown, not like the natural stuff we had in our younger days. Besides it would make you not feel like doing anything. It is more likely other drugs (manmade) that is causing a lot of issues.

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They were saying that in the 1970s, you youngster

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Brain damage via immune system attack of spike proteins. The loss of higher brain function https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/

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Agree re targeting impulse control in brain.

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Watch is https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/

Mark has it in this article - you will be shocked and most likely depressed by it

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who knew?... drugs.com/illicit/synthetic-marijuana.html

forbes.com /sites/alicegwalton/2014/08/28/6-reasons-synthetic-marijuana-spice-k2-is-so-toxic-to-the-brain/

Why Synthetic Marijuana Is More Toxic To The Brain Than Pot

One of the original chemists who designed synthetic cannabis for research purposes, John W. Huffman, PhD once said that he couldn’t imagine why anyone would try it recreationally. Because of its deadly toxicity, he likened it to playing Russian roulette,

and said that those who tried it must be “idiots.” Whether that’s the case or not, the numbers of users is certainly rising, and so are overdoses. New Hampshire has declared a state of emergency, and the number of emergency room visits for overdose from the synthetic drug has jumped. One teen died earlier this month after slipping into a coma, reportedly from using the drug...Synthetic cannabis, unlike pot, however, can cause a huge variety of symptoms, which can be severe: Agitation, vomiting, hallucination, paranoia, tremor, seizure, tachycardia, hypokalemia, chest pain, cardiac problems, stroke, kidney damage, acute psychosis, brain damage, and death...The clearest proof that synthetic cannabis is a different thing all together is that overdose with the drug looks totally different from an “overdose” with natural marijuana.

“Clinically, they just don’t look like people who smoke marijuana,” says Lewis Nelson, MD, at NYU’s Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of Medical Toxicology.

“Pot users are usually interactive, mellow, funny.

Everyone once in a while we see a bad trip with natural marijuana. But it goes away quickly. With people using synthetic, they look like people who are using amphetamines: they’re angry, sweaty, agitated.”[...]

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A few years ago I went out a few times with a guy I knew in high school but hadn't seen since high school. In high school he was an intelligent and confident guy. He went away to a top university where he smoked a lot of pot EVERY DAY before dropping out in his fourth year. He did well for a few years after leaving school, however, by the time he was 30, he had major confidence and severe anxiety issues. He's still a friendly and clever guy but he hasn't worked in years. I suspect the pot put him on the wrong path.

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Look for a 5G + vax connection; most of those locations are soaking in it.

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It has been reported on several channels that the "jabbed" and the associated graphene oxide that enters the brain are encountering 'disruptions/deletion of genome IP-36; The "disruption/deletion" is said to be caused by certain EMF's that "activate" the graphene oxide;

IP-36 is the frontal cortex of the Brain and is responsible for rational, rather than emotive thought processes; To all intent, IP-36 is the governing-control between thinking and acting/lashing out;

Disruption to or deleting of genome IP-36 is akin to having a frontal lobotomy;

Those of us that resisted the "narrative" are going to be in for a very, very bumpy ride as the injected brains deteriorate over the next few months/years;

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5G does stimulate the graphene oxide in the vax gel.

Right at the beginning of the vaxxing saga I asked NZ Poisons center what quantity of GO was in the vaxx - they told me not enough to be harmful to humans and its in gel form.

So the gel in the vaxx carries the GO in the vaxx.

The Death Vaxx.

We unvaxxed need to know its OK to protect ourselves in the manner of self defence.

Lord have mercy.

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"We unvaxxed need to know its OK to protect ourselves in the manner of self defence"

Absolutely; REGARDLESS of what Acts, Legislation or any other "LAWS" are "passed" by non-legitimate, Unlawful Foreign REGISTERED Corporate GovCo try to "tell" us, We All have INDISSOLUBLE Inalienable rights under God to protect Our lives, Our Property and the well being of our families;

Any Acts, Legislations, LAWS are other LEGAL instruments hidden behind Colour Of Law (LEGALESE) are NOT Rule Of Law.

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Thats exactly right.

I no longer comply with any of them or it. My choice to have nothing to do with those who brought this treasonous horror into my beloved NZ. They carryon as if you owe them something and as if you need to comply with their dictates. Of course we do not comply with treasonous murderers and destroyers of our fellow countrymens lives. HOW DARE THEY !!

Stepping out of the matrix is a blessing indeed. SAFETY.

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If only the Majority would WAKE THE FARK UP and comprehend that it is completely Lawful to say NO to the Dicktakers minions;

If/when the filth in the Corporations (GovCo) uniforms tell i that i am being/doing/acting ILLEGALLY, then i know i am doing something right; I stand In Law, Not LEGAL mumbo jumbo;

The Policy Enforcers (disguised as police, peace officers) don't like being told about Law so expect to be abused, verbally and often physically;

I have been (physically) kicked out of "court" for stating this FACT; They do not want to deal with i or have what i say to them on public record;

The Dicktakers manipulations are all based on Implied/presumed Consent to CON-TRACT;

The word "No" is denial of that 'implied consent' to CON-TRACT;

Silence or ANY communication with "them" without denying entry-to-contract is deemed Consent-to-Contract;

Look up the: 12 Presumptions Of Court to get a better comprehension of what i have stated;

[T]hey set up these Corporate "rules" while pretending to be "Government" so use their "rules" to shut them down; Lawfully!

Stand in Rule of Law and DENY Colour-of-LAW;

We are Living Man and Woman standing on Soil supported by Land; We are NOT cargo/chattel on a VESSEL lost at SEA/SEE, which is what the LEGAL/ESE deem us to be.

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Thats correct.

I stand with God and therefore I listen to God first and not man.

Coz Ive signed up with our de jour govt of NZ not the corporation, Im now (as a kiwi pakeha) a tangata whenua wahine. Rheiner Fuelmich is also signed up with our new de jour govt and announced it publicly. So now we are blessed and protected by the Wakaminenga Maori Govt of Aotearoa Nu Tireni (NZ). Its nothing to do with the cabal maori in our kiwi govt corporation. Its the noncabal Maori that have activated He Whakaputanga which now makes them our de jour govt and our Administrative Govt.

You can find out here: govt.maori.nz

Its the place to go to step outside of the matrix - with full support of the WMG (Wakaminenga Maori Government) using Tikanga and Natural lore Gods law administered by the tribal chiefs and Elders.

Works very well to keep us all safe - just like govts are supposed to do.

Moved my land title records to them also - this made my land tangata whenua and meant I could stop paying my rates to the genocidal compliant Council.

Due to NZ Govt inc failing 6 times so far - in NZ Court to prove they have authority over the WMG now officially gives WMG FULL AUTHORITY and causes the NZ Govt inc to take the back seat.

We have already won this battle - just need the people to catch up with our current reality in NZ or Aotearoa Nu Tireni.

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May also be due to interaction between jabs and other medication so many people are taking, like anti-depressants, anti-psychotics etc. I'm sure manufacturers of the poison didn't bother studying drug-drug interactions before releasing the product. Add to that emfs flooding many of these venues ...

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I was just thinking along these lines. So many people are so medicated. Drug interactions aren’t always watched for by doctors or pharmacists.

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never underestimate the possible horrors of mixing Rxs, injected or otherwise.

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It doesn't even have to be a drug interaction as such. Just the additive effect of all these medications is enormous.

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Just read this today from Jeff Childers’ stack—

The researchers explained their troubling findings:

Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma. The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue. Furthermore, we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.

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It has been reported on several channels that the "jabbed" and the associated graphene oxide that enters the brain are encountering 'disruptions/deletion of genome IP-36; The "disruption/deletion" is said to be caused by certain EMF's that "activate" the graphene oxide;

IP-36 is the frontal cortex of the Brain and is responsible for rational, rather than emotive thought processes; To all intent, IP-36 is the governing-control between thinking and acting/lashing out;

Disruption to or deleting of genome IP-36 is akin to having a frontal lobotomy;

Those of us that resisted the "narrative" are going to be in for a very, very bumpy ride as the injected brains deteriorate over the next few months/years;

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5G frequency is the exact frequency for stimulating the GO.

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Let's hope lobotomy doesn't come back into favor. It's very nasty.

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It IS back in favour;

Lobotomy is No longer a surgical procedure; Just "roll up the sleeve to save granny and the wider community" and take a Nano-Graphene-Lipid-Particle-Spike-Protein Injection;

To complete the "procedure" just take a walk to your nearest EMF distribution centre.

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I expect this stuff to get worse. Soon it won't just be politicians who can't walk down the street, it will be anyone.

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Great post Mark - kudos, but the number of elephants in the room is becoming an issue for those of us who are awake. Well, the lipid nano particles do penetrate the blood / brain barrier so while not everyone turns into a raving nut job, there is certainly a valid case to explain as you have documented. However, acts of violence are not recorded in VAERS or suchlike so it’s left to others, like Mark☘️

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Unbelievable! It goes on and on. I have a flight booked next week - Ontario to Alberta - now I'm even more nervous. It's likely more than just the vaccine. The human species has not collectively evolved to cope with the extreme stress we've been subjected to in this culture. People can only take so much abuse before snapping which escalates the trauma for those impacted by the violence.

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I can't fathom why anyone with Rational Thought would entertain flying in a passenger plane these days;

Pilots are dropping like insect sprayed bugs; Cabin crew are the same; Passengers too;

This is the Real reason that flights are being cancelled/delayed all over the world;

It's only a matter of time before another major airline disaster;

The filthy few, (globalist WEF/WHO/UN) demand that pilots of their aircraft are Not Jabbed; Why do you think that is?

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Agree. God told me to stop flying at the very beginning of 2017. So I burnt my passport right then. Hes always right.

Imagine being in a plane with fully recycled air as they are nowadays - all that outbreath from the toxic vaxxed. All those spike proteins floating around everywhere.


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Keep your situational awareness up, your head down, and carry a roll of quarters in a sock.

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Or a cattleprod : )

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I'm gonna put old Sus B A dollars in my special sock. Kinda give it a feminist twist. Those SBA $1 not doing much anyway.

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Girl power.

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Max Igan's videos have often featured very bizarre behavior ... eg a large woman wandering down the street in her underwear periodically climbing onto parked vehicles and sliding down the windscreens. A man cutting himself with a knife as he walked along the pavement. There were many more I can't remember them all but certainly strange & bizarre. What other common denominator is there bringing all this on? Aside from the jab?

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TV news watchers?


Cellphones? 5G?

Toxic infected with bacteria test kits breaching the blood brain barrier?

Lack of IQ?

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Thanks. Excellent video that explains the brain infection and how its unrepairable.

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Yes - I was shocked after I watched it. Yes you don’t grow back brain cells. The good news is that you and I (and all the rest of the unvaccinated) will soon be geniuses.

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Yes and we can legitimately redefine the word "genius" to mean: those who had enough IQ not to take the deathvaxx or get tested for the mythical virus.

God bless you

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Yup... next up will be advertisements for Brawndo (from the movie Idiocracy). It has the electrolytes that plants and people need....

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Watch this (included in this article) prepare to be shocked https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/

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Excellent article!

Last week Dr. Lee Villet, an endocrinologist with over 30 years of practice, gave a powerful presentation on VaxxChoice CloutHub about the effects of the vaccine on behavior which she had observed.

Among the points she made were the following; the nano lipid particles collect in the heart, the brain, and the ovaries and testes. The nano lipids cause inflammation in the brain, and disrupt the delicate balance of the endocrine system.  She said some of the effects of this were emotional volatility, rage, and irrational behavior. 

The articles supporting your thesis provides disturbing confirmation of Dr. Villet's  observations (!)

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