Trump got us out of the WHO?! That is awesome! Now, we don't need to worry about Global Dictator Tedros overriding our Sovereign Country's Rights and our Human Rights!

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Tedros is a war criminal.

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however we still the have Prep Act (which is highly unconstitutional) and as Sasha Latypova said, the "PREP Act is a governments’ license to kill, and it must be repealed".

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Pretty darn impressive first day!

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Gates got a saline injection. He didn't let the Pediatrician give it to his kids.

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The activist judges and lawyers who framed these poor people, need to be prosecuted.

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On the other hand, he put Cuba back on the "state sponsors of terrorism" list, which is spiteful and hypocritical, considering it's the US that has committed countless acts of terrorism against Cuba in the last 65 years.....

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And ironic in that one of the JFK assassination files he refused to disclose during his 2017 term was the roster of the CIA assassination team that targeted Fidel Castro. Will he spill the beans this term?

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I hope so. We'll see. Just because we're rid of the awful Biden regime, we shouldn't be too starry eyed about our current administration. Hope for the best, but be wary and cautious. And as the Covid scam taught us, be ever vigilant and skeptical!

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Yes, I hate that! I've been to Cuba, and the people were wonderful, even knowing we were Americans. They have every right to despise us.

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"countless acts of terrorism" Why don't you name a few and let use decide? I'm sure most Cubans would disagree with you

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You can look up "Operation Northwoods", for which there is ample documentation of this plot by US Dept. of Defense in 1962 to commit false flag acts of terror against US military and civilian targets and blame it on the Cubans. The shooting down in 1976 of a civilian plane full of students. Bombing of a hotel in Cuba that killed an Italian civilian. Kidnapping of hundreds of Cuban children to the US in "Operation Peter Pan". Condoning the invasion of Cuba by US based mercenaries at Bay of Pigs. Plus numerous attempts to assassinate Castro. This is just off the top of my head. There are more. Cubans have done nothing to harm the US, and only the Cuban people suffer from the US' economic blockade and being on the SSOT.

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Some of these are debatable as to motives. But liberating the Cuban people from the tyrant Castro was a noble cause. The United States has always supported the Cuban people, but not the Marxist communist Cuban government. Castro's abuses against the Cuban people are legend. Cubans have risked and lost their lives to escape the horror that is Castro's Cuba.

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He freed Ross Ulbricht!!!!!!!!

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That's the best of all!

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Yes. A good days' work. I'm exhausted. Better start getting back in shape !!!

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Not the hero we deserve, but maybe the hero we need.

I remain skeptical...

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As we have figured out the political mechanisms of action that has come from both sides to destroy this country I'm with you there. I'm thinking some of these oligarchs weren't willing to sacrifice their own while the others a died in the wool psychopaths dedicated to bring Armageddon.

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January 6th. The hit song that cuts through government propaganda to reveal the real story of injustice, where the punishment never fit the crime. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/january-6

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Trump is the real President for the people and not a puppet controlled by the globalists!!

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Can I interest you in a bridge?

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My understanding is that he could have pardoned all the Jan6ers before he left office. He had two weeks to do it and he didn't. He knew what would happen to them under Biden and the democrats. President Andrew Johnson pardoned all the Confederate soliders.

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Many EO's he signed were positive, like ending the ludicrous green new deal policies and declaring there are only two genders (why on God's earth do we really have to confirm this?), and many more. However, what many don't see is while he is signing just and positive EO's, he's also pushing out evil ones (AI and Stargate data control centers). What's he doing is very clever, mixing in good and evil, as the good ones will pacify his base so they don't notice the really evil ones. It's the classic good cop/bad cop and Trump is both. Futhermore, why isn't anyone questioning why we need AI data centers across America anyways?

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I doubt many people agree with all that he did, but some of the things are wonderful, such as getting us out of the corrupt WHO and reinstating/compensating the military people discharged (probably dishonorably) for not getting injected with the experimental "vaccine." I would like to see him reinstate or at least award back pay to any federal employee fired for that reason, too.

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Is he the bomb, or what??? I'm so happy.

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This is great. Now abolish federal reserve!

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