Never heard of "Thoracic outlet syndrome is very common among athletes.”. iJustine's doctors have come up with this to explain the blood clot caused by last year's c19 jabs. The vaxxed are in complete denial about what is/has happened to them. Cognitive dissonance reigns supreme.

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She and the New York Post are just as clueless as her doctors.

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Exactly! I couldn’t get over the blood clots in under 40 “rare but not uncommon”. They are so deep in cognitive dissonance and twisting language for double think that they can’t even see the obvious contradiction in that statement.

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ONCE rare but not uncommon NOW is what should be said.

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I was struck by that too Grandma Bear. I thought it that phrase just cancelled itself ;)

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...Fiery but peaceful....rare but not uncommon...

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I've known several people with thoracic outlet syndrome and it's primarily a compressed nerve problem leading them to think they are having heart problems. If you look it up as I just did in a 2019 post at Cleveland Clinic, there is no hint that blood clotting is involved. I intentionally chose that date b/c we know they are making it up as they go since 2020.

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At the risk of sounding conspiratorial; it’s probably not a bad idea to remain vigilant concerning other drivers, when out driving or walking.

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How many deaths alongside these sorts of injuries and "accidents" will it take? Waking up is hard to do, for so so many. Too many.

But when a hard pill to swallow is in front of you, you do almost anything to avoid, delay and maybe even die.

What a time we are living in.

Thank you Mark for doing this work.

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People just can't live in a world where they have done something to harm themselves (or their children). Doctors never mention innoculation as a possible cause so they are very comfortable with some other explanation. It helps them live in their "comfortable world" where they remain virtuous.

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"Beto O’Rourke pauses gubernatorial campaign after contracting bacterial infection" Yes, there is a God.

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Our neighbour's mother, a woman in her early sixties and very healthy and active, had a bacterial infection in her throat last summer. The infection went into her lungs and her body became septic. The end result was she lost both her hands and almost both feet. They asked the doctors if it could have been the shots and there was flat out denial she had a reaction. The family believed the doctors that it was the result of a freak infection. What will they do when they finally make the connection?

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I love what you're doing. I'm sure not every case you cite is injection related, but whereas the MSM errs on the side of "see no evil", you are perfectly justified in possibly erring on the other side. If you don't look, you won't find. As long as people don't jump to unsupportable conclusions, there is nothing wrong with calling attention to actual events. It's a brave stance to take.

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No one actually says they are all vaccine vaxx related, but clearly a great many are.

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And what does the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) do in Canada? Suggests boosters every three months because of waning effectiveness. This after the health minister said a booster would be 'required' every nine months. Asses. Incoherent blithering and blathering asses.

A question normies need to ask themselves: If the 'vaccines' wane after such a short time don't they point to the fact they basically suck? At every three months, you may as well leave it to your immune system. Oh right. Sorry. Natural immunity is fake news.

Not only that, this announcement comes on the heels of Ivermectin being okayed by NIH and a massive study showing it does work.

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I remember sitting in my living room in shock as I watched the evening news on 9-11. I’ll never forget hearing the endless thuds as the camera was focused high upon one of the towers as it burned, shortly before its collapse. They didn’t show the people who jumped to their deaths from it, not wanting to burn to death, actually hit the ground. It wasn’t necessary.

Now there’s softer sounds, and this time it’s of those falling to their destruction all over the world. People are literally caught dropping down dead on video in some cases, while we’re left reading the news reports or obits of the others.

Call me sentimental, but at least on 9-11 no one denied what they heard or called the horrific deaths coincidental or correlation without causation.

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Beta O’ Rourke? I’m thinking Monkeypox all the way…..

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EXACTLY! Know the signs and how to prevent it ;)

HEALTH ALERT: Top Ten Ways to Protect Yourself From Monkeypox

- Don't spank other men's monkeys, abstain from grooming kids, know your risk, wear protection, get tested & vaccinated, always trust experts & media, and other ways to protect yourself from Monkeypox!


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I used to think Evil Knievil was doing dangerous stuff, was a crazy guy. After this, he seems pretty tame and careful, by comparison. I guess it's a lot easier to fix broken bones than blood.

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I hear sirens all day and night for the past year, and I am on edge now every time worrying that it may be a jabbed family member or friend. The sirens are traumatizing.

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" They are coming for you and your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long-term, patient planning." :

Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written


How the Medical Establishment Is Working With the Cabal To Facilitate Global Genocide

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 and the Global Depopulation Agenda


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Safe and Effective! -- Enabled by FDA, CDC and Fauci...sponsored by Pfizer and Moderna

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I tire of the sport, but if you really want to know what is happening follow my link here - have a bucket handy in case you throw up and note the title, also part of the authors data analysis over the past 2 years of intensive research, most of it from the horse's mouth, with some observations by him https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-admits-the-biden-admin-s-vaccine-efficacy-claims-were-based-on-hope-not-science?postId=a3d057d7-ac1b-42bc-a7fe-c024bd287569&utm_campaign=199f646b-68a5-41f7-82de-8a549f823c43&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ceae1640-2bfb-4a34-af39-02b55e4aecee&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4 The author has provided an extensive and thorough overview, from the horses mouth, his cure for the vaccines and what they are doing inside the bodies of the vaccinated, it takes "one second" to do and his salt water cure for all viruses, sure he gets them, but not for very long, all free, absolutely nothing in any of it for him, which should provide you with motivation to agree or disagree with his conclusions and of course your choice to be exterminated before 2025 (not your choice), made into a Human/Robot (not your choice), or remain human as you are (your choice if vaccinated, or better yet, NOT vaccinated) and fuck the fuckers behind this - my and his thinking is, that payback is a bitch and we should all get together and send this right back where it came from, with a vengeance (all 7.2 Billion so far vaccinated, getting their "Human" lives back) - but it will take an army of like thinking souls to do that, not just us. Enjoy!!

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7.2 billion vaccinated? A bit of a stretch. Considering how many vials have had to be thrown away. How many people may have taken 1 shot, but did not take 2nd or subsequent booster? How many people scheduled to take the shot, but then "hesitated" or decided against taking it?

But the way these pharma-backed companies are counting the vax stats, they want it to appear that so many have already taken the magic potion, to "encourage" those "still on the fence" to get theirs.

Are they properly separating mRNA vax from other vaxxes (not that you should be taking any....especially with this level of corruption).

And also when these groups that push the vax gather stats, they tend to not use the term fully vaxxed anymore. The new term is "up to date".

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“I wonder if they”ll figure it out?” Willy Wonka.

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In the last year, I know of a 20-something who got a nearly fatal clot near his clavicle and a 30-something who got a lump on his shoulder that was diagnosed as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It couldn’t be more obvious at this point.

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