I get the impression that Stew Peters means well but he has zero discernment. Every wack job that he talks to, he’s all in and believes them 100%.

This video has been around since 2021. Stew peters just discovered it.

The man posts everything he comes across.

It’s kinda comical.

People say “he’s an inside agent! He does that to discredit the movement!”

Dude, you’ve still got Arabs running around the Middle East screaming PEPSI is a Jew company and stands for “pay every penny, save Israel”.

Every single side on the planet has people like this.

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Both sides of every street in every neighborhood have this. It's like my former neighbor in Michigan who had her "BLM/Climate Change Is Real/I Identify as Vaccinated" yard sign and donned a mask to walk outside to get her mail from her mailbox.

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If Stew is genuine or not, it doesn't really matter. He effectively discredits every legitamate topic he touches. Anybody with a shred of credibility should avoid Stew like the plague.

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yup, agreed. everyone makes mistakes. the problem here (for anyone who studied statistics) - once your accuracy nears 50%, you become no more reliable than a coin toss. and stew has zero interest in retracting or correcting his mistakes (which is weird, and some may certainly speculate why this is). but the point is, 50% credibility is *less* reliable even than the legacy media. if the legacy media is correct, say, 20% of the time, you can reliably trust the opposite of what they're saying. but with stew, who knows, it's always a coin toss.

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I agree with that sentiment. However, is he really discrediting anything? I mean, it seems like all he does is give ammunition to the people who already made up their minds no matter what.

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When you present obvious lies as truth, even in ignorance, you call into question everything you present, even if it is the straight goods. He's the boy who cries wolf.

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before his current occupation he was a rapper and a bounty hunter!

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It’s by design.

One of the things that I have learned as I have made more and more friends with “conspiracy theorists“ is that just as we reject just about anything from the mainstream media, so many of those who are part of this group of people seem to believe everything in the alternative media yeah and sometimes it seems the crazier it is The more likely it is to be believed.

Hence Stew’s popularity

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The quick and easy way to identify these types is to ask them what shape the earth is. They have a complete lack of any ability to think or reason for themselves.

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Stew says, "OMG. These vaccines are bioweapons. Don't get one! The Democrats keep lying to us and saying they're lifesaving when they are deadly! We need Trump back in the White House."

Trump, "I'm proud to be known as the father of the vaccine. Be sure to get your Trump shot. I got mine. These things save lives."

Cognitive dissonance to the tenth power.

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Unfortunately… I don’t find anyone reporting anything trustworthy ..

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Pretty sad isn't it. I guess it is up to us to hone our intuition to such an extent that it is more reliable than any reporting we might come across.

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It will get worse when deep fake everything is cranked out by AI.

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Yes and it will create incredible divisions among people - even worse than now. Believe nothing.

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I see it happening in my own extended family and some friends.

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And now we have to question many of the authors on Substack. With some very few exceptions (MCM among them) we really almost can't trust anything we don't see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears.

FWIW, I'm reading "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, first published in 1926, in which he says, "[a]s for the modern Press, the sentimentalist may beam with contentment when it is constitutionally "free" -- but the realist merely asks at whose disposal it is."

As partisan and "unfree" as our "free" press pretends to be, it has not been at all "free" for generations, but always has been at the disposal of someone.

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I think we have to be discerning, take all that has ben written and decide what is truth. I think on Substack most, not all, mean well but they do not get it all right. Further we have to keep in mind that people do change their mind about things and realise they are wrong. If they admit it then I think we should forgive them.

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In addition to MCM, Corbett, Whitney Webb, Ryan Cristian (TLAV), Derrick Broze would all have multiple Pulitzers if there were any justice in the world … and a little known guy on bitchute remarque88 is really good.


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Yes, Biden is a depraved pervert, but that's redundant isn't it?! The other night I watched "Created Equal" Michael Pack's excellent documentary of Justice Clarence Thomas - free to watch for subscribers at The Epoch Times. I was pretty much ballistic watching segments of the confirmation hearings with Uncle Joe and Ted Kennedy sitting side by side putting on sanctimonious airs as Thomas defended himself against the accusations of Anita Hill. It was even more disgusting because our present reality is living with this depraved, vacuous individual destroying our country.

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Ted Kennedy said only one thing throughout the hearings, and it was non-combative. He clearly knew that he was in no position to pile on.

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Unfortunately the use of "pile on" in that context triggers assocation with the words "waitress sandwich." Apologies to all.

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I believe it was his presence there that offended me! I don't recall him saying anything in those clips. Joe's diatribe about "natural law" was as incoherent as he is now.

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Many years ago I stumbled into a conversation with a woman who worked for Ted Kennedy and was in the house on the island. She said the entire narrative was false and they all remained quiet for years bc that was what had to be done to stay out of trouble. Her main point was that he was not there that night. BS or truth who the hell knows but it did make me question any 'reporting' msm has done on him. Maybe he was a 1st class A'hole or maybe he was controlled rather than murdered like his brothers. Considering the decades of monstrous 'government' lies anything could be true. Joe on the other hand is clearly depraved.

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I just want everyone to notice that MCM has the integrity to perform due diligence, retract if appropriate, apologize even when not necessary ... and Stew Peters doesn't do any of those things. Stew has been told many times by people around him that much of his content is contaminated or doctored, and he does nothing about it. He is only seemingly interested in clicks, making him, in my opinion, a bad actor. He should go back to music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtSzWOG5oOw

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Stew was good at first because he shook a lot of people up and made them question. But his "facts" went off the rails for sure, kind of like the Health Ranger.

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"He should go back to music".

No, he shouldn't. There's already an Eminem (which may be one too many). Grateful to Stew for not mentioning "Mom's spaghetti".

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Hey kid...you want a souvenir from the Prez?! Here you go...worn today in fact. Now run along and get some of that Rumdesivir flavor ice cream.

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No, but, seriously, this is so weird!! Did this boy know ahead of time that this would happen? Did they ask him to do it? Did they tell him he had to? Who is he? Is that his mom right in front of him? Did she approve? The whole thing is SO GROSS!!!

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Off topic, hope you read this MCM. Do you have any thoughts on Malone suing Breggin for $25M for hurting his feelings? There's something so unwholesome about this.

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I wish he hadn't done it; and I also wish the Breggins hadn't gone after him. Such infighting is, to say the least, unhelpful.

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Malone's not our friend and has been involved with the DOD's DTRA for a long time - https://deathship.wordpress.com/2021/08/20/darpas-man-in-wuhan/

in his position at DOMANE he discredited existing cures (prophylaxis) like Ivermectin and HCQ and got lethal Remdesivir in to every single US hospital's health protocol.

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True enough, but he did change sides BUT he did not apologize and that is a pity as it puts him in a really bad light

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Sage Hana posted a Malone tweet where he says he took Ivermectin for his case of covid and was riding his horse the very next day, cured. But this wordpress article based on the nyt has him working on Pepcid saying: "Malone offered a February post on LinkedIn as proof, where he asserts that he was “the first to take the drug to treat my own case”" The link is broken, the nyt says the article no longer exists. I wish I could find it. Like, how many times did he come down with covid, curing himself first with ivermectin and then with pepcid, and then getting again and treating it with the jab, as he asserts?

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he's in a pissing contest with fellow military contractor Michael Callahan on Pepcid: “…Malone was working alongside U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) consultants to carry out supercomputer-based analyses to identify existing FDA-approved drugs that may be useful against the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. Per their analyses, Famotidine turned out to be the ‘most attractive combination of safety, cost and pharmaceutical characteristics’ [….] More commonly known as Pepcid, Famotadine is a low-cost and widely available ingredient of an over-the-counter histamine-2 receptor antagonist…”, an option that was already and/or simultaneously worked on by Callahan. As Malone and Callahan work out who gets the credit for it the Pepcide trials are on hold….” - https://deathship.wordpress.com/2021/08/20/darpas-man-in-wuhan/

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I know, you already posted this article, which is what I was referring to. I clicked the links where Malone says he was first, and this came up:

"Page No Longer Available

This news-agency article is no longer available on nytimes.com." I was hoping to find his linked-in where he makes that claim.

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OK, thnx. that in itself is already quite telling, isn't it....

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Agreed. Breggin wrote a great book against over prescriptions but their attacks on Mattias were wrong in fact. I've watch many of Mattias interviews, what they claim he (and by repeat Malone) said is just flat out a lie. Mattias never ever blamed the people in Hitler's Germany, he stated Hannah Arendts after the fact reports of why so many good citizens couldn't see the propaganda until it was too late. I don't like Malone's lawsuit either...but maybe if they slandered me I'd see it differently hard to tell.

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Agree. The issues with Malone and DOMANE not withstanding, I've never quite understood the criticism of the Mass Formation theory that the Breggins took issue with.

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Listen to this, for what I think is a very good take on the Breggins and their work.


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Thank you for making me go down the rabbit hole. All the accusations on Steve Kirsch's chat group and crazy raving by Paul Alexander was disturbing. After following this link around the internet I am siding with Malone.

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You are welcome.

Catherine Austin Fitts' points actually reinforced my good opinions of the Breggins.

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I read her take and then I started following all the links. I read statements from the Breggins and clicked on their links and also Malone's. I came out with a different perspective. As the dollar amount? I could be wrong, but I think the issue is making people take notice that he isn't going to stand for the lies and accusations being told. I've had issues with Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby that I see getting forwarded all the time on telegram. Those are not people that lend credibility by association in my book.

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For me, the problem with Malone, Kirsch Mercola, Berenson, et al is that they accept the lie that there is a killer plague virus loose in the herd of humanity and it requires a vaxx that is killing and injuring millions already. That those I mentioned say that the vax is harmful doesn't excuse their routine stipulation of the existence of covid19, IMO.

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Well, I've been an inpatient RN for almost 20 years and it was like nothing I had ever seen before. This wasn't like the flu the way it ripped through our community and filled up our beds so fast. The only people that were admitted on my floor were the ones who needed IV therapy for pneumonia or oxygen. Off of oxygen they would desaturate to the low 80's with a walk to the restroom. I had two men who looked really good who kept taking off their oxygen and they dropped with cardiac arrest. This is before the vaccine. They were trying to get them stabilized and home on O2 as quickly as possible. They put two beds in every room and our morgue had bodies stacked in the ante room. Kirsch is not asking for vaccines, I'm pretty sure Mercola isn't a vax advocate either. From what I hear Malone has changed his mind about anyone getting benefit from it, but that is second hand info.

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I agree with Dr Breggin’s assertion about Malone that malone adding psychosis to desmet’s mass formation thesis seems like a psyop and confounds the narrative. During a Desmet and Malone podcast, Malone used the now widely used term “psychosis” to desmet’s mass formation premise and Desmet rejected the term saying it wouldn’t help to reach the people it needed to reach, ie calling them psychos. Fast forward a year I saw their podcast and they’re both using the term psychosis. I don’t trust malone, he is like the tobacco industry funding a study on smoking and health outcomes. He is a consultant to biotech vaccine companies. He even got the vaxx so he could travel internationally for work.

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"He even got the vaxx so he could travel internationally for work." That was one story. Another was he needed it to alleviate "long covid." There is a third, can't remember what it is.

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“” That was his story

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Yeh, there's just something that has made me wary of Malone from the start. On the mass formation theory, one basic critique I've seen presented is that the masses (at least in the West) were overwhelmingly UNMASSED and isolated during the hardcore rollout of the plandemic. How does absence from masses and crowds drive billions of separated, isolated individuals into the same uniform mass state of mind? My hunch is they didn't have that "formation" in Sweden.

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They were massed by the media and authorities commanding them to stay home or die/kill Granny. In California, you’d get a citation for gathering with a few friends if you weren’t social distancing. There was a hive mind with its own slogans/hashtags. Stayhome, washyourhands. Daily teevee drama of the heroic Andrew Cuomo and Dr. Scarf-Birx.

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I agree, with the word "massed" having everything to do with powerful institutions and authorities overtly and covertly and brutally and arbitrarily forcing and engineering the masses of people to believe and behave in certain prescribed ways. As you state. I see nothing of a deep rooted, psychologically based march in lockstep that originated from within the masses as cause of all that. Can people be swayed, controlled, mentally bullied, propagandized against their own interests, prone to extreme fear, etc.? Of course. But making these factors THE CAUSE of the last three years, as opposed to the effects of the policies, propaganda, psyops, lies, all of which came from those in power and authority, IS, I believe, a distraction. Intentional or not.

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Add to it that in South Africa you could land yourself in jail just for not wearing your mask, and believe me, in South Africa you do not want to land in jail, especially, unfortunately if you happen to be white ( I am not a racists)

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Yes. Desmet did get criticism for his thesis including it being described in a vacuum. People can go to Dr Breggin’s site where he addresses the controversy. If you Google 123masspsychosis.com it will take you to the section on his site. I haven’t closely followed it but I’ve seen controlled opposition, plants whatever you call disinformation agents and after a while you can discern something feels wrong they muddy the water.

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Uhhh the Internet??

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To me that sounds like external imposition and propaganda at work, not a naturally occurring phenomenon. Sweden had the same Internet. So did those who had access in most of the poorer nations. Why didn't they suffer from the "condition?"

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There’s a necessary natural component —the self-preservation instinct, empathy, and the herd instinct, pre-existing beliefs. There’s an NLP video showing how it happens. I can’t think of any mass formations that were entirely inner-driven, can you? But they can happen based on things like false rumors; they’re not always from a massive authoritarian effort.

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It's all pretty complicated, I think, involving outer forces, inner dynamics, cult elements, overlaps between them, and much more. I just feel from seeing Desmet a few times that his concerns are mostly academic and aren't where I choose to spend time in getting to the roots of how this happened and insuring it never happens again. People have always been susceptible to false rumors, mob mentality and the like. And probably always will be, unfortunately. But what we're going through is above and beyond that and is inherently connected with a massive authoritarian effort.

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Yes but Desmet also agreed with that and told Home Malone to stop doing that.

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He didn't come up with that term. If you wade through all the links that jill posted above you will find the info of Desmet using that term long ago. And I still don't get the uproar of using these terms. He wasn't diagnosing individual people, he was using terms to describe behavior. For Breggin and his occupation I can see how he would be very particular, but everyone else and these people posting on telegram? Very odd. And if Malone is using Breggin's age to discredit; I really don't like that. I didn't see such a post, just others speaking of it.

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That clip is a at least a year old. It was promoted as the child handing Biden a vial of his blood (andrenochrome psyop). No surprise that the grifter extraordinaire (and likey intel asset) Peters would misrepresent something (snake venom anyone?).

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I was into stew peters in the beginning but he's showed his cards that he's willing to spin things to gain personal attention. We have enough legitimate facts on our side and don't need to resort to fake news. Resorting to fake videos only gives the other side reasons to whack us. Case in point, the whole snake oil video fakery, the died suddenly fake videos inserted pre covid just for the shock factor. And now this video fakery tweeted by Stew. He is not operating with altruistic intentions and its disgusting to hide behind religion and take advantage of people like this when we have such a life and death crisis on our hands such as vax & covid cabal

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I watched Stew for awhile, but the night he insulted Robert Malone ended it for me. Plus, he never gave those he "interviewed" much time to speak; he just ranted.

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I'm no fan of SP, but Robert Malone is part of the problem! Professional propaganda pusher.

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Tennis has ball boys. Prez's have mask boys.

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To Mark Miller - you might be interested in this a Florida Deputy's death, as he was under a sheriff in Orange County who pushed the vax....however, I have not found out whether this young fit man was vaxed.


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Stew Peters or Stupiders?

Whether he's diabolical controlled opposition to make the Truth-tellers look bad, or means well but is a useful idiot, the synchronistic linguistic "tell" delivers the bigger picture Revelation.

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Doubt if Stew knew it was running backwards. Doesn't matter. Still gross as hell.

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Between Biden’s germs and hand groping, there’s a lot of matter of fact Child abuse going on there. It takes a certain type of psychopathy to delight in these kinds of overt acts.

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Just the whole "doing something on the sly" is abusive in that video, whether it's running forward or backward!

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Stew Peters is also a flat earther, based on this tweet, which ignores orbital trajectory, I'm guessing.


The clue the video is fake is in the resolution, first, which is a weak attempt to mask the editing and manipulation. Then there's the cut and then there's the haloing and the fact that the close up actually looks manipulated. Plus, there's the obvious question of why Caesar would ever need to risk any kind of risky, suspect public hand off from anyone, let alone a child.

Just instant nonsense. You don't have to v discern anything. That Peters cycles this stuff while working in video editing says it all.

He discredited himself a long, long time ago simply by being constantly bombastic.

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Stew Peters lacks objectivity in his news reports which hurts all of us who want to discover the truth with all that is going on in our world

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Likely that's the reason he has his platform.

How many angles to 'truth'? Unable to settle the virus/no viirus debate. Now it's the graphene/no graphene debate.

Actually, I'm fine with Peters punching through some of this....we're continually wiping up the mess of others....like the specialists who guide us into false leads.

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I fell for the fake Veritas video that purported to show a dialog between AOC and Biden and Pelosi. I am not prepared to say this isn't fake. A bit too weird for something public.

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I always thought Peters style was more of a showman...he related the stories with a glare and a loud presence that seemed like an act....a Johnny Carson? or a ringleader in a circus....a man who seemed intent on delivering his message with stern warning implied in his approach. Therefore I do think like a lot of rags....national inquirer ....that he looks for the crowd that will get drawn to his channel and what he has to say and he may have truth or lies but he is more interested attracting attention to himself in this style....I assure you its either for the money or fame or both..

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Joe Biden has violated personal boundaries his entire life. His position has allowed these constant violations. I know from personal experience. And you are just going to have to trust me on that. He gets his jollies doing this creepy shit.

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I trust you on that.

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Thank you. These people play for keeps. Scare tactics are effective…

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What's up with the wife? She's got to be equally perverted to be with him. I blame her for putting the world through this. If she loved that creep she would have kept him from running. They had all that china dough, could have bought epstein island and had a great life. Their name, his legacy is poison. Upside-his stench has infected obama, "Third Term" and all.

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