Hey Big Brother:

As Roseanne Barr says, my pronouns are "kiss my ass".

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I think we have to recognize the terms like "law enforcement" and slogans like serve and protect are just propaganda. The main function of "law enforcement" is to enforce the edicts of the regime and to serve and protect the regime's ruling class. Once we understand that, everything that is going on these days becomes clear.

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Canada is a neutered, low IQ, low information, and valueless colony filled with Peter Principled arrogance.

There. I said it.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023

A doctor I recently saw referred to me as "they" in his clinic notes. I won't be seeing that doctor again! Nothing suggests I am anything other than "she" or "her".

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It takes a pretty strong person to keep composure while being shouted down with foulness and viciousness all the while continuing to give a completely composed interview. It is unfortunate that law enforcement or shall I say police stand by with mocking smirks. What would take to get the police to actually enforce the law. Wait, are their laws in Canada? What is the purpose of police there?

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i worked at what we fondly refer to as a nut house for almost 8 years. the last several years starting around 2016 some started added preferred pronouns at the end of their emails (even the ceo!) which some of us saw as goofy. we had one tranny, and one that was pregnant and was going to let the child decide its gender...... this was rolled out via mental health and later to the country/world at large. this world is run by nut bags. all an abomination to God. Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

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This is actually our number one problem in CHINADA.


In 1956 Hungarian Revolution cops where hung from lamp posts .

Just sayin....

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Unless you know something about this cop that you didn't tell us, the title should be, "Big sister is watching your pronouns." Or better yet, "Big they is watching your pronouns."

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This is classic schadenfreude.

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Good interview. Yet another person being harassed for going against the system. I hope he will be willing to help the injured and dead in their law suits.


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Those of us who oppose homosexuality don't do so because we allegedly "hate" people, but rather because we realize that such people have a psychological problem that leads them into unnatural behavior and choices that are expressly condemned in scripture. Many people like to quote the Bible, especially Revelation, believing that they are Christians without really having delved deep into God's revealed word. If they had done so, they could not possibly support the perversions of our culture, approving of these as a normal human expression and a right that needs to be respected and legally protected. All "just and righteous" law derives from what God has revealed in the ten commandments and their more detailed expression in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and the whole New Testament. Deviation from such God-given law leads to all the distortions and perversions of justice and fairness, as men struggle to gain advantages over their fellow man. Let's remember that we all die and will stand at the judgment bar of Christ, where neither Bill Gates, Biden, Schwab, mega-Church preachers will be able to act as our advocates. God has given to each of us the choice of Heaven or Hell. We decide the outcome.

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I think the Canadian LEO's proved themselves that they are on Justy's side when they went against the Truckers and the Canadian people.

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I hope he does sue the VPD and creates enough heat from the regular population that the police chief is forced to step down or fire these lazy cops. Vancouver has become a farce and police appear to be doing nothing to stop all the assaults, happening daily throughout the city.

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Where’s the ‘acceptance’ of different perspectives?

There can only be one perspective…

This was just released by Middle Ground … detransitioners vs transitions …


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Last week I went to a new doctor with a minor problem. On the sign in sheet it asked for my pronouns. I crossed it out (and should have ran the hell out). After 2 hours of questioning, the doc refused to treat the problem and put me on a prescription med that almost killed me. When I tried to see my results on the site it only had my name, date of birth, and gender at birth - undefined. I am a woman and very clearly so. I t was an all women business. This is small town GA and I was appalled and next time will questionaire the doc before even undergoing any tests. Oh, and the minor problem? A befriended nurse showed me how to treat it. It was solved in 10 minutes.

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